
Tuesday, 24 September 2013

survival of the fittest

"I do not know death as my experience.
Therefore I do not know life yet.
Therefore I don't talk about it." 

This was attitude of Confucius about "field of God".

"Humanity for others."

If I oversimplified teachings of Confucius、it becomes like this.
Confucius kept thinking about it in this war age.

"Humanity for others.
This is only way to improve the world. 
We have a great ideal person named Duke of Zhou. 
You should do the politics like him." 

Confucius preached so to kings (or to those in real power).


However、they did reflect teachings of Confucius in their politics.
Never was it.

After all、Confucius had to leave from the political scene.
After this、Confucius traveled with his disciples everywhere.
And he died leaving "Words" 

After death of Confucius、troubled times had been chaotic increasingly.
Superpower of that time、"Jin".(晋・Shin) 
Of course、Jin also was vassal of Zhou dynasty originally.
And this Jin was country that is able to compete for hegemony against Chu and Qin.

But infighting occurred in Jin.
As a result、a vassal seemed to seize the helm of this country.
Jin was about to be taken over by him.
"We do not tolerate his disloyalty."

But he was attacked by Jin's three powerful vassals with this nominal.
And after this、they became the next men of power of course.
Finally、this Jin was taken over by them.

"Han"、"Wei"、"Zhao". (韓・Kan、魏・Gi、趙・Chou)
Jin was dismantled and these three countries were born.
And of course、time has passed、those in power was born in these countries.

"Ideal of Duke of Zhou."
It did not exist anywhere.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

on the same day

"Confucius said.
Two sun never ascended on the same day.
As well、two kings never exist on the same day."

About 100 years later from the death of Confucius.
It seems that such words have come to be said by Confucian scholars as the words of Confucius.

"A man becomes a ruler by the mandate of The Lord of Heaven.
Only he receives an obligation to govern this world from Heaven."

This was associated with this thought of course.

"This is the person who will take the throne." 

And in order to clarify this thought、the achievements (legend) of Yao and Shun seems to have formed clearly at that time.

Note:Yao and Shun are the kings who did not hereditary the throne of course.

Confucius spoke little about the realm of God.
Confucian scholar after Confucius.
They basically followed it.

But they talked about Yao and Shun in order to clarify the teachings of Confucius. 
Yao and Shun are gods.
So this was one step into the divine realm.
This may have been acted contrary to the teachings of Confucius.

But maybe they dared to took that action.

Legend of Yao and Shun.
As previously mentioned、it seems to have formed clearly in this period (the era of survival of the fittest).

But archetype of legend of Yao and Shun、it would have existed from long ago.

Those in power.
They might had justify their actions by it.

"Heavenly mandate for a violent person.
It is not like that、never.
We do not leave it to their's arbitrariness."

Therefore、some Confucian scholars may have tried to clarify the definition.
They probably sifted a lot of folklore.

And they probably made it a legend with a solid personality.

By the way、Confucian scholar of the most spearhead of such an idea.
It seems to had been Mencius. (孟子・Mou-shi)

As a corollary、his school seems to a little anti-establishment.

※Is this what I write other's opinion as it is、or I'm writing with a mere thought、I can not judge now.
Please read based on that.※


per aspera ad astra.

オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul.

i won't redoではありますが、オウム真理教幹部一族郎党含めゴミ処刑つうことで。が、所謂、前期オウム事件の実行犯はウッチャンナンチャン系の連中。で、国松長官狙撃事件の実行犯は、国松さんに失礼な気もしますが、アイツ、名前調べないのでわからないけど、自然悪な顔をした、人肉クリームシチュー(だっけ?コンビ名)の有田じゃない方。当然、この、おれが書いた文章中の国松さん以外の、ゴミは全員処刑。ああ、国松さんだけじゃないですね、いいや、笑えますか?オトシマエは必ずつけます。この世界の運命を決めるものとして。






"カラーでよみがえる第二次世界大戦 3 人類の”悪夢”"

"Sep 26、1917 - A Trip Through The Streets of London"





本日のプロパガンダ 【スターリン憲法】スターリンを起草委員長として1936年に制定されたソ連憲法の通称。世界で最も民主的と称したが、守られなかった。(広辞苑より)




sh-ark m(__)m。元、つまり、現、ジョン・シュワルツさんとアン・シャークさんはご兄妹、アン・シャークさんとジョエル・シャーク(エドワード・ウィッテン)さんはご夫婦、皆さんの共同研究の成果の一つが超弦理論。で、WWⅠ、ロンドンは空襲されたんですね。

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第81話 夷陵の戦い【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第82話 陸遜、連営を焼く【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第25話 単騎、千里を走る【日本語吹替版】"


The name of its detective story is "Han-chichi Torimono Chou 半七捕物帳". I also have a few Sherlock Holmes(you know?・lol). Of course、Japanese (I think that there was also a novel of the original text in an electronic dictionary). And of course it because I like Sherlock Holmes.

これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、当時上野近辺に住んでいた、お父さんの知り合いの仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなくて、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.




"「田沼意次 改革者か 悪徳老中か?」 その時歴史が動いた"

"「満州事変 関東軍 独走す」 その時歴史が動いた"

"内鮮満周遊の旅 満洲篇 (1937年 満鉄映画製作所)"


I think that Mark Twain san's "mysterious boy" and "what is human" were texts of my English classes in my college days.






俺と妻はバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。



I think knowledges that stocked by last minute were incorporated into the conversation and Somehow sense of closeness to the cesium 137(lol).

japan's war 1931 - 1945

"01 Sunday Morning"

"02 I'm Waiting For The Man"

"03 Femme Fatale"

"04 Venus In Furs"

"05 Run Run Run"

"06 All Tomorrow's Parties"

"07 Heroin"

"08 There She Goes Again"

"09 I'll Be Your Mirror"

"10 The Black Angel's Death Song"

"11 European Son"


"01 Vicious"

"02 Andy's Chest"

"03 Perfect Day"

"04 Hangin''Round"

"05 Walk On The Wild Side"

"06 Make Up"

"07 Satellite Of Love"

"08 Wagon Wheel"

"09 New York Telephone Conversation"

"10 I'm So Free"

"11 Goodnight Ladies"


"01 Berlin"

"02 Lady Day"

"03 Men Of Good Fortune"

"04 Caroline Says Ⅰ"

"05 How Do You Think It Feels"

"06 Oh Jim"

"07 Caroline Says Ⅱ"

"08 The Kids"

"09 The Bed"

"10 Sad Song"


"Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal (Full Album) 1974"


"01 Vicious"

"02 Satellite Of Love"

"03 Walk On The Wild Side"

"04 I'm Waiting For The Man"

"05 Oh Jim"

"06 Sad Song"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️