
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

age of survival of the fittest

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was said to have come from a poor farming family.
He was born in Owari (present-day western Aichi Prefecture)、central region of Japan on the Pacific side

Of course trend of this times was "the tail wagging the dog(下克上・Gekokujou)".
※the period characterized by inferiors [those below] overthrowing their superiors [those above]. from weblio辞書

But there was a limit to there as a fate that the feudal era.
Differences in lineage and birth status naturally existed.

If he had been born in another region、he might have been in poverty for a lifetime.


Oda Nobunaga


Around 1050 BC、the Zhou dynasty was born in China、and the first king of Zhou gave fiefdoms to his distinguished vassals.

About 300 years later、the power of the Zhou royal family gradually weakened.
In inverse proportion to that、the power of each lord began to grow.
However、the Zhou royal family was still respected by the lords of various places as an authority.

The battle between lords was, simply put, to decide who was the most influential lord among Zhou's vassals at the time.

Around 500 BC、however、the situation began to change、and the authority of the Zhou dynasty began to be ignored by the feudal lords.
And the battle between the feudal lords became a war to expand their territory.

Age of survival of the fittest、Confucius lived in such a time of change.


Near the center of the Zhou dynasty、there was a great power called "Jin". (晋・Sin)
Of course Jin had been reckoned from another lords as a major power.
However、three influential vassals of Jin gradually increased their influence within Jin.

Han、Wei、Zhao. (韓・Kan、魏・Gi、趙・Chou)
Around 400 BC、Jin was split into three countries at last.

Civil war that occurred in Japan in 1467 AD called "Ōnin-no-ran". (応仁の乱).
The situation over the next 100 years (on the Japanese side) may have been similar to this.

※If you are interested it、find out it yourself and judge it for yourself(lol).

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


※I think the following sentence is more ambiguous than usual.

At that time、Japan was divided into several states as a unit of administrative (establishment of this division was era of the dynasty).

And during the samurai regime that replaced the aristocrats of Kyoto、there were lords who were appointed Shogun and called "Shugo". (守護)

Rough literal translation of "Shugo" is "protection (protect guard)".
※Strictly speaking、this may not be the case、but in modern Japan、this noun is composed of two Chinese characters that have similar meanings.


Incidentally、these compartments、it’s called "Kuni". (国)
For example、”Hizen-no-kuni”、”Suō-no-kuni” etc. (肥前の国)(周防の国) 
Literal translation of "Kuni" is ”Country”"Nation""Land""State".

State is called "Shū" at Japan. (州)
"A block" that many countries gathered、although its popular name is not constant、Japanese at that time called it as shū.

For example、”Kan hasshū”. (関八州)
Literal translation of Kan hasshū is "eight states of Kantō".
Kantō is Kantō region(including present-day Tokyo)、at that time the countries (kuni) of eight was present in the Kantō region.

"The Kyushū island" of the western edge of Japan. (九州島) 
Literal translation of ”Kyushū” is ”Nine states”.
Of course nine countries existed in the Kyushū island.

By the way、they don't match the current prefectural divisions.
Therefore、the name Kan hasshū is not currently used as a daily term.
However、Kyushu、including Okinawa、is used as a large regional name (as an image、it is the archipelago area at the western end of Japan).

※It may not be appropriate to translate this case's "Shū" as "State".
In other words、"shū" and "kuni" are used properly by convention.

Texas no kuni、Colorado no kuni.
Western US shū (state).
Is it like this?

These words are originally Chinese words and their usage conforms to it.
Of course、I think there are parts that have changed according to the situation in Japan.

However "国" is a Chinese characters、but probably "kuni" is a pronunciation originated in Japan (the probably old Chinese pronunciation -koku- is also used normally).※

※Although the two sounds similar、come to think of it、Shiba san tried to write "土・tuchi (Earth:Soil:The Ground)" and read it as "kuni". 2022112813:29 (japan time).

※"No、the country is usually expressed as Shū."
Without fear of misunderstanding、in Japan (especially pre-modern)、it often seems that the Chinese language style is used when expressing in male style.

紀州・Kishū (This is still commonly used.)、薩州・Sasshū、土州・Doshū.
紀の国 Ki no kuni、薩摩の国・Satsuma no kuni、土佐の国 Tosa no kuni。
Of course there is also Chōshū、but for example、if we consider Sasshū to be Satsuma Domain、it becomes a block.
※The Satsuma Domain in the Edo period did not consist only of the Satsuma no kuni. 2022112813:42 (japan time).

Doshū is present Kōchi Prefecture(高知県)、Kishū is present Wakayama Prefecture(和歌山県)、I think its area almost matches "kuni" at that time.

Without fear of misunderstanding(lol)、Kishū、there may be "goodness of the sound of words" there.
Surprise attack(奇襲)、by the way this pronunciation is also "Kishū" in Japanese (stop thinking of Pearl Harbor・lol).※

※By the way absorption(吸収)、a raid(急襲)、old practice(旧習).
Modern Japanese pronunciation of these Chinese characters is "Kyushū"(lol).
However there may be accent differences in these formal pronunciations.
I do not understand well now.※


Yes、all is this.
To tell the truth、this is not the case.

"Shikoku island" of southwest of Japan. (四国島)
This name is also currently remaining. 
Literal translation of "Shikoku" is "Four countries". 

At that time、four countries were present in Shikoku and now four prefectures are present.
In some cases it matches like this.
Maybe there isn't a clear rule at there.

Ease of vocalization as Japanese.
This reason also might was important.

※Simply put、"koku" is a Chinese-style pronunciation of 国.
Well、this is a monologue.
"shi-koku". 四国 Chinese-style pronunciation+Chinese-style pronunciation
"yon-ka-koku".四カ国 Maybe Japanese-style pronunciation+Chinese-style pronunciation
"yottsu-no-kuni".四つの国 Maybe Japanese-style pronunciation+Japanese-style pronunciation※

『対談集 東と西』


put it

コスタリカ and たしか人を書いた後にサッチャーさんのことをお聞きしたような。


ときたまのりたま2011.1.2-2011.3.10 / 福島旅行記 / 浄土平から蓬莱山まで

gerrymander : 1 【政】ゲリマンダー《自党を有利にするための、区の広さや人口を無視した不自然な選挙区の区割り》 2 《自派のための》身勝手な手加減、ごまかし.〈選挙区を〉自党に有利に区割りする、ゲリマンダーをやる ; 身勝手に手加減する、ごまかす.(リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用)

水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning.

ルウム編・前 SECTION Ⅰ/ QUEST 2 親愛なるアントニヤへ / 2011年4月11日 美しい時間 p456-p493 / 稲川会 岐阜 二代目 中島一家 義兄弟親子血縁盃

Par is ♡。



西表島 and Where is the trace of the fall of shots? Of course、I will not say that there was no battle here.


"第20話 六つのナポレオン(吹き替え)"



俺も妻もバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。


これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、当時上野近辺に住んでいた、お父さんの知り合いの仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなくて、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.

Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future.

"どろろと百鬼丸 第五話"

"どろろと百鬼丸 第六話"

Heart to Heart

sh-ark m(__)m。元、つまり、現、ジョン・シュワルツさんとアン・シャークさんはご兄妹、アン・シャークさんとジョエル・シャーク(エドワード・ウィッテン)さんはご夫婦、皆さんの共同研究の成果の一つが超弦理論。で、WWⅠ、ロンドンは空襲されたんですね。


I think knowledges that stocked by last minute were incorporated into the conversation and Somehow sense of closeness to the cesium 137(lol).


"サイボーグ009 第19話"

"サイボーグ009 第20話"

"サイボーグ009 第21話"

"超時空要塞マクロス 1982 第19話"

"超時空要塞マクロス 1982 第20話"


what is a human.






"NHKスペシャル 明治 第一集 ゆとりか、学力か"



I think that Mark Twain san's "mysterious boy" and "what is human" were texts of my English classes in my college days.






golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️