これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、光雲さんのお父さんの知り合いで、当時上野近辺に住んでいた仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなく、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

launch an attack

Kan'eiji was at the southeast end of the tableland.
So its east side was cliff.
And its west side was a pond called "Shinobazu no Ike".
It is limited to southwest direction、but this pond had been the role of the moat of Kan'eiji.
(According to one theory、this pond seems vestige of the cove.)

The new government troops deployed the main troops on the south side of Kan'eiji.
(To Kan'eiji is going to climb the slope from the south front.)
※I will write it without checking、but I think that this is the "main gate" of Kaneiji Temple even at that time.

"Time has come.
Start an attack."

At that time、monks of Kan'eiji were gathering around Imperial prince.

"Do you look like what is the current situation?"
Imperial prince asked the monk、who is their de facto leader.
But he did answer nothing.

"As long as there is a Imperial prince at Kan'eiji、the enemy can never attack.
You said so.
But now their attack began.

Disaster of war may extend to Imperial prince.
What do you think about it?"
Other monks severely asked so against him.

Imperial prince is here.
Nevertheless they are attacking Kan'eiji.
I am convinced this is evidence they are traitors."

"It's not on our agenda for now.
In reality、they are attacking Kan'eiji.
All your predictions were off the mark.
Ravages of war may extend to Imperial prince."

"The enemy can not advance for brave fight of our soldiers.
They just shooting from behind the obstacle.
Such a report is coming.
I think they have been atrophying by the majesty of Imperial prince.
Victory or defeat is not decided yet at all."

"We confirmed the enemy soldiers in the direction of Dango zaka (saka・slope)."
Its report had coming at that time.
(Northwest of Kan'eiji.)
"At this rate、we may be totally besieged."
Someone muttered. 

"Undoubtedly、enemy frontline soldiers are moving elsewhere.
Are they shortage of soldiers so much?
Or are we underestimated by them?"
"It would be both."
Saigo laughed.
Negishi of northeast of Kan'eiji.
"Line connecting Dango zaka and Negishi. 
Enemy troops are coming there one after another."
This report has already reached Saigo.

"It seems that the enemie's prepare to run away began.
But the opportunity to reform the perception of your enemies has not yet come.
Don't be impatient、tell everyone that."

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

little by little

"Enemy in the north side of Kan'eiji、it has been steadily enhance."
When this report was reached to Saigo、enemy in front of him was retreating little by little.
"We soon reach the main gate of Kan'eiji."
When Saigo had its prospect、he ordered stop of advance of his troops.

"For 15 minutes from noon、troop at Kaga clan residence will shelling to the main gate of Kan'eiji.
It is signal of the total attack.
After that、we rush inside the main gate.

Samurai remaining at Kan'eiji at that time.
They are true loyal vassals of Tokugawa and they are true brave man.
We've Encounters a good rival."
Saigo said so. 

Saga (Nabeshima) clan in Kyushu.
They had a duty to security of Nagasaki bay under the Tokugawa regime.
A while ago、case of feeling a threat from over sea countries that have advanced technology than them、its had been occurred one after another.
And national isolation was still national policy.  

"Our current technology cannot handle the situation."
They were keenly aware of the need for innovation.
Above all、lord of them was keenly aware it than anyone else.

They therefore tried industrial modernization by themselves.
As result、they had enable the production of modern weapons to some extent at this point.
In short、they reached to have a powerful military force compared to other clan.

But they were a neutral position against the times by the intention of their lord until this time (Saga clan was well controlled by this lord).

However most of the lords probably did not want a rapid change.
Most radical lord might have been Yoshinobu.

Of course after the Restoration、there were no reason new government should leave alone their military forces.
Saga clan had been urged to participate in the new government.

"My lord、please forgive me to speak to you.
Today is not a time for maintain a neutral already.
We should participate in the new government.”
An interchange of personnel (for example) that like Tosa's Sakamoto and Choshu's Kido between vassals had begun already.
They also insisted so. 

There was a cannon that imitated Armstrong cannon in their weapons. 
Its destructive power is immense.
It had been said like that at that time.
"Please provide its cannon to the new government troops."
They accepted it finally. 

Shinobazu no ike is remnants of the cove.
Because it is said so、its other side is the tableland as well.
Kaga clan residence was there at that time. 
(The current Tokyo University.) 
They built an artillery position here and had deployed its cannon.
"When signs of their defeat became clear、you guys bombard towards the south of Kan'eiji."
This troop had been received this instruction in advance.


"その時歴史が動いた『緊迫の二十四時間 ~新資料が明かす二・二六事件の内幕~』(前半部音切れ、ラスト映像切れ有)"

"その時歴史が動いた『 シリーズ 二・二六事件① 謎の「大臣告示」 (ラスト音切れ)』"

"二・二六事件 傍受された通話音声"

"その時歴史が動いた『シリーズ 二・二六事件② 東京陸軍軍法会議 ~もう一つの二・二六事件~ (音切れ有)』"






"NHK特集 二・二六事件 消された真実~陸軍軍法会議秘録~ (昭和63年)"


"新・平家物語 (1955) 溝口健二監督 市川雷蔵主演"


"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第31話 的驢、壇渓を飛ぶ【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第32話 徐庶、諸葛亮を薦む【日本語吹替版】"

"NHK特集 二・二六事件 消された真実~陸軍軍法会議秘録~ (昭和63年)"







"機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE 2"

竹中直人根津甚八露木茂山崎弘也林修中井貴一ダウンタウンちゅうかこのレベルの連中全員ゴミ。ちがうなら死なんだろ。やるだけやってみろ泥人形。8月 06, 2018


ここがあいたから書いとこう。劇団ひとりムロツヨシ、ゴミ死刑ってことで。つきまといはいかんぞ。8月 04, 2018





golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️