
Thursday, 18 July 2013


Hattori was the representative mainstream in the Odawara domain(faction of lord).
His action therefore was in line with the Lord's intentions.
This might have been like that.

From Hōtoku-ki.

When Kinjiro was commissioned with the fiscal consolidation of the Hattori family、he said.
"Hattori family has a fiefdom of about 1000 goku.
But at the same time you currently have 1000 ryō debt.
In such a state、it's the same as do not have a fiefdom.

Such an economic situation is somehow forgiven because you are senior statesman of the Odawara clan.
But even if you want continue indefinitely this situation、it's impossible.
You should planning its countermeasure as soon as possible."


After this、Kinjiro did calculated the financial balance and determined the annual cost.

"Your annual budget must fit in this range.
If doing so、you will be able to pay off your debt at five years."
Kinjiro made such a claim to Hattori.

"The Hattori family's debt from yours will definitely be repaid at five years.
So please wait for a while."
In addition、he negotiated with the debt lenders.

Five years later、as Kinjiro declared、 he achieved a debt repayment of 1000 ryō.
There was also surplus money of 300 ryō. 

However、it seems that was not so easy in practice.
With Tadazane's inauguration to the shogunate key positions、Hattori also had to go to the Edo city.
As a result、his spending increased.

※Although I thought now、did he become a shogunate chief retainer at first place(lol)? 

Kinjiro was commissioned to fiscal consolidation in 1818. 
And the year that Hattori family was able to paid off debt actually.
It was in 1849.

※Needless to say、the important thing is they have paid off their fair debts fairly.

Friday, 19 July 2013

five years

Kinjiro started working at the Hattori family in 1812.
1812 + 5 = 1817

kinjiro was commissioned fiscal consolidation.
This year is one year before that.

For example.

"First make his ability known to people、it is essential for his appointment.
This Tadazane's idea、this may be ​​Hattori's idea at first.

Of course Hattori family was samurai class、they themselves had many vassals too ("vassals" were samurai class).

"Entrust the master's house finances to newcomer farmer."
At first、the Hattori family's vassals may have had a strong rejection of this.

I will write it simply、there was also a class difference within the samurai class depending on who their master was.

Therefore this five year、Kinjiro might have worked to the Hattori family's fiscal consolidation in the status of servant.
And perhaps he got good results to it.

Debt of the Hattori house in 1818 was 246 ryō.
This is not a surplus of 300 ryō of course.
But just maybe、Kinjiro's efforts may have reduced their debt to this amount.

Incidentally、Ōkubo Tadazane has served in the important positions of the major territories in the Tokugawa Shogunate even until now (for example).

Burden on their financial、it might was large originally.

And at last he was to be appointed to key positions in the central administration.
Further financial burden was expected.

Hattori caught this opportunity.
Based on ever results of Kinjiro、Hattori appointed him to official financial adviser of the Hattori family.

This was also intended to pave the way for Kinjiro's participation to politics(Odawara clan's).
This might this.

Well、according to a recent study.

In 1815、Kinjiro was back his home with quit his job and he married in 1817.

Even from Hōtoku-ki.

Before working in Hattori home、Kinjiro said to his wife.

"Five years、please waiting for me."





The biggest problem is not the Neo-Confucianism、it is my existence.

西表島 and Where is the trace of the fall of shots? Of course、I will not say that there was no battle here.

Heart to Heart 

Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future.






sh-ark m(__)m。元、つまり、現、ジョン・シュワルツさんとアン・シャークさんはご兄妹、アン・シャークさんとジョエル・シャーク(エドワード・ウィッテン)さんはご夫婦、皆さんの共同研究の成果の一つが超弦理論。




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to put it simply.



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Taboo said、"There is a taboo that should not be mentioned in Japanese history. I have read the text of Ogai san who mentioned that way.


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"超時空要塞マクロス 1982 第12話"

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from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️