まんが道は読むべきと個人的に思います (ドラえもんは歩く原子炉なんですね・笑)。

Sunday, 6 October 2013

on the way

"諱" is a matter of the word.
And "忌" is a matter of the mind."
There was such distinctions. 
In short、"言" is matter of the outer surface of the human.
And "心" is matter of the inner surface of the human.

There was such distinctions. 
At first、I thought so simply.

However、言 (gen or gon).
This Chinese character is composed of "mouth" and "sword".
And in this case、this mouth is "speak".
"If I(you) lie、I(you) will always be punished."
This Chinese character originally has that meaning.
In short、this is a matter of belief.
"言" is matter of the outer surface of the human.
Therefore、this perception may be a mistake.
※It's an external problem in the sense of the inside being exposed.
And it is "諱" for avoid it(lol).
Of course、I think this is rude to the Chinese character "諱".※

※Let's read it for the time being(lol). 20211108.


This Chinese character is mere hieroglyphic of "the human's heart (as organ)"

But if we think this as 忌.
己(ko or ki).
Its common meaning is "oneself".
And also、this Chinese character have meaning "humble". 

(己 is the shape a human is kneeling.
And the shape of the spool.)


"People who are better than me、naturally I feel inferior to them."
This Chinese character originally has that meaning.

Therefore、諱 is matter of belief of the mind.
And 忌 is matter of vanity of the mind.

There was such a difference between the two words.
I might be able to think so.


The English word "sin" is "sin"、but this "sin" is one of the common pronunciations of this Chinese character in modern Japan (at least).

By the way、another common pronunciation is "kokoro".
There may have been some changes in pronunciation、but probably this pronunciation that represents "the heart" from ancient Japan (as an approximation). 
I can't think of it right now、but there may be other ancient words that ​describe such a "heart" of course. 20211108.

Well、although I wrote so、this recognition is unreasonable.
(While writing、I thought so.)
言 is "Word".
韋 is "I leave from there".

諱 is "Do not speak its word". 

And 心 is "Heart" or "Mind".
己 is "Humble". 

"I behave modestly to superior persons.
So I refrain from having a relationship with them."

忌 is "I avoid its things".

This would be simply that.

Monday, 7 October 2013

by applying


Pronunciation of this Chinese character.
It is "ki".

"One Chinese character symbolizes the meaning of the new Chinese character.
And another Chinese character represents the sound of the new Chinese character."
Therefore、己 represents the sound of 忌(ki) by this rule.
And 心(sin) is the symbolizes of the meaning of 忌.
This become like that.

However、己 have a sense of modesty as already mentioned above.

"I correcting the heart."

This has affected the meaning of 忌.
Therefore、己 is not a Chinese character that only represents the sound of 忌.
Though、because there is no reason to combine the unnecessary things to each other、this may be natural.
(Such combinations also might be present of course.)

※"(しん・shin、おや・oya) - parent"

※Oh?I unknowingly use "sin" and "shin" properly、but both can be read as the same modern Japanese pronunciation.
The notation "shin" may be more common. 20211108. 


This Chinese character represents the sound of 諱(ki).
And the role of this Chinese character also is not only it.

"People go away(舛・↑↓) from the center point(口)."
This also has affected the meaning of 諱.
Yes、I wrote strange thing. 

"韋(i) represents the sound of 諱(ki)."
Pronunciation of 韋 is "i".
So pronunciation of 諱.
It must be "i".
But pronunciation of 諱 is "ki".

Note:Pronunciation of this "i".
Its sound is similar to "i" of Inca of English.
※I am writing such a thing、but it may be different depending on the formal pronunciation or dialect.
It's "maybe・lol" simply a problem with phonetic symbols、isn't it?※

I write it simply、but the pronunciation of the modern Japanese vowel "i".
It may be pronounced differently in modern Chinese. 20211108.


I examined this character in the glossary of Chinese character.
It is called "kango-rin". (漢語林)
The sound of the character is "ki".
When reading the character by the Japanese language.
It is "i-mu,i‐mawashī". (忌む,忌まわしい) 

It had been so described.
By the way、this "When reading the character by the Japanese language."
This method is called "kun-doku". (訓読)

When examined in the national language dictionary (of course Japanese) about "kun-doku".

Reading Chinese characters by applying the (※original)Japanese language.
Reading Chinese literature(※characters?) according to the (※original grammar?) grammar of Japanese language.
It had been described so.


"もっともっとToyamaスペシャル ドラえもんのふるさと 〜藤子不二雄からのメッセージ〜"


"「男はつらいよ」 テレビシリーズ 1968年 第1話 (音切れあり)"

"「男はつらいよ」 テレビシリーズ 1969年 第26話 (最終話)"

で、これはJust A Hero Tourの頃の話だったと思いますが(ツアーに出発する時)、布袋さんが当時住んでいたマンションのエレベーターで、同じマンションに住んでいた渥美清さんに「ご旅行ですか?」と聞かれ、「はい、北の方にちょっと」と、おもわず答えてしまったと。

"ドラえもん (とりあえずの)最終回"







異色短編集 1 ミノタウロスの皿 と speed corrected w added sound



"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第85話 罵って王朗を殺す【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第86話 空城の計【日本語吹替版】"



ロッキンオンのインタビューで"おれツェッペリンでは歌メロと歌詞書いて歌うたってただけだもん(プラントさん)""そんだけやれば十分だろ(ペイジさん)"の、ような、会話がありましたが(インタビュー記事中では渋谷さんの発言になっていましたが、その後の渋谷さんのテキストではペイジさんの発言に)、とりあえず、こっちの話で、あのCDのピアノはプラントさんだとおれが、でですね、恋をとめないで、作詞作曲吉川晃司さんでしょう(LOVE CHARADEも、と、布袋さんが、BE MY BABYは布袋さんが作曲時の話をされていたので、で、あのですね、突然のギター抑え気味は不自然です・笑)。






"その時歴史が動いた 「源義経、大水軍を奪いとれ! 〜壇の浦の戦い、奇跡の逆転劇〜」(2003年)"

"その時歴史が動いた 「奇兵隊 決起せよ! 高杉晋作 挙兵の時(音切れあり)」"

俺と妻はバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。

gerrymander : 1 【政】ゲリマンダー《自党を有利にするための、区の広さや人口を無視した不自然な選挙区の区割り》 2 《自派のための》身勝手な手加減、ごまかし.〈選挙区を〉自党に有利に区割りする、ゲリマンダーをやる ; 身勝手に手加減する、ごまかす.(リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用)


Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future.




"01 My Generation"

"02 Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere"

"03 The Kids Are Alright"

"04 Substitute"

"05 I'm A Boy"

"06 Happy Jack"

"07 Pictures Of Lily"

"08 I Can See For Miles"

"09 Who Are You"

"10 Won't Get Fooled Again"

"11 Magic Bus"

"12 I Can't Explain"

"13 Pinball Wizard"

"14 I'm Free"

"15 See Me Feel Me"

"16 Squeeze Box"

"17 Join Together"

"18 You Better, You Bet"

"19 Baba O'Riley"


"01 Overture"

"02 It's a Boy"

"03 1921"

"04 Amazing journey"

"05 Sparks"

"06 Eyesight to the Blind (The Hawker)"

"07 Christmas"

"08 Cousin Kevin"

"09 The Acid Queen"

"10 Underture"

"11 Do You Think It's Alright"

"12 Fiddle About"

"13 Pinball Wizard"

"14 There's a Doctor"

"15 Go to the Mirror!"

"16 Tommy Can You Hear Me?"

"17 Smash the Mirror"

"18 Sensation"

"19 Miracle Cure"

"20 Sally Simpson"

"21 I'm Free"

"22 Welcome"

"23 Tommy's Holiday Camp"

"24 We're Not Gonna Take It"


"01 Heaven and Hell"

"02 I Can't Explain"

"03 Fortune Teller"

"04 Tattoo"

"05 Young Man Blues"

"06 Substitute"

"07 Happy Jack"

"08 I'm a Boy"

"09 A Quick One, While He's Away"

"10 Amazing Journey-Sparks"

"11 Summertime Blues"

"12 Shakin' All Over"

"13 My Generation"

"14 Magic Bus"


"01 My Generation"

"02 I Can't Explain"

"03 Substitute"

"04 Behind Blue Eyes"

"05 Baba O'Riley"

"06 Boris the Spider"

"07 Who Are You"

"08 Pinball Wizard"

"09 See Me, Feel Me"


"01 Love Reign O'Er Me"

"02 Long Live Rock"

"03 Reprise"

"04 Won't Get Fooled Again"

"05 Doctor Jimmy"

"06 Magic Bus"

"07 Summertime Blues"

"08 Twist and Shout"


"01 My Generation [Radio 1 Jingle]"

"02 Anyway, Anhow, Anywhere"

"03 Good Lovin'"

"04 Just You and Me, Darling"

"05 Leaving Here"

"06 My Generation"

"07 The Good's Gone"

"08 La, La, Lies"

"09 Substitute"

"10 Man with Money"

"11 Dancing in the Street"

"12 Disguises"

"13 I'm a Boy"

"14 Run, Run, Run"

"15 Boris the Spider"

"16 Happy Jack"

"17 See My Way"

"18 Pictures of Lily"

"19 A Quick One, While He's Away"

"20 Substitute [Version 2]"

"21 The Seeker"

"22 I'm Free"

"23 Shakin' All Over-Spoonful"

"24 Relay"

"25 Long Live Rock"

"26 Boris the Spider [Radio 1 Jingle]"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️