Par is ♡。

Monday, 8 July 2013

by the way

Rapeseed、Kinjiro got it from acquaintance in his village.

Rapeseed 1,8 liter to Oil 0,36 liter.(5:1)
It seems he had been such a contract with merchant.

And he picked up the rice seeds that had fallen to the ground.
At that time、there was a place where the flow of the canal in the village has changed by the flood.
Land that is no longer needed has occurred by it.
Kinjiro planted the seedlings of rice there on holiday.
(according to Hōtoku-ki)

※It is likely that the translation is not accurate.
Of course it's a matter of my ability(lol).※

The land seems to have been tax-exempt land.
As a result、he harvested about 1 pyō of rice.

1 pyō(俵) is 1 bale.

By the way、1 pyō’s volume was not constant at that time.
Kinjiro's harvest is probably around 70kg.
And maybe、he sold it to the rice merchant.
(About ten years later、Kinjiro became negotiating person with the rice merchant as a representative of his village.) 

※I checked on the net now、1 pyō is 60 kg.
It is equivalent to the annual consumption of rice per capita in Japan (of course it is current case).※

Although his farming was limited as a situation、he gradually increased his yield.
At the same time、he had worked in flood control work of Odawara clan (of course、as a laborer).

And although the times almost the same、at the age of 18、he left his relatives' house.
He began working at his village headman's home.

Around this time、his grandfather died in his mother's home.
Her family's life seems to had became poverty by it.
(Of course his younger brothers are also included.)


By the way、paddy that they sold (it might have been mortgaged property).
Sure enough、it may have been a wasteland.
Three years later、he returned to his home (1806).
He regained their paddy field at that time.

※If its rice field became a wasteland after mortgage setting、the lender of money may have been painful as well.(legitimate).

Evaluation (by administrative government office?) of their's paddy fields at that time、it was "the lowest".(called "Gegeden"・下下田)

About 9 ares.(900m²)
He bought it back for 3 ryō.

I do not know the price of 1 ryō at that time.
About ¥150,000 roughly? 👈 What is this amount based on(lol)?

Anyway、the monetary economy was already very important even in rural areas.
This would be true.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


One of the problems when Kinjiro worked on the financial reconstruction of the Utsu family.

"Farmers to give up paddy cultivation、but they never abandon dry field farming."

The mainstream of taxes at that time was the annual tribute of rice.
Tax to the harvest of dry field at that time、it was taxes in cash and (probably) it was secondary presence.

※Simply think、is it from the problem of preservation?

Crops of the field、farmers were sold it on the neighboring markets.
And part of its sales proceeds、they were paid it as tax to their lord.


"10,000 ryō for rice of 24,000 koku."
Rice purchase price of Sendai clan from people of a fief in 1819、it was this (apart from the formal annual tribute).
Of course、this is the situation of the territory of the Sendai clan only.
It cannot be applied directly to other regions.

But Kinjiro were also negotiations with the rice merchant on behalf of his village.

"Convert rice into cash.
In short、obtaining cash."

It is estimated that it was very important for farmers.
Rural self-sufficiency was already impossible.

Sales of rice by the farmers themselves、but brokerage exists there absolutely.
Farmers were not able to sell the rice at the market price.
※Naturally、merchants live in business.
Also there would be faithfulness among merchants.

But sales of field crops at the market、brokerage does not exist there.
(Use fee of place maybe existed.)
Farmers were able to sell it at the market price.
Real income of farmers by field crops.
Even in the same annual tribute rate、field crops profit margin might was better than rice's it for farmers. 

Farmers of territory of Utsu family at around 1820、there was a debt of 1,000 ryō to them (at 150 family).
Of course、it also cannot be applied directly to other regions.
However、if I apply the data of Sendai clan (both times are the same). 
It is the price of rice 2,400 koku.

Population of territory of Utsu family in 1822、it was 156 family 749 people.
※Probably there are serious problems such as high infant mortality rate、but there is no impression of a large family here.

And real annual income of territory of Utsu family、it was 1005 bales 127 ryō.

1005 bales.
It is about 400 koku at the outside.
Actual harvest is 800 koku at annual tribute rate of 50%.



Probably main of 127 ryō is tax of harvest of field crops.
I do not know its tax rate.

Anyway、1500 koku degree at most.
There was a debt of about 1,6 times of their's total annual harvest.






1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony' 

【驚異の高画質でよみがえる!】皇太子殿下・美智子妃殿下のご成婚パレード デジタルリマスター版 1959年4月10日 Crown Prince and Princess of Japan




ときたまのりたま2011.1.2-2011.3.10 / 福島旅行記 / 浄土平から蓬莱山まで




"超時空世紀オーガス 22話"

"超時空世紀オーガス 23話"

異色短編集 1 ミノタウロスの皿 と speed corrected w added sound


夏野菜 and そういえば、大泉さんが造られた藤村さんにそっくり?な古代蜀の国のお面?がありますね。

"宇宙 ~未知への大紀行~「第06集 もうひとつの地球を探せ」"

"宇宙 ~未知への大紀行~「第07集 ブラックホール」"

By the way、I was understood it by reading the text of the net、you know? David Bowie san's "Dead Man Walking" and "The Supermen" are the same chord progression.





"NHKスペシャル シリーズ 激動の世界 テロと難民~EU共同体の分断~"


Mission for My Country


本日のプロパガンダ 【スターリン憲法】スターリンを起草委員長として1936年に制定されたソ連憲法の通称。世界で最も民主的と称したが、守られなかった。(広辞苑より)



The name of its detective story is "Han-chichi Torimono Chou 半七捕物帳". I also have a few Sherlock Holmes(you know?・lol). Of course、Japanese (I think that there was also a novel of the original text in an electronic dictionary). And of course it because I like Sherlock Holmes.

コスタリカ and たしか人を書いた後にサッチャーさんのことをお聞きしたような。

Heart to Heart


"劇場版 伝説巨人イデオン 接触篇"



機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN 18 ーララァ編・後ー 


"01 前兆"

"02 接触"

"03 甦る巨神"

"04 圧倒する力"

"05 ソロシップ"

"06 マヤヤ"

"07 カララ"

"08 伝説の英雄"

"09 見えない手"

"10 戦うイデ"

"11 イデの意志"

"12 イデの示し"

"13 子供たち"

"14 イデの発現"

"15 増大するイデ"

"16 逃亡は続く"

"17 セーリング・フライ"


"01 イントロダクション"

"02 愛の哀しさ"

"03 救出"

"04 狂気"

"05 昇天"

"06 加護"

"07 超兵器"

"08 イデの導き"

"09 エレジー"

"10 懐疑"

"11 怨念"

"12 死"

"13 コスモスへ"

"14 飛翔"

"15 カンタータ・オルビス"

"16 海に陽に"


t'aint nobody's business


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️