俺と妻はバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


After the founding of the Zhou Kingdom、Wu gave territory to his vassals who had made outstanding achievements.
Territory of the Duke of Zhou was the region of "Lu". (魯・Ro)

In short、he was the founder of Lu Kingdom.
And 500 years later、Confucius was born in this country.

There may be it on one of the reason for Confucius respect him.
And of course it was not only it.

Wu died shortly after the Zhou founding.
Therefore、when young prince took over his throne、royal authority of the Zhou had not been established clearly.

At that time、the Duke of Zhou's ability was sufficient to become the King of Zhou.
But he did not select its action、he helped the young king until the last as regent.
※I do not know now the age of both.

He carried out politics that puts virtue first.
He did not take the militaristic behavior never. 
As result、society became peace.
And as a corollary、he succeeded in establishing Zhou's kingship.

During this time he presided over all of politics.
But later he returned politics to the king who reached the age of majority.

※In modern Japan、adults are from 20 years old.
※Maybe now、Japan is arguing to reduce the adult age to 18 (for example、the age at which alcohol and tobacco can be consumed remains the same). 20220114.

His politics during this period is said to be the ideal of politics.
※I think that it was Confucius that argued like that.

Of course、this is the story of three thousand years ago (about 500 years ago、when Confucius lived)、history and mythology would have mingled.
This episode might be like a Iliad of Homer.


Well、era progressed、around A.D. first year in China.
There was a man named "Wang Mang". (王莽・Oumou・Ōmō)

China of this era was "the Han dynasty". (漢・Kan)

Wang was originally a maternal relative of the Han royal family.
But he did usurpation of the throne from the Han dynasty and he was founded ”Xin Dynasty”. (新・Sin) 

※Was he a relative of the empress?※

By the way, Confucianism attaches great importance for 'humanity,' 'justice,' 'courtesy,' 'wisdom,' and 'faith'.
The Imperial Examination has not yet begun、but Confucianism has already become a state religion.
And probably after this、it is natural for the dynasty、but loyalty as a dogma(?) has also come to be emphasized.

"Usurpation of the imperial throne by vassal."
And there was no such precedent in Chinese history yet.
As the situation at that time、there was impossible in his actions.

"The Holy Emperor has appeared、it is exactly Wang Mang."
After all、he began to try to justify his actions.

Of course、the reason for it possible、it would be corruption of the Han dynasty inside.

Thursday, 8 August 2013


"The Duke of Zhou was finally able to return the regime to the king、I would like to do so if possible

You have to take the throne.

But I have such a divine revelation、I cannot go against God's command.
(Chinese "God" of course.)
It’s really tearing my heart、but I have to be an Emperor."

When Wang did usurpation of the throne of Han、he said so.


"This is a precursor to the emergence of the Holy Emperor that has been recorded in ancient documents."
At that time、many such cases have been reported.

"Wang Mang is undoubtedly our Holy Emperor." 
People who think in this way naturally increased.

But all those events were fake by Wang、he ordered his men to do it and spread this fiction to the people.

"Wang Mang is undoubtedly our Holy Emperor." 
Perhaps there was a fake in these words ​as well.

And above all、the ancient documents themselves、he seems to have forged them as well.


There were ancient documents that described the politics of Duke of Zhou、it is said that Duke of Zhou himself has compiled this documents.

"This is exactly the politics of saints."
Wang said so.
Duke of Zhou was the ideal saint and the ideal politician for the Chinese already.

"Therefore、this is the politics that the Holy Emperor should do."
After the Xin dynasty founding、he ran the politics completely based on this ancient documents.

However、there was one problem there.
Wang became the Emperor、therefore he was necessary to do the politics. 
And of course、people were exist inside and outside of Empire of the self-proclaimed Holy Emperor.
He tried to match all people's conditions to his thought only.
It was his politics.
Long-lasting would be impossible in this.
After 15 years、Xin dynasty vanished.


Mission for My Country

"電子立国 日本の自叙伝 第5回 8ミリ角のコンピューター"

"電子立国 日本の自叙伝 第6回 ミクロン世界の技術大国"

美味しんぼ 108巻 被災地篇・めげない人々 / サイコロ4 / 美味しんぼ 46巻 究極の新居

水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning.



America、ame ri re ca、あめ heaven 天 ten 十 じゅう 獣 住 銃 重 じゆう freedom 天再夏 天創夏 heaven re-cannan heaven十 freedom re-canaan

ウイングマン 1 / HOME & ABROAD / みゆき 最終回




"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第一集 生命の星 大衝突からの始まり"

"NHKスペシャル「生命」40億年はるかな旅 第1集 海からの創世"


オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul.




Par is ♡。




"うる星やつら オンリー・ユー"


from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で





"I have no time to sleep (I have)." Such a rumor is in me(lol). In order to assimilate the contents at the same time、I think that this pace is the limit. At this pace、there is not much time lag with me. Because I also think that "I see," while composing this blog(lol).

"超時空世紀 ORGUSS 32話"

"超時空世紀 ORGUSS 33話"


Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future.







golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️