we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXV。

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第13話 最期の事件 (日本語吹き替え)"


"Wonderful old London around 1900"

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第14話 空き家の怪事件 (日本語吹き替え)"


"Queen Victoria Christmas 1848"

”Queen Anne Stuart in 1665”

5月 03, 2019 started.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Kinjiro started his reform in this way.
He let the farmers themselves select good workers.
New farm tools、newly built house、etc、he provided these to the farmers selected like that.
Of course there was a difference in their content depending on their ranking.


Replacing debt.

Farmers with high interest rate debt.
Kinjiro provided low interest rate loans to them from the reform cost.

However、its interest rate was not constant.
Non interest bearing or low interest rates.
Long term or short term.
He made a repayment plan according to the circumstances of each farmer.

Territory of the Utsu family consisted of three villages(about 750 people at this time).
This way might had been possible because their territory was its scale.

"Farmers there is no debt should be preferential treatment."
And at the same time Kinjiro thought so.

At the start of reform、he paid the merchant 660 ryo of the farmers' debt.

14 people who had no debt at that time.
"Next fiscal year、I will duty free them." 
He has announced so.

Of course、they were able to get a low interest rate loan.
(However、there were restrictions on its intended use.)


"The wealth.
It has nothing to do with the person's situation.
Person with an income of $100 at month.
If he to live in $99 a month、at 1 year、he will have a $12 surplus.
If he to live in $101 a month、at 1 year、he will have a $12 deficit.

Its accumulation. 
It is the positive and negative wealth ."

This is a very simple way of thinking、but Kinjiro's thought was like this.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Kinjiro's diary

September 9 1822(the lunar calendar).
※And of course it is written in the era name of Japan.
Naturally、this would not be the solar calendar's September 9 1822.

According to Kinjiro's diary、probably the first vote was held this day.


"At Yokota village.
Total number of people、15 people. 

Youhachi・5 votes 1 hoe 
Syoujirou・3 votes 2 sickles
Chuuemon・2 votes 1 sickle
Tomizou's son・2 votes 1 sickle

At Yahee's group of Higashinuma village.
Total number of people、17 people. 
(Yahee is name of a village headman.
Probably、I think it depends on the village scale、but there were multiple village headman called ”Nanushi” in one village.)

Ichizaemon・4votes 1 hoe 
Takeshichi・3 votes 2 sickles
Sannosuke・2 votes 1 sickle
Yoshitarou・2 votes 1 sickle"

Voting was thus done for each district.
Therefore、it was not unlikely that they would be selected as good workers.


August 1(of intercalary month) 1824.
According to Kinjiro's diary.

Kinjiro's servant named "Enzou". 
He served Kinjiro for several years at that time.

"You have already repaid all your debts、you no longer need to serve others.
Will you be an independent farmer here?"
Kinjiro heard to him.
※I do not know now about the contents of his debt.

Enzo agreed it.
Kinjiro asked to Yahee of Higashinuma village nanushi and Enzo became a farmer at there.

In fact、Kinjiro was actively encouraging new settlers at the time.
One of the reasons was the labor shortage associated with the development of new paddy fields.

And this became one of the causes of the difficulty that prevented Kinjiro's reform.

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第28話 ボスコム渓谷の惨劇 (日本語吹き替え)"

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第21話 四人の署名 前編 (日本語吹き替え)"

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第21話 四人の署名 後編 (日本語吹き替え)"



1966 タックスマン】「リボルバー」収録・イギリスの重税を皮肉った今作について、ジョージは「ようやく稼いだ金のほとんどを、税金で持ってかれていることに気づいて書いた」としている。稼げば稼ぐほど税金が重くなるイギリスの税金制度は、ローリング・ストーンズなど、ビートルズ以外のミュージシャンからも非難の的となっていた。音楽面では、初期の激しいギター・サウンドと、徐々に取り入れつつあった実験要素の強いサイケデリックが絡み合った一曲になっている。91にクラプトンと日本ツアーを行なった際には、「この歌は60年代、90年代、いつだって通じるものなんだ。いつの時代にも"タックスマン(税金取り)"はいるからね」と笑っていた。




今まで記録されたビートブラザーズ含むビートルズ全てのドラムはリンゴスターさん。当然、ピートベストはゴミ処刑。(8月 31, 2019)

"12 Cry for a Shadow (disk 1)"

"04 Don't Bother Me"

"20 Taxman (disk 1)"

"11 Within You, Without You [Instrumental] (disk 2)"

"18 While My Guitar Gently Weeps"

OVA 機甲界ガリアン part 3 鉄の紋章 8月 04, 2018


ガリアンの音楽はビートルズさん。opedは作詞作曲唄もジョージさんだと、おれが。(8月 04, 2018)



"Panzer World Galient Opening Theme (Full Length)"

"Panzer World Galient Ending(機甲界ガリアン ED 「星の一秒」)"

"Panzer World Galient Opening Theme (English Version)"

"Panzer World Galient Ending Theme (English Version)"







"映画 大魔神「特撮資料 (全3作)」 完全版"



"John Lennon - The Making Оf Imagine Album"

"Free as a Bird (Demo)"







"01 Real Love"

"10 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)"


"NHKスペシャル 「ラブ・アンド・ピースは永遠に~レノンとヨーコ・その時代~」"





vs 9月 05, 2018


7月 19, 2019 イマンさんへのプロポーズですね。これは90年代初めにロッキンオンで読んだと思うのですが、"僕はもう高く飛ぶことはないけれど、君といるだけで笑顔でいられるんだ。僕は魔法を信じる。命のエンジェル。"という訳詩(ご本人による、とか・笑)を知ってる前提で、"The Wedding Song"を聴くと、正直、未だに泣きそうになることがあります。

Thursday, 15 August 2013

lore of kamui.

This is not a accurate information、please read lightly.

神 is God.

Pronunciation of ”神” from ancient of Japan、it is "kami".(かみ)
By the way、"神" is the Chinese character of course.

And there is also such a pronunciation in "神" at Japan.

Perhaps there was "kami" first as a word representing gods.
(Of course、it would be different from the concept of God in the West.) 

And then Chinese characters came to Japan.
And probably、pronunciation of ”神” was ”Shin” as a word to describe the presence that transcends the human intellect originally.
Of course Japanese would read this Chinese characters as ”Shin”.

However、although I do not know its time clearly、Japanese began to read this Chinese characters also as "Kami".

Pronunciation of ancient Japan.
Pronunciation came from China.
These two were mixed in Japan.

Therefore、there are usually several ways to read the Chinese characters at Japan.
There is no clear rule there.

※Of course、there is usually a rule that this idiom reads like this.
※At least China style there is a case in which there is more than one pronunciation.
※It is "神々・kamigami" when we translate "gods" into Japanese.
This idiom is usually read as "kamigami" ancient Japanese-style(?).
"々" is a shorthand for repeated cases.
I do not know how long this "々" is used.
I also do not know whether it is written like this in China.※
※Of course、all the pronunciation I write is that of modern Japanese standard language.


Pronunciation of ancient Japan、I wrote so. 

Although "passed away" already、there "is" a novelist named Kimu Tarusu san. (金達寿さん)
He is a Koreans in Japan.
※I think his nationality was North Korea.

"Bear comes out to myth of Korea、this bear is also the incarnation of God.
And Pronunciation of bear is "komu" in Korea."
(Incidentally bear is "kuma" in Japan.) 

By the way、"komu" is a representation by the Japanese style.
Pronunciation of formal Korean may be different.
Because、although I write in memory reliance、but among languages in the world、Korean has the largest number of vowels(vowel of modern Japan is 5).

Pronunciation of ancient Japan、I wrote so. 

Although "passed away" already、there "is" a novelist named Kimu Tarusu san. (金達寿さん)
He is a Koreans in Japan.
※I think his nationality was North Korea.

"Bear comes out to myth of Korea、this bear is also the incarnation of God.
And Pronunciation of bear is "komu" in Korea."
(Incidentally bear is "kuma" in Japan.) 

By the way、"komu" is a representation by the Japanese style.
Pronunciation of formal Korean may be different.
Because、although I write in memory reliance、but among languages in the world、Korean has the largest number of vowels(vowel of modern Japan is 5).
However、maybe when Japanese people at that time would try to pronounce of "komu"、it would became "komu".←That's right (lol).←?(20201216・lol)

Although subtle differences would exist of course (wo、n).
Also by era.  

※Certainly、there were a few more Japanese vowels in the past (6~7?).

Friday, 16 August 2013


There are people called "Ainu" in Japan. (アイヌ)
Of course they are Japanese.

"Indigenous people of Japan."
The only difference with the other Japanese、it is that they are so called.

※I think they may be called that way、but this may be irresponsible writing.
And thinking from my ancestors、their blood may flow in me.※

When translate description "indigenous people" to Japanese、it become "senjū-minzoku". (先住民族)

Meaning of "minzoku" is "race" or "ethnic group". (民族)
In short、Ainu is associated to them.

But they are no different with most other Japanese、we're the same Mongoloid in racial.
However、 all Japanese is a Mongoloid、it is not the case of course.

For example、as a simple fact、Donald Keene san of one of representative person of Japanese literature research (include Japan).
In 1922、he was born in New York.
When World War II、he fought the Japanese as a U.S. Navy officer.
And 2012、he acquire Japanese nationality.
He is Japanese、but he is not a Mongoloid. 

Ainu is a Mongoloid、however、they seem to have one genetic feature.
They has many genetic common with northern Asians than other Japanese.

"Japan is the place of originated of the human race."

By the way、I've never heard this theory until now.
Even if I've heard this theory until now、it would be definitely wrong.
※It may by some possibility be so(lol).

Japanese ancestry、they came from somewhere absolutely.
And until around enters the 20th century、the movement of common people were not many at Japan.

Therefore、the genetic bias by introduction route of people to Japan、even as it is present to some extent、I feel a natural to it.
Incidentally "Ainu" is not an ethnic name in first place.
This is "fellow" by Ainu language.




"街道をゆく 第10回 オホーツク街道"

"街道をゆく 第3回 北のまほろば"




"NHKスペシャル 「その時、日本は」60年安保と岸信介 秘められた改憲構想"


"沈黙の艦隊 VOYAGE1"



"機動戦士ガンダム 第29話 「ジャブローに散る!」"

"Live at Loreley Festival、Germany on June 22 1996"


"01 The Wedding"

"02 You've Been Around"

"03 I Feel Free"

"04 Black Tie White Noise"

"05 Jump They Say"

"06 Nite Flights"

"07 Pallas Athena"

"08 Miracle Goodnight"

"09 Don't Let Me Down & Down"

"10 Looking For Lester"

"11 I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday"

"12 The Wedding Song"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️