
Thursday, 23 May 2013


"March 4 1826 (rain、clear from noon)
Zentarou of Sakura machi(town).
He ran away last night from the village with his wife and children.
There was a notification like that from officials of his village.
I ordered a search them immediately."

"March 9 1826 
I went to looked for them、but I was not able to know their whereabouts at all.
After all I came back today.
Two searchers also came back today."

"March 25 1826 (clear)
Seiuemon ran away from the village last night.  
I ordered a search immediately.
Heiji of Nanushi(village headman) apprentice of Higashinuma village.
There was a notification like that from him."

"March 30 1826 (clear)

We found Seiuemon and his family.
There was a notification so from Heiji.
Then I called Seiuemon to my office.
I can not be allowed your absconding.
I order keeping house to you in your village.
I told him so." 


The following is letter not diary and this is 1842.
Therefore the situation of reform is quite different.

December 20、1842
Letter of ”Kurihara Choujirou””Murata Yoheiji”(to Kinjiro's subordinates).

"Yakichi and Fujizou of Yokota village.
They ran away night of the 17th with their family.
We looked for them soon but we have not yet found their whereabouts.
We can guess their destination but that is the territory of the other lord.
Therefore I think difficult problem occurs.

We apologize.
Report was delayed until now because we wanted to report to you after found them.
But we were not able to found them eventually.

Their family who stayed at home、we asked them about the situation.
But we were not able to know the details.

Yes at the moment we do not know their whereabouts.
Unavoidably we ordered the monitoring of their home.

If we examine closely、this may develop into a big incident.
We've entrusts this letter to Shigezou of Yokota village.
Please listen details confidentially from him."

December 26、1842
Letter of Kinjiro(to Kurihara Chojiro and Murata Yoheiji).

"Run away of Yakichi and Fujizo with leaving a wife and children.
I was very surprised.

Two people made ​​very effort in agriculture for 15 years.
As result、they became a rich farmers of Yokota village.

This matter has stopped at my place now、I don't speak to Utsu family about this matter still.
Please find them soon.

Why they were ran away?
The land condition is better than their land.
If there is such land for them、I want to send their family to them.
If there are some problems to the relationship in the village、I want to make an effort for its improve as soon as possible.

I want them to continue farming peacefully.
However、actual cause、maybe it is their debt.

Life of the villagers had become a luxury naturally by the improvement in the situation of the village.
Perhaps their debt is beyond their ability to repay.
But there is a method of low-interest (or no-interest) loan for them.
I will recall it clandestinely for them.
Pay back the debt of them.
And they will continue their farming work
I want it.

Please look for them until after New Year.
If they can not be found still、I report it to the Utsu family.
And I want to inherit their farmland to the person who can be trusted."

※There is also the issue of consideration for the left family、but I do not know now that land was generally considered(permitted) as a mortgage for debt at that time.※

Friday, 24 May 2013


Yakichi and Fujizo、I do not know about their subsequent.
But outcome of the reform of Kinjiro was reflected in there.
※Although I can not judge whether this expression is valid.

Zentaro、Seiuemon、Yakichi and Fujizo.
They were all settlers by reform of Kinjiro.

Absconding of 1842、this was a surprise for everyone.
And the villagers looked for them as residents of the same community.
There was also consideration for the remaining family.

But 1826、this year,absconding was occurred frequently.
And it was due to the discrimination of the villagers.


1828、its two years later、seventh year of the reform of Kinjiro.
He submitted a resignation letter to Odawara clan.
Circumstances of this matter is written in it.
(Of course、it's a perspective of Kinjiro.)

"There was a farmer of 400 originally in the territory of 4000 koku.
And currently farmers is 150、bankrupt farmers is 250.

※This "currently" points to when Kinjiro came?
This "250" the number of farmers who are already gone?
I do not know now.※

Therefore vast territory has been left as a legal wasteland.
Part of farmers abandoned farmland of his own and have plow this wasteland.
Of course there is no legal obligation to pay taxes by its harvest.
Of course in order to make this possible there is also a cozy relationship with the officers. 
Settlers came at there.

Naturally they plowed the wasteland legally and they changed it to a legal farmland.
And of course they plowed from a good place of the condition.
As result their's vested interests were to be threatened."


"Ninomiya(Kinjiro) favors only settlers.
It is a cause of promoting discrimination of villagers against them."
There was such a criticism in the upper part (including Odawara clan).
It might be true.

The settlers do not settle in one place、at that time、that was a matter of course.

"First of all、present a good conditions in order to encourage the settlement to this land."
Lords like this there were also many.
(The shortage of agricultural labor had been chronic throughout Japan.)

If they has good conditions on other territory、they immediately moved there.

"I hope they settle here.
But naturally we are strangers to each other at first.
Not that there is such a feeling in each other from the beginning.
We need time to develop that feeling.
So it is important for us to be kind to each other."

Kinjiro thought so.




from The Five Star Stories Ⅹ- XⅡ

from The Five Star Stories XⅢ










"LOST MOON The Triumph of Apollo 13 ”奇跡の生還物語”"









映像の20世紀 「広島県」


I think knowledges that stocked by last minute were incorporated into the conversation and Somehow sense of closeness to the cesium 137(lol).

機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN 23 ーめぐりあい宇宙編ー


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️