we are amaterasu kingdom dimensions

Sunday, 19 May 2013

the rice standard system

Kinjiro investigated the real tax revenue of the past few years of Utsu family's territory.

Tax revenue of 1822 fiscal year、1005 bales and 127 ryo.
"Over the next decade、I will fixed this number as Utsu family's revenue.  
In brief、Utsu family's household management is carried out in this range.
After this、I will do reform and the development of farmland positively.
Therefore the occurrence of surplus be expected enough.
This surplus、its all is used as reform cost."
Kinjiro declared so at the beginning of the reform at 1823 fiscal year.
(Of course it was lunar calendar.)

※And naturally they did not use the AD(maybe・lol).

By the way、tax revenue by money.

As mentioned above、the basic tax of Tokugawa era was rice.
People who do not make the rice、they payed taxes by money.
(Or by their specialty products.)

Just maybe this may not have been called ”tax”.
Because ”tax” of Tokugawa era was "rice" to the end.

Katsu said ”Tokugawa era was the rice standard system.”
And "nevertheless money of 200000000 ryo were in circulation in Japan."
(about $ 200000000000?)

Of course Tokugawa era was about 270 years.
There will be fluctuations in the total amount circulation of money in Japan.

※This is not clear now.
Naturally the name of "tax" at that time was not "tax" in English.
Whatever their name would be, they were effectively "tax" of course.
And I'm probably writing with the gold standard in mind、but I do not know now how Katsu was expressing it.※


The feudal ruler in Japan have collected the rice from the rice paddy as tax.
But they did not collect the crops of the field.

Farmers sold freely their harvest on the market.
And they paid a part of the profits as "tax".
This real tax rate was lower than rice.

Abandoned the rice paddy and do only upland farming.
Such farmers had increased gradually.

※Even if it is "average value"、I do not know now whether it is possible to unify in this way.

Utsu family cracked down on it of course.
However、discontent and distrust against public administration had increased in the farmers already.
It had little effect.

And also rural became incorporated in monetary economy、while they are totally unprepared to deal with it.
As a natural consequence、most farmers became suffered from high-interest debt.

Monday, 20 May 2013

repeat this

"First we will reclaim the wasteland.
And the first year's harvest of this new agricultural land、I would like to separate this from financial resources as de fact duty free.
By doing this、we have harvest rice 1 koku from 1 tan of new agricultural land.

Its half、I want to our food.
The other half、I want it to the cost of next year's reclaim by selling it.
Of course we will repeat this."
※The range of this "our" is unknown now. 

Before leaving for the reform、Kinjiro said so to Tadazane of Odawara lord.

Incidentally、1 tan(反) is unit of the rice field's size of Japan.
1 tan(反) is about 991,7 square meters.
Or about 300 tsubo(1tsubo 坪 is about 3,3 square meters).

According to the data of Miyagi Prefecture、amount of rice yields was average 1,3 koku from 1 tan at that time.

It seems that Kinjiro estimates that the harvest from the new farmland in the first year is about 23% down.


"Currently、the tax revenue is 1005 bales.
Ten years after、I will improve it to tax revenue of 2000 bales." 

Kinjiro's reform was trial and error at first.
It was never a smooth way.
※I can not give a concrete example now.

However、Kinjiro had fortunate.
"Okubo Tadazane" of Odawara lord. 
He gave the trust to Kinjiro.

”200 bales and 50 ryo.
Odawara clan will provide it to you as reform costs every year.
And next decade、you does not need to be reported the results of reform to Odawara clan.”
Tadazane said so to Kinjiro. 

Kinjiro disposed of his property of Odawara as reform cost(76 ryo).
And he went to territory of Utsu family.




夏野菜 and そういえば、大泉さんが造られた藤村さんにそっくり?な古代蜀の国のお面?がありますね。


what is a human.



















golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️