夏野菜 and そういえば、大泉さんが造られた藤村さんにそっくり?な古代蜀の国のお面?がありますね。

Monday, 13 May 2013

little by little

Ninomiya Kinjiro was born in 1787 in Ashigara of Odawara domain.
Ninomiya family was a farmer of 13 koku.

During his boyhood a devastating flood hit his village.
The resulting rocks and sediments、and the Ninomiya family's farmland、have turned into a wasteland.

After some time his parents died.
After that、he went to live with relatives、but their lives were equally poor.
He wanted to study、but he was helping relative's family business in daytime.
(It was of course as a member of the family.)

※They are probably farmers too. 20220918. 

Therefore、the only time he could study was at night.
The night light of the time、it was oil fire and candles (and moonlight).
And therefore he was a need to buy it.
But there was no extra money in their life. 

Ninomiya family's original farmland、at that time it had became tax-exempt land as wasteland.
(Of course、it was actually a wasteland.)
He got a little rapeseed from acquaintance、and he sowed it to his wasteland and got a little harvest.

Can take the oil from rapeseed.  
He went to the oil store and he negotiated with the oil merchant.
And he exchanged it for product oil.

He increased it little by little and he sold its surplus.
※In the negotiation stage with the oil merchant、the two prices may have been sufficiently considered as not to be ungrateful. 

One day、a heavy rain changed the course of the river in his village.
The result was a new wasteland unsuitable for cultivation.
(Perhaps some agricultural waterways have become unusable in their original state.)

After obtaining permission from the villagers、he picked up rice by the roadside.
And in his spare time he plowed the wasteland and sowed.
As a result、he was able to harvest 1 bale of rice.
(about 0.4 koku.)
He sold it to the rice merchant. 
Of course、he gradually increased the amount as well.

After that、he went back to his born house and repurchased his family farmland that has been sold.
So he became independent as a farmer.

After that、he served the family of the chief retainer of the Odawara clan.
During it period、he came to be commissioned of the negotiation of the sale of rice of his village from the villagers.
When he returned to his village in 1815、his farmland was more than 2 hectares.
This may be a Japanese(I) feeling、by then he had already become a large farmer. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Hattori、the chief retainer of the Odawara clan、who Kinjiro once served.
Kinjiro has been delegated the fiscal reform of Hattori family in 1818.


By the way、according to the materials at my hand.
Income of Hattori family.

1200 koku
1200 hyou (bales).
Number of two types are present. 

1 koku is 10 (to).
That is about 180 liter. 

※By the way、(to) is (斗) of Chinese characters.
(to) is not english (to). 

A unit that represents the volume of Japan? at that time.
There may be fluctuation it by the times.※ 

1 hyou is 4 (to).
That is about 72 liter.
If I use the 1200 bales、it become about 480 koku.
So actual number will change considerably.

Odawara clan was located in the western part of current Kanagawa Prefecture.
Of course their financial difficulties was the same as elsewhere.

At first、the lord's vassal had a territory of their own.
So they were also lords of in their's territory.

However、finances of the clan became painful gradually.

Therefore the lord received once the vassal's territories for collectively manage the tax revenue in clan territory.
And the lord handed out the rice corresponding to each vassal's territories from the national(clan) treasury.
This system became generalize gradually.

※Is this about the Odawara clan?
I may have researched and written about it at the time、but I'm not sure now if it's true or not.
It is said that there are 300 feudal lords、large and small、in the daimyo alone. 20220918.

The following description is a casual idea.
Does not have any evidence.

When the Odawara clan introduced this system.
"1koku is 1 hyou."
It might have been virtually fixed like that by subtracting the various expenses of such as protection of the vassal's territory.
(For example、wages of actual management were another account.) 

Incidentally、hyou(俵) is a bag for pack the rice.

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensions



ときたまのりたま2011.1.2-2011.3.10 / 福島旅行記 / 浄土平から蓬莱山まで



i won't redoではありますが、オウム真理教幹部一族郎党含めゴミ処刑つうことで。が、所謂、前期オウム事件の実行犯はウッチャンナンチャン系の連中。で、国松長官狙撃事件の実行犯は、国松さんに失礼な気もしますが、アイツ、名前調べないのでわからないけど、自然悪な顔をした、人肉クリームシチュー(だっけ?コンビ名)の有田じゃない方。当然、この、おれが書いた文章中の国松さん以外の、ゴミは全員処刑。ああ、国松さんだけじゃないですね、いいや、笑えますか?オトシマエは必ずつけます。この世界の運命を決めるものとして。






I think that Mark Twain san's "mysterious boy" and "what is human" were texts of my English classes in my college days.

what is a human.









golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️