sh-ark m(__)m。元、つまり、現、ジョン・シュワルツさんとアン・シャークさんはご兄妹、アン・シャークさんとジョエル・シャーク(エドワード・ウィッテン)さんはご夫婦、皆さんの共同研究の成果の一つが超弦理論。で、WWⅠ、ロンドンは空襲されたんですね。

Monday, 22 July 2013


"The clan will raise an additional 2000 ryō."

Kinjiro predicted like that、but he may have tried to lead this plan himself.
As stated in the letter to Hattori、Kinjiro's political proposal had already begun to be adopted by the clan.

A land tax that is paid for in a quantity of rice、it was weighed by a wooden container called "masu". (枡)
But at that time its size was not a constant(apparently there were 18 kinds).

0,37 koku per 1 koku.
(As tax to their lord.)
0,03 koku per 1 koku. 
(As finance resources of local government office) 
This was the content amount of annual tribute.

And there was another.

0,01~0,03 koku per 1 koku. 
It had been additional collection as the cost of the on-site officers.

"Masu" which used for weighing、probably it would have been determined by them.
※In some cases、maybe by the kind of "tax".

Kinjiro did unified its standard.
Rice of 5000 bales become to be reduced to farmers by it at whole of the Odawara clan.

※Naturally、at least he would have been hated by those who lost their merits.


This is rice of 2000 goku.
"I achieved a tax cut of 2000 goku for farmers.
Along with this、a special tax of 1000 ryō will be levied on farmers.
I think this is the acceptable range."
Kinjiro was 34 years old at that time.
And it was his second year in charge of the Hattori family's finances.
He would have been an idealist and he might have been a little pushy.

Tax cut of 2000 goku.
Peoples who were deprived of their vested interests of 2000 goku by Kinjiro. 
In short、they were exist.
And kinjiro had a word to say further about politics of the clan.


In 1821 of following year、he was ordered to survey the Utsu family territory of the clan branch.

And in 1822、he was ordered to territory development of the Utsu family.
These two are more than 100 kilometers away across the Edo.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

starting point

According to Hōtoku-ki.
"I want Kinjiro to participate in the politics of the Odawara domain."
Tadazane of Odawara lord talked so to vassals.
At result、he received a tremendous opposition from them.

This may not be the episode before Kinjiro joined the clan's politics、it may have been the result of Kinjiro's participation.

And as a result of compromise of various intentions、Kinjiro may have been appointed as the territorial developer of the Utsu family.

※I wrote so (and I mentioned a little bit about that before)、of course improving the condition of the land directly leads to an increase in tax revenue、but wasn't it the request as a fiscal consolidation officer at the beginning?

However、Tadazane continued to cooperate with the project of Kinjiro.
"His administration will benefit people."
He probably believed so.

In the 15 year period from 1822 to 1836、funds of 18,900 ryō was put into this project.

Fief of the Utsu family was nominal 4000 goku、but real harvest of their territory was from 1000 goku as of 1822.

"This land is a 2000 goku at best、4000 goku is unrealistic. 
Therefore we should aim for harvest 2000 goku.
And of course public administration should decide the annual tribute rate based on it."
Kinjiro argued so and it was approved by Tadazane.
Ten years after、Kinjiro had achieved it.

The 1830s、Just from that time famine began in the East Japan
This famine was continued for several years、as a result、tens of thousands of people died.
(This is said to be one of the three major famine of the Tokugawa period.)

Peoples under the Utsu family dominion were able to spend without much trouble during this period.
Of course、famine was not what was expected in advance.
※There might have been some signs just before.

But without Kinjiro's reforms、their situation would have been completely different.

”Can respond to any situation.”
This was a reform that Kinjiro aimed.


By the way、when Kinjiro took office as the Utsu family's official officer、he became samurai class.
Of course his status was low、at that time his salary was about 20 bales (it seems special allowance included it).

After all、Kinjiro was kicked out of the center of politics of the Odawara clan. 
But Kinjiro became go out to the outside world from Odawara by it and he became a historical figure.
This was its starting point.

本日のプロパガンダ 【スターリン憲法】スターリンを起草委員長として1936年に制定されたソ連憲法の通称。世界で最も民主的と称したが、守られなかった。(広辞苑より)



QUEST 3 マリオンの壁 / QUEST 4 ハバククの聖夜 / 我輩は猫である

Par is ♡。

オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul. 






異色短編集 1 ミノタウロスの皿 と speed corrected w added sound



"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第61話 曹丕に罪を問う【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第62話 衣を脱ぎ馬超と戦う【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第15話 轅門に戟を射る【日本語吹替版】"



"Sep 26, 1917 - A Trip Through The Streets of London (speed corrected w added sound・後ろで鳴ってる曲なんですかね?)"

"Extremely rare, spectacular film about London during WW-II in color [A.I. enhanced & colorized]"




"その時歴史が動いた 軍服を脱いだジャーナリスト ~水野広徳が残したメッセージ~"

"その時歴史が動いた 6000人の命を救った外交官 ~杉原千畝 ビザ大量発給決断の時~"

"〔NHKスペシャル〕神の数式 完全版 第4回 異次元宇宙は存在するか"



これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、当時上野近辺に住んでいた、お父さんの知り合いの仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなくて、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.



サイコロ韓国 and 北朝鮮の著名な方々。





夏野菜 and そういえば、大泉さんが造られた藤村さんにそっくり?な古代蜀の国のお面?がありますね。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensions








golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️