水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning.

Friday, 26 July 2013

an open secret

Few years has elapsed、during this time、Kinjiro's bosses returned to Odawara one after another.
I do not know this reason (it seems that there are many cases of "resignation due to illness").

Of course、the Odawara clan did not leave it as it was、and dispatched a new officer、but it seems that the transfer of duties had not been successful.

He did not understand well about the development situation of whole territory (and in fact Kinjiro also seems to have been the same).
※Although the target area does not seem to be so wide.

"First、let's understand the current situation of farming village."
They began the status survey in cooperation.

His name ”Yokoyama Shūhei.” 
He may have been the first person in the organization to understand and favor Kinjiro's work.

But he also have been prone to illness、a few years later、he died.

According to the Hōtokuki.

Later、when Kinjiro was talking about Yokoyama、he was always in tears.
(Tomita of author also might have heard about Yokoyama from Kinjiro.)
By the way、this change of superiors and the dispatch of a person favorable to Kinjiro.
Intention of Tadazane of the Odawara lord might have existed ther.
And just maybe at the urging from Kinjiro、this change might was carry out.

Well、as a result of their investigation、surprising facts have been found.
"Official data of public office about farming village" and "current situation in farming village" (for example、the situation of the fields)、this did not match at all. 
Taxation had been run on the basis of this official data to peoples under the utsu family's dominion. 
"Data is base of the reconstruction plan.
If this is wrong、making the correct reconstruction plan is impossible."

Kinjiro was recreated the new data based on this survey.


"This was found by this examining."
Kinjiro wrote so.

However、he may have knew from before (because he was on the site always).
Or this was an open secret.
"The administration is carried out based on the official data.
And it should be the case.
But its data has been tampered." 
Just maybe、he was looking for a chance for change this justifiably.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


"Farmland has high、medium、and low ranks.
This will be  a measure of the yield of the farmland.

※This is determined by the average yield of its farmland.
Currently I want to write like this (without checking anything・lol).※

And annual tribute rate of its farmland is determined by this rank."
Kinjiro said so.

"However、if we broaden our perspective a little.
This region is suitable for farming.
This region is not suitable for farming.
In practice、it is also exists as a matter of course."

He continued to talk.

"And unfortunately、the Utsu family's territory is ​the least suitable area for arable land.
Crop yields of high rank farmland of this region、it is inferior to crop yields of low rank farmland of high rank region.
But it is not taken into account at all.

High rank farmland of high rank region.
High rank farmland of low rank region. 
(In practice、it is below of low rank farmland of high rank region.)

These two must pay annual tribute of the same amount as the same high rank farmland.
It's no wonder that the farmers in the Utsu family and the Utsu family's finances are on the verge of bankruptcy."

Kinjiro concluded so.

I do not understand a little.

"This is the rate of annual tribute for farmland of this rank (amount of rice)."
The condition of the farmland and the cultivable land area of ​​the farmland.
Based on it、annual tribute rate might have been determined automatically.

But officials (samurai) of the Utsu family absolutely know actual cultivation situation、because it was their's territory.

"Crop yields of our territory is no 4000 koku at all."
They were understand it of course.

"Therefore、in order to be in line with the status quo、we will reduce the annual tribute rate (amount of rice)."
Naturally、they should reach this conclusion.

But it did not.
Probably they were not able to it.

"The Utsu family is the status of 4000 koku." 
It has been defined so when they branch from the Odawara clan.

Yes、era was Feudal era.
Rice yield、it was especially important for the samurai.
Standing position of them in samurai society (in the ruling class)、it had been determined by their territory crop yields.

”We lower the Annual tribute rate.”
This is not only represent a drop in their income、it represent a reduction in the social status of them.

※Also、it might have been a troublesome procedure to officially reduce it. 

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