
Thursday, 30 May 2013


Decrease in tax revenues due to population decline.
Naturally、in the first place it was a measure against this.
However、what was actually implemented as a result of the examination was、in short、an unreasonable  tax increase.

Bankruptcy and absconding、farmers like that occurred frequently.
(Then what fate did they have?)
And it was naturally became the burden of remained farmers.

Farmers who cheat their income by collusion with the authorities.
They also appeared as a matter of course and it became ordinary state.

400 households 1900 people in 1698.
As result、it was decreased sharply to 156 households 749 people in 1822.
※Perhaps、at that time、pretending not to see something、it might have been settled in the place that should be as the present condition.

There was a tribute revenue of 4000 bales from 4000 koku at first.
It became 1005 bales and 127 ryo from 4000 koku in 1822.

”Of course、there is a considerable tax evasion there.”
Kinjiro thought so.

"However、the fundamental problem is not tax evasion.
There was unreasonable in the tribute rate in the first place."
As a result of investigating all farmland、he concluded so.
"Territory of utsu family、if I consider only its cultivated area、it is indeed usually 4000 koku.
But this land is not arable land."

"Harvest of 1 cho.
(1 cho〈町〉 is approximately 9.917.4 square meters/about one hectare.)
If this farmland is fertile land、can harvest 30 koku from there.
(about 5400 liters)
On the assumption that tribute rate of 50%、15 koku remain to farmers.
(about 2700 liters)

And on the assumption that rice of 5 gou per person per day.
(5 gou〈合〉is about 0,9 liter)
Rice of 2700 liters is food of 3000 people.
Therefore this will be food of one year a family of 8 people.

But harvest of territory of this Utsu family、it is 10,64 koku from 1 cho.
On the assumption that tribute rate of 50%、5.32 koku remain to farmers. 
(957.6 liters)
It is food of 1064 people. 
Therefore this will be food of one year a family of 2.9 people.

Probably this farmland is wider than average as the area under cultivation of one family.
However、its harvest is the extent this.

First of all、farmers can not be maintained own life. 
Decline in population is natural."

Saturday, 1 June 2013


"If we're going to get the harvest of 4000 koku at the territory of Utsu family.
Territory of 10,160 koku is necessary for us.
So it's impossible."
Kinjiro concluded so.
"We will continue a land reclamation in the future.
We will also try to improve the irrigation facilities at the same time.
But 4000 koku is unreasonable.

Tax revenue amount which do not put a burden on residents、its limit is 2000 koku.
(Annual tribute of 2000 bales.) 
If the authorities will taxed more、it's just to destroy the lives of farmers.
It leads to a decline in population after all.
(Current annual tribute is 1005 bales.)"  
※At that time、I do not know now how much rice they could buy for 1 ryo.  


"When I look at the documents of 100 years ago、area of wasteland had been tampered with to two times already.
Probably I think there was also the sense of emergency evacuation of farmers there.
But reform does not hold when we admit it.

Match the current conditions of the land and the documents.
And do the assignment of proper tribute rate to that land.

We have necessary to carry out a survey of strict land first.
I think it will benefit all farmers in the end、because perform farmland development concurrently."


"Incidentally、number of people needed for development of wasteland of 1 cho、case of fertile land、it is total 400 people."
Kinjiro did estimated so.

"And the yield will be somewhat lower along with it、but the total number of people needed to develop this land will be 300.
Development costs is somewhat low.
※I do not know this "assessment method" now.

But this land is need wildlife measures.
And flood control measures is also a need.

The final cost is never low."
And Kinjiro wrote so.



put it






i won't redoではありますが、オウム真理教幹部一族郎党含めゴミ処刑つうことで。が、所謂、前期オウム事件の実行犯はウッチャンナンチャン系の連中。で、国松長官狙撃事件の実行犯は、国松さんに失礼な気もしますが、アイツ、名前調べないのでわからないけど、自然悪な顔をした、人肉クリームシチュー(だっけ?コンビ名)の有田じゃない方。当然、この、おれが書いた文章中の国松さん以外の、ゴミは全員処刑。ああ、国松さんだけじゃないですね、いいや、笑えますか?オトシマエは必ずつけます。この世界の運命を決めるものとして。


Heart to Heart

love stories

japan's war 1931 - 1945

オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul.




The name of its detective story is "Han-chichi Torimono Chou 半七捕物帳". I also have a few Sherlock Holmes(you know?・lol). Of course、Japanese (I think that there was also a novel of the original text in an electronic dictionary). And of course it because I like Sherlock Holmes.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️