
Thursday, 26 September 2013


One of the words that Confucius talked about God.
It was mandate of Heaven.

"I was able to understand my mission given by Heaven at 50-year-old."
Later life、he said so.
(He seems died in the middle of 70s.)

"This is a remark about God by Confucius."

However、it seems that we need to be careful in making such an easy conclusion.


If I (※everyone) write this phrase in Chinese characters、it is "天命".
※This is my translation and may differ from the general expression (at English).

Modern Japanese pronunciation of this phrase is "Ten-Mei".
And literal translation of this phrase is "instruction from Heaven". (命 from 天)

By the way、one Chinese character usually has multiple meanings.

天 is no exception.
(命 is also no exception of course.)
Today、most general meaning of ”天” is ”Heaven”.
Incidentally the official designation of ”Heaven” is "天国”. (Ten-Goku) 
And literal translation(※by me - I think that also in the general way) of this term is "Kingdom of God". (国 of 天) 

Yes、meaning of ”天” in this case is ”God”.
(There is also a meaning of Heaven of course.)

However、in the days of Confucius、the word "天" had no such meaning.
That possibility seems to exist.

Although this may be to a little extended interpretation.
And although this may not be an exact match.

Besides this、"天” have a feeling of "the Sky".
And "天” also have a feeling of "the Universe".
Furthermore、the word "天" has the feeling of "nothing".
(Of course、chinese characters corresponding to them are present.)

※I'm not sure now how it was at that time (lol). 20220405.

And "天”命 that Confucius talked.
These feeling、it seems to strong in there. 

※I'm not sure now how it was at that time (lol). 20220405. 

In short、meaning of God was retrofitted.

Note:Confucius (551bc-479bc)
Buddha (565bc-486bc?/465bc-386bc? etc..)

They are almost contemporaries.
And introduction of the concept of zero in India.
It seems to be later times a little more.
Zero was found in India.

Friday, 27 September 2013


"Existence beyond the human intellect."
Era of Confucius、this feeling was in character of 天 already.
However、it seems that the meaning of God was not clearly linked to the character of 天.

Little aside.

"The emperor of the country where the sun rises will send a messenger to the emperor of the country where sun goes down."
A Japanese national sovereign letter with such contents to the Sui dynasty.

"Two sun never ascended on the same day.
As well、two Kings never exist on the same day."
It would be very rude from this thought.

Of course、this messenger visited the Sui on 607 AD.
It is an episode 1000 years after the age of Confucius.

And at that time、the Sui emperor did not seem to care so much about this "rudeness".
Following year、he sent a return call messenger to Japan.
Note: "The country where the sun rises.
The country where sun goes down.
So the sun is one.
And we visited the Sui first." 

Just maybe、there was a refuge for rhetoric here. 
※(by me・lol)


It's "皇帝"、if we write "the Emperor" in Chinese characters. (Kōtei)
This is a formal designation of the Emperor. 
Around 220 BC、this word was created by Shi Huangdi of Qin.
(The first Emperor of China)
By the way、"the Emperor of Japan" is "天皇". (Ten'nō)

"The Emperor who rule all things." 
"天皇" originally seems to be this sense. 
Of course、this word is originally a Chinese word.
Just that time、it seems began to be used as the official name of the King of Japan.
By the way、third Emperor of The Tang dynasty following the Sui dynasty.
There seems to be that he was referred to as "天皇".
This is the only example in China. 

Incidentally 10 years after、the Sui dynasty perish.
But a return call messenger of the Sui dynasty.
He has a successful career in the Tang dynasty. 
Dynasty perish.
But its officials survive. 
(Depending on the process of formation of the dynasty、but this may be natural.)

"美味しんぼ 第10話 料理のルール"

美味しんぼ 43 過去との訣別 − 山岡、プロポーズ

美味しんぼ 94 医食同源対決!!

美味しんぼ 104巻 食と環境問題 / アメリカ横断

美味しんぼ 105巻 続・食と環境問題 / 未公開VTR&NG集 一挙放出!!

美味しんぼ 108巻 被災地篇・めげない人々 / サイコロ4 / 美味しんぼ 46巻 究極の新居

美味しんぼ 109巻 日本全県味巡り 島根編 / サイコロ1 / from 美味しんぼ 110巻 & 111巻 福島の真実①②




"第31話 未婚の貴族 (90分SP)"


cry me a river


per aspera ad astra.


gйnie or je suis saint esprit;je suis sain d'esprit あるいは、おれはゴッホさんが亡くなった部屋を、それを本や映像でいつか見た、という意味ではなく、知っていた、そこはショパンさんの部屋でもある。

"どろろと百鬼丸 第十九話"

"どろろと百鬼丸 第二十話"








"サイボーグ009 第40話"

""サイボーグ009 第41話""

""サイボーグ009 第42話""

"超時空要塞マクロス 1982 第33話"

"超時空要塞マクロス 1982 第34話"

America never kills innocent people、but this is scheduled on a global scale as a fact in the near future.

America、ame ri re ca、あめ heaven 天 ten 十 じゅう 獣 住 銃 重 じゆう freedom 天再夏 天創夏 heaven re-cannan heaven十 freedom re-canaan

from The Five Star Stories XⅢ

from 日本発狂 / from MASTER キートン and Re マスター



"01 Mes Premieres Vraies Vacances"

"02 Jazz A Gogo"

"03 Soyons Sages"

"04 Les Rubans et la Fleur"

"05 Pense A Moi"

"06 Ca Va Je T'Aime"

"07 La Cloche"

"08 N'Ecoute Pas Les Idoles"

"09 J'Entends Cette Musique"

"10 Ne Dis Pas aux Copains"

"11 Ne Sois Pas Si Bete"

"12 Si Jietais un Garcon"

"13 Laisse Tomber Les Filles"

"14 Le Premier Chagrin d'Amour"

"15 Christiansen"

"16 On T'Avait Prevenue"


"01 Poupee de Cire, Poupee de Son"

"02 Nounours"

"03 Bonne Nuit"

"04 Sacre Charlemagne"

"05 Un Rpince Charmant"

"06 Le Cœur Qui Jazze"

"07 Dis A Ton Capitaine"

"08 Au Clair de la Lune"

"09 Le Temps de la Rentree"

"10 Attends Ou Va-T'En"

"11 Mon Bateau de Nuit"

"12 L' Amerique"

"13 Nous Ne Sommes Pas des Anges"

"14 On Se Ressemble Toi et Moi"

"15 Deux Oiseaux"

"16 Et des Baisers"


"01 Baby Pop"

"02 Faut-Il Que Je l'Aime"

"03 Cet Air-La"

"04 Les Sucettes"

"05 Quand on Est Ensemble"

"06 Bonsoir John John"

"07 La Rose des Vents"

"08 La Guerre des Chansons"

"09 Celui Que J'Aime"

"10 L' Echo"

"11 Boom Boom"

"12 Tu N'As Pas le Droit"

"13 Il Neige"

"14 Oh! Quelle Famille"

"15 Les Lecons Particulieres"

"16 J'Ai Retrouve Mon Chien"


"01 Bebe Requin"

"02 Teenie Weenie Boppie"

"03 Les Yeux Bleus"

"04 Made in France"

"05 Toi Que Je Veux"

"06 Chanson Indienne"

"07 Gare A Toi Gargantua"

"08 Avant la Bagarre"

"09 Chanson Pour Que Tu M'Aimes un Peu"

"10 Nefertiti"

"11 La Fille d'Un Garcon"

"12 Polichinelle"

"13 Dady da Da"

"14 Le Temps du Tempo"

"15 Allo Monsieur La-Haut"

"16 La Vieille Fille"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️