I think that Sato(u) Masayoshi san's book is easy to understand for the economic circumstances of the end of Edo period though it is Japanese.

Friday, 23 November 2012

the same direction

"It is not enough for Kyoto to regain control of the 'Japanese government'.
National finance、in order to finance the coming new government、Tokugawa's financial resources will definitely be needed immediately.
In short、it is taking someone else's property.
Anyone would resist robbery if they had enough power、yes、I don't think the Tokugawa would accept it easily.
After all、there is a high possibility of a war with the Tokugawa.
And what we must never do at this point is retreat.
That would nullify all our efforts over the past ten years、on the contrary、it would only result in giving the greatest power to the worst faction within the Tokugawa.
Therefore、we need to prepare for war.”
Sakamoto said so to Goto.


"Japan absolutely needs to reform its political system to become a constitutional monarchy likethe United Kingdom.
And there is no doubt that the human resources who can make that reform possible exist in Japan as well.
But they do not exist among the lords; they exist in the lower classes、for example、Saigo and Okubo in Satsuma.

Well、I am a representative of the feudal lords of Japan.
I am a representative of the old regime.
If I proceed with self-righteous and rapid reforms、there will definitely be a serious reaction throughout Japan.
That could be fatal for Japan.
I cannot reform by ignoring their existence."
This was Yoshinobu's idea.

These two ideas may be pointing in the same direction.

※This topic comes a little later than this time.
When the situation became clearly unfavorable to the Tokugawa、Tokugawa officials one after another began to strongly urge Yoshinobu to launch a full-scale counterattack against the new government.

"Do we have talents like Saigo and Okubo on our side?"
That was Yoshinobu's response to them.

※Now、while rewriting my previous sentence、I thought to myself、"Lower samurai、who served as intellectual bodyguards for feudal lords、must have been an everyday presence throughout the feudal era (and now・lol)"、but in this case、Saigo and Okubo are not that kind of existence、but absolute existence (lol). 2024022517:35(japan time).


"Goto-san came to explain Tosa's policies."
When Goto visited an executive of the Tokugawa shogunate in Kyoto、he was introduced to a certain person.
It was Kondo Isami、the head of the Shinsengumi.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

became friends

At this time、the Shinsengumi was no longer just an armed auxiliary organization of ronin organized to support the Aizu clan、the guardian of Kyoto.
The leaders of the Shinsengumi had become direct subjects of the Tokugawa Shogunate、meaning they had finally become the samurai of their dreams.
Of course、their success wasn't just due to their luck in jumping on the bandwagon.
Shinsengumi director Kondo Isami and deputy director Hijikata Toshizo were originally farmers、but their abilities were now obvious to everyone.

"Truly talented people exist not within the ruling class、which has been reduced to its very soul through years of precedent-based thinking、but within the lower classes."
They proved it themselves.
However、that fact may have heralded the beginning of a new era.
Yes、the era of samurai will soon end.


Aside from that、(in particular) Kondo not only played the role of commander of the armed police to maintain public order in Kyoto、but also had increasing opportunities to attend various important meetings as a key figure of the Tokugawa shogunate in the Kyoto political world.
This inevitably resulted in his network expanding rapidly、until one day he was introduced to Goto by a Tokugawa executive.

The policy of restoring imperial rule as an official policy of the Tosa clan.
Kondo already knew about it.

"What kind of arrogant behavior would a rural daimyo in Shikoku like the Tosa clan have to demand that the kubo-sama (shogun) give up his right to rule?
Maybe I should threaten Goto a little to make him realize the position he was in."
He might thought so.

Roughly speaking、Kondo at the time was the head of the Shinsengumi murderous group and was the subject of fear among the common people.
Kondo placed his Japanese sword right next to him as he sat seiza、and exchanged greetings with Goto、who was facing him in an overbearing manner.

"I don't like long things like that.
Please move it somewhere where I can't see it."
Goto said to Kondo with a laugh.
"All right."
Kondo also replied with a laugh.
After this、the two became friends.

※During a meeting、it may have been common etiquette to remove the Japanese sword from one's body and place it on the tatami mat as a courtesy to the other person.
However、if the sword was placed on the left side、a specially trained person could instantly pull the sword out of the sheath and slash the opponent、and then put the sword back in the sheath in an instant.
In short、during the meeting with him、the person facing him will continue to be in a state of extreme tension.※

※I think I saw it in a historical drama(lol)、but when a samurai visits someone's mansion、I might often see a scene where he leaves his sword with the servant at the entrance (my memory is vague). 2024022722:32(japan time).


This happened a little later、but when Sakamoto and Nakaoka were assassinated、the Shinsengumi was suspected of being the culprits by the Tosa clan、and Kondo became the target of the Tosa clan's revenge.

Sunday, 25 November 2012


"In the words and actions of the Choshu clan、there is no discernible sign of remorse for having thrown the empire into serious turmoil due to their own ambitions. Not at all. I believe that that Go-kōgi・ご公儀 (In this case、this word refers to the Tokugawa shogunate) should never forgive those who behave in such a disrespectful manner towards the Emperor."
Kondo expressed his own opinion regarding the Choshu issue to Goto.

"My perception on this issue is different from yours.
Regarding the Emperor and the Imperial Court、this is a different matter、but the Choshu clan will never apologize in any sense to the Tokugawa shogunate in the future.
If the Tokugawa shogunate is dissatisfied with this、the Tokugawa should once again attack the Choshu clan and use their strength to force Choshu to bow down.
But I don't think it will ever succeed.

Now、this Choshu problem is currently becoming increasingly complicated and worsening.
The original cause of this was the policy mistake of the Tokugawa shogunate、exemplified by the massive suppression of public opinion caused by arbitrary abuse of power、and everyone now knows this.
This is why public dissatisfaction with the Tokugawa shogunate is currently so high.
The Tokugawa Shogunate should first honestly admit its mistakes to the Imperial Court and the people and apologize.
This is the only way to start solving the problem.

Above all、although this is natural in any era、Japan is currently not in a situation where it is acceptable to cause conflicts within the country.
We must put that reality first."
Goto answered Kondo like that.


At this time、Shinsengumi was truly at its peak.
The executives became direct vassals of the Tokugawa shogunate、and Kondo's actual power had reached a level that surpassed that of a minor daimyo.
However、they were all superficial.
The seeds of collapse were already sprouting all over the Shinsengumi.


One day、Kondo said to Goto:

"I envy you.
If I were a Tosa samurai like you、I would be free to work for the empire without being bound by official position."

Of course he was the head of the Shinsengumi.
And they became an important force supporting the Tokugawa shogunate、whose inferiority was now obvious to everyone.
After this、he was never in the same position as Goto.

"Don't be rude to Goto of the Tosa clan."
He said only it to his subordinates.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️