
Sunday, 31 March 2013

denial of the middle ages

Mid-16th century、there was a lord in Owari named "Oda Nobunaga".
(Western part of the current Aichi prefecture.)

At this time、Japan had 100-year civil war continued.

He allied with Tokugawa Ieyasu of Mikawa.
(Eastern part of the current Aichi prefecture.)
Then his Japan unified project was begun.

"Denial of the Medieval Ages"
Also、this project had such a meaning (of course it was his time).

As the civil war intensified、medieval authority gradually became irrelevant (it may simply mean a change of power holders).
And when this civil war lasted for nearly 100 years、he appeared on the stage of history.

Separation of soldiers and peasants.
In short、the establishment of a professional military system.

Elimination of pointless tariffs and guild from own territory.
At that time the roads were full of lords' customs offices.
In other words、Japan had been too subdivided.
Extremely speaking、they did not recognize themselves as "Japanese".

Separation of politics and religion.
Tendai sect of Buddhism it was one representative Buddhism sect of this era.
People still believed the punishment of gods and Buddha.
They have long had de facto extraterritorial status.

"Nobunaga takes away our rights"
They interfered in Nobunaga's project (although、that's their usual way of dealing with powers and local lords).

"Buddha Punishment、no such thing exists."
He attacked the headquarters of the Tendai sect by force、and it was completely destroyed.

Incidentally my grandfather was a monk of this sect.
In addition、Kurosawa Akira san's film "Kagemusha".
Enemy of this film's main character is Oda Nobunaga.


He conquered central Japan while destroying the old powers.
As a result、the old great lords are gone here (of course、it is the result of this turbulent times that they became great lords).

Of course his project had reckless in the common sense of that time.
He might have been similar to the Caesar.
He was killed by a rebellion of his vassal.

This vassal named "Akechi Mitsuhide".
Immediately after Nobunaga's murder、he was destroyed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi、who was also Nobunaga's vassal.
(His name was Hashiba Hideyoshi at that time.)

He became the de facto successor to Nobunaga as a result of a power struggle involving force.
However、he did not adopt a annihilation policy like Nobunaga (of course、it may be the result of Nobunaga having completed all the times when he should take a policy of extermination).

Hideyoshi had already established a friendly relationship with Mouri.
Mouri is Choshu of later.
(Mouri is lord's name、Choshu is place name.)
At that time、they were the great feudal lords representing western part of main island of Japan.

The feudal lords of western Japan、many of whom continued to exist by this policy.


Houjou clan was the ruler of the Kanto Plain at that time.
They ignored the surrender recommendation by Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi decided to subjugate the Hojo clan as a final step to unify Japan.
”Cooperate with me to conquer Hojo.”
He gave this instructions to lords of Ōu.
Of course this was a surrender recommendation against them.
As result、Hojo clan was perish and Japan was unified.
And Hojo's territory was given to Ieyasu by him.

Monday, 1 April 2013

had arrived

Tokugawa Ieyasu was the only ally of Oda Nobunaga.
He did not betray Nobunaga until the end.
Above all、Nobunaga did not betray him until the end.
(It may be common sense of this era、but when it is necessary、Nobunaga was a betraying man.)

Nobunaga was killed in Kyoto (yes、he was betrayed).
Of course he would not have expected a rebellion of Akechi、but he was strangely defenseless at that time.
He was attacked by Akechi's troops at Honnoji which is a residence (medium scale temple) in Kyoto.. 
※At that time、Akechi's troops was the largest army in the vicinity of Kyoto (Nobunaga's main troops were in battle in various parts of Japan).

At that time、Nobunaga invited Ieyasu to Kyoto as a guest.
※A few years after "Kagemusha"、as a thank you for the long-standing alliance and cooperation in subjugating Takeda.

This is just an idea、but Nobunaga may have responded amicably to avoid Ieyasu's anxiety.


"A man who was treated as a friend by dictator Nobunaga."  

At the time of the unification of Japan、Ieyasu's reputation was high.
He also already had great power.
※During the period of Nobunaga's successor dispute、he fought Hideyoshi、and although Hideyoshi did not lose、he did not win the war against him. 2023020810:26 (japan time).

"Ieyasu must be driven to the frontier as much as possible."
Hideyoshi was originally poor farmers.
But he had achieved unprecedented success by Nobunaga's confidence.

"Talent can exist as a talent."
This was already the negation of the Middle Ages.

As a result of short-term power struggle、his colleagues and superiors in Nobunaga regime became his vassals suddenly.
When Hideyoshi gained substantial power、person that must be wary of most was Ieyasu.  

※In the final period of Nobunaga's administration、even though he was a de facto vassal of Nobunaga、he was an independent feudal lord、he was equal to Nobunaga in a sense、including Nobunaga's trust and restraint towards him.

Ieyasu had to move to Edo from Hamamatsu (a city of the current Shizuoka Prefecture).
But his territory had increased nearly doubled by it.
Probably、there was also Hideyoshi’s feel hesitant against Ieyasu. 

Because Hideyoshi was promoted too early、he had few direct vassals (he came from a poor peasant family, and of course had no ancestral retainers).

His son was still too young when he died.
The result、of course、was a political instability.

At Sekigahara、located in the center of Japan、it finally became a battle to divide Japan in two.
As a result、Tokugawa Ieyasu's eastern army won、and most of the lords of the western army had their territories confiscated.

(For example、the Chosokabe clan of Tosa、who was a feudal lord representing Shikoku.
Yamauchi、a former vassal of Oda、was the first man to declare his intention to join the Tokugawa side prior to this battle.
As a result of his achievements、he was given Tosa、which was confiscated from Chosokabe、by the Tokugawa.)

Or their territory was drastically cut.
(For example、Mouri.)

Uesugi of Echigo、they were large lords to rule Echigo.
But after this Battle、their territory also had been reduced significantly.
And they was forced to move to Yonezawa.

Lord who remained intact in west military、it was only Satsuma.
If you're interested and look into it、you can easily find out the circumstances.
Of course、it was because the circumstances forced them to do so、but Satsuma's gallant figure in this battle was too extraordinary (lol).

And of course、from Edo、even if from Kyoto、Satsuma is a remote area.
This idea would have been there.

Tokugawa became stable administration.
After this、people had 250-years in peace. 
And this era had arrived. 

『秘本三国志 第一巻』

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第33話 三顧の礼【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第34話 孫策、孤を託す【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第4話 関羽、華雄を斬る【日本語吹替版】"


サイコロ韓国 and 北朝鮮の著名な方々。





"四大文明 第2集 それは一粒の麦から始まった ~メソポタミア~"




"I have no time to sleep (I have)." Such a rumor is in me(lol). In order to assimilate the contents at the same time、I think that this pace is the limit. At this pace、there is not much time lag with me. Because I also think that "I see," while composing this blog(lol).





I think knowledges that stocked by last minute were incorporated into the conversation and Somehow sense of closeness to the cesium 137(lol).


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️