
Saturday, 28 September 2013

wipe out

"The emperor of the country where the sun rises will send a messenger to the emperor of the country where the sun goes down."
This sovereign message.
It was written this way. 
日出処天子/The emperor of the country where the sun rises 
日没処天子/the emperor of the country where the sun goes down
(日/the sun)(出/rises)(処/where・the country)(天子/The emperor of the country)
(日/the sun)(没/goes down)(処/where・the country)(天子/the emperor of the country)

It is such correspondence.
Yes、in this case,"the emperor" is "天子".
(Modern Japanese pronunciation of this word is "ten-shi".) 


Today、literal translation of this word is a "child of heaven".
This word seems to be the holy title originally used to refer to the King of Zhou dynasty.

"天 ≠ God・Heaven"
Maybe it was like that at the time.

"The king is a man who were selected from existence beyond the human intellect."
But this feeling is probably already existed.
This is several hundred years earlier than era of Confucius. 

By the way、this holy title might have been used from more previously.
Because Yin dynasty seems to have been theocracy.

But there is one problem here.
The characters of the late Yin dynasty have already been found in large quantities.

These characters had been inscribed on animal bones.
But the character of 天子 is not there.
The character of 天子 of the oldest existing、it is on inscription of the early Zhou dynasty.
(Maybe、it is inscribed on bronze.) 


Although this is rely my memory only.
Words related to 天.
Confucius is not actively using it in "the Analects". (論語・Rongo)
The word 天子 may not have been used.

At least、it does not remained in my impression.
(Incidentally、I read the Analects of Confucius only once in a hurry.)

天・天子・天下(Under heaven≒World)・堯舜(Yao and Shun)

By contrast、those words are everywhere in "the Book of Mencius". (孟子・Moushi)
And Yao and Shun has been described as 天子 in this book.
Note:Roughly speaking.
”The Analects” is a book that collected the words of Confucius and his disciples.
”The Book of Mencius” is a book that collected the words of Mencius and his disciples.

I remembered an episode about 天 in Analects.

Confucius had a favorite pupil.
His name is "Yan Hui".(顔回・Gankai)
But he died earlier than Confucius.
"天 is about to destroy me." 

At this time、Confucius lamented so.

※By the way、in Japan、there is "天使" in the chinese character pronounced "ten-shi".
The direct translation is "the messenger of heaven"、and the meaning is "angel".※

Sunday, 29 September 2013

the sacrifice

"子" (shi)

Today、the general meaning of this character is "child" (at least in Japan).

"Honorific title for men."
But 子 seems to also have this meaning originally.
For example.
Confucius write in Chinese characters is "孔子".(kō-shi)
His family name is 孔 surely.(kō)
But his real personal name is 丘.(kyū)
In the same way、Mencius write in Chinese characters is "孟子".(mō-shi)
And his family name is 孟.(mō)
But his real personal name is 軻.(ka)

They were called by the honorific title "子" from their disciples.
(and from people of future generations.)

"Saint、precious person."
Probably、子 had its meaning.

Note:All of these are modern Japanese pronunciation.


There is a Chinese character "師".
Pronunciation of this chinese characters is also "shi".
And today、the general meaning of this character is "Master、Teacher".
"子曰" (shi-iwaku)

This is the first passage of Analects in many cases.
This meaning is "Confucius said".
This phrase may be possible to convert like this. 
However、師 was originally military word of the Zhou Dynasty. 
Troop of 2,500 people.
The Zhou Dynasty called it 師.

"Person who direct it."

It would flow of meaning like this maybe.
師 seems to became have a meaning of "leadership".

※Even in present-day Japan、師 is used as a military term.

Dating back era further.
Time it was still hieroglyph. 

The left half of 👉師.
This seems to be the cross section of the sacrifice that was cut. 
The right half of 師👈.
This seems to be deformation of Chinese character "sheep".
(Today、chinese characters of sheep is 羊 in Japan and it may be a little different in China.)
"The sacrifice that was dedicated to God before the war."
The origin of this character.
It seems to have had something like that. 

And 子.
The origin of this character.
It seems to be hieroglyphs representing a small child.
※The Japanese pronunciation of 子、in modern Japan、it is often pronounced "ko".
Besides the meaning of children、in current Japan、it is often used at the end of female names.※




西表島 and Where is the trace of the fall of shots? Of course、I will not say that there was no battle here.

コスタリカ and たしか人を書いた後にサッチャーさんのことをお聞きしたような。

Heart to Heart


Daimajin Monster Of Terror - 1966""



これは上野の西郷隆盛さん像を造った高村光雲さんの思い出話ですが、当時上野近辺に住んでいた、お父さんの知り合いの仏師のお嫁さんがご近所さん達に凄く嫌われてて、"戦争が始まる"てのを教えてもらえなくて、銃弾が付近をとび交うようになって(光雲少年が知らせにきて)初めて周囲が皆避難してることに気づいたと。今となっては、そのままでは受取りません。もちろん福島でも聞いた、火事場(避難)泥棒もありますが。 If "we" do not kill "them"、this gloomy world never end.

Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future.



"湘南爆走族 第1話 残されたら走り屋たち"

"湘南爆走族 第2話  1/5 LONELY NIGHT"






"機甲創世記モスピーダ 13"

"機甲創世記モスピーダ 14"

天照帝。この、ナイト オブ ゴールド "イリアス"のバスターランチャーで、現在、地球直撃コースで飛来する直径500キロの小天体を狙撃消滅するのがおれとさゆみの最初のお仕事。(V)o¥o(V)。



per aspera ad astra.





"02 パイプライン"



"05 朝日のあたる家"

"06 10番街の殺人"


"08 ウォーク・ドント・ラン’64"

"09 キャラバン"


"11 逃亡者"

"12 木の葉の子守唄"

"13 アパッチ"

"14 ロコモーション"

"15 テルスター"

"16 悲しき闘牛"

"17 悲しき街角"



"01 ウェイリン"

"02 ダイアモンド・ヘッド"

"03 テルスター"

"04 ウォーク・ドント・ラン’64"

"05 秘密諜報員"

"06 10番街の殺人"

"07 パイプライン"

"08 ペネトレイション"

"09 ブラック・サンド・ビーチ"

"10 エル・クンバンチェロ"

"11 ゴールド・フィンガー"

"12 ドライヴィング・ギター"

"13 輝く星座"

"14 ハワイ・ファイヴ・オー"

"15 アウト・オブ・リミッツ"

"16 夜空の星"

"17 雨の御堂筋~京都慕情(メドレー)"

"18 京都の恋~黒くぬれ(メドレー)"

"19 二人の銀座"

"20 イエロー・ジャケット"

"21 クルーエル・シー"

"22 朝日のあたる家"

"23 アパッチ"
"24 レッツ・ゴー"
"25 ワイプ・アウト"

"THE VENTURES  45th Anniversary Live"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️