My usual means.

Saturday, 29 September 2012


※I thought that the topic of Satsuma in Sekigahara would continue from the way it ended last time、but it didn't (lol). 2023061813:28(japantime).

To give a brief overview、around the same time、the influence of Choshu clan and Tosa clan in the political circles of Kyoto was steadily increasing.

"Banish Westerners from Japan!"
And in a nutshell about this too、"Choshu" and "Tosa" here refer to such thought groups (during this period、they were in control of the clan's policies、but the entire clan was not such an ideological group - then tragedy also happens because of it).

In the case of the Tosa clan、there was probably an aspect of class struggle、but the prime minister of the pro-Tokugawa shogunate-like Tosa clan government was assassinated by goshi、and a group of radical assertions took control of the clan administration.

※"The word sense of Kinno was the same feeling as arsonists and murderers."
I should probably say that this "goshi" is "some extremists among the goshi"、my literal translation of "goshi" is "samurai of village"※

Radical assertions naturally invite radical actions、and they go to Kyoto one after another、and cause many conspiracies and assassinations in Kyoto.


"Expel Westerners from Japan immediately by force!"

They persistently demanded that from the Tokugawa Shogunate (the assassination of the opposition would have been a silent demonstration from their point of view) but、those who directly negotiated with the Tokugawa Shogunate were the Kyoto nobility under their influence.

They were all behind the scenes because none of them were in a position to formally negotiate with the Tokugawa government.
(This is due to class differences.)

"Determine the start date of the armed attack on the Western countries coming to Japan!"

Yes、they tried to make this official policy as a nation.
And this demand against the backdrop of "the will of the emperor"、"the authority of the emperor" and "violence" was finally approved by the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Even if Western nations who knew this fact began to doubt the significance of the Tokugawa Shogunate's existence、it would be natural (the Tokugawa shogunate has already signed treaties of friendship with several Western countries).

※In Japan(?) there is the word "an insane person with sword".
For example、I feel that the "Japanese student movement" also includes the implication of "a simulation of when an amateur gains power in some way."


On the day of the attack、the West probably did not yet know this fact.
When they went to Yokohama by ship (from Nagasaki、for example)、they had to pass through a very narrow strait in front of the Choshu clan (near present-day Shimonoseki、probably a safer route).

Choshu began bombarding them from land batteries、and of course unsuspecting Western ships took damage one after another.

※Warships may have been included、but I think most (or maybe all) of them were general merchant ships (I don't think there were any sunken ships among the damaged ships). 2023061814:49(japantime).

※Among the clans that claimed to attack、Choshu was the only clan that was geographically capable of attacking Western ships at this time.
And no matter how we look at it、this is an example of "Japan's usual means" of "preemptive strike without declaration of war".

"We just have to pay them compensation."
"We just apologize to them."
I don't know how the Tokugawa Shogunate was thinking at this time.※

Assassinations are rampant in Kyoto.
The anti-Tokugawa conspiracy escalates.
A flurry of condemnation from Western countries.
I cannot deny the view that it was "the result of our own actions"、but considering this reality、the Tokugawa Shogunate would not have been able to sit back and watch the situation any longer.

I just need to look it up、but the timeline of the situation around here is ambiguous now (lol). 2023061815:10(japan time).


One day、out of the blue、Aizu and Satsuma soldiers were stationed around the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
At the same time、Choshu clan retainers were prohibited from visiting the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
A political upheaval has begun.

The Choshu clan strongly protested against this situation、but it was completely useless.
Above all、the emperor detested "their deeds."
※Aristocrats who were close to the emperor were also assassinated by them as "the bandits surrounding the emperor".※

Choshu and Tosa were banished from Kyoto along with the nobles who were under their influence.

The effects of this coup were immediate in Tosa.
Their group members were arrested and executed one after another.

He is one of the main characters of Tosa Ronin (Goshi)、and his name is Sakamoto Ryoma.
He left a big mark on the Meiji Restoration、but was assassinated just before its establishment.
This photo was taken just before his assassination.
He is a "comrade" of some extremists among the "Goshi".
By the way、the name of Tosa chief retainer who was assassinated was Yoshida Toyo.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️