
Thursday, 9 May 2013


Samurai's revenue.
First of all、the Soma clan kept this to the minimum necessary (of course、the lord is included).

"The amounts that somehow makes their lives possible."
Tomita wrote so.

Surplus which generated by it.
They used it all to rebuild the lives of the people.

They repaired irrigation canals that had been desolate since the famine.
At the same time、they made new irrigation canals for the development of new rice field.


Farmers who became wandering people.
At that time、they were numerous on a nationwide scale.

"Why don't you develop new rice field at Soma?"
House、farm tools、seed paddy.
Soma clan prepared those and invited them.

10 to 20 years.
It period was different、but they were exempt from tax.

Eventually、2000 new farmers (houses) were born in Soma.


"Mabiki." 間引き
Real meaning of ”Mabiki” is "Thin out".
(or "Thinning out" "Cull")

Parents have to kill their newborn baby because of the poverty of their family's life.
Its well‐known secret language was ”Mabiki”.
Soma clan tried to prevent this by taking out the support money for baby. (This seems to have been done nationwide.)


"Currently、we have no money to pay you.
We think this is selfish.
However、we sure pay the money.

We want you to wait for the payment of the debt for a while.
Or we want you to annual installments we able to pay."
They negotiated with merchants of lender.

"Soma clan's sincerity was well understood by the merchants.
They were willing to accept the proposal."
Tomita wrote so.
Of course、they were merchants.
Its total debt was also enormous.
(Roughly three hundred million U.S. dollars?)
It may not have been so simple.

However、there was a long relationship in them.
The merchants would have understood the reality of the Soma clan.

How to rebuild the economy of the Soma clan and its future.
The merchants would have naturally analyzed it as an expert. 
As result、they were willing to accept the proposal..
Just maybe、there is this possibility.
After that、the Soma clan repaid the debt to them actually. 

Friday, 10 May 2013

the quickening

Extreme cost reduction of the Soma clan itself.
This finally lasted six years.
Of course、this period was the preparation period for financial turnaround.
Since then、their basic policy has not changed.

"People's living conditions have also improved considerably.
To clear off the debts is also near at hand." 
The time exceeded for 15 years from the start.
The achievement had been quite evident.

Things beyond the human intellect.

"Natural disasters."
At that time、this occured.
The last great famine of Tokugawa’s 250 years has occurred at east Japan.

Good harvest of this period was 1834 only.
The continuing abnormal weather ​made the situation worse.

"Occurrence of natural disasters are beyond the human intellect.
However、we can done its measures by human intelligence.”
Victims of the last time famine was said to be more than 900,000 people.

That memories was left clearly in them.
Of course it was also in the Soma clan.

Release of stockpiling food.
Sale of the treasure of the Soma feudal lord.
Financial assistance to the people under their's dominion.
Purchase of rice in Osaka.
The Soma clan went the relief measures desperately.
That results、starvation did not come out in Soma.

It were not as much as the last time famine、but starvation victim of the tens of thousands occurred here and there of eastern Japan.
And the price of rice had soared in the Osaka city.
Some merchants and officials of the Tokugawa Shogunate got a huge profit by it.
However、it caused the people of Osaka to starve.

"Ten-chuu 天誅 (Instead of God、we punish them.)"
Official of the Tokugawa Shogunate in Osaka named "Ōshio Heihachirō".
He did revolt in Osaka.

This revolt did not get the support of public opinion、it was put down in half a day.
But this was the revolt for the first time in 200 years against the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Moreover、it came from inside the Tokugawa Shogunate.

This was "the quickening" of the Meiji Restoration.

※As an aside、"ten-chuu(chū)"、this,、"heaven's kiss"、"十kiss"、"🔫 kiss".
There is unreasonable there but you can read it like that if you want to read it in Japanese as it(lol).
chu u、to u、自由(jiyuu・freedom)、etc(lol)※





Let's Win! Fukushima!!

Heart to Heart








speed corrected w added soundと表記されてますが。







golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️