
Sunday, 20 October 2013

benighted monarch

By the way、formal name of the Emperor of China.
It is decided after his death.
Character which symbolize his reign.
It was given to after his death.

A Emperor who called like that after his death.
One year later of "the first disasters of partisan prohibitions". 
He ascended the throne as the 12th Emperor of the Han dynasty.
(From the resurrection of the Han dynasty.) 

A general sense of this character is "spirit". 

"He maintained his dynasty.
But he was confused the dynasty by own actions."
But in this case、it seems that this character is used in this sense.

Eventually、the later Han Dynasty was destroyed in the 14th Emperor.
But in fact、this dynasty vanished into his reign.

Note:帝 stands for 皇帝 in this case.
皇帝 is "Emperor".

※"He did not destroy the dynasty of their own.
But he was confused the dynasty by own actions."
👆This is the first sentence I wrote.※

※Although it does not appear as a character in the drama、he is greatly respected in "Three Kingdoms".


At about the same time.

※The imperial time of "霊帝".

"By change of the Emperor、family structure of the imperial family also has changed naturally.
Therefore、confusion also would have arisen inside the inner palace group.
Yes、ugly power struggle would have arisen between them. 

There should be a chance for us in there.
Above all、we now have absolute public support.

We should not miss this opportunity.
Just now is the chance to recapture the regime from rogue.

However、we must be very careful one at the same time.
Our recognition was overly optimistic last time.
And our actions lacked prudence as a corollary.
So we failed.

We must not become optimistic never.
And we must aim to eliminate them only."

A confidential talk like this had been done ​among the imperial court group that has rallied the momentum.
But their voices seems too large apparently.

"They are mere servant after all."

Just maybe there was such arrogance in them yet.
This secret conference was to be known to the inner palace group immediately.

"The second disasters of partisan prohibitions"

This was the beginning of a crackdown that would have a decisive damage on the later Han Dynasty.

Monday, 21 October 2013


Father of Empress Dowager.
He was a imperator of the Han dynasty at that time.
(New Emperor ascended the throne at the age of 12.)

And the imperial court group succeeded in securing his support.

He seems to have been originally leisure class.
As his daughter became the Empress、he was appointed to public office.
(Although it seems that he did not want it.)

He was a gentle and intellectual.
And his connection with the imperial court group seems to was strong originally. 
In short、their origin was the same.

"I will correct an injustice as elder of the imperial family.
I have such an obligation."

After this、he would be the main figure in this conspiracy.

"He has a command rights to the Imperial Army.
This is as good as our plan is."

"The remaining problem is the time to attack them.
That's all."
At this time they might have thought so.


However、in fact there was a further problem .

He was certainly imperator. 
And he had a command rights to the Imperial Army surely.
But he was not a man who is good at handling practical business details.
(He was reluctant to public office at the first place.) 
Therefore、all practical business had been done by his subordinates. 

He was the presence of a figurehead.
But he might had thought for granted it.

"Elder of imperial family."

He may have overestimated this authority by himself.
And the problem more than anything else、this conspiracy was done openly.
"Justice is present to our side. 
We do the divine retribution on fair and square." 
They might had too respecting moral law still.
It also could have been the meaning of antithesis against their hostile forces.
(Although support of public opinion gathered in them hence of course.)

In a nutshell、they were still optimistic.
Hand of the deal were already stretched to his subordinates.

"Destroy the rebels against the emperor."
Suddenly、royal palace defense force was mobilized in this nominal by the inner palace group.
And the imperial court group had been completely destroyed as enemies of the dynasty.

Father of Empress Dowager.
He was forced to commit suicide.

And key members of more than 100 people、they became a death penalty.
More than 600 people of the imperial court group、they were expelled public office permanently.
15 years later、large rebellion called "Yellow Turban Rebellion" occurs. (黄巾之乱・koukin-no-ran)
Dictatorship of the inner palace group followed until then.




美味しんぼ 43 過去との訣別 − 山岡、プロポーズ


美味しんぼ 94 医食同源対決!!

美味しんぼ 104巻 食と環境問題 / アメリカ横断

美味しんぼ 105巻 続・食と環境問題 / 未公開VTR&NG集 一挙放出!!

美味しんぼ 108巻 被災地篇・めげない人々 / サイコロ4 / 美味しんぼ 46巻 究極の新居

美味しんぼ 109巻 日本全県味巡り 島根編 / サイコロ1 / from 美味しんぼ 110巻 & 111巻 福島の真実①②

"第36話 マザランの宝石"

サイコロ韓国 and 北朝鮮の著名な方々。

パタリロ 選集8 パタリロが泣いた日の巻

never mind



"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:9 貴婦人との旅"

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:12 御婦人たちの事件"

love stories

"I have no time to sleep (I have)." Such a rumor is in me(lol). In order to assimilate the contents at the same time、I think that this pace is the limit. At this pace、there is not much time lag with me. Because I also think that "I see," while composing this blog(lol).

これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、当時上野近辺に住んでいた、お父さんの知り合いの仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなくて、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.





ぼくの地球を守って 20

"アルプスの少女ハイジ "


Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future.





"ルパン三世 PART2 第3話「ヒトラーの遺産」(1977)"

"メガゾーン23 part2 秘密ください"





まんが道は読むべきと個人的に思います (ドラえもんは歩く原子炉なんですね・笑)。

オーストラリア大陸縦断3,700キロ and Friendship of the Soul.

"01 Love Is A Stranger"

"02 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)"

"03 Who's That Girl?"

"04 Right By Your Side"

"05 Here Comes The Rain Again"

"06 There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)"

"07 Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves with Aretha Franklin"

"08 It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back)"

"09 When Tomorrow Comes"

"10 You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart"

"11 Miracle Of Love"

"12 Sex Crime (1984)"

"13 Thorn In My Side"

"14 Don't Ask Me Why"

"15 Angel"

"16 Would I Lie To You?"

"17 Missionary Man"

"18 I Need A Man"


"01 Never Gonna Cry Again (Manchester・March'83)"

"02 Love Is A Stranger (Los Angeles・July'83)"

"03 Sweet Dreams are made of this (Berlin・March'83)"

"04 This City Never Sleeps (Manchester・October'83)"

"05 Somebody Told Me (New York・July'83)"

"06 Who's That Girl? (Chicago・April'84)"

"07 Right By Your Side (Austin・April'84)"

"08 Here Comes The Rain Again (Stockholm・October'86)"

"09 Sex Crime 1984 (Nuremberg・October'86)"

"10 I Love You Like A Ball And Chain (Rome・November'86)"

"11 Would I Lie To You? (Houston・August'86)"

"12 There Must Be An Angel playing with my heart (London・November'86)"

"13 Thorn In My Side (Brighton・November'86)"

"14 Let's Go (Christchurch・January'87)"

"15 Missionary Man (Sydney・November'87)"

"16 The Last Time (Melbourne・February'87)"

"17 Miracle Of Love (Paris・September'89)"

"18 I Need A Man (Rome・October'89)"

"19 We Too Are One (Dublin・September'89)"

"20 [My My] Baby's Gonna Cry (Edinburgh・October'89)"

"21 Don't Ask Me Why (Rome・October'89)"

"22 Angel (London・September'89)"


"Eurythmics Live 1983-1989 Limited Edition Acoustic Medley"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️