
Thursday, 14 February 2013


"After this Restoration、Imperial Court will have to hold national lords' meetings.
But powerful lords is still Tokugawa faction.
Tokugawa therefore will can seize the initiative at the meeting.
Maybe Yoshinobu thought so until this time. 

However Yoshinobu's prospectu has been shattered by defeat in this war.
The situation has all changed.
Imperial Court is a need to works urgently as japan government." 
Ernest insisted so.

There was Kobe about 20 km west of Osaka.
There was a trade center of Hyogo here.
(Also there was foreign settlement.) 

Imperial Court sent a delegation from Kyoto to there.
And they had a consultation with the diplomatic corps. 
"I want to return regime to the Emperor.
There was this proposal from Yoshinobu.
Imperial Court decided to allow this.
After this、Imperial Court will responsible for the regime of Japan.

The name of the supreme power person in Japan on diplomatic.
After this、it change from Tycoon (大君) to Tenno (天皇)."
There was this notice to the diplomatic corps.
Tycoon is Tokugawa king (shogun).
Tenno is the Emperor.

Friday, 15 February 2013


"Currently、can Imperial Court control all Japan?"
French ambassador asked its question.
"Unfortunately、we can't it now.
Because Tokugawa has revolted at east Japan.
However、we can improve it gradually.
In the near future、authority of Imperial Court extends to all of Japan."
Representative of Imperial Court answered so.

"If all Japanese will comply the Imperial Court、Imperial Court may be able to dominate all of Japan."

Interpreter of the French ambassador.
It was an officer of the Tokugawa.
He did mistranslated deliberately.
"This is somewhat strange."
Of course Ernest had participated in this conference.
He was able to understand Japanese.
He asked the same question. 
And modified the translation of the answer.

※According to the fact that transmitted、he seems to have been a genius of language. 
He may have asked in Japanese and translated the answer himself into French (While checking with an interpreter in Tokugawa).※


In the first place、Ernest was involved in this response plan.
Maybe there was also this possibility.
(Substantially responsible persons of diplomacy of the new government
It was his friend.)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

beyond thought

"Tycoon may leader of other lords.
But he is not the head of Japan.
He is just a lord with the largest territory in Japan."
The person who first noticed this fact.
It was Ernest Satow.

"Diplomacy is a promise between countries.
The UK can not diplomacy with regional lord as the Japanese government."

"Mikado (the Emperor) exist on top of the tycoon.
Yes、Mikado is the truth head of Japan.
Those who think so has increased also in Japanese people.
(Thought of reverence for the emperor.) 

Mikado become the head of Japan formally.
Then lords gather under Mikado (include tycoon).
And establishment of Lord conference as Policy-making body.

When considering the modernization of Japan.
It is the most rational way."
Ernest thought that way.

Thought of expulsion of the foreigners.
Of course there was also this problem at that time.
It was dangerous in Japan simply because Western people.
They were attacked by the Japanese.
But Ernest went to Osaka before this war.

"Osaka is close to Kyoto."

Osaka was Japan's largest commercial zone.
But Osaka had not been opened so far to other countries for this reason.

"Osaka become opening soon.
Osaka's economy will rise by it."
Osaka merchant was speak joyfully to Ernest.
Era was trying to beyond thought.





to put it simply.

"2016.01.26 市民連合シンポジウム 基調講演 柄谷行人さん 「憲法九条の今日的意味」"










golden years

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で