we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLIII。

あ。8月 06, 2018



"01 Kaneda"

"02 Battle Against Clown"

"03 Winds Over Neo-Tokyo"

"04 Tetsuo"

"05 Dolls' Polyphony"

"06 Shohmyoh"

"07 Mutation"

"08 Exodus From The Underground Fortress"

"09 Illusion"

"10 Requiem"


"01 Albatross"

"02 Memories"

"03 Swan Lake"

"04 Poptones"

"05 Careering"

"06 Socialist"

"07 Graveyard"

"08 The Suit"

"09 Bad Baby"

"10 No Birds"

"11 Chant"

"12 Radio 4"


"01 Four Enclosed Walls"

"02 Track 8"

"03 Phenagen"

"04 Flowers Of Romance"

"05 Under The House"

"06 Hymies Him"

"07 Banging The Door"

"08 Go Back"

"09 Francis Massacre"

Filthy Lucre Live 8月 19, 2018

"01 Bodies"

"02 Seventeen"

"03 New York"

"04 No Feelings"

"05 Did You No Wrong"

"06 God Save the Queen"

"07 Liar"

"08 Satellite"

"09 (I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone"

"10 Holidays in the Sun"

"11 Submission"

"12 Pretty Vacant"

"13 E.M.I"

"14 Anarchy in the UK"

"15 Problems"

"16 Buddies"

"17 No Fun"

"18 Problems (Spedding Demo)"


"01 Anarchy In The UK"

"02 God Save The Queen"

"03 Pretty Vacant"

"04 Holidays In The Sun"

"05 I Wanna Be Me"

"06 Did You No Wrong"

"07 No Fun"

"08 Satellite"

"09 Don't Give Me No Lip Child"

"10 (I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone"

"11 Bodies"

"12 No Feelings"

"13 Liar"

"14 Problems"

"15 Seventeen"

"16 Submission"

"17 New York"

"18 EMI"

"19 My Way"

"20 Silly Thing"


"01 Anarchy In The U.K"

"02 I Wanna Be Me"

"03 I'm A Lazy Sod"

"04 Dolls (New York)"

"05 Don't Give Me No Lip Child"

"06 Substitute"

"07 Liar"

"08 No Feelings"

"09 No Fun"

"10 Pretty Vacant"

"11 Problems"


"01 Anarchy In The UK"

"02 I Wanna Be Me"

"03 Seventeen"

"04 New York"

"05 EMI"

"06 No Fun"

"07 No Feelings"

"08 Problems"

"09 God Save The Queen"

ピストルズバンド録音全ベース (当然コーラスも)シドビシャスさん。




※これはあれだな、伊達市の居酒屋で飲んでる時、本田くんが"ミスチル(ゴミ処刑・文責私)のライブに行ったら下手でワンパターン、凄く退屈だった、アレはCDで聴くもんだ"と同じだな("THE JAP" HIP HOPの帰着点、"ザコの宴会芸"と同じ、"ウォーリーを探し続けろ"、は、此奴等の基本だけど・文責私)。



おれが読んだ原作(日本語、現在これしか知りませんが、非常に優れた南北戦争史だと思います)では、アシュレーさん達が結成した秘密組織がクークラックッスクランだったとおもいます。3月 10, 2019

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Until the Meiji Restoration、there was a unit called "koku 石".
It was used primarily as a unit to measure the rice quantity.

It was also used as a numeric value that indicates the economic power of lords.
The yield of rice in its territory.
The rank of lords inside Tokugawa shogunate、it was determined by that basically.

※It seems that such usage has been fully implemented since the Toyotomi administration unified Japan and surveyed agricultural land nationwide.
The Toyotomi administration was a national administration that lasted for two generations and was destroyed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in the early 17th century.※

Satsuma 720 (thousand)720,000
Choshu 360
Tosa 490
Saga 350
Aizu 230
Sendai 620
Yonezawa 150
Shonai 140
Nihonmatsu 100
Taira 50
Souma 60
Miharu 55
Akita 200

Nagaoka 74
Takada 150

Top part is main lords of the new government.
Middle part is lords of Ōu region.
Under part is lords of Echigo.
(Of course、they are not the only lords of Echigo.)

This was "economic strength" of the clan.
(There is a little change in the numerical value depending on time.)


However、this was nominal、for example Choshu and Satsuma seems to had reached "1000" at that time. (1,000,000 Hyakuman Goku)

Because Choshu decreased sharply their territory、they was carried out reclamation project desperately.
(They did not dismiss the vassals、which was a very rare case in this situation.)

On the other hand、Satsuma had an international trade route (violation of the Tokugawa Shogunate law) to the south.

Ryukyu Dynasty (Current Okinawa Prefecture) was under the de facto control of Satsuma. 
Their burden was also greater.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Edo from Sunpu(the territory of Tokugawa Ieyasu at that time should be about 1500)、the amount of rice in the Kanto region、which is his new territory, was about 2500.
After the establishment of Tokugawa shogunate、they took over the territory of throughout Japan.
As result、it became about 4000 as area under direct control.
In the decision of this time、it became 700.

If anyone wants to have a modern navy、certainly economic power was needed.
Large lords of western Japan had a navy.
However、even if mobilize its all、it was no match for Tokugawa's naval power.
They couldn't buy a state-of-the-art ship with a single economic power.

A clan with the economic power to have a navy in the Ōu region、it was Sendai.
However、there was a danger that it seemed to be an act of hostility against the Tokugawa shogunate.
Above all、Ōu region was peace only.
They did not need it until now.
※Of course from before、foreign ships had been infested.

Friday, 5 April 2013

from then

"I would like to talk to you in private."
Enomoto said to Imperial prince.
Three days ago of disposal decision of the Tokugawa、the messenger of the Imperial prince visited Enomoto secretly.

"Imperial prince hope to evacuation to Ōu region until the situation settles down." 
The messenger said so. 
It was request of escort.

"To Hirakata."
Enomoto accepted it on this prerequisite.
Hirakata was de facto buffer zone at that time. 

"If we are continue to stay Edo city、it seems to be in a very dangerous situation." 

They changed their schedule ahead of schedule by disposal decision of Tokugawa.
So Enomoto came back in a hurry. 
They came at that midnight.

Enomoto、Imperial prince and his entourage. 
The room was the only three people.
"Thank you for helping us."
Imperial prince said. 
He was young yet.

"Please allow to talk my opinion to you.
You go out yourself to the Imperial Court office in the Edo city、it is better than go to the Ōu region. 
I am convinced the Imperial Court never harm to Imperial prince.

If you being so、Tokugawa Navy will protect you with all our strength."
Enomoto insisted so.
But the will of Imperial prince did not change.

"All right.
However、I ask to you only one thing.
Please you avoid to become a situation of Northern and Southern Dynasties in any case."
Enomoto added it to the end.

"Of course、I also fully understand about its dangers."
Imperial prince replied.

"Enomoto san."
He then continued to talk.

"I thinking….
First、the Shougitai was formed in order to guard Yoshinobu kou.
It had nothing to do with me. 

However、they did not dissolve even after Yoshinobu kou left Edo City.
Conversely、it continued to increase gradually. 
The Emperor in Kyoto is my nephew and I am a monk.
I will not fight him in the first place.
So、I had apprehensive to the Shogitai.

Rudeness of Satsuma and Choshu against the Imperial Court、it is beyond the acceptable range.
Therefore we punish them for the Imperial Court. 

Please don't worry、they're just a coward.
If we put a little pressure、they will quit foolish acts at once.
So it will never be a battle.
I had been heard so.

However、after that、event of its contrary appeared one after another.
Kan'eiji atmosphere became more and more savage. 
Kan'eiji is the family temple of the Tokugawa.
This is a sacred place and I had a duty to protect the Kan'eiji.
I could not suppress my wrath against them.

And that day had came.
The battle was significantly disadvantage.
Also cannon began to fall in the precincts.
In the end、I escaped faster than anyone else.

When I was hurry to gate.
Defend the Imperial prince !
I heard clearly that voice in gunshots.

I don't know the after situation. 
I escaped from them、even lying.
The number of people who died in that battle. 
I don’t know even it.
I want to evacuation to the Ōu region until the situation settles down.
Escape from my duty.
Is it good?

I have been thinking from then." 

Mid-14th century、Kamakura (Government office location) shogunate of first samurai regime.
At the end of this regime、dissatisfaction of samurai was a growing.
Finally this regime was overthrown by samurai who helped Imperial Court.
(The situation was somewhat similar to this era)
But after all、this new regime was only to protect the rights of the nobility.
Immediately samurai did revolt to Imperial Court、and they established their regime.
※Simply speaking、this samurai is a representative of farmers. 

This regime had fielded its own emperor.
(Of course from Imperial prince.)

As result、several decades、there were two Emperor in Japan.


※「各自の持ち場でご奮闘ください。解散!」午後1:55 · 2021年10月14日·Twitter for iPhone













"アメリカ ハーバード大学にて池田SGI会長が講演"






golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️