we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCI。

7月 27, 2019 today's weather feel good.

Sunday, 25 August 2013 (7月 27, 2019)


A tribe now living in southern China.
Era of Chinese mythology、it is over 4000 year ago.
That era、they seem to have lived in 中原.
But they left from 中原 to the south to avoid the conflict.
There seems to be such a legend.

Of course they are Chinese.
China is a multi-ethnic nation.


Although there is no basis for this of course.

Ainu people.

Long time ago、they lived in 中原 of China. 
They fought with "Ka".
Finally they left from 中原.

Well、”Kamuy” is god of Ainu.
”God dwells in all things.”
Kamuy is the all things of nature.
(Although there seems to be the presence of the bear as a symbol.)
Presence beyond the intention of the human.
Presence beyond the will of the human.
Maybe they called this as "Kamuy".
(Although we can fight the bear of course.
Although it is scary of course・lol.)

And the will of the human being relative to it.
They called this as "Ainu".

I think such a thing. 

Kamuy of god of Ainu.


I also think such a thing. 

Although 禹 is also present here of course.

※Although I also think so when I listen to Chamberlain san's radio broadcast、fought with "Ka"、in the sense of Japanese、this means co-fighting with "Ka".※

※反ユダヤ主義(han-yudaya-syugi) -Antisemitismus・Anti-Semitism・Антисемитизм
汎ユダヤ主義 (han-yudaya-syugi)- Panjüdismus・Pan-Jewishism・Пансемитизму
誘惑(yūwaku) - Versuchung・Temptation・искушение
一応な(ichiou-na)〈念の為(nen-no-tame)・笑〉 - Just in case〈Just in case・lol〉※


Monday, 26 August 2013


Of course this is mere idea.
For example、contrary to the contents of yesterday.

禹 is also written as 大禹.
Meaning of "大" is ”big” or ”large”. 

"大" in this case、its meaning is "great".
Therefore meaning of 大禹 is "great 禹"
Pronunciation of this word in Japan is "tai u". (たいう・タイウ)
※Of course pronunciation used today. 

Ainu people may be descendants of 禹.
In short、Ainu people may be descendants of 夏王朝.

Its usual pronunciation is "oo・ame(heavy rain)"

※"taiu"、泰生、my name (hiroki・lol). 20200813.

And this is a continuation of the contents of yesterday. 

Meaning of "Kamuy" is god.
Meaning of "Ainu" is human.

It can be considered like this.

But one problem occur here.

禹 is also present here of course.

God and human.
禹 is present in both.


"He is god and is human." 
In fact、禹 is such a presence. 

禹 is the founder of 夏王朝.
Hereditary of throne of China that continued until the 20th century.
It was starts from him.
禹 had been ceded the throne from God.
And human history began from here. 
It can be considered like this.
(Of course this is a story of myth.) 

"禹 became a figure of the bear when running."
And there is this legend to him.
The cross point of god and human.
It was 禹.

※I think I didn't say "I'm 禹" at this time. 20200813.


"01 The Modern World"

"02 Billy Hunt"

"03 Thick As Thieves"

"04 Burning Sky"

"05 Mr. Clean"

"06 Smithers-Jones"

"07 Little Boy Soldiers"

"08 The Eton Rifles"

"09 Away From The Numbers"

"10 Down In The Tube Station At Midnight"

"11 Strange Town"

"12 When You're Young"

"13 A Bomb In Wardour Street"

"14 Pretty Green"

"15 Boy About Town"

"16 Man In The Corner Shop"

"17 David Watts"

"18 Funeral Pyre"

"19 Move On Up"

"20 Carnation"

"21 The Butterfly Collector"

"22 Precious"

"23 Town Called Malice"

"24 Heatwave"


そうそう、あのですね、たとえばウチのパソコンでthe jamやoasisを検索すると、"最新ライブ情報"が表示されますが、確かめませんが、どなたか代表者の、でしょうか?oasisは(ごめんなさい)それこそ兄弟げんかのタネになりそうですが(笑)。


"NHKスペシャル 「原爆初動調査 隠された真実」"






"ファイヤーマン 第3話 謎の宇宙船 (wikiによると1973年1月21日放送)"

"ファイヤーマン 第4話 インベーダーを撃滅せよ (wikiによると1973年1月28日放送)"


甘えの構造 7月 29, 2018


この世界の命運をかけ。8月 28, 2018





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20180725 7月 28, 2018

表示2010年 1月 1日(金) 09:04:48
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amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。