I wrote it myself、but probably my character is similar to Sakamoto Ryouma san (By the way、my mother's ancestor is Sakamoto from Shikoku).

Thursday, 27 December 2012


"An organization that professionally supports foreign trade and shipping that each clan wants to carry out."
This is the rough meaning of the name Kaientai and the nature of its business.

However、as an open secret、the name Kaientai included the meaning of a private navy (strongly influenced by the Tosa clan) that supported anti-shogunate forces from the sea during anti-shogunate battles.

This organization was originally a shipping trading company called Kameyama Shachu (a general trading company that also engaged in publishing、albeit on a small scale)、which was formed in Nagasaki under the protection and financial support of the Satsuma clan.

"Goto、rather than me participating in the anti-shogunate movement as the leader of a group of hundreds of isolated ronin、it would be much better for me to reflect my opinions in the policies of the Tosa clan and to freely control the Tosa clan with my opinions. "

And the rapid approach between Sakamoto and Goto in the midst of major changes in the world、as a result、the Kameyamashachu was developed and reorganized as the Kaientai、which had a strong implication of a combat organization as an organizational project (at this point、a large amount of capital from the Tosa clan began to be injected into this organization).

※Come to think of it、I'm relying on memory、when Sakamoto was the captain of the Kaientai、the Tosa clan did not say anything too coercive against the Kaientai、but immediately after Sakamoto's death、the Tosa clan may have blatantly plotted to requisition the Kaientai、such as by dispatching their leader from the Tosa clan. 2024052414:56(japan time).

At the same time、Rikuentai was established with Nakaoka as its leader and under the strong influence of the Tosa clan.

'Those who aspire to overseas trade.'
These were the conditions for joining the Kaientai.

'Those who aim for domestic trade (in a form linked to overseas trade by the Kaientai).'
These were the conditions for joining the Rikuentai.

However、due to the personality of its leader、Nakaoka、this organization had a clear identity as an anti-Tokugawa extremist group and a private anti-shogunate group from its inception (as a result of Nakaoka and other's many years of efforts、the Tokugawa shogunate was already in a situation where it was unable to do anything with the Rikuentai.)

And naturally、this led to the Tokugawa shogunate's security organization thinking that 'the Kaientai were just as bad as them'.


"Even though we had cornered the Tokugawa shogunate to this extent、does Goto intend to revive the Tokugawa shogunate again?
We must firmly denounce his careless behavior.
Depending on the situation、I'll even have to stab each other with Goto to stop his actions."

Nakaoka said this in the early days when the Tosa clan decided to make the policy of restoring the imperial government the official policy of the clan.

As you can see from the photo of Nakaoka's smiling face、he seems to have been a strict but warm person (and he was a man of belief).

"First、what is Sakamoto doing?
I don't think that would ever happen since it's about him、but could it be that his relationship with Goto created a strong connection with the higher ups of the Tosa clan、and his eyes were blinded by greed?"

The misunderstanding at this time actually led to communication between Sakamoto and Nakaoka through frequent face-to-face meetings.

※I don't know right now whether Nakaoka's remarks about Goto are my fiction(lol). 2024051915:06(japan time).

Friday, 28 December 2012


There were certainly signs of that happening.

There was a man named 'Ito Kashitaro' who was a major leader of the Shinsengumi.
However、he said、'although we are no different from Kondo-kun and others in our deep respect for the Tencho、I think a slight difference has arisen between us in the way we express that respect'. 'I don't think it's good for the Shinsengumi or for all of us to keep such a person in the organization,' he said、leaving the Shinsengumi with his comrades.

'The Shinsengumi has grown tremendously as an organization.
It is of course wonderful that this gigantic organization works as one halberd in all directions for the sake of the Tencho、but considering the current state of society、which is in extreme turmoil、shouldn't the Shinsengumi now have a shield organization like ours as a secret extra-group?
I believe that our ambitions will only become reality if we put the right people in the right places.'

Then he and his comrades、who had both left the Shinsengumi、 established a new ronin organization called the 'Goryō Eishi'.
※'Goryō Eishi' roughly means 'Imperial Palace Guard'.

"We have finally entered a world where some people defect from the Shinsengumi to the Satsuma clan in broad daylight."
And the people of Kyoto whispered to each other like this.

※He joined the Shinsengumi after the Ikedaya incident (during the Shinsengumi's first major expansion period after the incident was resolved、Kondo personally recruited promising candidates to join the Shinsengumi in Edo).

”Withdrawal from the Shinsengumi never forgive.”
The Shinsengumi had such an absolute discipline (permission was granted in unavoidable circumstances).

However、multiple Shinsengumi executives were participating in Goryō Eishi.
There may have never been an event that so blatantly showed the people of Kyoto the changing times.  
(However、one of them、Saito Hajime、was a spy for the Shinsengumi.)

※There is no clear evidence that he was a spy、but after the Shinsengumi assassinated Ito and destroyed Goryō Eishi、he returned to the Shinsengumi as if nothing had happened. 2024052022:32(japan time).


Among Goryō Eishi was a former Shinsengumi executive named Todo Heisuke.
Ito and him visited Sakamoto's boarding house.

※I think all three of them were disciples of the Hokushin Itto-ryu、a famous swordsmanship school in Edo City.
I believe that Ito was Todo's senior in Hokushin Ittō-ryū、but I think that Sakamoto was at a different time and in a different dojo.※

"Currently、the Shinsengumi is desperately trying to take your life.
It's very dangerous to be in such an unprotected area.
Isn't that right there?You should move to the Tosa clan residence in Kyoto as soon as possible、where security is tight."
Ito gave this advice to Sakamoto.

"There is no one to replace you.
Please be extremely careful against assassins."
Sakamoto even received a letter from Katsura with such advice.
(His name was "Kido Jyunichiro" at this time.) 

But Sakamoto ignored all of them.
He made this unguarded townhouse his lodging until his assassination.

※"Without a doubt、Sakamoto uses the 5th、15th、and 25th as days to meet other people at his boarding house.
There is a high possibility that he will definitely be at the boarding house on this day." 2024052022:59(japan time).

Saturday, 29 December 2012


There was a large earthen storehouse (although merchant houses above a certain level always have one or more) behind the soy sauce shop Ōmiya in Kyoto where Sakamoto was boarding、and Sakamoto always made sure to spend time there after sunset to protect himself from attackers (a secret escape route was also provided).

However、the season was early December according to the solar calendar、and Sakamoto caught a cold.
His cold symptoms are quite severe、he accepted the advice of the owner of the house、who said "It gets too cold at night in the earthen storehouse、and it makes your cold worse," so he decided to spend the night on the second floor of the main building.

※Although I have never experienced it、Kyoto is said to be extremely hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter due to its location. 2024052115:33(japan time).


"Sakamoto、are you feeling okay? I wish you could have canceled your meeting with me today."

"No、I had a bad cold until yesterday、but I feel much better today.
I've finished all of my meeting plans for today、so I can talk to you slowly tonight."

"I see、my younger brother sent me Kochi's local sake by steamboat.
I brought it here with the intention of drinking with you."

On the night of November 15th according to the Japanese lunar calendar、Nakaoka and his companion visited Sakamoto.

"Well then、Ōe-kun、I'm sorry、but please deliver this draft to Tani-kun at the Tosa clan residence and discuss the details with them. 
I want you all to put this together into a final plan as soon as possible."
Nakaoka said this to Oe Taku、a member of the Rikuentai who was accompanying him.

"Oh、wait a minute."
Sakamoto interjected.

"Nakaoka、we both have time to drink from now on.
If that's the case、even if you say it's in a hurry、they still have time to eat、right?

Minekichi、taking care of me these past few days has caused you a lot of trouble.
Oe-kun、you are also from Tosa、so you like gamecock hotpot、right?
From now on、you guys should go to Torishin and have some gamecock hotpot and on the way home、please buy some gamecock hot pot for us.
There's no need to rush、I'll get tired and hungry if I drink slowly with Nakaoka(lol)、so an hour later is perfect."

After saying that、Sakamoto handed the money to his servant Minekichi (who also served as his bodyguard).


"We are the goshi of Totsukawa-go.
We would like to meet Sakamoto uji by all means."
A little later、a visitor to Sakamoto visited Omiya.

"Did you have any plans to meet with Sakamoto today?"
Fujikichi (former sumo wrestler)、one of Sakamoto's bodyguards、asked them.

"No、but we just heard about Sakamoto uji、whom we have admired for a long time、from our friend Shimosaka san、so we couldn't wait to be there、and without worrying about the inconvenience、we came to visit him."

"Oh、are you guys friends of Shimosaka san?
Okay、I'll ask Sakamoto if he can meet with you guys. 
May I keep your name cards?"

Fujikichi put his hand on the railing of the stairs.

"Is Sakamoto sensei on the second floor?"


※If Omi-ya/近江屋 was a big store、where did the family and other (store) employees go?2024052117:19(japan time).

※I'm relying on memory、but according to the legend of the Sakamoto family's ancestors、they were probably originally from Omi/近江 (vassals of Akechi Mitsuhide). 2024052117:22(japan time).


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️