
Sunday, 28 July 2013


"Appropriate figures for the annual tribute of this land、that's up to 2000 bales."
Kinjiro confidently made such a conclusion from results of their own survey.

However、the actual annual tribute was set at 4000 bales.
(Around the early 18th century、100 years ago from this era.) 

"This is a 100% annual tribute rate to the harvest."
Probably、farmers feeling would have been so at that time.
Of course they were not able to pay the annual tribute. 

※And they have lived until this time (of course、I have not considered the issue of population decline). 


I suddenly came up with it.

Establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate was early 17th century.
Annual tribute rate for this 100 years、what percentage was it?

If it had the annual tribute of 4000 bales from previous、their situation would have worsened in the early 18th century already.
But it was not so.
※Is it so(lol)?

This land was originally the enclave of the Odawara clan.
Or this was a territory of the other lords.
I don't know it now.

Anyway、this land may not have been originally rated at 4000 bales.
(Its size was surely equivalent with 4000 bales of high rank region.)

"The Odawara clan will establishing branch family at family status of 4000 bales."
Just maybe、this principle was present at the first place. 

"At family status of 4000 bales."
This might have been very important.
Match the reality to their own convenience.

※It ’s not a laughing matter、but if it is an annual tribute of 4000bales、it means that the land is maybe around 10,000 bales(lol). 
If we consider 2.5 bales to be 1koku、it is about 4000goku. 20220704. 


Going back to main subject. 

Nominal amount of annual tribute rice、naturally they soon became unable to collect it.
Farmers run away from their territory、such incidents also began to occur frequently.

Its cause was obvious.

"We should reduce our annual tribute rate to be consistent with the actual situation."
Finally they reached this conclusion.
It would have been good if so、however、it was not so.

For example、"house grounds also convert as the target field for annual tribute."
They tried to ride out this situation by unreasonable tax increases.
Take from a place that can not take、naturally the situation was further worsened.

Monday, 29 July 2013

i want to hold your hand

There are Rock Musician named "Eikichi Yazawa" in Japan.
Elvis Presley san's 20th Anniversary Concert in 1997、its concert was held at Wembley Arena in London、he appeared in this concert as Asia representative. 
"Everyone didn't know me at that time of course."
Later he said so. 
"Yazawa come on!"
Person who sang along with Rod Stewart san and John Bon Jovi san、that's him.
"san"(さん) is a friendly(light) honorific in Japan.

Yazawa san was born in Hiroshima city around the time World War II was over(1949.09.14).
He was shocked by the Beatles on the radio when he was a boy.

"I want to be the Beatles."
Of course there would be many such kids all over the world at that time、but he longed to Beatles.

He was a fan of Paul McCartney san in particular、he played a base guitar and formed a rock band.
※The main vocal was him and Johnny Ookura san of (rhythm?)guitar.

The name of the band was "Carol". 
This band was like Cavern Club era or Hamburg era of the Beatles.
He became a rock star of Japan's first in the wake of this band.

※What did this guy suddenly start talking?
I think so too(lol).※


There is a well-known concert venue called ”Budo(u)kan”. (武道館) 
Literal translation of the Budokan is Hall of martial arts.
Artists who made the first concert here was the Beatles.

Although it's a silly story if it becomes now.

"Hall of the sacred martial arts in Japan、Western people will a concert in its holy place.
We don't allow it absolutely."
Opposition movement such was made.

Of course、the concert took place without any problems.
Enthusiastic fans welcomed them.


コスタリカ and たしか人を書いた後にサッチャーさんのことをお聞きしたような。

what is a human.




America、ame ri re ca、あめ heaven 天 ten 十 じゅう 獣 住 銃 重 じゆう freedom 天再夏 天創夏 heaven re-cannan heaven十 freedom re-canaan

The name of its detective story is "Han-chichi Torimono Chou 半七捕物帳". I also have a few Sherlock Holmes(you know?・lol). Of course、Japanese (I think that there was also a novel of the original text in an electronic dictionary). And of course it because I like Sherlock Holmes.






"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第63話 張松、辱めを受ける【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第64話 張松、地図を献ず【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第16話 呂布、徐州牧となる【日本語吹替版】"



水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning.


from The Five Star Stories Ⅺ / 嵯峨散歩 洛北諸道

from The Five Star Stories XⅢ


"日本を愛したアインシュタイン・その悲劇 ー核兵器廃絶への願いー その時歴史が動いた"








"賽は投げられた ~英雄カエサル・ローマを変えた運命の決断~(第090回その時歴史が動いた)"









golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️