stake everything

Sunday, 30 September 2012


Choshu's power was completely excluded from the politics of Kyoto.
(In short、they were the bosses of the conspiracy.)
And the destruction of the coup d'etat regime in Tosa mainland.
(In short、they were assassination bosses.)
※Of course、in the times、it was a class system、and their takeover of the Tosa government was also "as the back".

In this way、public order in Kyoto was finally restored.
It was not.

They secretly returned to Kyoto one after another.
And naturally they were impatient to try to recover their lost ground.

"Set fire all over Kyoto.
At the same time we will kill those responsible for defending Kyoto. (Example: Matsudaira Katamori、lord of the Aizu clan)
And we take advantage of its chaos and save the emperor from the hands of the villains."
Such a plan was secretly advanced.

"Throwing all into this task"
Many key figures in their group were involved in this coup plot.
However、the Shinsengumi detected this coup plan in advance、attacked their meeting place、and after a fierce sword fight、many of them died or were captured.

※This raid turned out to be a surprise attack、but the number of Shinsengumi who initially stormed the meeting place was much smaller than they were.
Is the ratio about 1:4?(5-20)

At this time、the Shinsengumi's main force was heading to another location to search.
(They learned that a militant meeting was going to be held that day、but did not know its location.
And at this time、many of the Shinsengumi members must have been unable to sortie due to a disease or something.)

Of course、the people at the meeting、who hadn't expected the attack、were dressed casually (kimono) and the Shinsengumi were heavily armed.
(They were wearing chainmail.)

"At first、I instructed my comrades to cut down the enemy、but after the main force arrived、I switched to arresting them."
After this、Shinsengumi director Kondo Isami said:※

Well、with this, the security of Kyoto has finally been restored.
Yes it was not.

When the Choshu clan learned of this fact、they were furious and immediately dispatched troops to Kyoto.
※Of course、there were many forces within the Choshu Domain who advocated "prudence'' and "self-restraint''.
This dispatch could be called a reckless "outburst."※

They were stationed outside Kyoto and demanded the lifting of the sanctions imposed on them.
However、it was naturally ignored by the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Eventually、they marched towards the Imperial Palace and a battle broke out.
※During this period of "petition"、the Tokugawa forces were able to prepare their defenses.

In this battle、Choshu was devastated by Satsuma and Aizu、the de facto main forces of the Tokugawa side in Kyoto.
And many of their key leaders died in the battle、including by suicide.

※Choshu and Satsuma were originally rivals in Kyoto politics.
Of course、it's because they want to get an important place in Japan's policy making.

"Aizu must absolutely obey the head of the Tokugawa family (shogun) and share their fate.
The Aizu Matsudaira family had such family precepts.
I heard so from my mother."

That's what it said in a book by Tokugawa Yoshitomo san that I recently read.
Yoshitomo san is the great-grandson of Tokugawa Yoshinobu of the last shogun、and his mother is grandson of Matsudaira Katamori.

"Because Katamori is Samurai."

This is my translation、but according to Yoshitomo san's book、this is Yoshinobu's evaluation of Katamori.


※After this、Choshu became "Enemy of the Emperor".
※in japanese Chou-teki 朝敵 "Enemy of the Imperial Court".
(Simply put、because they attack the Imperial Palace and they gave a severe damage to the Kyoto.)

"Now is the time cut off the root of the evil."
After this battle、the Tokugawa shogunate decided to dispatch an expeditionary force to Choshu.


As a matter of fact、immediately after this battle、the combined fleet of Western powers began bombarding the coast of Choshu.
After the bombardment、Marines landed.
The power of the naval gunfire was tremendous and there was little fighting, and they easily occupied the Choshu battery on the coast.

Of course、this was in retaliation for the sudden shelling of their ships by the Choshu battery.
Above all、raids on Westerners were frequent at that time.
No one there denied Choshu's involvement.

※I've seen pictures of Marines posing for a commemorative photo with an "intact" coastal battery in the background.
I might have this picture.
Even if it is not、it is probably on my net(lol).※

※"They destroyed all coastal batteries as they returned to the ship".
I think that was the story (lol). 2023062516:07(japan time).

gerrymander : 1 【政】ゲリマンダー《自党を有利にするための、区の広さや人口を無視した不自然な選挙区の区割り》 2 《自派のための》身勝手な手加減、ごまかし.〈選挙区を〉自党に有利に区割りする、ゲリマンダーをやる ; 身勝手に手加減する、ごまかす.(リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用)



golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️