ジャングル探検 and I think knowledges that stocked by last minute were incorporated into the conversation and Somehow sense of closeness to the cesium 137(lol).

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

relocation of the capital

”Joking aside、is it possible?”
Saigo asked.

The man replied.
This man was Choshu samurai named ”Oumura Masujirou”.

During this period、there was a change to the organization of the new government.
Thereby、he came Edo from Kyoto as operations staff.

When second Choshu conquest by Tokugawa.
The man who drafted the strategy of Choshu、it was him.
As result Choshu had succession of victories against Tokugawa.


Kyoto city was the capital of Japan.
To put it simply within my capacity、because the Emperor was in there.
But Edo city was the de facto capital at that time.   

"Osaka city become the new capital of Japan."
At first、there was this concept inside the new government. 
”But Edo city remain uninjured.
Therefore capital functions remain uninjured."
For example modern dock in Yokosuka.
Yokohama had been developed as a trading city. 
Already from the days of Tokugawa、Edo city was trying change to the modern capital.
"We should be used it."
Such opinions had become strong inside the new government.


"If we have the capital to Edo、we are possible to continuously employ an officials of the Tokugawa.
And people will also come gathering to Edo city again.
Merchants in Edo will revitalize again by it.

Osaka is a city of merchants originally.
The formation process of Osaka city is different fundamentally to Edo.
Samurai was almost non-existent there. 
Even if we leave them alone、they will can overcome this crisis by themselves."
Saigo said so with laugh.

And another problem had been come to the surface at that time.

When Tokugawa had regime、aristocracy of Kyoto had been limited action by Tokugawa.
Therefore most of them were not to go out of the Kyoto and income had been limited.

”Reverence for the Emperor.”
New administration was born by this nominal.

"I’m a person who have been trust from the Emperor.
Currently、the Imperial Court is in need of funds.
You should provide the money for the Emperor."
"Main aristocracy of the imperial court.
I am very close with them.
If you require、I can be introduced you to them." 
"I'm a aristocracy.
So、I am a sacred presence." 
After the Restoration、such aristocracy appeared many.
In short、especially outside of Kyoto、blackmail、trick、scam  based on "noble blood"、have became more frequent. 

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Because "restoration" was nominal of this revolution、at first、the traditional officials name of the Imperial court were used to officials name of the new government.

"This government positions must hereditary by us.
Because our pedigree is precious.

Okubo of Satsuma、Goto of Tosa.
They behave as though they owned the place.

However、what is their substance?
They are merely a low class.

Okubo Dajyou Daijin (Top Minister).

Do we call him like that?
Please stop joking."
There were many such opinion inside aristocracy.

"Do you guys say forever such a thing?
Yes、we must call him like that.
Because he deserve to be called so."

Young aristocracy named "Saionji Kinmochi".
He insisted so.
Many young aristocracy had agreed it.
"Kyoto has too many fetters for us.
In order to change the era、we need to go to the new location."
This opinion came out from among them. 

Accordingly、the presence of the Shogitai had become a serious problem. 

"We must eliminate them from Edo city as soon as possible.
But without producing damage to Edo city." 
Omura came to Edo city as a planner this strategy.
Naturally、it depends on the viewer's values、he is also from a low class of course.  


"Edo city is the capital of Japan truly.
Fire prevention measures of city have been taken firmly."
Omura said.
As you know、(traditional) Japanese house is a wooden. 
During this 250 years of Tokugawa、Edo city had the great fire many times.

Increase the width of the road.
Make a large space provided as a firebreak at regular intervals.
As a result、Edo city had high conscious to fire protection.

"And Kan'eiji is located on top of a small hill in Ueno.

I think it will depend to some extent on the weather、but if can summarize the enemy to Kan'eiji.
Limit the damage to Edo city.
It is quite possible.

Kan'eiji is also presence of only branch castle of Chiyoda Castle at Edo city.
Strategic base which large army can be gathered.
Therefore it is only here except for the Chiyoda Castle.

Of course I think they also know it well.

And they are large number surely.
But most of them is old style samurai.

Modern soldiers of Tokugawa.
Most of them escaped already from Edo city.

So the Shogitai hasn't ability to respond to modern warfare.

Our troops will systematically surround them.
And we will summarize them to Kan'eij.
It is quite possible."
Omura continued.

”By the way、I have a favor to ask to you.
Officers of troops of participating in this operation.
At least、do government troops be able to provide a pocket watch for them?”
He added.
※This is a making story.

Pocket watch of made ​​in Japan.
It made a few decades later of this time.




"NHKスペシャル 「核は大地に刻まれていた・“死の灰”消えぬ脅威」(ファイル破損)"


""NHKスペシャル 「原爆死~広島 72年目の真実~」"


Par is ♡。


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"仮面ライダーアマゾン 第1話 人か野獣か?! 密林から来た凄い奴!(wikiによると1974年10月19日放送)"

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"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第7話 ピンクの月光!オオカミ部隊 (wikiによると1976年5月24日放送)"




印旛沼事件:出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』














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"人形劇三国志 第二十八回『淑玲 死す』"

"人形劇三国志 第二十九回『決戦!百万対一万』"




"ETV特集 テレビが記録した知性たち 第1回 大岡昇平 戦争文学に挑む 1999.3.5 (前半部音切れ有)"


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️