Tuesday, 10 September 2013
i have heard
And both sides started a fierce battle at Nomonhan.
This battle became a cease-fire by the outbreak of World War II.
But in fact、it was a big defeat of the Japanese army.
More than 70 percent casualty rate.
Why the Japanese army did not collapse in such a situation until the cease-fire?
Reason is simple.
Because soldier of frontline continued to fight without regard to the sacrifice of their own.
(Therefore、it would be the height of this casualty rate.)
The following sentences relying on my memory.
"I have heard that Japanese soldiers are strong.
So they will somehow improve this situation."
Commander of the Japanese army of this battle.
When the Japanese army suffered huge damage by the counterattack of the Soviet army.
When he faced a clear disparity between the two armed forces.
It is said that he said so.
※I affirm that it was not "the commander of the Japanese army" that said it.
The Soviet Union had not intention to expand the battle line from the beginning.
Because Europe was in critical situation.
Of course、this was more important matters to the Soviet Union at that time.
However、relocation of the Soviet Far East Army to Moscow defense.
After this、it is executed.
(As the main force of the counterattack strategy against the German army.)
Therefore、just maybe、this battle had a significant meaning for the Soviet Union.
And from the beginning、the general staff office of Japan had oppose to expand the battle line.
(And、there was no power to stop it.)
Of course、they (※we) were not a pacifist so-called.
"Independence of military commandership from the three powers of the government."
This concept was raised by them in the first place.
Range to their consider were large than Kantō-Gun.
It's no more and no less.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Casualty rate of more than 70%.
However、Japanese army escaped collapse by this sacrifice.
I think there was a significance on this sacrifice.
But after this、the Pacific War.
Its terminal stage.
Tactical(and strategic of course) situation was unfavorable overwhelmingly to the Japanese military.
At that time、annihilation of the Japanese army garrison of the Pacific Ocean was occured after another.
Japanese soldiers who survived to the fierce battle of the islands in the Pacific Ocean (while giving extensive damage to the local people).
There was no replenishment to them.
They isolated at the islands.
To put it in an extreme way、finally they dared assault with unarmed to the U.S. military position.
They were annihilated of course.
Rather、this assault was an assault to annihilate them.
Their's annihilation became the purpose rather than sacrifice of as tactics.
Sentence which became the ideological cornerstone of this assault.
There was such text.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese soldiers should never choose such humiliation."
This was a passage of text that called "Senjin-kun". (戦陣訓)
Literal translation of this term is "the admonition in the battlefield".
"Norms that should be taken by the Japanese Imperial Army soldiers."
January 1941、text like that was announced by the Japanese Army Minister Tojo Hideki.
It was Senjin-kun.
Japan's invasion to China had continued since 1931.
Atrocities of the Japanese army on the battlefield.
It was in a situation where the Japanese army itself could not overlook it.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese soldiers should never choose such humiliation."
And such sentence is present in this text.
This sentence is the most famous passage in this text.
If I read only this、I feel a little strange.
"Do not be the vile behavior as a warrior."
But this sentences is part of this context.
In other words、"Be aware of yourself as a warrior and do not commit atrocities".
"It is not the behavior of the warrior."
This sentence is one part only of this context.
※Of course this context is a bit strange.
By the way、this is "admonition in the battlefield".
"This was just a slogan.
Nobody was read it and nobody was emphasis it.”
(To put it extremely.)
This is also said to be so.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese soldiers should never choose such humiliation."
Therefore、this sentence also have not been important.
Also this is said to be so.
However、Japanese people of frontline of the Pacific Ocean.
"Become a captive of the enemy.
Japanese should never choose such humiliation.""
This thought had a meaning very serious for them.
(not this sentence.)
U.S.military at that time which were facing the Japanese (military).
They will know well.
sh-ark m(__)m。元、つまり、現、ジョン・シュワルツさんとアン・シャークさんはご兄妹、アン・シャークさんとジョエル・シャーク(エドワード・ウィッテン)さんはご夫婦、皆さんの共同研究の成果の一つが超弦理論。で、WWⅠ、ロンドンは空襲されたんですね。
美味しんぼ 94 医食同源対決!!
これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、当時上野近辺に住んでいた、お父さんの知り合いの仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなくて、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.
イマンさんへのプロポーズですね。これは90年代初めにロッキンオンで読んだと思うのですが、"僕はもう高く飛ぶことはないけれど、君といるだけで笑顔でいられるんだ。僕は魔法を信じる。命のエンジェル。"という訳詩(ご本人による、とか・笑)を知ってる前提で、"The Wedding Song"を聴くと、正直、未だに泣きそうになることがあります。
ETV特集 「戦後日本 人民の記憶」 鶴見俊輔さん。
本日のプロパガンダ 【スターリン憲法】スターリンを起草委員長として1936年に制定されたソ連憲法の通称。世界で最も民主的と称したが、守られなかった。(広辞苑より)
Heart to Heart
per aspera ad astra.
we are amaterasu kingdom dimensions
gerrymander : 1 【政】ゲリマンダー《自党を有利にするための、区の広さや人口を無視した不自然な選挙区の区割り》 2 《自派のための》身勝手な手加減、ごまかし.〈選挙区を〉自党に有利に区割りする、ゲリマンダーをやる ; 身勝手に手加減する、ごまかす.(リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用)
japan's war 1931 - 1945