
Friday, 23 August 2013


The Yin dynasty was established about 3,800 years ago.
Therefore、the establishment of the Xia Dynasty is even older than that.

If we write Xia Dynasty in Chinese characters、it is 夏王朝. (夏・Xia・Ka/王朝・dynasty・ouchou・ōchō)

By the way、Chinese characters representing the barbarian is 夷. (i・い・Pronunciation in modern Japan)

On the other hand,、Chinese character that representing civilization.
It is 華(Ka・Pronunciation in modern Japan).

By the way、pronunciation in Japanese of  "i・い・イ". 
This pronunciation is not "I" of course.
Do not lengthen the ending of the "E"、probably it is approximation. 

Vowel of Japanese by alphabet.(a、i、u、e、o)
These may be closer to phonetic transcription of the English than the pronunciation as alphabet.

※I do not understand well now.
Please check for yourself if you are interested(lol).※

※I write confusing things、for example、"Yin" and "Xia" are modern Chinese pronunciations.
And、for example、at least in modern Japan、"夷" is also read as "ebisu"、and "華" is also read as "hana".
Please check for yourself if you are interested(lol). 2022120507:41 (japan time).


Although there are several ways of pronunciation in those Chinese characters at Japan、in this case、pronunciation of both are ”Ka”. (か)
In fact、etymology of 華 seems to be this 夏(王朝). 

※In Japan today、夏 is usually translated as summer、and 華 is translated as flower.

Of course invention of Chinese characters seems to was mid of the Yin dynasty.
China、about 5000 years ago. 
"I・夷" and "Ka・夏". 

※"" is aside now.  


There were these two mighty powers in ancient China.
(Although both is pronounced in the current Japanese style.) 

They fought for supremacy in China (which is、of course、a tiny fraction of China today)、and in the end "Ka" emerged victorious、"I" was became the loser. 

And after this there followed a dynasty of descendants of the victorious bloodline.
In this process、"Ka" began to have a meaning of civilization.
And "I" began to have a meaning of barbarian. 
Such a theory also seems to exist.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

ka and i

This is just idea.
Please read lightly.
This word is the meaning of "fellow".
And This word has also a meaning of "human" that relative to God.

And God is Kamuy.

God and human.
Kamuy and Ainu.

"Ka"muy and A"i"nu.

※I think this is the Ainu pronunciation. 2022120508:14 (japan time).


Ainu people has kept the society of their own until the Meiji Restoration.

The Ainu did not have their own letters.
Their's history (legend) was conveyed in the oral tradition.

And their's leader was not a hereditary.

"This person is best to our leader."
It seems that the person who was recognized by those around him became a leader in Ainu society.

I have never heard of a female leader in Ainu society.
However、they didn't seem to have the bigoted idea that men should be on top.

They honor Mother Nature、and value a peaceful society.

They fought only when they has been invaded. 
They had never invaded others.


Until about 3000 years ago、range of China was middle region of the Yellow River. 

Later its range is called 中原 (Chuugen・Chūgen・Pronunciation in modern Japan).
Literal translation of "中原" is "Central Plains".
Until the era of "the Eastern Jin dynasty (東晋・Tou-Shin)" or the era of the Three Kingdoms.
This 中原 was the center zone of China. 

※God (神・kami・shin)
Dog (犬・inu・ken)
I used to say "GOD is my DOG" (lol). 2022120508:43 (japan time).

『目でみる日本史 「翔ぶが如く」と西郷隆盛』


"33ページのウルトラマンポーズの方が西郷隆盛さんだ、と、以前確かにいいましたが。"と、以前(7月 26, 2019)確かに書いていますが。

"その時歴史が動いた 西郷隆盛 明治に挑む ~西南戦争 ぼっ発の時~ (番組冒頭末尾音切れ)"


"日本人は何を考えてきたのか 第6回 大正デモクラシーと中国・朝鮮 ~吉野作造と石橋湛山~ NHK 2012.7.8"



"DVD版 水曜どうでしょう 桜前線捕獲大作戦 第一夜 (wikiによると1998年5月6日・27日初回放送)"

"DVD版 水曜どうでしょう 桜前線捕獲大作戦 最終夜 (wikiによると1998年5月6日・27日初回放送)"

2022120609:19現在、"DVD版 水曜どうでしょう 十勝二十番勝負 第一夜 (wikiによると1998年6月3日 - 17日初回放送)"は持っていません。

"DVD版 水曜どうでしょう 十勝二十番勝負 第二夜 (wikiによると1998年6月3日 - 17日初回放送)"

"DVD版 水曜どうでしょう 十勝二十番勝負 最終夜 (wikiによると1998年6月3日 - 17日初回放送)"




0:00 サザエさん/宇野ゆう子 
2:58 楽しい磯野家
3:51 明るい磯野家
4:48 磯野家の団欒1
5:45 磯野家の団欒2
7:09 磯野家の団欒3
8:12 磯野家のおでかけ
9:05 タマの鳴き声1(ノーマル)
9:10 レッツ・ゴー・サザエさん/加藤みどり 
11:45 サブタイトル1
12:34 サブタイトル2
13:16 サブタイトル3
14:10 サブタイトル4
15:10 サブタイトル5
16:21 カツオくん(星を見上げて)/高橋和枝 
19:33 スケッチ1
20:29 スケッチ2
21:58 スケッチ3
23:05 スケッチ4
24:31 タマの鳴き声2(どうして?) 
24:37 サザエさんのうた/堀江美都子、サニー・シンガーズ、コロムビアゆりかご会
27:24 エンディング1
28:04 エンディング2
28:56 エンディング3
29:38 エンディング4
30:59 あかるいサザエさん/堀江美都子 
33:24 サザエのテーマ1
34:38 サザエのテーマ2
35:37 サザエのテーマ3
36:46 サザエのテーマ4
37:54 タマの鳴き声3 (甘え声) 
38:00 ウンミィの歌/古賀ひとみ、ヤング・フレッシュ 
40:17 カツオのテーマ1
41:23 カツオのテーマ2
42:29 カツオのテーマ3
43:33 カツオのテーマ4
44:27 カツオのテーマ5
45:34 タマの鳴き声4 (「戸外から開けてよー」)
45:40 天気予報/猪股裕子、ヤング・フレッシュ 
47:38 波平のテーマ1
48:48 波平のテーマ2
49:47 タラちゃんの足音A
49:53 タラのテーマ1
50:36 タラのテーマ2
51:24 タラのテーマ3
52:20 タラちゃんの足音B
52:26 ハッピーデイ・サザエさん/松尾 香 
54:56 テーマアレンジA
55:46 テーマアレンジB
56:56 テーマアレンジC
57:41 テーマアレンジD
58:38 ひまわりみたいなサザエさん/松尾 香 
1:01:44 サザエさん カラオケ 
1:04:42 カツオくん(星を見上げて)カラオケ
1:07:53 レッツ・ゴー・サザエさん カラオケ 
1:10:27 サザエさん一家/宇野ゆう子 
1:13:54 予告用BGM(筒美京平)

"01 Doing It to Death"

"02 Super Bad"

"03 Soul Power"

"04 Think"

"05 It's a Man's Man's Man's World"

"06 Try Me"

"07 Bewildered"

"08 Out of Sight"

"09 I Got You"

"10 Prisoner of Love"

"11 I Got the Feelin'"

"12 Maybe the Last Time"

"13 Licking Stick-Licking Stick"

"14 Mother Popcorn"

"15 Papa's Got a Brand New Bag"

"16 Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine"

"17 The Payback"

"18 Please、Please、Please"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️