Taboo said、"There is a taboo that should not be mentioned in Japanese history. I have read the text of Ogai san who mentioned that way.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

difference of consciousness

Proclamation of the inauguration of the new government to the people.
This was the main reason why the new government sent troops from Kyoto to all over Japan.

"We are new government army.
You must provide us with a war fund."
Such robbers had also been reported already.
There is also such a reason、the dispatch of troops was an urgent matter.

But there was one problem.
The new government did not have the funds for it.

"The territory of Tokugawa in western Japan will be confiscated and used as a source of funds for the new government."
There was such a plan.
But they did not have the funds for make it happen. 


With the victory of the Choshu clan over the second Choshu expedition by the Tokugawa shogunate、they occupied the surrounding clan territory.

"I think Choshu should return this territory to the Imperial Court."
Kido of Chosh (old name Katsura).
There was a proposal like that from him.
"This victory and the occupation of the enemy's territory is due to the precious sacrifice of the Choshu people.
We can't let this go.” 
But this could not be realized because by the opposition of Choshu home country.

Key members of this revolution、they had gathered in Kyoto at that time.
Difference of consciousness.
It had began between they and their home country.

※I think that there was no direct jurisdiction of Tokugawa in the occupied land of Choshu probably (it existed as an enclave in various parts of Japan).
I think most of them that it was the territory of the clan whose scale is small (for example、such as the birthplace of great writer Mori Ougai san-he came from samurai- of Meiji era).※

Sunday, 24 February 2013

going on a pleasure jaunt

"You should provide a war fund to us."
The new government has so consulted with a big merchant in Osaka.

Of course the merchants were quite reluctant for it.
(The continuity of the new government was still uncertain.
As an impression、there was no their's territory to be collateralized.)

Eventually the new government managed to secure funding and the troops set out all over Japan.


Troops that headed to Edo.
Executives (Te-dai 手代) of Shimada (Kyoto?) and Mitsui of big merchant. 
They had accompany it and they worked in financing.

The barriers near Edo were strictly protected by the Tokugawa Shogunate.
(I think it has a strong meaning as a customs office that deals with "for example" domestic smuggling rather than a fort.)

※It is called "Seki-sho 関所"、Hakone is famous.
"Hakone" is the pass near the prefectural border of the present Kanagawa and Shizuoka.※

Prior to the dispatched troops、they infiltrated the Edo city.
They went to the Mitsui's store of Edo、and raised funds for the new government.

They also did buy many army rice at the same time.
It was hidden in the warehouse of Mitsui.

Ono of big merchant、after this they also joined it.
※I think it is probably a merchant in Osaka.

Funds they had raised at Edo、they hid it in the bottom of the houseboat.
While going on a pleasure jaunt、they did carrying it.

※Where did they carry it (lol)?
I think that the advance troop was hundreds of people、but I think that the basis of them (merchants) was organization creation.※

※Of course they are not samurai classes.
At this point、the Satsuma clan's residence in Edo City has already been attacked.
This is self-evident、but in this situation、if they are found in the officials of Tokugawa、they must have a harsh fate (Of course the merchant's branch itself too).※

※"The price of rice fell as Kubou (Shougun) sama returned to Edo. We are proud of him."
I think that there has been such recollection of Edo common people of the time.※

Sankin-kōtai had already been abolished.
The population of the Edo city at that time was one million.
Samurai class who half of them are pure consumption.
I think most of them have already left Edo.※

Monday, 25 February 2013

formally decided

Invite the diplomatic corps to Kyoto、Okubo was indeed planning it.
However、the aristocratic opposition to it was still strong.

Reverence for the emperor.
Expulsion of the foreigners.
These two were the same in the first place.

"Expulsion of the foreigners is become for the Emperor."
Many still believed so.

”Don't allow foreigners to enter Japan.”
However、this was the policy of the Tokugawa Shogunate in the first place、and the Imperial court had nothing to do with it.
※There may have been some form of procedure as a form.


But 250 years had passed since then.
"National isolation is Japan's policy from time immemorial.
Foreigner's off-limits to Kyoto is Japan's policy from time immemorial. 
The Emperor's ancestor was decision it.
We therefore must keep it.
Otherwise、we wouldn't be able to make excuses to the imperial ancestors."
Many aristocrats had thinking so.
(I'm sure Emperor Komei himself had the above idea.)
However、at this point、many aristocrats may have understood the outline of the isolation policy decision.
And however、their feelings may not have followed it.
"Let's ask the Emperor for make a decision."
Finally they came to the conclusion that.
"We will welcome the diplomatic corps." 
Meiji Emperor had decision so.
Invitation was formally decided by it.











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Mission for My Country


I think knowledges that stocked by last minute were incorporated into the conversation and Somehow sense of closeness to the cesium 137(lol).



golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️