This is because it will not create a blank period of security (even in terms of the number of people of course). It is the same meaning as Soviet troops entering Manchuria County in the end of World War II. Of course it is include "ATTACK".

Thursday, 17 January 2013


"'Don't worry、I was the one who taught the Mikado horse riding.' That's what Nakayama-san told me." 
Okubo said with a smile.

"What will their families do?"

"It seems that Princess Ichijo's wet nurse was from a prominent family in Tanba Sasayama、so it was decided that everyone would take refuge there."

"But then、wouldn't Okami be burdened with unfair slander、saying 
'Maybe someone in a responsible position would be the first to run away?'"

"Whatever action you takethere、there will always be criticism.
You know that very well.

Of course、the timing of its implementation will require careful consideration、but the reality is that the Emperor must suddenly disappear from Kyoto、and we cannot leave his family there.
Well、once the Choshu troops actually entered Kyoto、everyone would be busy evacuating and no one would care about such a thing."

When the shogunate ministers、led by Tokugawa Yoshinobu、who was in Nijo Castle in Kyoto、tried to immediately implement a plan to withdraw all the shogunate forces stationed in Kyoto、including Aizu and Kuwana、to Osaka as an official shogunate action (there were already many cases of conflict in Kyoto City、including deaths caused by fights between samurai of the Aizu clan and Satsuma clan)、the Choshu forces landed at Hyogo Port "to apologize to the Imperial Court" and continued to remain there、but the Imperial Court issued a formal decree ordering the Choshu clan to "immediately enter Kyoto in order to defend the Imperial Castle".

"With this、our troop strength will be 6,000. We will have 3,000 in reserve and for the defense of key locations、and about 3,000 will be available for deployment on the front lines in the Osaka area.
In response、if Aizu and Kuwana joined the Shogunate forces at Osaka Castle、 would their total military strength be around 30,000?
We must assume that the enemy forces have an effective combat force of 20,000、including over 10,000 soldiers equipped with the latest weapons.
I don't think they learned anything from their defeat in the battle with Choshu、but if、for example、3,000 soldiers with old weapons were to launch a flanking tactic against us、it would create a very serious situation."

"It may have been Emperor Kanmu's will that Heian Kyoto City、the royal castle、be the worst place in terms of defense.
However、this is extremely troublesome for us (lol)."

"Yoshinaka kou probably suffered from the same problem.
Ichizo、I won't run away."


"Even if it is a planned defeat、a rearguard is necessary for a smooth retreat、right?
I will be in charge of sutegamari along with 1,000 old-fashioned soldiers、and you should leave the front line safely and prepare for the real battle ahead."

'So now it's my turn to take on the role of Ashikaga Takauji?
I'll definitely see it through.'
When Okami himself is about to fight this war with this determination、you don't have such petty thoughts、right?"

"Ichizo、what do you think about Tokugawa Yoshinobu?"

"He is a representative of the old-fashioned forces that must be defeated for the sake of a new Japan."

"Yes、I think so too.
By the way、what do you personally think of Tokugawa Yoshinobu?"

"It's the same、of course."

"I think he is doing a good job for Japan in his own way、including the recent withdrawal of troops to Osaka.
But、of course、the idea remains that he represents an enemy that must be defeated."

"Saigo、is that why you think you're going to die dating Yoshinobu?
Come to think of it、the first time you spoke privately with Nariakira kou was about the possibility of Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu.
Saigo、that sentimentality is nonsense.
You are now the de facto commander of the Revolutionary Army、and there is no way that you will be allowed to accompany Yoshinobu and others to hell!"

"No、as long as you、Katsura-san、and the young people are here、everything will be fine.
I'm sure Gessho Osho will praise me for standing in the same position as him、when the situation is moving so far toward realizing our dreams."

"Saigo、perhaps you are underestimating us?
The reason we recognize you as our leader is because we believe、at the risk of our lives、that you are qualified to be our leader.
We will never allow you to die in such a cheap way."

"Win is fine、right?"
Okubo said this and stood up、as if to stop Saigo from saying something.

"And、Kichinosuke-saa、 Katsura-san's current name is Kido."

※☟Original text as of 7:36am, 22/12/2018(japan time). 2024070408:30(japan time).

After a while of Sakamoto and Ito assassination.
The Restoration had been declared.
"The Restoration is established now.
But it can not be said that it has real substance yet.
We must change the system that lasted 300 years.
If we waste spend the time、Japan will fall into the now more confusion.
Yes we must war against the Tokugawa.
We should put out the pus of Japan at once by it."
Okubo of Satsuma said so.

Iwakura also had the same opinion.

High-ranking aristocratics until then.
They were excluded from the new government by notification. 


Perhaps Yoshinobu noticed it. 

”In order to avoid unnecessary confusion.”
He did withdrawal of Tokugawa forces from Kyoto to Osaka.
Shinsengumi also had been decided going to Fushimi of Kyoto's south suburbs.

There was a symbolic event.

When Tokugawa troops went to Osaka from Kyoto、they had cross with some troops.
That troops was towards to Kyoto.
That was Choshu's troops.

Friday, 18 January 2013

shut up

"Why isn't Yoshinobu here?
Of course、our efforts were a factor、but it is undoubtedly the Tokugawa's continuous efforts that have kept Japan peaceful for the past 300 years.
And there is no doubt that the fact that the restoration of the monarchy has now been achieved and that we are gathered here to consider the new shape of Japan is thanks to Yoshinobu's peaceful return of political power to the Imperial Court.
Yes、from any perspective、there is no doubt that Tokugawa Yoshinobu was one of the greatest contributors to the restoration of the monarchy.
Yet、they did not invite Yoshinobu to this meeting and instead excluded him. This is so despicable and dishonest that it cannot be helped that the insight of all of us present here is doubted. This is a serious problem that will leave the roots of trouble for Japan in the future. , should be improved immediately."

On the day that the great proclamation of the Restoration of Imperial Rule was issued influential aristocrats and feudal lords gathered in a corner of the Kyoto Imperial Palace to hold a meeting to decide Japan's future direction、and Yamanouchi Yodo the representative of Tosa clan (the clan that drafted the restoration of imperial rule)、continued to strongly advocate this from the very beginning.

At first、Yodo stated his opinion calmly、but his tone gradually became more and more fierce、and as if overwhelmed by his passion、all the other meeting participants fell silent、Yodo stated his opinion with an even more terrifying expression.

"I'm afraid that Mikado is still young、and even if there are tanuki lurking among the people around him、he probably won't be able to tell.
That can't be helped、but if as a result His Majesty is unknowingly helping to plot a heinous conspiracy、then as a subject I would be dereliction of my duty if I did not say something to admonish him.

Everyone!what do you think?
This is too insidious."

Iwakura shouted.

"Shujō is completely dependent on the opinions of others and has no opinions of his own.
In other words、this is extremely frightening、but are you saying that 'Shujō's abilities are limited to that extent'?"

"That's not true、I'm saying that Shujō is too young..."

"Shut up!
Don't you realize that is disrespectful?
How arrogant of you to dare question Shujō's abilities!
Yamauchi Toyoshige has behaved extremely disrespectfully towards Shujō in front of a full audience.
You should apologize to Shujō immediately、or you have no right to be here!"

After this、Yodo was just silent.

※☟Original text as of 7:36am, 22/12/2018(japan time). 2024070408:30(japan time).

Just after the Restoration、the first lords and aristocrats meeting was held.
But there was not name of Yoshinobu and high-ranking aristocrats there.

"Why Yoshinobu is not here?
This is very strange.
Until now Tokugawa had been guarding the security of Japan.
And Yoshinobu returned Japan's regime to the Emperor with peaceful.
So this Restoration was possible.
Yoshinobu is best achievement person for this Restoration.
However we exclude him from the new government.
This is disingenuous."
Yodo of Tosa insisted so.

"Emperor is still young.
And in my findings、there are many ambitious persons around him.
He therefore is dependent on them opinion.
This is a conspiracy."
Yodo also said so.
Iwakura shouted.
"Emperor is dependent on someone opinion.
Fearfully、you are saying so.
Fearfully、ability of Emperor is that extent.
Therefore are you saying so?

You have doubts about the ability of Emperor.
This is very disrespect for Emperor.
Don't you have a feeling of reverence for Emperor?
You should apologize to Emperor."
Iwakura also said so.

Yodo did silent.

◆Emperor Meiji
Emperor of Japan
Reign 30 January 1867 – 30 July 1912

Born Mutsuhito, Prince Sachi
3 November 1852
Kyoto Gyoen National Garden, Kyoto, Yamashiro Province, Tokugawa shogunate from wiki.

詳細は「王政復古 (日本)」を参照


 公家 大原重徳、万里小路博房、長谷信篤、岩倉具視、橋本実梁
 尾張藩士 丹羽淳太郎、田中不二麿
 越前(福井)藩士 中根雪江、酒井十之丞
 芸州(広島)藩士 辻将曹、桜井与四郎、久保田平司(秀雄)
 土佐藩士 後藤象二郎、神山左多衛
 薩摩藩士 岩下方平、西郷隆盛、大久保利通












一方、新政府側でも19日大久保と寺島宗則が、新政権の諸外国への承認獲得と外交の継続宣言をすべく、アーネスト・サトウ(英国公使館付通訳)やモンブラン伯爵(フランス貴族)と協議し、新政権から諸外国への通達詔書を作成する。しかし春嶽や容堂らは、その文面に「列藩会議を興して国事を議する」とあることを逆手に取り、小御所会議は所詮数藩の代表のみであり列藩会議とは言えないとして、改めて議論を行うべきと主張し、諸侯会議派がますます勢いを得た。from 小御所会議wiki.

Saturday, 19 January 2013


"Tokugawa clan had been maintaining the security of Japan is a fact.
I think it is enough for atone of the currently sins.☜ I believe it is enough for atone of the currently sins. 2024071209:40(japan time)
We should be allow participate of Yoshinobu into this conference."
There was such lords opinion besides Yodo.
"Apparent does not matter.
Whether the Tokugawa has true remorse?
This is matter. 

We should confiscate the territory of the Tokugawa. ☜ Yoshinobu should immediately return to the Imperial Court all Japanese territories currently being unjustly occupied by the Tokugawa. Furthermore、from the perspective of running the nation、this is something that must be done first and foremost. 2024071209:53(japan time).
If Tokugawa accept this、their remorse is the truth.
We must think so.
This is the minimum requirement for participate of Yoshinobu in."
Okubo said so.
Of course Satsuma wanted a war.

This requirement was send to Yoshinobu of Osaka.☜ this requirement was send to Yoshinobu in Nijo Castle. 2024071209:48(japan time)

"I understand it.”
Yoshinobu said so.
"This become war."
And he understood it.

"We should fight against Satsuma and Choshu."
This opinion inside the Tokugawa、at this time it had been on the verge of explosion.
"I do not want to fight against the Emperor."
However Yoshinobu said so with crying to his vassal.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️