
Monday, 8 April 2013

is groundless

The ship carrying the Imperial Prince sailed through Edo Bay.
(Enomoto saw him off to the mouth of Edo bay.)
The Imperial Prince waited on a ship for a day off the coast of Hirakata、and then safely joined the escort force.

A few days later、Enomoto had been called on government forces headquarters.

"Whereabouts of a Imperial prince."
He had received the interrogation about it.

"While he confined in Kan'eiji、you、government troops were begun to attack against the Shogitai.
Of course we don't blame government for that.

Government troops hesitate to suppress the insurgents for a monk.
There can be no it.
But he is top of Tokugawa family temple、he is a very important person for Tokugawa clan.

Tokugawa looked for his whereabouts and was able to protect him luckily.
He had hoped evacuation from the war.
And Tokugawa thought his hope was legitimate.
Therefore we were escort him to Hirakata.

However、we are the Navy.
After he was landed at Hirakata、we don't know at all about it.

And lately we were very hectic by the government's policy decision to Tokugawa.
Evacuation of a monk、we didn't think that it is important matter for the government.
So this notification to the government was delayed.
I apologize for its matter."
"Tokugawa Navy is transporting deserter to Ōu region.
There is also this rumor."
"It is not a fact."
Enomoto said.

"The great Tokugawa fell into poverty.
After this、moonlight flit will appear one after another in them. 
The Tokugawa navy will also be busy." 
When Enomoto leave from the headquarters、heard this voice.

"Please don't mind.
They are in a prickly mood now."
Enomoto's escort guard said so.
The lower-level officials of the government headquarters in Edo、the most was originally officials of the Tokugawa.

"After all、it was better for maintaining security of the Edo city."
Because new government were judgment so.

And merchants that are relevant to the headquarters、Tokugawa had the intelligence network in there.
While waiting for Enomoto、he was in contact with this person.
"Troops movement instructions to the Echigo has been issued suddenly.  
Troops movement instructions to the Osaka and Koshu.
At the same time、this strange instructions were also issued suddenly.
Also merchants was asked to raise a large amount of medical supplies from the government.

And severe gag is being carried out now.
The Government troops seems to had large defeat at Echigo.
It seems of an unpredictable situation."

And merchants that are relevant to the headquarters、Tokugawa had the intelligence network in there.
While waiting for Enomoto、he was in contact with this person.
"Troops movement instructions to the Echigo has been issued suddenly.  
Troops movement instructions to the Osaka and Koshu.
At the same time、this strange instructions were also issued suddenly.
Also merchants was asked to raise a large amount of medical supplies from the government.

And severe gag is being carried out now.
The Government troops seems to had large defeat at Echigo.
It seems of an unpredictable situation."

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


"Did Aizu defeated the government troops?"

"No、it seems Nagaoka clan."

"Nagaoka? They are?"

"This political change、this was done by some conspirators.
They condemn Tokugawa's misgovernment very harshly.
But please think twice.
Tokugawa had decided the policy of opening the country from the very beginning.
Harmony with the imperial court.
Friendship with foreign countries.
Tokugawa had been working on it at all the time.

On the other hand、they advocated the expulsion of the foreigners very strongly.
They opposed Tokugawa's policies and were always trying to sabotage them.
And now they are going to inherit the policy of the Tokugawa while silent on this matter.
They should to admit their mistake first.

I think they are suspicious in point of Loyal and National management ability.
The Imperial court should be delegated regime to the Tokugawa again." 

Immediately after Yoshinobu did return Japan's regime to the Emperor、there was a lord who submitted this petition to the imperial court.
It was Nagaoka clan. 
This petition had been writing by a Nagaoka samurai of lord deputy.
His name is ”Kawai Tsuginosuke”.

Nagaoka was a small country in Echigo. 
Also this petition was submitted suddenly.
"They's mere redneck."
This petition had been ignored by the new government with a slight malicious intent.

After battle of Toba Fushimi、people of Nagaoka clan also returned to Edo. 

"This clan residence is no longer needed."

Stockpiled rice and treasure.
Kawai sold of all the things of the clan residence of Edo.
And he purchased weapons in this funds from foreign merchants.
Two Gatling guns of state-of-the-art were included in it.
(According to one theory、three units only existed in Japan at this time.) 
And they returned to Echigo.
Nagaoka was a small country、therefore number of samurai was small.
Therefore most of them could armed with state-of-the-art weapons.
As result、they were became strongest in Japan in the point of quality of the armed.
However Kawai had not intention of fight.

Tyranny of Tokugawa deserters、it had become a problem in Echigo.

"Please stop suffering the innocent people of Echigo." 
Kawai had negotiations with them.
And he asked them to leave from territory of Nagaoka.
"Nagaoka is not on either side.
We take the policy of neutrality."
Kawai declared so to Nagaoka samurai.


"西部戦線異状なし(All Quiet on The Western Front)"

ヴィルヘルム2世(Wilhelm II., 1859年1月27日 - 1941年6月4日)は、第9代プロイセン王国国王・第3代ドイツ帝国皇帝(在位:1888年6月15日 - 1918年11月9日)。全名はフリードリヒ・ヴィルヘルム・ヴィクトル・アルベルト・フォン・プロイセン(Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen)。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


アウグステ・ヴィクトリア・フォン・シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン=ゾンダーブルク=アウグステンブルク(Auguste Viktoria von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, 1858年10月22日 ドルツィヒ、ニーダーラウジッツ - 1921年4月11日 ハイス・ドールン、オランダ)は、ドイツ皇帝・プロイセン王ヴィルヘルム2世の妻で、最後のドイツ皇后・プロイセン王妃。全名はアウグステ・ヴィクトリア・フリーデリケ・ルイーゼ・フェオドラ・イェニー(Auguste Viktoria Friederike Luise Feodora Jenny)。家族からはドナ(Dona)と呼ばれた。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


ヘルミーネ・ロイス・ツー・グライツ(ドイツ語: Hermine Reuß zu Greiz, 1887年12月17日 - 1947年8月7日)は、ドイツ皇帝ヴィルヘルム2世の2番目の妻。ヴィルヘルム2世の退位後に結婚し、名目上のドイツ皇后およびプロイセン王妃の称号を使用した。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

"まことはツェッペリンを叩かせたらマジで凄い"、と、福島時代から一緒にバンドをやっていた(確か米軍基地とかでも)土海さん(Last Gigsの時、高橋さんに頼まれてご両親を車で福島まで迎えに行かれた方)は仰られていました。


メディアとしてのロックン・ロール / TEDDY BOY MEMORIES (1984.08.07 高知窪川体育館)



THE JAP HIP HOPの終着点、ザコの宴会芸に付き合う趣味はない(処刑)。



オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul.

It may have been a habitual saying of Ernest san(lol).


万邦共同宣言 宣戦布告




By the way、I was understood it by reading the text of the net、you know? David Bowie san's "Dead Man Walking" and "The Supermen" are the same chord progression.

桜前線捕獲大作戦 / 東北2泊3日生き地獄ツアー


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。