
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

able to avoid

"And then、did Nagaoka enter a state of war?"
Omura asked.

Immediately after、Nagaoka forces started the maneuver and they quickly occupied tactical points.
And in addition、the flooding of the river left the frontline forces on the other side isolated."
"Get back soon and get ready for the war.
Didn't he say that to Kawai?
What was the military headquarters in Ojiya doing?"

"According to the report from Yamagata、they did not realize to changing conditions."

"Didn't they notice the battle being started on the other side?"
When Yamagata's messenger went to the military headquarters、they were having dinner.
Just maybe they might took it lightly." 

"That's enough.
What battle was?"

"The battle began in a situation that was unfavorable to our army.
And the firepower of the Nagaoka army far exceeded our expectations.

As soon as Yamagata heard the report、he dispatched a battalion of the Kiheitai to the front as reinforcements.
However、the river crossing did not go well due to the rising of a river and lack of preparation for the boat.
As a result、it would be a piecemeal attack、each was defeated.
Tokiyama of the Kiheitai、he died in this battle."
"Tokiyama dead?"

Then they was full retreat to the left side of the river.
The Kiheitai seems to have suffered considerable damage."

Omura was a Choshu samurai.
Yamagata and Tokiyama have been comrades since the inauguration of the Kiheitai (after Takasugi's death、Yamagata was the commander of the Kiheitai).

"This is a personal message from Yamagata.

Details of the operation are as per the letter.

Don't worry.
We have already rebuilt our fighting stance.

If we leave the situation as it is、the second and third Nagaoka will surely appear.
We will make a surprise attack to Nagaoka Castle from now on.

Always crush the enemy.
That's the Kiheitai."

"I hope Saigo to oversee on the front line.
If he is in charge of negotiations、this battle was able to avoid surely.
For example、I might not have been able to avoid battle as well.
Someone like him is most need in front line.
Can you talk about it to Satsuma?"
And he added it.
A few days later、report of Nagaoka Castle occupation came. 

"This will be a tough battle.
We need readiness to die."
After listening to the report of Tokiyama died、Yamagata said so to his colleagues.
They were friend.
"This war was able to avoid surely."  
After this、this think was became remain inside him.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


"No problem.

Now、Nagaoka has secured Niigata port.
They are replenishing the latest weapons here.

Therefore、we need to secure Niigata port as soon as possible.

Securing this port that with modern facilities.
This is the most important thing of course.

However even so、the time when the battle started was the peak of Nagaoka's combat power.
They're troops about thousand people. 

In addition、Nagaoka is not working well with other clan now.
We have already taken action against Nagaoka with a well-prepared  system.
In any case、no affect to the total war.

Please execute the plan as scheduled.
Please tells so to Kyoto."
Omura said.

The new emperor's visit to Edo city.
After destruction of the Shogitai、it had been planned in earnest.
(of course secretly)
This was effectively a plan to relocate the capital.

So、the safety of the Edo city.
It was essential for this plan.


"We must show the people of eastern Japan that the times have changed.
This will prevent the intensification of the war.
This emperor's visit to Edo city also had such a meaning.

There is no risk、it is impossible due to the scheme of things.

However、we have already secured the Nantei (南鄭・Nanzheng) castle.
Reinforcements of soldiers is also progressing well.
They lost the KanChū (漢中・Hanzhong).
Northern Expedition would be impossible in that state.

I assert.
Chouan (長安・Changan) Castle is completely safe."

"Also they gave us an important clue."

"Reproduce of the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

They were very concerned about this.
And this reality came out by escape of Imperial prince.

”I understood.”
But Omura laughed.

"Enomoto never participate in combat."
Tokugawa navy was still their threat of course.

"In order to seal their movements、conversely、the imperial visit should be implemented as soon as possible."

"And Hirakata is the landfall point."

※Now when I check its place on the net、the pronunciation is not "Hirakata" but "Hiragata".
However、in this blog、the notation is "Hirakata".※

※I do not know whether this expression is correct、but it seems that there is an old "Hirakata" area in the current "Hiragata".



中央の男性がクフさんご本人だと、おれが。でですね、ブライアーさんやヒュイさんたちみなさんの協力前提で、あのですね、たとえば日本の石垣は表面だけ、ふと砂でも版築で、ともおもいましたが、使われた石材のほとんどは、で、もちろんピラミッドの"建造方法"は設計者ウーダンさんの仰られる通り。しかし、あの稜線上の窪みは、ピラミッド建造当時、わざとに粗雑に重量分散計算されつくして組み上げ直したダミー、内部に真の"トビラ to me"、谷知さんの居られる場所のような、量は、傾斜路幅調整(版築でも)で、あるいは。



Mission for My Country


The name of its detective story is "Han-chichi Torimono Chou 半七捕物帳". I also have a few Sherlock Holmes(you know?・lol). Of course、Japanese (I think that there was also a novel of the original text in an electronic dictionary). And of course it because I like Sherlock Holmes.






amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。