
Thursday, 18 April 2013

spring was gone

When Imperial prince landed in Hirakata、Ogasawara Shigenosuke had come for escort.

※He is the eldest son of Ogasawara Nagamichi.
After surrender of Chiyoda castle、they had escaped from the Edo city.

Ogasawara Nagamichi was commander in chief of the second Choshu expedition.
He was put the headquarters on Kokura castle of opposite shore of Shimonoseki.

But Kokura received the onslaught of Takasugi's Kiheitai.
Finally、Nagamichi was retreated alone from Kokura without telling his ally.
Then、as a matter of course、Kokura castle fell in the confusion. 
This situation is became a symbol of the Tokugawa's defeat.
(In reality、Tokugawa was defeated already in many places.)

"The Japanese government was defeated to only Choshu (Current Yamaguchi Prefecture)."
This was became the decisive trigger of this revolution. 

"You’re tired、aren't you?
Shigenosuke asked so to Imperial prince.
They are about the same age.
"Thank you for your concern. 
But I'm not tired."
Imperial prince laughed.

"You may have been living in Edo、but I think that Karatsu in Hizen is the territory of the Ogasawara clan (The current northern part of Saga Prefecture).
Come to the land far away、are you have something to worry?"

However、before transferring to Karatsu、my grandfather was a lord of Tanagura.
Many people will help us. 
(Tanagura is 15 km southeast of Shirakawa.) 
I don’t know a lot about my grandfather because he died before I am born.

Ōu people are cordial.
However、when I was a kid、I had been heard like that from old retainers.
I realized、that is true. 
So I don’t have any worry.

Well、we head to Miharu at first."
Shigenosuke said so. 

It's a good sound.

I was in the big city for a long time.
Now is not spring already.
But I being exist now in this fresh green.
My fatigue disappeared by just it.
Of course it may be rude way of thinking."
Imperial prince said.

"Ōu people say.
Here's foliages are amazing.
It is exactly the Pure Land.”
They became smile.


Miharu、they headed .
Just then、Shirakawa Cheats troops had been gathered to that area.
※Literal translation of "Miharu" is "Three Spring".

Friday, 19 April 2013


"It's difficult."
That was the reply from Ernest.
Arms purchase route of Nagaoka、the new government was investigate it.
As result、a Japanese merchant was emerged.
But nobody knew about him.

"This is a pseudonym of foreign merchant." 
It turned out soon、but his nationality was not clear.
He was use several different nationality.
And he had started the arms sales to the allied forces in the east Japan that they were most concerned.
"Ban of arms sales by him." 
New government tried to request about it to foreign countries through the British Ambassador.
They consulted to Ernest.

Battleship Stonewall.
Tokugawa was purchased this battleship from the United States.
But before its delivery、the Restoration was establishment at Japan.
This battleship was the latest ship at the time.
"Battleship which can compete in performance against this battleship at the Far East.
It's just one battleship of the Royal Navy." 
It was said so.

Tokugawa had already overwhelmed the new government with naval power.
The existence of this battleship was too much a threat for New government.
"Government should request a neutrality to other countries. 

At first、the government officially declares war against Tokugawa.
And request the neutral to other countries.
There is a principle of non-interference in internal affairs at international law.
The behavior that is advantageous to one party of the civil war.
It can not as a nation.
The government can prevent the delivery of the battleship to Tokugawa by it."
Earlier、Ernest advised that.

This strategy had been successful、but.

"Now、there is two government in Japan."
By this、such recognition was also made possible.

"The government of Kyoto is the Government of Japan
Britain is aware so.

However、the nation of a different opinion with us、of course it exists
It is naturally.

And we understand the circumstances that lead to now.
However、peoples who don't know it well、of course it exists
It is also naturally.

I do mere commerce with other government in the islands.
Such a thinking is possible.

Above all、the nation do restrain completely against commercial activities of individual、it's impossible.
In particular、against person who nationality is not clear."
"I want please you listen my idea as friend."
He added. 
"American Civil War was terminated.
Therefore including the European continent、a large amount weapons is left over now.
I think the government must get the Stonewall as soon as possible.
Government should take its measures.
Now is such time already."




サイコロ韓国 and 北朝鮮の著名な方々。


It may have been a habitual saying of Ernest san(lol).



japan's war 1931 - 1945


日本全国 絵ハガキの旅 / シェフ大泉 車内でクリスマス・パーティー and ストーキングは死刑。で、ところで、長岡軍のガトリングガンは、その後どうなったのでしょう。

ジャングルリベンジ / 原付東日本


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️