we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXIX。


"仮面ライダー 第14話 魔人サボテグロンの襲来 (wikiによると1971年7月3日放送)"




"仮面ライダー対ショッカー (wikiによると東映まんがまつりの一編として1972年3月18日公開)"



"ファイヤーマン 第1話 ファイヤーマン誕生 (wikiによると1973年1月7日放送)"

"ファイヤーマン 第2話 武器は科学だS・A・F (wikiによると1973年1月14日放送)"



"01:オープニング・テーマ~三日月の寝台 (ショート・ヴァージョン)"

"02:第1話 「懐しい惑星 (ほし)」・1"

"02:第1話 「懐しい惑星 (ほし)」・2"

"03:第2話 「柊の月基地日誌」・1"

"03:第2話 「柊の月基地日誌」・2"

"04:第3話 「78日間」・1"

"04:第3話 「78日間」・2"

"05:第4話 「優しいフリ、恋のフリ」・1"

"05:第4話 「優しいフリ、恋のフリ」・2"

"06:第5話 「さめぬ想い」・1"

"06:第5話 「さめぬ想い」・2"

"07:第6話 「母星全滅」・1"

"07:第6話 「母星全滅」・2"

"08:第7話 「告白」・1"

"08:第7話 「告白」・2"

"09:第8話 「未来への回帰」・1"

"09:第8話 「未来への回帰」・2"

"10:エンディング・テーマ~夢のすみか (ショート・ヴァージョン)"



to put it simply.10月 15, 2018

Although this will be iterative (omit). 10月 28, 2018

Sunday, 21 October 2012

hard feelings

There were signs.
A large-scale riot by common people occurred at Osaka which was Tokugawa's military gathering place.
Because inflation had exceeded the limit.
※Some special demand may have fueled dissatisfaction.

Also many lords were reluctant to send troops to Osaka unlike last time.
Above all、Satsuma、the main force of the previous conquest army、showed severe disapproval.

It was a situation that is not to be expected until a little while ago.
(Expressing dissatisfaction with the policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate、it meant their own destruction.)
And the popularity of Choshu was increasing among the common people、especially in western Japan.
※It probably wasn't only propaganda by Satsuma etc.

Also different movement had beginning in Tosa.
De facto lords of Tosa.
He was very intelligent and also liked control of vassal.

※By the way、I haven't written his name yet.
His name is "Yamanouchi Yo(u)do(u)".
I write by my memory only、but I think that Yōdō is a pseudonym (so to speak、pen name?)、not a real name.
He is a little short mind、but seems to have been a kind person to subordinates.
And he liked drinking very much.※

"If this state continuing、Tosa must left behind in the era."
People who think so in the upper class youth of the samurai came out.
There was also approach by Nakaoka. 
(Primarily from the twenties to the early thirties maybe.
The same generation as Nakaoka.)

"Tosa clan should participate to battlefront against Tokugawa."
Nakaoka didn't give up think in position as person of Tosa.
Sakamoto was conversely、didn't think too much about Tosa.

”I don't care about Tosa.”
Maybe he had such a ​idea.
Sakamoto was one of the earliest activists.
When he was stayed in Tosa、he hadn't obtaining hope.
He therefore dashed out from Tosa.

Most of his comrades from that time were killed by the Tosa government.
Best friend also was killed. 
※Of course、this is true for all Tosa Ronin of those days.

Under such circumstances、he made his own company at Nagasaki. 
Perhaps he was proud that he established his own position without being based on the position of Tosa Domain.
In fact、by this time "Sakamoto" had been recognized as "Sakamoto”. 
※Of course、I think that his identity and personal connections at the start、which was based on the position of Tosa Domain、were important.

”I'm able to live without the title of Tosa.” 
At this time、he may have been a little stubborn.

So、the presence of Nakaoka was important for Sakamoto.
It is not because it was assassinated together、it's a silly joke of course、the two had a good relationship that complement each other.
When concluded of the alliance of Choshu and Satsuma.
Their relationship was most accurately represented.  

Monday, 22 October 2012

i escape

”If escape is possible、I want escape.”
Everyone might had thought so.
So、as in Kondo's case、the hatred of those around him for the man who tried to escape may have become terrible.

Well、let's rewind a little time here.

"I escape.”
After said so、there were guys who escaped.
That was Takasugi and Ito.

They had a successful coup.
They therefore had the helm of Choshu of course.
At that point、they did escaped.


”We should do open of Shimonoseki port to Western countries."
After coup was success、there was such proposal from Ito.

"We request to you open this port."
Previously、there was such a request from the West to the Tokugawa Shogunate.
※Perhaps、at the time of opening negotiations in Japan.

”We should proposal to them from us.
Because benefit by it is always greater.”

Takasugi agreed with this Ito's proposal.
They were originally forefront ​of Western exclusion.
However、they had completely changed course in reverse. 
However、there was no contradiction among them.
However、there was contradiction except them.

They were become subject to assassination.
In fact、Inoue was seriously injured by their attacked.
(According to another report、there also seems to had issue of the interests of the Western trade.)

※Was it Osaragi Jiro(u) san's "the century of the Emperor 天皇の世紀"?
I think I examined it properly and wrote it.
(However、although not a I have said so(lol)、the genre of this book seems to be "novel".)
However、if so、we also need the Ardennes Forest(lol).
The focus gradually matches.
From the periphery to the center.※

※Today is August 19, 2021、the memory at the time of writing this is not clear but、especially in the second half、I think a lot of the content is my selfish summary ​from the "Emperor's Century" borrowed from the library.
However、my myths are mixed here and there、so be careful about stories you don't know (It may be closer to "the truth of going out" than we think・lol).※

”I'll do even at the risk of my lives.”
Takasugi、while little ago、who did raising an army with 60 people said so.
It was not.

"I don't want to be killed by such people.
I escape.
You also should escape."

After Takasugi said so to Ito、he escaped from Choshu with his lover.
I don't know why (to reconnoitre the enemy?)、at that time Takasugi escaped to Osaka of the enemy's base ground.
He was found soon at there by Tokugawa、he hastily fled to Shikoku Island with lover.

※I read this in Shiba san's novel(lol).
”When asking the shopkeeper the inventory of the book (maybe "Tosa Monogatari") at the book store、the owner took a strange look and went into the room.
And as he didn't come out of the room as it was、we left the place quickly.”

I think that it was such a "recollection of Takasugi's lover" (but my sentence is quite uncertain).
Of course it may have been that she heard so from Takasugi.
And of course "recollection" itself may be a fiction by Shiba san.
In any case、perhaps their trip was such a schedule.

In Shikoku I think they were taken care of by the local Yakuza.
"There is such a nationwide network in them."
I think the depiction that Takasugi admires is in Shiba san's novel.

By the way、a man who hard discussed with Takasugi named "Akane Taketo ".
When is that(lol)?※


"ULTRASEVEN Original Soundtrack (1967) Composed by Toru Fuyuki (opening song is english version - originally broadcasted in Hawaii)"




"ウルトラセブン 第39話 「セブン暗殺計画 (前篇)」 (wikiによると1968年6月30日放送)"

"ウルトラセブン 第40話 「セブン暗殺計画 (後篇)」 (wikiによると1968年1968年7月7日放送)抜粋"

ウルトラセブン第40話は持っていませんし ("第48話 「史上最大の侵略 (前篇)」1968年9月1日放送"も - 後編は1968年9月8日放送、第1話は1967年10月1日放送)。

"帰ってきたウルトラマン 第38話 「ウルトラの星 光る時」 wikiによると1971年12月24日放送"



若い広場「矢沢永吉からのメッセージ」11月 03, 2018







online タウン誌 「ネリマンタイムス」ー モデラーなら知ってるよね。練馬区にあるプラモデル屋さんまとめ


※つうてもね、今(20210823 13:52PM)、統計見たら、表示はこれだけだからアクセス数だろう、全期間12060。今日1。昨日3。今月53。先月46。だって。
たとえば現在の"表示回数"、勝とう福島最終回前編11。後編6。アンコール0。we areのⅠ1。we areのⅡ3。





golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️