amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐03。

俺と妻はバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人(※カスレーザー。平均IQ80のご近所迷惑要員。20220114。)全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


After the founding of the Zhou Kingdom、Wu gave territory to his vassals who had made outstanding achievements.
Territory of the Duke of Zhou was the region of "Lu". (魯・Ro)

In short、he was the founder of Lu Kingdom.
And 500 years later、Confucius was born in this country.

There may be it on one of the reason for Confucius respect him.
And of course it was not only it.

Wu died shortly after the Zhou founding.
Therefore、when young prince took over his throne、royal authority of the Zhou had not been established clearly.

At that time、the Duke of Zhou's ability was sufficient to become the King of Zhou.
But he did not select its action、he helped the young king until the last as regent.
※I do not know now the age of both.

He carried out politics that puts virtue first.
He did not take the militaristic behavior never. 
As result、society became peace.
And as a corollary、he succeeded in establishing Zhou's kingship.

During this time he presided over all of politics.
But later he returned politics to the king who reached the age of majority.

※In modern Japan、adults are from 20 years old.
※Maybe now、Japan is arguing to reduce the adult age to 18 (for example、the age at which alcohol and tobacco can be consumed remains the same). 20220114.

His politics during this period is said to be the ideal of politics.
※I think that it was Confucius that argued like that.

Of course、this is the story of three thousand years ago (about 500 years ago、when Confucius lived)、history and mythology would have mingled.
This episode might be like a Iliad of Homer.


Well、era progressed、around A.D. first year in China.
There was a man named "Wang Mang". (王莽・Oumou・Ōmō)

China of this era was "the Han dynasty". (漢・Kan)

Wang was originally a maternal relative of the Han royal family.
But he did usurpation of the throne from the Han dynasty and he was founded ”Xin Dynasty”. (新・Sin) 

※Was he a relative of the empress?※

By the way, Confucianism attaches great importance for 'humanity,' 'justice,' 'courtesy,' 'wisdom,' and 'faith'.
The Imperial Examination has not yet begun、but Confucianism has already become a state religion.
And probably after this、it is natural for the dynasty、but loyalty as a dogma(?) has also come to be emphasized.

"Usurpation of the imperial throne by vassal."
And there was no such precedent in Chinese history yet.
As the situation at that time、there was impossible in his actions.

"The Holy Emperor has appeared、it is exactly Wang Mang."
After all、he began to try to justify his actions.

Of course、the reason for it possible、it would be corruption of the Han dynasty inside.

Thursday, 8 August 2013


"The Duke of Zhou was finally able to return the regime to the king、I would like to do so if possible

You have to take the throne.

But I have such a divine revelation、I cannot go against God's command.
(Chinese "God" of course.)
It’s really tearing my heart、but I have to be an Emperor."

When Wang did usurpation of the throne of Han、he said so.


"This is a precursor to the emergence of the Holy Emperor that has been recorded in ancient documents."
At that time、many such cases have been reported.

"Wang Mang is undoubtedly our Holy Emperor." 
People who think in this way naturally increased.

But all those events were fake by Wang、he ordered his men to do it and spread this fiction to the people.

"Wang Mang is undoubtedly our Holy Emperor." 
Perhaps there was a fake in these words ​as well.

And above all、the ancient documents themselves、he seems to have forged them as well.


There were ancient documents that described the politics of Duke of Zhou、it is said that Duke of Zhou himself has compiled this documents.

"This is exactly the politics of saints."
Wang said so.
Duke of Zhou was the ideal saint and the ideal politician for the Chinese already.

"Therefore、this is the politics that the Holy Emperor should do."
After the Xin dynasty founding、he ran the politics completely based on this ancient documents.

However、there was one problem there.
Wang became the Emperor、therefore he was necessary to do the politics. 
And of course、people were exist inside and outside of Empire of the self-proclaimed Holy Emperor.
He tried to match all people's conditions to his thought only.
It was his politics.
Long-lasting would be impossible in this.
After 15 years、Xin dynasty vanished.

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXC。


"電子立国 日本の自叙伝 第5回 8ミリ角のコンピューター"

"電子立国 日本の自叙伝 第6回 ミクロン世界の技術大国"

"冷戦〈24回シリーズ〉第3回 マーシャル・プラン 1947-1952"

"冷戦〈24回シリーズ〉第4回 ベルリン封鎖 1948-1949"


"NHKスペシャル 明治 第二集 模倣と独創 ~外国人が見た日本~"


"街道をゆく 第41回 横浜散歩"

"街道をゆく 第40回 ニューヨーク散歩"


"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第5話 SOS!ラジェンドラ号"

"宇宙戦艦ヤマトⅢ 第6話 激闘!11番惑星空域"



Par is ♡。6月 02, 2019

Monday, 8 July 2013

by the way

Rapeseed、Kinjiro got it from acquaintance in his village.

Rapeseed 1,8 liter to Oil 0,36 liter.(5:1)
It seems he had been such a contract with merchant.

And he picked up the rice seeds that had fallen to the ground.
At that time、there was a place where the flow of the canal in the village has changed by the flood.
Land that is no longer needed has occurred by it.
Kinjiro planted the seedlings of rice there on holiday.
(according to Hōtoku-ki)

※It is likely that the translation is not accurate.
Of course it's a matter of my ability(lol).※

The land seems to have been tax-exempt land.
As a result、he harvested about 1 pyō of rice.

1 pyō(俵) is 1 bale.

By the way、1 pyō’s volume was not constant at that time.
Kinjiro's harvest is probably around 70kg.
And maybe、he sold it to the rice merchant.
(About ten years later、Kinjiro became negotiating person with the rice merchant as a representative of his village.) 

※I checked on the net now、1 pyō is 60 kg.
It is equivalent to the annual consumption of rice per capita in Japan (of course it is current case).※

Although his farming was limited as a situation、he gradually increased his yield.
At the same time、he had worked in flood control work of Odawara clan (of course、as a laborer).

And although the times almost the same、at the age of 18、he left his relatives' house.
He began working at his village headman's home.

Around this time、his grandfather died in his mother's home.
Her family's life seems to had became poverty by it.
(Of course his younger brothers are also included.)


By the way、paddy that they sold (it might have been mortgaged property).
Sure enough、it may have been a wasteland.
Three years later、he returned to his home (1806).
He regained their paddy field at that time.

※If its rice field became a wasteland after mortgage setting、the lender of money may have been painful as well.(legitimate).

Evaluation (by administrative government office?) of their's paddy fields at that time、it was "the lowest".(called "Gegeden"・下下田)

About 9 ares.(900m²)
He bought it back for 3 ryō.

I do not know the price of 1 ryō at that time.
About ¥150,000 roughly? 👈 What is this amount based on(lol)?

Anyway、the monetary economy was already very important even in rural areas.
This would be true.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


One of the problems when Kinjiro worked on the financial reconstruction of the Utsu family.

"Farmers to give up paddy cultivation、but they never abandon dry field farming."

The mainstream of taxes at that time was the annual tribute of rice.
Tax to the harvest of dry field at that time、it was taxes in cash and (probably) it was secondary presence.

※Simply think、is it from the problem of preservation?

Crops of the field、farmers were sold it on the neighboring markets.
And part of its sales proceeds、they were paid it as tax to their lord.


"10,000 ryō for rice of 24,000 koku."
Rice purchase price of Sendai clan from people of a fief in 1819、it was this (apart from the formal annual tribute).
Of course、this is the situation of the territory of the Sendai clan only.
It cannot be applied directly to other regions.

But Kinjiro were also negotiations with the rice merchant on behalf of his village.

"Convert rice into cash.
In short、obtaining cash."

It is estimated that it was very important for farmers.
Rural self-sufficiency was already impossible.

Sales of rice by the farmers themselves、but brokerage exists there absolutely.
Farmers were not able to sell the rice at the market price.
※Naturally、merchants live in business.
Also there would be faithfulness among merchants.

But sales of field crops at the market、brokerage does not exist there.
(Use fee of place maybe existed.)
Farmers were able to sell it at the market price.
Real income of farmers by field crops.
Even in the same annual tribute rate、field crops profit margin might was better than rice's it for farmers. 

Farmers of territory of Utsu family at around 1820、there was a debt of 1,000 ryō to them (at 150 family).
Of course、it also cannot be applied directly to other regions.
However、if I apply the data of Sendai clan (both times are the same). 
It is the price of rice 2,400 koku.

Population of territory of Utsu family in 1822、it was 156 family 749 people.
※Probably there are serious problems such as high infant mortality rate、but there is no impression of a large family here.

And real annual income of territory of Utsu family、it was 1005 bales 127 ryō.

1005 bales.
It is about 400 koku at the outside.
Actual harvest is 800 koku at annual tribute rate of 50%.



Probably main of 127 ryō is tax of harvest of field crops.
I do not know its tax rate.

Anyway、1500 koku degree at most.
There was a debt of about 1,6 times of their's total annual harvest.





"2001年宇宙の旅 2001 : a space odyssey"

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅩ。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXVII。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXVIII。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXXVIII。

"NHKスペシャル 激動の世界 第1回 テロと難民 EU共同体の分断"


we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXIX。

現在持っている"NHKスペシャル 激動の世界"は次回まで。

"NHKスペシャル  世紀を越えて 戦争・果てしない恐怖 第1集|戦場の革命"


で、現在持っている"NHKスペシャル  世紀を越えて"は、あと第2集と第5集。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXVI。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXIV。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXIV。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅠ‐02。

"超時空要塞マクロス 第4話 リン・ミンメイ"

"超時空要塞マクロス 第5話 トランス・フォーメーション"

"超時空要塞マクロス 第6話 ダイダロス・アタック"





we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXXIII。

"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第7話 亡き勇者のラグタイム"

"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第8話 ジョナサンのエレジー"

"機甲創世記モスピーダ 第9話 ロストワールド遁走曲"


we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsL。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXXI。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCIII。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLV。
































"アンジュルム『ドンデンガエシ』(ANGERME[A Complete Turnover])(Promotion Edit)"

"アンジュルム『わたし』(ANGERME[I am.])(Promotion Edit)"

"アンジュルム『乙女の逆襲』(ANGERME[A Girl's Counterattack]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"アンジュルム『乙女の逆襲』(ANGERME[A Girl's Counterattack]) (Promotion edit)"

"アンジュルム『臥薪嘗胆』(ANGERME [Extreme Hardships]) (Promotion edit)"

"アンジュルム『七転び八起き』(ANGERME [Ups and Downs]) (Promotion edit)"

"アンジュルム『出すぎた杭は打たれない』(ANGERME[TheNailThatSticksOutTooMuchDoesNotGetHammeredDown])(Promotion Edit)"

"アンジュルム『大器晩成』(ANGERME[A Late Bloomer]) (Dance promotion edit)"

"アンジュルム『大器晩成』(ANGERME[A Late Bloomer]) (Promotion edit(New Ver.))"

"アンジュルム『魔法使いサリー』(ANGERME [Sally the Witch]) (Promotion edit)"

"スマイレージ『○○ がんばらなくてもええねんで!!』(Dance Shot Ver.Black)"

"スマイレージ『○○ がんばらなくてもええねんで!!』(Dance Shot Ver.White)"

"スマイレージ『○○ がんばらなくてもええねんで!!』(MV)"

"スマイレージ『あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい』(Close-up Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『あすはデートなのに、今すぐ声が聞きたい』(Dance Shot Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『ぁまのじゃく』(Dance Shot Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『オトナになるって難しい!!!』(Close-up Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『オトナになるって難しい!!!』(Dance Shot Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『ショートカット』(Dance Shot Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『ショートカット』(salon dream Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『スキちゃん』(Close-up Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『スキちゃん』(Dance Shot Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『寒いね。』(Live Ver.)"



"スマイレージ『同じ時給で働く友達の美人ママ』(4Shot Lip Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『同じ時給で働く友達の美人ママ』(Dance Shot Ver.Light Blue)"

"スマイレージ『同じ時給で働く友達の美人ママ』(Dance Shot Ver.Pink)"


"スマイレージ『夢見る 15歳』(Close-up Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『夢見る 15歳』(Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『夢見る 15歳』(MV)"

"スマイレージ『夢見る 15歳』(Web Mix Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『 「良い奴」 』(Smileage[Nice Guy]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『 「良い奴」 』(Smileage[Nice Guy]) (MV)"

"スマイレージ『エイティーン エモーション』(Smileage[Eighteen Emotion])  (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『ええか!?』(Smileage[Do you get it]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『ええか!?』(Smileage[Do you get it]) (MV)"

"スマイレージ『ショートカット』~前田憂佳 Close up Ver~"

"スマイレージ『タチアガール』(DanceShot Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『タチアガール』(悪ガキッ Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『タチアガール』(福田花音Close-up Ver.)"



"スマイレージ『プリーズ ミニスカ ポストウーマン!』(MV)"

"スマイレージ『ミステリーナイト!』(Smileage[A Mystery Night!]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『ヤッタルチャン』(Smileage[Yattaruchan]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『ヤッタルチャン』(Smileage[Yattaruchan]) (MV)"

"スマイレージ『新しい私になれ!』(Smileage[Be the new me!]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『新しい私になれ!』(Smileage[Be the new me!]) (MV)"

"スマイレージ『有頂天LOVE』(4Shot Lip Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『有頂天LOVE』(Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『有頂天LOVE』(Dance Ver.2)"

"スマイレージ『有頂天LOVE』(Deco Mic Ver.)"


"スマイレージ『有頂天LOVE』(校歌斉唱 Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『恋にBooing ブー!』(Black Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『恋にBooing ブー!』(Boo Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『恋にBooing ブー!』(Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『恋にBooing ブー!』(MV)"


"スマイレージ『エイティーン エモーション』(Smileage[Eighteen Emotion]) (Promotion edit)"

"スマイレージ『地球は今日も愛を育む』(Smileage[Earth helps grow love again today]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『地球は今日も愛を育む』(Smileage[Earth helps grow love again today]) (Promotion edit)"

"スマイレージ『嗚呼 すすきの』(Smileage[Oh Susukino]) (Dance Shot Ver.)"

"スマイレージ『嗚呼 すすきの』(Smileage[Oh Susukino]) (Promotion edit)"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️