
Sunday, 5 May 2013


At that time、there were about 300 lords in Japan.
Status of lords、it was determined by the yield of rice of their's territory.

When lords stay in the Edo city、they had attendances at the Chiyoda Castle as obligation.
Their’s work room at the castle、and their's seating arrangement at room、it had been decided strictly by their's status.
(Japanese Seiza正座、they did not use the chair.)


Increase of rice yields、it meant an increase in their status.
However、they had been obligated of public works depending on their's status.
And they had been obligated of decorated formality depending on their's status.
Therefore、if their status improved、their cost would also increase significantly.

So they usually didn't inform the Tokugawa Shogunate of their tax revenue growth.
This was tax evasion in a sense.

This also might have the same structure as the relationship of farmers and lords.
However、Tokugawa basically did not pursue this.

"Because many lords are doing this.
And If change the seating order may lead to change of public order naturally." 
The feudal era was the time to look away from something to avoid trouble.

"In everything、precedent is important."
Them in the feudal era most hated the change of situation.

"Tokugawa does not change the status of them.
However、they are obliged to undertake additional public works at their own will."
Tokugawa was determined like this on this matter.

Having said that、the standard of duty was to the public status height to the last.
And basically their clear figures have been blurred、a new obligation has been added to it.
As a result、their duties were generally less than before as a proportion of economic strength.
Surplus was born there.

However、at the moment、this surplus had nothing to do with Soma clan.

Monday, 6 May 2013

great famine

Reign of the Tokugawa Shogunate was about 260 years.

There was three times great famine during this time.
Once in the first half of the 18th century.
This occurred mainly in western Japan. 

And maximum famine.
Second half of the 18th century、it occurred mainly in eastern Japan.

Large volcanic eruptions.
Cold weather damage.
Water damage.
This unusual weather was continued several years. 
※I'm not sure now、but I think that there was a episode that the volcanic eruption in Japan caused an Irish famine. 

Rice farming in East Japan was almost wiped out.
Therefore tax revenue reached zero.
Above all、their food was lost.

Starvation became commonplace landscape.
(Japan's population fell nearly 1 million at that time.)
Of course、Soma clan was no exception.


Escape of farmers by the hardships of life. 
Significant decrease in tax revenues by it. 
Increased borrowing by it. 
Negative effects of land surveying had already appeared to Soma. 
※I don't know now how much the population decreased. 

Great famine struck them at this time.
Starvation in Soma also became commonplace landscape.
They tried to rescue desperately the people under their's dominion.
However、there was no food.
East was the same situation everywhere.
They bought food to feed the territory with a large amount of debt.
And they survived this time somehow. 
※It is rude expression of course.

However、many difficulties were left to them.

Decline in population.
Devastation of farmland.
Their tax revenue fell to third.

※Maybe it means one-third. 20220330.

And heavy debt.
Finally they lost even the ability to pay interest of debt.

At this time、they submitted petition to the Tokugawa Shogunate.

"Please drop our status to 10,000 goku."












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golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️