gerrymander : 1 【政】ゲリマンダー《自党を有利にするための、区の広さや人口を無視した不自然な選挙区の区割り》 2 《自派のための》身勝手な手加減、ごまかし.〈選挙区を〉自党に有利に区割りする、ゲリマンダーをやる ; 身勝手に手加減する、ごまかす.(リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用)

Monday, 5 August 2013


"Japan is not a Confucian country."

At that time、people in Western countries might have had such an image.
Especially during the Meiji era of Japan (after the Restoration)、Japan was seriously aiming for Western-style modernization.
But an important driving force of the Restoration at first place、it might be Confucianism.

Highest educational institution of Japan at Tokugawa era、it was a school of Confucianism called "Shōhei-kō"(昌平黌).
There was also Confucius Temple of course.

However、its situation was a little different from that of the Asian continent.
Japan is a country in East Asia、but at the same time it is an island country.
Due to its location、Japan was in a position where it was not directly affected by (especially) Chinese civilization.

In particular, Japan in the Edo period had a policy of seclusion (鎖国)、and trade with China was carried out only in Nagasaki.
And Japan did not adopt the imperial examinations (科挙).

※I mentioned before、Satsuma clan seems to have been trading in secret with China (Under the premise that "Ryukyu Kingdom belongs to both Satsuma Domain and Qing Dynasty"?).


Due to the strength of the aristocratic class、Japan originally did not adopt the Imperial Examination since the dynasty.

※I am writing this way(lol).
"This system was introduced after the aristocratic class established firm power in Japan." and so on.
Now if I will try to explain it by a mere thought、for example like this(lol).※

And Samurai regime was born from the 13th century (in 1192)、so-called ”Shogunate politics”.  
"The authority of the emperor.
The real power of the shogunate shogun (Samurai king)"
Simply put、this divided Japan's power into two.
(Of course from earlier、kingmaker in the interior of the dynasty was present.)

※In the Kamakura Shogunate、which was the first samurai government、I think that the real power was immediately transferred from the shogun to the family of the founder's wife. 20220717.

"Shogun have been delegated the Japan's politics from the Emperor."
And there was a public position like this.

Literal translation of "Shogun" is "General"(将軍).
And their's government called "Bakufu"(幕府).
Of course these are originally Chinese language.

Literal translation of "Shogun" is "General"(将軍).
And their's government called "Bakufu"(幕府).
Of course these are originally Chinese language.

The headquarters of the general during the expedition、it called "Bakufu・modern Japanese pronunciation" in ancient China.

※If I simply take the meaning.
幕(baku・maku) is curtain.
府(fu) is government office. 20220717.

The general was here to take overall command of the barbarian subjugation.
In other words、it was such a public position.

※This is about the beginning of the 9th century、but the "Shogun" was appointed for the first time to subdue "the barbarians" of the Tohoku region、which were not under the control of the emperor of the Kinki region at that time.

The official name of "Shogun" is "征夷大将軍 (sei・i・tai・syou・gun)".
The literal translation is "Great general to conquer the barbarians".

By the way、as I wrote before、after the Tokugawa Shogunate -the last "Shogun" government- was destroyed、the name of the nation that the remnants tried to establish in present-day Hokkaido is "蝦夷共和国".
蝦夷 (ezo) was a regional name for Hokkaido at that time、but the literal translation is "Republic of Barbarians".


Imperial examination was a test to choose the officials for the emperor only、therefore loyalty to the emperor was very important.
This leads to a denial of the power of Shogun、there was impossible structurally the introduction of the imperial examination.

※I (Omit).

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

the ideal saint

In 1860、Katsu had voyage to the United States along with the first envoy to US、he was ship captain.

”What kind of country is America?”

After returning Japan、Katsu was asked so by his friend "Yokoi Shōnan (横井小楠).
Yokoi was a Confucian scholar of Japan.
Katsu has described about the political system of the United States.

"It's a society of Gyou・Shun(堯舜)."
In response to it、Yokoi replied so.

Gyou and Shun、they are Chinese legendary holy emperors.
It is said that they had ruled the country with the virtue.
And it is said that they did not heredity the position.
They were handed over the position to a exceptional virtue man.

They are the ideal saint of China.

Emperor Yao・堯

Emperor Shun・舜


By the way、the era of Confucius is ago in about 2500 years from now.
Even when viewed from that era、Gyou and Shun era was in mythology of ancient.

※It will be a bit bothersome、but the modern Japanese pronunciation of "Confucius" is "Kou-shi(孔子)".

Person who Confucius was longing as human、it's "Duke of Zhou (周公・Shuu-Kou)".

About 3800 years ago、a country called ”Yin” was born in China. (殷・In)

Its last king called ”Zhou”. (紂・Chuu)
(Though confusing、these two people are different person.)

※In contemporary Japanese pronunciation、"周・Shuu" and "紂・Chuu".

紂 was a very tyrant、people had suffered greatly for him.
(Although this is based on the recording of the winner.)

Yin had dominated the neighboring countries with a mighty force、one of its country was "Zhou (周・Shuu)".

About 3100 years ago、King of Zhou at that time named "Wu (武・Bu)"、finally he stood up to overthrow Yin.

There was also cooperation of neighboring countries、it was successful.
Then he was founded the Zhou kingdom as a central state.

Little brother of Wu who made a very contribution to this founding、he was called "Duke of Zhou". 

stake everything

Yoshinobu san was the seventh boy of Nariaki san.



My usual means.


what is a human.

It may have been a habitual saying of Ernest san(lol).

Personality is important.


ETV8 司馬遼太郎雑談“昭和”への道

【帰納】(する)個々の具体的な事実から、一般的な法則を導き出すこと。{対語}演繹。【演繹】(する)一般的なことから特殊なことを導き出すこと。{対語}帰納。【弁証法】{哲学・倫理学・美学} 対立や矛盾を自身の発展によってのりこえ、一段上の結論を生み出そうとする考え方。(パーソナル現代国語辞典より引用)


"第19話 もう一つの顔(吹き替え)"


sh-ark m(__)m。元、つまり、現、ジョン・シュワルツさんとアン・シャークさんはご兄妹、アン・シャークさんとジョエル・シャーク(エドワード・ウィッテン)さんはご夫婦、皆さんの共同研究の成果の一つが超弦理論。で、WWⅠ、ロンドンは空襲されたんですね。

if you can't stand the heat、get out of the kitchen.

日本全国 絵ハガキの旅 / シェフ大泉 車内でクリスマス・パーティー and ストーキングは死刑。で、ところで、長岡軍のガトリングガンは、その後どうなったのでしょう。

オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul.

ETV特集 「戦後日本 人民の記憶」 鶴見俊輔さん。

"どろろと百鬼丸 第3話"

"どろろと百鬼丸 第4話"




Par is ♡。



we are amaterasu kingdom dimensions

"サイボーグ009 第16話"

"サイボーグ009 第17話"

"サイボーグ009 第18話"

ぼくの地球を守って 20 





"超時空要塞 マクロス 1982 第17話"

"超時空要塞 マクロス 1982 第18話"

Previously (about maybe 2014) I said "I'm going to abducted annoying guys with my first corps North Korea special forces".

Oh、this is a joke. "Take a sumo with the loincloth of others (benefit from someone else's achievements)."坂本さんたら、いけず。👉Sakamoto san、I am sorry(lol).

I wrote it myself、but probably my character is similar to Sakamoto Ryouma san (By the way、my mother's ancestor is Sakamoto from Shikoku).

everything was worsened.

That doesn't mean that、maybe.

Although this will be iterative (omit).


Let's Win! Fukushima!!

I think that Sato(u) Masayoshi san's book is easy to understand for the economic circumstances of the end of Edo period though it is Japanese.



I'm neither the government of the Emperor nor the Tokugawa shogunate.

I felt like I understood it.

America never kills innocent people、but this is scheduled on a global scale as a fact in the near future.

Simply put、if both sides are walls、while adding synergistic effects (reaction force is applied to it at all ground contact points)、shock waves blow through the front and rear naturally.

This is because it will not create a blank period of security (even in terms of the number of people of course). It is the same meaning as Soviet troops entering Manchuria County in the end of World War II. Of course it is include "ATTACK".


I went to Fukushima

the era has come when should be change.


my eyes & your eyes

golden years

all around the world


"NHKスペシャル シリーズ明治・プロローグ 今、明治に何を学ぶか"



水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning.






"01 矢吹ジョー登場"

"02 ジョーと段平の出逢い~特別少年院への送監"

"03 同室者との対決"

"04 不気味な少年院~豚小屋の出来事~力石徹登場"

"05 トレーニング~白百合慰問公演団来る~力石との初対戦"

"06 雨のリング上~力石の出所"

"07 少年院からの出所~マンモス西との友情~デビュー戦~ウルフ金串との対戦"

"08 夜の白木邸~力石減量限界"

"09 ローリング・ファイター"

"10 ジョー vs 力石戦~世紀の対決"

"11 燃えつきた二人"

"12 力石の死~美しき狼たち~"

"13 挿入歌~K・O(ノック・アウト)"

"14 傷だらけの栄光"

"15 夕暮れ~トワイライト~"

"16 下町の人達"

"17 力石徹の思い出"

"18 挿入歌テーマ~夕焼けの街"

"19 明日への挑戦"

"20 夕暮れ~ドリーム~"

"21 白木葉子のテーマ"

"22 主題歌テーマ~男の対決~"

"23 挿入歌~果てしなき闇の彼方に"



ドカベン第31巻 と キャプテン〜谷口キャプテン編〜 ドラマ編


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️