ガイド30 数学の勉強しながらさらば宇宙戦艦ヤマトのドラマ編を聴いてて泣きそうになったことはあります。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐06。2月 01, 2022
ドカベン第6巻 6月 19, 2019
"機動戦士ガンダム 第19話 「ランバ・ラル特攻!」"
"機動戦士ガンダム 第20話 「死闘! ホワイト・ベース」"
"機動戦士ガンダム 第21話 「激闘は憎しみ深く」"
"藤子・F・不二雄のSF(すこし・ふしぎ)短編シアター 第2巻 『ポストの中の明日』『ニューイヤー星調査行』(wikiによると1990年3月~1991年10月発売。全6巻。一時期NHKBS2で放送された)"
"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第7話 アルファ星波高し"
"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第8話 最後の開拓者"
"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第9話 バーナード星の決闘"
"ScreenCapture_2020-11-5 21.12.00"
"機動戦士ガンダム 第10話 「ガルマ散る」"
"機動戦士ガンダム 第12話 「ジオンの脅威」"
"ジャンボーグA 第50話 トウキョウ最後の日 (wikiによると1973年12月29日放送)"
"Unreleased BGM Collection Series 5 - Combat Mecha Xabungle"
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXVIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXIX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXVII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXVIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXII。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐04。
"荒木又右衛門 決闘鍵屋の辻 (wikiによると1952年1月3日公開)"
"ジャッカー電撃隊 第17話 黒い悪魔つき!! 怪談・地獄の家 (wikiによると1977年8月13日放送)"
"ジャッカー電撃隊 第18話 青いうず潮!! 秘密スパイの顔 (wikiによると1977年8月20日放送)"
"ジャッカー電撃隊 第19話 真赤な大冒険!! 底なし魔境の鬼退治 (wikiによると1977年8月27日放送)"
"ジャッカー電撃隊 第20話 暗黒の使者!! 透明怪物が闇を走る (wikiによると1977年9月3日放送)"
"ジャッカー電撃隊 第21話 バラ色の野球時代!! クライムの強打者 (wikiによると1977年9月10日放送)"
"ジャッカー電撃隊 第22話 赤い大逆転!! 自爆軍団を攻撃せよ (wikiによると1977年9月17日放送)"で、ささきいさおゴミ処刑名義の声は全て、松本零士さんの弟、西崎義展さんですが。
"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第7話 青い紅玉(あおいこうぎょく) (日本語吹き替え)"
"The Queen Mother marries the future King George VI at Westminster Abbey"で。
"冷戦〈24回シリーズ〉第5回 朝鮮戦争 1949-1953"
"冷戦〈24回シリーズ〉第6回 赤狩りと恐怖政治 1947-1953"
"小公女セーラ 第1話 ミンチン女子学院"
"小公女セーラ 第2話 エミリー人形"
"小公女セーラ 第3話 はじめての授業"
"小公女セーラ 第45話 ミンチン院長の後悔"
"小公女セーラ 第46話 また逢う日まで (wikiによると1985年12月29日放送)"
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
フランシス・イライザ・ホジソン・バーネット(Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett, 1849年11月24日 - 1924年10月29日)は、イギリス生まれのアメリカ合衆国の小説家、劇作家。バーネット夫人 (Mrs. Burnett) とも呼ばれる。
フランシス・イライザ・ホジソンはイギリスのマンチェスターに生まれたが、幼い頃に父を亡くし、1865年、16歳で一家と共にアメリカのテネシー州ノックスヴィルへと移住した。1868年、女性向け月刊雑誌『ゴーディズ・レディース・ブック』(Godey's Lady's Book)に『心とダイヤモンド』(Hearts and Diamonds)を発表する。1873年に医者のスワン・バーネット(Swan Burnett)とワシントンD.C.で結婚し、ライオネル(成人前に病死)とヴィヴィアンの二人の男の子をもうける。
1886年には『小公子』(Little Lord Fauntleroy)を雑誌『セント・ニコラス』(St. Nicholas Magazine)に発表する。児童向けとして書かれた本だったが、母親達に大いに人気を博し、バーネットの次男ヴィヴィアンの髪型を元にした主人公のロングカールの髪型と、オスカー・ワイルドの正装を元にしたレースの襟がついたベルベットのスーツ、通称フォントルロイ・スーツが大流行した。この本は、50万部を売り上げた。
1888年『セーラ・クルー』(Sara Crewe)を発表、この作品は1905年に『小公女』(A Little Princess)と改題されて書き直された。
1890年代半ばからは主にイングランドに居住したが、1905年にアメリカ合衆国の市民権を取得し、1909年に米国に戻った。1911年『秘密の花園』(The Secret Garden)を発表するが、生前のうちは反響は大きくなかった。1915年に『消えた王子』を発表。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLVI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXV。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXVI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXL。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXV。
"超時空要塞マクロス 第7話 バイバイ・マルス"
"超時空要塞マクロス 第8話 ロンゲスト・バースデー"
"超時空要塞マクロス 第9話 ミス・マクロス"
"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第11話 遠い希望のララバイ"
"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第12話 要塞突破ブギ"
2月始まりましたか

始まってますよね!

本当〜に早いですね



次作る時はいい塩梅で成功させたいです

"さらば宇宙戦艦ヤマト 愛の戦士たち"
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXIX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLIX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCVI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXVII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsC。
さらば宇宙戦艦ヤマト 愛の戦士たち ドラマ編。9月 07, 2018
"宇宙戦艦ヤマト オープニングテーマ 昭和53(1978)年版 フルコーラス (アナログレコード音源)""真っ赤なスカーフ 宇宙戦艦ヤマトエンディングテーマ 昭和53(1978)年版 フルコーラス (アナログレコード音源)"
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐07。2月 08, 2022
"ファイヤーマン 第25話 帰る星なき宇宙人 (wikiによると1973年6月26日放送)"
"ファイヤーマン 第26話 夕陽にひかる岩山の秘密 (wikiによると1973年7月3日放送)"
"ファイヤーマン 第27話 死人をあやつる宇宙の支配者 (wikiによると1973年7月10日放送)"
"ファイヤーマン 第28話 アルゴン星から来た少年 (wikiによると1973年7月17日放送)"
"ファイヤーマン 第29話 射つな!怪獣だって友達だ (wikiによると1973年7月24日放送)"
"ファイヤーマン 第30話 宇宙に消えたファイヤーマン (wikiによると1973年7月31日放送)"
"ファイヤーマン (FULL)/子門真人"
Emperor of the Empire of Japan.
He was God for the Japanese people.
(He was not a Protestant God of course.)
※Hi、I was just given an introduction、my name is amaterasu oomikami.
It is a copy of the example sentence(lol).※
"NHK長崎・佐世保TV開局30年 新日本紀行 アンコールシリーズ 長崎編 「五島」昭和39年7月放送 / 「長崎」昭和41年4月放送"
"街道をゆく 第37回 耽羅紀行"
"ローマの休日(Roman Holiday, 日本語字幕)"
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐04 (ファイヤーマンまとめ)。
菅谷梨沙子のお母さんがジャニスジョプリンさんだということは梨沙子に直接聞いて知ってたけどジムモリソンさんお父さんだ。8月 10, 2019
Thursday, 12 September 2013
rights of people
"Frontline commanders have the authority to withdraw at their sole discretion if the army suffers more than 30% damage in combat."
According to the episode I read、most European countries seem to have such "common sense".
This is very different from the common sense of the Japanese military at the time.
"The mortality rate of military officers in the Pacific War was overwhelmingly higher in the U.S. military than in the Japanese army."
Previously、I also read an episode like this.
※Injury rate of both military officers.
And the mortality rate.
"Ethics of Protestantism and the spirit of capitalism" of Max Weber san.
I'm reading it now(at Japanese translation of course).
And had been written about the origin of basic human rights in this text.
"The origin of basic human rights.
It's in a law of the God.
People have an obligation to obey the law of God.
Acts that interfere with it.
No one is allowed to do that.
(include the secular power of course.)
The law of God is unhindered by anyone (※as long as it is not tinged with anti-social nature).
This is the fundamental rights of people.
Such a view is present in the Protestant."
"The nation cannot save people's souls.
It can only God."
Note: This is my summary of text that has been translated into Japanese from German.
Not be accurate.
"One demands too much sacrifice from others.
This is an unforgivable act.
(It is an act that is only allowed by God.)"
Idea like this.
"Frontline commanders have the authority to withdraw at their sole discretion if the army suffers more than 30% damage in combat."
The origin of this "common sense" may be here.
"Armor of this tank is * inches.
The thickness of this armor is sufficient to prevent enemy attacks.
Therefore your life are safe."
"The inside of the tank of the U.S.Army during World War II.
It was written so there."
※Of course、if the enemy did not launch a more powerful new weapon.
Previously、I also read an episode like this.
Zero fighter of the Japanese fighter.
Early 1940s、this was one of the most powerful fighter.
However、the high performance of this fighter was at the expense of pilot safety (very low bulletproof with thin armor - emphasis on mobility).
※Of course.
※But seated height of the pilot for the Zero fighter is strangely high、right?
And I will be 48 years old on October 21 of this year.※
Emperor of the Empire of Japan.
He was God for the Japanese people.
(He was not a Protestant God of course.)
※Hi、I was just given an introduction、my name is amaterasu oomikami.
It is a copy of the example sentence(lol).※
Friday, 13 September 2013
At that time、"Minobe Tatsukichi" was a professor of law at the University of Tokyo.
Around 1900、he studied in Germany.
And he studied under Jellinek of public law scholar.
"For example、your nation is a monarchy.
Even so、the nation itself is the only right subjects.
King is just one of the organ of governance of the nation.
In short、the nation itself has sovereignty as a legal entity."
So-called "Nation corporation theory".
Jellinek was a advocate of this theory.
After returning home、Minobe tried applied this theory to the situation in Japan.
"The emperor is just one of the organ of governance of the empire."
He defined it so clearly.
This theory is called "the theory of the Emperor as an organ of government".
In 1923、he published a manual of the Constitution、including this theory.
And his theory was widely accepted to Japanese as established theory.
However、the aspect of Japanese society gradually changed.
Great Depression that began in 1929.
It had a serious impact on Japan as with countries around the world.
Power of the military had been the rise gradually with the background of social unrest.
"Only the emperor owns the commanding authority of the armed forces.
No one is possible interfere to this.
Because it is stated so in the Constitution."
To get a freehand、the military began to insist that way.
The biggest obstacle to that was Minobe's interpretation of the Constitution.
"This theory is blasphemous against the emperor.
His book should be banned."
In 1935、persecution by the military against Minobe began in earnest.
"Questions about theory should be made in an academic way."
Japanese prime minister at the time was answer so in the Diet.
Minobe was a member of the House of Lords at that time.
Opposition political party was collusion with the military for their administration acquisition.
They politicized this issue.
Following year、Minobe was hit by terrorism.
His life was saved、but he resigned the House of Lords.
After this、persecution against him continued until 1945.
"NHK長崎・佐世保TV開局30年 新日本紀行 アンコールシリーズ 長崎編 「五島」昭和39年7月放送 / 「長崎」昭和41年4月放送"
"NHK長崎・佐世保TV開局30年 新日本紀行 アンコールシリーズ 長崎編 「西海」昭和41年5月放送 / 「対馬」昭和42年12月放送"
"NHK長崎・佐世保TV開局30年 新日本紀行 アンコールシリーズ 長崎編 「五島列島」昭和42年4月放送 / 「月夜間の港」~長崎県五島~ 昭和44年7月放送"
"NHK長崎・佐世保TV開局30年 新日本紀行 アンコールシリーズ 長崎編 「開港400年」~長崎~ 昭和45年5月放送 / 「長崎くんち」 傘鉾の舞い 昭和50年11月放送"
"NHK長崎・佐世保TV開局30年 新日本紀行 アンコールシリーズ 長崎編 「歌が生まれてそして」~長崎県奈留島~ 昭和51年4月放送 / 「女たちの季節」 石だたみの街で ~長崎~ 昭和54年6月放送"
チャンネル登録者数 3880人
知らないオマエは蚊帳の外。(3月 17, 2019)
"街道をゆく 第29回 壱岐・対馬の道"※そういえば、うろ覚えですけど、どこかの火山、浅間山だったかもしれんけど、の、大噴火の微細な火山灰が数年だか数十年だか成層圏で地球を覆い寒冷化、アイルランドに大飢饉をもたらし、アメリカへの大量移民を産んだ、な、話があったと思いますが、今回は大丈夫なんでしょうか?20210120。ありつつ。
"ローマの休日(Roman Holiday, 日本語字幕)"
"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:4 不死身の男"
"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:5 屋根の下の巴里"
"OVA 火の鳥 宇宙編 (wikiによると1987年12月21日発売)"
"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第32話 ボール箱"
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLVIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXVIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅩ。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXL。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCI。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐03。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐05。
"Janis Joplin Live 1969""Janis Joplin - Ball & Chain - Monterey Pop"
"01 Down On Me"
"02 Bye, Bye Baby"
"03 All Is Loneliness"
"04 Piece Of My Heart"
"05 Road Block"
"06 Flower In The Sun"
"07 Summertime"
"08 Ego Rock"
"09 Half Moon"
"10 Kozmic Blues"
"11 Move Over"
"12 Try (Just A Little Bit Harder)"
"13 Get It While You Can"
"14 Ball And Chain"
08 Ego Rockの男性の声紋がジムモリソンさんと一致するなら助かります(笑)、で、あのですね、13 Get It While You Can後半のMCで、冗談めかして、かもしれませんが、ジャニスさん"私はタバコは吸いません"と仰られてません?
"01 What Good Can Drinkin' Do [Live]"
"02 Trouble in Mind"
"03 Hesitation Blues"
"04 Easy Rider"
"05 Coo Coo"
"06 Down on Me"
"07 The Last Time"
"08 All Is Loneliness"
"09 Call on Me [Live]"
"10 Women Is Losers [Live]"
"11 Intruder"
"12 Light Is Faster Than Sound"
"13 Bye Bye Baby"
"14 Farewell Song"
"15 Flower in the Sun [Live]"
"16 Misery 'N [Alternate Version]"
"17 Road Block [Live]"
"18 Ball and Chain [Live]"
"02 I Need a Man to Love"
"03 Piece of My Heart"
"04 Turtle Blues"
"05 Oh, Sweet Mary"
"06 Catch Me Daddy"
"07 Summertime [Alternate Take]"
"08 Kozmic Blues"
"09 Try (Just a Little Bit Harder)"
"10 One Good Man"
"11 Dear Landlord"
"12 To Love Somebody"
"13 As Good as You've Been to This World"
"14 Little Girl Blue"
"15 Work Me、Lord"
"16 Raise Your Hand [Live]"
"17 Maybe [Live]"
"02 One Night Stand"
"03 Tell Mama [Live]"
"04 Try (Just a Little Bit Harder) [Live]"
"05 Cry Baby"
"06 Move Over"
"07 A Woman Left Lonely"
"08 Half Moon"
"09 Happy Birthday、John (Happy Trails)"
"10 My Baby"
"11 Mercedes Benz"
"12 Trust Me"
"13 Get It While You Can"
"14 Me and Bobby McGee"
"02 Trouble in Mind"
"03 Hesitation Blues"
"04 Easy Rider"
"05 Coo Coo"
"06 Down on Me"
"07 The Last Time"
"08 All Is Loneliness"
"09 Call on Me [Live]"
"10 Women Is Losers [Live]"
"11 Intruder"
"12 Light Is Faster Than Sound"
"13 Bye Bye Baby"
"14 Farewell Song"
"15 Flower in the Sun [Live]"
"16 Misery 'N [Alternate Version]"
"17 Road Block [Live]"
"18 Ball and Chain [Live]"
"01 Combination of the Two""02 I Need a Man to Love"
"03 Piece of My Heart"
"04 Turtle Blues"
"05 Oh, Sweet Mary"
"06 Catch Me Daddy"
"07 Summertime [Alternate Take]"
"08 Kozmic Blues"
"09 Try (Just a Little Bit Harder)"
"10 One Good Man"
"11 Dear Landlord"
"12 To Love Somebody"
"13 As Good as You've Been to This World"
"14 Little Girl Blue"
"15 Work Me、Lord"
"16 Raise Your Hand [Live]"
"17 Maybe [Live]"
"01 Me and Bobby McGee [Alternate Version]""02 One Night Stand"
"03 Tell Mama [Live]"
"04 Try (Just a Little Bit Harder) [Live]"
"05 Cry Baby"
"06 Move Over"
"07 A Woman Left Lonely"
"08 Half Moon"
"09 Happy Birthday、John (Happy Trails)"
"10 My Baby"
"11 Mercedes Benz"
"12 Trust Me"
"13 Get It While You Can"
"14 Me and Bobby McGee"
差異と反復(平和成ルではなく平和成スだな)。8月 10, 2019
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
i have heard
And both sides started a fierce battle at Nomonhan.
This battle became a cease-fire by the outbreak of World War II.
But in fact、it was a big defeat of the Japanese army.
More than 70 percent casualty rate.
Why the Japanese army did not collapse in such a situation until the cease-fire?
Reason is simple.
Because soldier of frontline continued to fight without regard to the sacrifice of their own.
(Therefore、it would be the height of this casualty rate.)
The following sentences relying on my memory.
"I have heard that Japanese soldiers are strong.
So they will somehow improve this situation."
Commander of the Japanese army of this battle.
When the Japanese army suffered huge damage by the counterattack of the Soviet army.
When he faced a clear disparity between the two armed forces.
It is said that he said so.
※I affirm that it was not "the commander of the Japanese army" that said it.
The Soviet Union had not intention to expand the battle line from the beginning.
Because Europe was in critical situation.
Of course、this was more important matters to the Soviet Union at that time.
However、relocation of the Soviet Far East Army to Moscow defense.
After this、it is executed.
(As the main force of the counterattack strategy against the German army.)
Therefore、just maybe、this battle had a significant meaning for the Soviet Union.
And from the beginning、the general staff office of Japan had oppose to expand the battle line.
(And、there was no power to stop it.)
Of course、they (※we) were not a pacifist so-called.
"Independence of military commandership from the three powers of the government."
This concept was raised by them in the first place.
Range to their consider were large than Kantō-Gun.
It's no more and no less.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Casualty rate of more than 70%.
However、Japanese army escaped collapse by this sacrifice.
I think there was a significance on this sacrifice.
But after this、the Pacific War.
Its terminal stage.
Tactical(and strategic of course) situation was unfavorable overwhelmingly to the Japanese military.
At that time、annihilation of the Japanese army garrison of the Pacific Ocean was occured after another.
Japanese soldiers who survived to the fierce battle of the islands in the Pacific Ocean (while giving extensive damage to the local people).
There was no replenishment to them.
They isolated at the islands.
To put it in an extreme way、finally they dared assault with unarmed to the U.S. military position.
They were annihilated of course.
Rather、this assault was an assault to annihilate them.
Their's annihilation became the purpose rather than sacrifice of as tactics.
Sentence which became the ideological cornerstone of this assault.
There was such text.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese soldiers should never choose such humiliation."
This was a passage of text that called "Senjin-kun". (戦陣訓)
Literal translation of this term is "the admonition in the battlefield".
"Norms that should be taken by the Japanese Imperial Army soldiers."
January 1941、text like that was announced by the Japanese Army Minister Tojo Hideki.
It was Senjin-kun.
Japan's invasion to China had continued since 1931.
Atrocities of the Japanese army on the battlefield.
It was in a situation where the Japanese army itself could not overlook it.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese soldiers should never choose such humiliation."
And such sentence is present in this text.
This sentence is the most famous passage in this text.
If I read only this、I feel a little strange.
"Do not be the vile behavior as a warrior."
But this sentences is part of this context.
In other words、"Be aware of yourself as a warrior and do not commit atrocities".
"It is not the behavior of the warrior."
This sentence is one part only of this context.
※Of course this context is a bit strange.
By the way、this is "admonition in the battlefield".
"This was just a slogan.
Nobody was read it and nobody was emphasis it.”
(To put it extremely.)
This is also said to be so.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese soldiers should never choose such humiliation."
Therefore、this sentence also have not been important.
Also this is said to be so.
However、Japanese people of frontline of the Pacific Ocean.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese should never choose such humiliation.""
This thought had a meaning very serious for them.
(not this sentence.)
U.S.military at that time which were facing the Japanese (military).
They will know well.
"湘南爆走族4 ― ハリケーン・ライダーズ ―"
"湘南爆走族7 スポ根マッドスペシャル"
"人形劇三国志 第五十二回『許昌炎上』""人形劇三国志 第五十四回『玄徳 王位に即く』"
"人形劇三国志 第五十五回『五虎大将関羽 出陣す』"
"人形劇三国志 第五十六回『関羽の涙』"
"人形劇三国志 第五十七回『暗雲 荊州城』"
"よみがえる第二次世界大戦 カラー化された白黒フィルム 第1回 ヒトラーの野望"
"よみがえる第二次世界大戦 カラー化された白黒フィルム 第2回 日米開戦"
"カラーでよみがえる第二次世界大戦 カラー化された白黒フィルム 第3回 人類の”悪夢”"
"D-Day Normandy Invasion Documentary"
"1945 ベルリン市街戦"
"BLADE RUNNER Original Soundtrack"
"The Doors Live 1968"we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLVII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXIV。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXVII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXVI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXV。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLI。
"01 Five to One [Live]"
"02 Queen of the Highway [Alternate Take][Alternative Version]"
"03 Hyacinth House [Demo Version]"
"04 My Eyes Have Seen You [Demo Version]"
"05 Who Scared You?"
"06 Black Train Song [Live]"
"07 End of the Night [Demo Version]"
"08 Whiskey, Mystics and Men"
"09 I Will Never Be Untrue [Live]"
"10 Moonlight Drive [Demo Version]"
"11 Moonlight Drive [Sunset Sound]"
"12 Rock Is Dead"
"13 Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor"
"02 Ship of Fools"
"03 Peace Frog"
"04 Blue Sunday"
"05 The Celebration of the Lizard"
"06 Gloria"
"07 Crawling King Snake"
"08 Money"
"09 Poontang Blues-Build Me a Woman-Sunday Trucker"
"10 The End"
"02 Break on Through (To the Other Side) [Live]"
"03 Rock Me [Live]"
"04 Money [Live]"
"05 Someday Soon [Live]"
"06 Go Insane [Demo Version]"
"07 Mental Floss [Live]"
"08 Summer's Almost Gone [Demo Version]"
"09 Adolph Hitler [Live]"
"10 Hello, I Love You [Demo Version]"
"11 The Crystal Ship [Live]"
"12 I Can't See Your Face in My Mind [Live]"
"13 The Soft Parade [Live]"
"14 Tightrope Ride"
"15 Orange County Suite"
"02 Peace Frog"
"03 Wishful Sinful"
"04 Take It as It Comes"
"05 L.A. Woman"
"06 I Can't See Your Face in My Mind"
"07 Land Ho!"
"08 Yes, the River Knows"
"09 Shaman's Blues"
"10 You're Lost Little Girl"
"11 Love Me Two Times"
"12 When the Music's Over"
"13 The Unknown Soldier"
"14 Wild Child"
"15 Riders on the Storm"
"02 Queen of the Highway [Alternate Take][Alternative Version]"
"03 Hyacinth House [Demo Version]"
"04 My Eyes Have Seen You [Demo Version]"
"05 Who Scared You?"
"06 Black Train Song [Live]"
"07 End of the Night [Demo Version]"
"08 Whiskey, Mystics and Men"
"09 I Will Never Be Untrue [Live]"
"10 Moonlight Drive [Demo Version]"
"11 Moonlight Drive [Sunset Sound]"
"12 Rock Is Dead"
"13 Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor"
"01 Roadhouse Blues""02 Ship of Fools"
"03 Peace Frog"
"04 Blue Sunday"
"05 The Celebration of the Lizard"
"06 Gloria"
"07 Crawling King Snake"
"08 Money"
"09 Poontang Blues-Build Me a Woman-Sunday Trucker"
"10 The End"
"01 Hello to the Cities [Live]""02 Break on Through (To the Other Side) [Live]"
"03 Rock Me [Live]"
"04 Money [Live]"
"05 Someday Soon [Live]"
"06 Go Insane [Demo Version]"
"07 Mental Floss [Live]"
"08 Summer's Almost Gone [Demo Version]"
"09 Adolph Hitler [Live]"
"10 Hello, I Love You [Demo Version]"
"11 The Crystal Ship [Live]"
"12 I Can't See Your Face in My Mind [Live]"
"13 The Soft Parade [Live]"
"14 Tightrope Ride"
"15 Orange County Suite"
"01 Light My Fire""02 Peace Frog"
"03 Wishful Sinful"
"04 Take It as It Comes"
"05 L.A. Woman"
"06 I Can't See Your Face in My Mind"
"07 Land Ho!"
"08 Yes, the River Knows"
"09 Shaman's Blues"
"10 You're Lost Little Girl"
"11 Love Me Two Times"
"12 When the Music's Over"
"13 The Unknown Soldier"
"14 Wild Child"
"15 Riders on the Storm"
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐08。2月 14, 2022
コスタリカ and たしか人を書いた後にサッチャーさんのことをお聞きしたような。3月 17, 2019
"【公式】ASMR - おへやにピカチュウ Pikachu by the Patio"Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Nagaoka was a small country、but it was a relatively large lord among the lords of Echigo.
The lower right is the route from the Kanto Plain.
The lower left is route from the Shinshū (Current Nagano Prefecture).
Both is mountain route.
Become elongated plain from the confluence point.
And vertex is Nagaoka (to exaggerate a little、Nagaoka is the entrance to the Echigo Plain from this direction).
Niigata Port is on this extension.
※The Echigo Plain is the largest plain on the Sea of Japan side of Honshū( is the largest island located in the center of Japan).
Since Nagaoka was a transportation hub、the Tokugawa Shogunate placed a reliable lord in this area.
It was Makino clan.
Nagaoka is Place name.
Makino is Lord name.
Makino has been a vassal since Tokugawa was still a local lord of Mikawa( is the eastern half of present-day Aichi prefecture).
"I want to do something for Tokugawa clan."
Submission of the petition was due to this strong intention of Lord.
(However、its contents was strongly reflected the intention of Kawai.)
In the first place、Kawai was an intermediate class samurai of the Nagaoka domain.
Of course rank was important in feudal times.
At first、Kawai had exceptional achievements as local staff of Nagaoka.
But normally there was no reason Kawai can get promotion.
"Nagaoka in this era needs talent like him."
However lord trusted Kawai、finally lord has appointed him to prime minister of Nagaoka.
"People's lives are first."
Kawai had excellent achievements at civilian rule.
"In order to protect the lives of the people of Nagaoka、we will be surrender to the government army is good."
Probably he thought so、but this meant that Nagaoka would fight the forces of Tokugawa.
However、Nagaoka had a feeling of resistance to it.
There were many Tokugawa faction lords in Echigo.
In addition to the geographical conditions、Nagaoka was close to them emotionally.
Above all、lord did not want it.
Regardless the forces of either、lower rank samurai was beginning to have the real power (Ōu region was still not so much).
Its existence was beginning of denial of the feudal.
Kawai was one of those people.
But he did not abandon loyalty to the lord and affection to the people under his dominion.
He was older than any of them.
He was 40s、the same age as Saigo.
(Average life expectancy was less than 50 years old at this time.)
So he was also know well about the feudal society.
”Nagaoka remain neutral.”
He made up his mind so.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
we keep in neutral
"Nagaoka must be armed in order to remain neutral."
Kawai thought so.
At the confluence of roads was the enclave of Aizu (There was a byway leading to Aizu from here).
So Nagaoka's trend were very important for Aizu at this time.
"We request yours to participate in the alliance."
Of course there was a strong demands to Nagaoka like that from Aizu.
"We keep in neutral."
But Kawai rejected it.
Nagaoka's military neutrality was never accepted as Aizu's strategic position.
"We may resort to arms."
Aizu's demands had became increasingly severe.
"We keep neutral position."
But Kawai did not change his intention.
Of course Nagaoka did war readiness at the same time.
"Okay、then at least please give us permission to pass through the territory of the Nagaoka domain when the battle with the West Army begins."
As a practical matter、new government troops was approaching.
Under such circumstances、Aizu could not fight Nagaoka、which is not clearly hostile.
Kawai's policy was going well.
But Everything was proceeded with the discretion of Kawai、Nagaoka's public opinion wasn't there.
Eventually、Aizu was defeated in the first battle in this place.
They abandoned the front ground and withdrew.
(There was too much difference in the number of soldiers between the two.)
The confluence of roads called "Ojiya"、new government troops had advanced to this point.
Here was just south of Nagaoka.
"Participation of the Nagaoka domain army in the subjugation of Aizu、donation of military funds."
Nagaoka had been undergone this stringent requirements of the new government.
Naturally、Nagaoka's public opinion that is left out in the cold was very confused.
"We should surrender to the new government as soon as possible.
If we doesn't do so、we don't know what kind of retaliation will be done."
But this was not a strong opinion.
"We should fight against the Western forces along with the Aizu."
Aizu was a familiar presence for them.
(So to speak、it was part of their landscape.)
Most of the soldiers of the new government army were from western Japan.
War and them were presence of no sense of reality for most Nagaoka peoples.
But war and them scooted Aizu out and appeared in the immediate vicinity their's reality.
Their's familiar landscape was changed completely.
"They are invaders."
There were many people who naively think so.
And they were already armed with state-of-the-art weapons.
"I will go to Ojiya to explain Nagaoka's position.
Please refrain from careless actions."
kawai said to them.
"あの人に会いたい 半藤一利 NHK映像ファイル#625"で、あるところにはいろいろあるんでしょうが、あのですね、"笑うとその笑顔は"というのは、おれが半藤さんに持つ印象と、でですね、三浦浩さんに、だったとおもうのですが、司馬さんが"日英関係通史(のようなもの、おぼろげなおれの記憶頼り、まったく違うかも)を君が書いてみないか?"と、"俺が持っている資料は全部あげるから"、と。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXVIII (Three Kingdoms 第1話~4話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLVI (Three Kingdoms 第1話~4話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXIX (Three Kingdoms 第5話~10話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXVI (Three Kingdoms 第11話~14話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionⅪ (Three Kingdoms 第15話~18話)。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐02 (Three Kingdoms 第19話~22話)。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐05 (Three Kingdoms 第23話~26話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXIII (Three Kingdoms 第27話~30話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLI (Three Kingdoms 第31話~32話)。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLII (Three Kingdoms 第33話~37話)。
"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第39話 蒋幹、手紙を盗む【日本語吹替版】"
"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第40話 草船で矢を借りる【日本語吹替版】"
"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第41話 苦肉の策【日本語吹替版】"
"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第42話 赤壁の戦い【日本語吹替版】"
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXII (Three Kingdoms 第84話~87話)。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅠ‐01 (Three Kingdoms 第93話~95話)。
"冷戦〈24回シリーズ〉第7回 スターリン後 1953-1956"
"冷戦〈24回シリーズ〉第8回 スプートニク・ショック 1949-1961"
"01 コアファイター発進せよ!""02 コアファイター合体せよ!"
"04 コアファイター、ガンダムに合体成功!"
"機動戦士ガンダム 第22話 「マ・クベ包囲網を破れ!」"
"機動戦士ガンダム 第23話 「マチルダ救出作戦」"
"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第10話 ダゴン新鋭艦隊の反撃"
"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第11話 ヤマト危し!魔の白鳥座星域"
"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第12話 宇宙の流刑地"
"ワールドTVスペシャル 栄光の代償 兵士が語るフォークランド戦争"
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLVII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXVI。
amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐01。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXIV。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXIX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXIV。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLIII。
"水曜どうでしょう 中米・コスタリカで幻の鳥を激写する! 第一夜""水曜どうでしょう 中米・コスタリカで幻の鳥を激写する! 第二夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 中米・コスタリカで幻の鳥を激写する! 第三夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 中米・コスタリカで幻の鳥を激写する! 第四夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 中米・コスタリカで幻の鳥を激写する! 第五夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 中米・コスタリカで幻の鳥を激写する! 最終夜"
西表島 and Where is the trace of the fall of shots? Of course、I will not say that there was no battle here. 2月 08, 2019
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Early morning of next day、Yoshinobu left Kan-eiji Temple for Mito、a place of his "repentance".
He was a modest garb and accompanied persons also were a small number.
This was the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 270.
At that time、some samurai had gathered to Kan-eiji for guard of Yoshinobu (They called themselves "Shōgitai 彰義隊-Unit of justice").
They escorted Yoshinobu to halfway.
"Defend Taiju-kou (Tokugawa Shogun) from harm."
Their original purpose was achieved by it.
From around this time、the arrogant behavior that borrowed the authority of the emperor became conspicuous in the new government army.
Of course Edo people had antipathy against it.
By the way, the top of Kan-eiji Temple was customarily a royal family from Kyoto.
And although it is "officially", the head of the new government's Kanto dispatched army was also royalty.
"Top of our side is the Imperial family and top of them is also the Imperial family.
That position is equal."
People with such thoughts gradually gathered at Kan-eiji Temple.
The surrender of Chiyoda Castle ended peacefully.
But the incident happened on that night.
There was a man in Tokugawa vassal named ”Ōtori Keisuke.”
He was a child of the doctor of Harima (current southwestern part of Hyogo prefecture).
He studied Western science in Osaka and two years ago he became adopte of Tokugawa vassal.
At that time、he was one of the top executives of the Tokugawa army.
He escaped from Edo along with the modern armament troops.
Their numbers was 450 people.
And Tokugawa navy disappeared from the Edo Bay.
"Reconsideration of the requisition of Tokugawa Navy warships by the imperial court.
We have been pleading for it from before.
But the Imperial Court did not reply to it at all.
Promptly hand over all Tokugawa Navy warships to the government.
And today、this instruction has arrived suddenly to us as strict order.
As result an awkward atmosphere became full inside Tokugawa Navy.
Occurrence of unforeseen circumstances on this stage.
The Imperial Court and the Tokugawa.
I think this is unfortunate for both.
Movement of the fleet from Edo Bay.
We've done this as a precaution.
There is no other intention.
We please hope that the imperial court will understand this as well."
After a while、that message had been received from them.
Naturally、the reply was the same.
Desertion troops of Tokugawa Army.
However at the moment、urgent task of the new government was it.
They were being gathered in the suburbs of Edo.
As soon as possible we will dispatch troops to all over the Kanto area.
The new government was determined it.
(Their main purpose was the imperial court proclamation of the inauguration of the new Japanese government.)
Satsuma samurai named ”Arima Touta”.
His troop aimed go to Jyoushū (current Gunma prefecture).
"Kondo of Shinsengumi.
He exist in Nagareyama of Shimousa.
(Nagareyama is the northwestern part of Chiba Prefecture.)"
Immediately after starting from Edo、Arima heard this rumor.
Friday, 15 March 2013
Nagareyama is about 20 km northeast of the chiyoda castle.
"Unknown troop exist surely in Nagareyama.
That number about 200 people."
In response to this report、Arima quickly changed the destination to Nagareyama、pitched a camp there.
”Spread ! Move ahead !”
He ordered so to his troop、firefight began.
”Don't shoot !”
After a while、several people came out of the defensive position、one of whom was Kondo.
"My name is O(o)kubo Yamato.
I'm vassal of Tokugawa."
Kondo said to Arima.
But Arima was in Kyoto previously、he knew the face of Kondo.
"The security of this neighborhood has deteriorated very much due to recent disturbance.
We have stationed for protect the security of this neighborhood.
At first we didn't know you were a government army.
So we attacked you.
Please forgive our misunderstanding."
Kondo continued to talk so.
"I see.
However、Okubo san.
You guys attacked the troop of Imperial court.
This is fact.
You must appearance to our military headquarters for it explanation.
Is that okay with that?"
Arima asked.
"Of course."
Kondo replied.
After getting permission from Arima、Kondo once returned to his position and accompanied Arima.
"Arrested Kondo."
The new government forces in Edo became thrown into a commotion on that topic.
”My name is Okubo Yamato.”
But Kondo kept saying so.
Ito Kashitarō.
He carries out sectarian activities from the Shinsengumi and was assassinated by the Shinsengumi.
There was his comrade (former Shinsengumi member) in the new government troops of Itabashi (simply put、itabashi is the entrance to the northwest of Edo city.).
"He is Kondo."
He affirmed.
"NHKスペシャル ノモンハン 責任なき戦い"
from wiki。
put it 11月 15, 2018
"映像の20世紀 第5集 世界は地獄を見た"
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"超時空要塞マクロス 第10話 ブラインド・ゲーム"
"超時空要塞マクロス 第11話 ファースト・コンタクト"
"超時空要塞マクロス 第12話 ビッグ・エスケープ"
"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第14話 ミントの結婚行進曲"
"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第13話 砂嵐プレイバック""機甲創世記モスピーダ 第15話 仲間割れのバラード"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第二夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第三夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第四夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第五夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第六夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第七夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 最終夜"
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅧ。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅨ。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLVIII。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXVI。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXIX。
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCIV。
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第一夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第二夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第三夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第四夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第五夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第六夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 第七夜"
"水曜どうでしょう 激闘!西表島 最終夜"