
Friday, 9 August 2013


By the way、the person who had destroyed the Xin dynasty was the royalty of the Han、after this he revived the Han dynasty.
Of course、self-proclaimed of both dynasties were "the Han dynasty".  
However、the Han dynasty after this is called "the Later Han・後漢・Go-Kan" (in Japan). 
And the dynasty that was usurped by Wang Mang(王莽) is called "the Early Han・前漢・Zen-Kan". 

Apparently there is this appellation also in China.
However、there was a short -lived regional dynasty called "Han" in China later.
In China、this short -lived dynasty seems to be called "the Later Han". (this dynasty is not popular in Japan).

Capital of the Early Han Dynasty was "Chang'an" of the west. (長安・Chouan)
Capital of the Later Han Dynasty was "Luoyang" of the east. (洛陽・Rakuyō)

Based on these two capitals.
The Early Han Dynasty is "the Western Han Dynasty". (西漢・Sei-Kan)
The Later Han Dynasty is "the Eastern Han Dynasty". (東漢・Tou-Kan)
This name seems to be common in China.

Therefore、for example、”A population of the Later Han ....”
When I write that way (aside from the incorrectness of my sentence・lol)、there is a possibility of misunderstanding.
Because "the Later Han" has a different meaning.


By the way、I remembered by the word of "Iliad".
Around 100 BC、era of the Emperor Wu of the Western Han.
(Though confusing、of course he is a different person from the King Wu of Zhou.
The King Wu of Zhou was a person around 1050 BC.)

There was a man named "Sima Qian". (司馬遷・Shibasen)
He wrote Chinese history book "Shiji" shining in world history. (史記・Shiki)

The Yin Dynasty was defeated by the Zhou dynasty.
Sima Qian wrote the Yin Dynasty genealogy from the first king to the last king in his history book.

Founding of Yin seems at around 1750 BC.
Even when viewed from the era of Sima Qian、this is before 1650 years (for example before 1650 years from now、it's 360 AD).

"After all、the Yin Dynasty is a product of someone's creation.
It is a fictional dynasty of legendary."

As the times go down、the Yin dynasty、which cannot be confirmed its existence、 has come to be considered such a existence.
However、in the early 20th century、the archeological site of the capital of the Yin Dynasty was discovered.

The important thing was that they invented a prototype of the Chinese characters.

Genealogy of the king by Shiji.
Genealogy of the king by characters that has been excavated.

The two were almost identical.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

the meantime

The end of the Yin Dynasty、that was about 900 years before Sima Qian lived.
In short、the Yin dynasty lasted for over 700 years.
(around 1751 BC - around 1050 BC)

And Chinese characters seems to have been invented in the middle of this period.
The genealogy of the Yin kings existed without dissipating during the time when Sima Qian lived、this is probably true.
By the way、records in this era were basically written on bamboo.
Paper was invented in China around AD 105、it was 200 years after of era of Sima Qian.

During this time and after this、there have been many difficult times in China、during which many precious records have been lost.
As a result、as time passed、people could no longer confirm the existence of the Yin dynasty.
It would be like that probably.

※Is such a official stance(lol)? 


"Records of the Yin Dynasty were fortunately preserved until the time of Sima Qian、I can understand it.
But are those records really accurate in the first place?
Because some of those records are from 1600 years ago."
I have question like that.

Above all、it seems that characters did not yet exist in the early days of the Yin Dynasty、so information about that period is unreliable.
I thought that there was its possibility.

In other words、someone wrote an imaginary genealogy of kings
(Especially about the early Yin Dynasty).

Speaking to extreme、it was written by someone 900 years before the time of Sima Qian.
Because it will be like a mythological age of Japan probably、it would such a thing、I thought so too.

However、this may be a Japanese idea.

※Because it is inconceivable to me that the Chinese characters will suddenly appear unless someone has given it to them、I think prototypes of its prototypes have been around for a long time.
I write from memory、"Only oracle bone inscriptions after a certain period have been excavated from the ruins"、I think that was the reason. 2022111510:54 (japan time).

『旅人 ある物理学者の回想』

俺も妻もバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。


America、ame ri re ca、あめ heaven 天 ten 十 じゅう 獣 住 銃 重 じゆう freedom 天再夏 天創夏 heaven re-cannan heaven十 freedom re-canaan


from The Five Star Stories XⅢ


"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第67話 劉備、益州を領す【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第68話 単刀会【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第18話 呂布の死【日本語吹替版】"




コスタリカ and たしか人を書いた後にサッチャーさんのことをお聞きしたような。 













"その時歴史が動いた 「この難を逃げ候こと本懐にあらず ~改革者・大久保利通 暗殺の悲劇~」"

"その時歴史が動いた 「ヒトラー最後の日 資料が明かす独裁者の末路」"

gerrymander : 1 【政】ゲリマンダー《自党を有利にするための、区の広さや人口を無視した不自然な選挙区の区割り》 2 《自派のための》身勝手な手加減、ごまかし.〈選挙区を〉自党に有利に区割りする、ゲリマンダーをやる ; 身勝手に手加減する、ごまかす.(リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用)











golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️