amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅤ-3-1-1-AKIRA PART 1 鉄雄 1-119ページ。






"突貫小僧 (wikiによると1929年11月24日公開)"









本作はフィルムが失われたと長らく考えられていたが、1988年(昭和63年)に家庭用9.5mmフィルム版のプリントが発見された。これは映画評論家・山根貞男の知人であるフィルムコレクターが、他のコレクターから入手したもので、山根の仲介によってフィルムセンターに寄贈され、35mmフィルムに復元されて再公開された。発見されたプリントは公開当時の完全なものではなく、本作で撮影助手を務めていた厚田雄春によれば、冒頭の製作会社ロゴタイトル・クレジット部分やそれに続く短いカット3、4つほど、さらにエンドマークが欠落しており、中盤部分にも明らかに数コマから数秒ほど欠落している箇所がいくつかあるが、一シークエンスが丸々抜け落ちているようなことはないという。現在観ることのできるプリントは、この9.5 mm版プリントにタイトルなどを補ったものであり、無声映画期に一般的だった秒間18コマ (18 fps) のフレームレートで映写する場合でおよそ18分の長さであるが、現代の規格である24 fpsでの映写では14分ほどになり、本作が収録されている2003年(平成15年)発売のDVDでもこの長さになっている。同プリントは、2001年(平成13年)開催の第20回ポルデノーネ無声映画祭で上映された。

その後、2015年に映画ファンの遺族より京都市のおもちゃ映画ミュージアムに寄贈されたフィルムの中に本作があり、上述の家庭向け短縮版の欠落部分(タイトルシーンや字幕、冒頭部分など数分程度)が含まれていることが判明した。この部分は、翌2016年10月に京都国際映画祭で上映された。 また、2023年にも現存の14分のフィルムより6分長い16mmフィルムが発見されている。


・人攫いの親分権寅:坂本武 from wiki.

"現代に甦る小津安二郎の世界 (starfree.jpさんのサイトによると1993年NHKで放送)"
160,862 回視聴  2021/07/20
出演:山内静夫、有馬稲子、岡田茉莉子、岩下志麻、杉村春子、川又昻、浦岡敬一、斎藤高順、田中康義、青木富夫、ヴィム・ヴェンダース、ホウ・シャオシェン、吉田喜重ほか from takanobu saitoさんのyoutubeチャンネル

225,025 回視聴  2016/09/20
原節子 映画女優 (本名 会田昌江 あいだ  まさえ)   1920年(大正9年)6月17日ー2015年(平成27年)9月5日 逝去 95歳。横浜市出身。from kenshiro minamiさんのyoutubeチャンネル






"丹下左膳余話 百萬両の壺 The Million Ryo Pot (1935) [カラー化 映画 フル Colorized, Full Movie] (wikiによると1935年6月15日公開)"
1,050 回視聴  2022/10/21

The Million Ryo Pot (丹下左膳余話 百萬両の壺, Tange Sazen Yowa: Hyakuman Ryō no Tsubo) is a 1935 black and white Japanese comedy film directed by Sadao Yamanaka and starring Denjirō Ōkōchi.


・丹下左膳 - 大河内傳次郎さん。
・お藤 - 喜代三さん。
・ちょび安 - 宗春太郎さん。
・與吉 - 山本礼三郎さん。
・茂十 - 高勢実乗さん。
・当八 - 鳥羽陽之助さん。
・萩乃 - 花井蘭子さん。
・お久 - 深水藤子さん。
・柳生対馬守 - 阪東勝太郎さん。
・峰丹波 - 磯川勝彦さん。
・高大之進 - 鬼頭善一郎さん。
・七兵衛 - 清川荘司さん。
・おしゃかの文吉 - 高松文麿さん。
・矢場の女 - 伊村利江子、達美心子さん。
・柳生源三郎 - 沢村国太郎さん。


・当八 - 鳥羽陽之助さん。


"素晴らしき金鑛 (一般社団法人 日本映画製作者連盟さんのサイトによると1941年6月25日公開)"


金日成 (1946年)





"COMBAT! s.2 ep.28 The Short Day of Private Putnam (1964)"


"COMBAT! s.2 ep.28 The Short Day of Private Putnam (1964) - Japanese dub"

If she was the real older sister of Biden-san、wouldn't there be a problem(lol)?

"He is still just a child." 2024110106:11(japan time).



"John Lennon, Aunt Mimi, and relatives in New Zealand (June 23, 1964)"




彼との出会いは、2010年に今は亡き兄のボーによる紹介だったのだそう。余暇には、国際子供病院にて無償で腫瘍摘出手術を行うボランティアや、家庭内暴力の犠牲者を援助するためFaces of Honor への協力もしているそう。夫妻そろって慈善活動家な2人です。from アメリカ大統領ジョー・バイデンの愛娘、アシュリー・バイデンを知る13の真実






"シェーン(Shane,日本語字幕) 1953"


トーマス・ジョナサン・ジャクソン(Thomas Jonathan Jackson, 1824年1月20日または21日 - 1863年5月10日)は、南北戦争時代のアメリカ連合国(南部連合)の軍人。アメリカ合衆国の歴史を代表する勇将の1人。その戦いぶりからストーンウォール・ジャクソン(Stonewall Jackson)と渾名された。ロバート・E・リーの片腕として合衆国軍(北軍)を苦しめたが、チャンセラーズヴィルの戦いで戦死した。






出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

ロバート・エドワード・リー(Robert Edward Lee、1807年1月19日 - 1870年10月12日)は、南北戦争の時代のアメリカの軍人、教育者。南部連合の軍司令官を務め、物量や国力において圧倒的に強大だった合衆国側の北軍を大いに苦しめた。最終的には敗北したが、アメリカ史上屈指の名将として評価が高い。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


"He is still just a child." 2024110106:11(japan time).

ジョセフ・ロビネット・バイデン・ジュニア(英語:Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.、発音:[ˈbaɪdən]、BY-dən、1942年11月20日 – )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、弁護士。同国第46代大統領(在任:2021年1月20日 – )。短縮形名はジョー・バイデン(Joe Biden; 発音: [dʒoʊ ˈbaɪdən]。ニューキャッスル郡議会議員、デラウェア州選出連邦上院議員、副大統領を歴任した。2021年1月20日に78歳で大統領に就任した。ジョン・F・ケネディ以来2人目のカトリックの大統領である。
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


※20210120 18:20 バイデンさん閣僚のみなさん就任おめでとう。

"06 Shohmyoh"

"01 Four Enclosed Walls"

"Devilman crybaby"


"「DEVILMAN crybaby」 ダイジェスト映像"

"Devilman Crybaby Multi-Audio Clip Devilman's Savage Power Netflix Anime"

"デビルマン - 不動明参上 Devilman Crybaby Netflix Japan"

"DEVILMAN crybaby PV第2弾"

"伝説のコミックが過激に甦る!『DEVILMAN crybaby』PV第3弾"

"Devilman Crybaby Ryo speaking english"

"Devilman Crybaby - The Prophecy"

"Devilman crybady- Akire(Amon) vs Xenon"

"ryo learns truth"

"Devilman Crybaby Sad Scene Death of Taro and Miki's parents, Akira cries"

"Devilman Crybaby - Akira defends humans (I'm a Devilman too!)"

"Devilman Crybaby - Best scene from episode 9"

"Akira Fudo Childhood Moments Devilman Crybaby"

"Devilman Crybaby - Akira ultimate punches Ryo"

"Devilman Crybaby - Baton Pass"

"Devilman Crybaby - Akira Death"



"実録 日本の裏世界 ~極道~"

"実録 極道の妻"









◆周 保中(しゅう ほちゅう、1902年2月6日- 196 4年2月2日)は、中華人民共和国の軍人、政治家。ペー族(白族)。建国前は金日成や崔庸健など朝鮮人の抗日パルチザンも所属した東北抗日聯軍の第二路軍総司令として活動し、東北抗日聯軍が赤軍(ソ連軍)の第88独立狙撃旅団に組織構造ごと引き継がれた際は旅団長となり、ソ連軍の満州侵攻後はソ連軍の長春衛戍副司令官となる。国共内戦では東北人民解放軍の副司令官として活動する。中華人民共和国建国後、雲南省人民政府副主席、中国共産党中央委員会候補委員などを歴任する。

1902年2月6日に雲南省大理市湾橋村で生まれる、出生名は奚李元。1917年に15歳の時に護法運動に参加。1922年から1924年まで雲南陸軍講武堂で学ぶ。1926年から北伐に参加する。国民革命軍第6軍として活動する。1927年7月に武漢市で中国共産党に入党する。1927年12月に湖南省、浙江省、河北省などで輸送や連絡の任務に従事する。国民革命軍の第6軍の第18師団の副師団長を務める。1928年にソ連のモスクワの国際レーニン学校に留学する。1931年9月に満州事変が起こると中国に帰国し、中国共産党満州省委員会軍委書記となり、満州の遼寧省などで金日成や崔庸健ら朝鮮人軍人と共に抗日ゲリラを組織する。1935年、東北抗日聯軍が組織されると第2軍軍長に就任。1937年の聯軍改編時に第3路軍軍長となり吉林省東部の山岳地帯で活動。日本軍の掃討作戦によって大打撃を受けると、1940年にソビエト連邦の極東地方に脱出し、ソ連軍下の第88独立狙撃旅団の旅団長(中佐)となる。金日成は大隊長(大尉)だった。from wiki.

"瀬島龍三参謀 (大尉時代)"

瀬島 龍三(せじま りゅうぞう、1911年〈明治44年〉12月9日 - 2007年〈平成19年〉9月4日)は、日本の陸軍軍人、実業家。陸士44期次席・陸大51期首席。位階・勲等は従三位・勲一等瑞宝章。太平洋戦争のほとんどの期間を参謀本部部員(作戦課)として務めた。最終階級は中佐。伊藤忠商事会長・相談役、亜細亜大学理事長、日本電信電話顧問等を歴任。退職後は中曽根康弘元首相の顧問など多くの職に就任し、「昭和の参謀」と呼ばれた。from wiki.


i won't redoではありますが、オウム真理教幹部一族郎党含めゴミ処刑つうことで。が、所謂、前期オウム事件の実行犯はウッチャンナンチャン系の連中。で、国松長官狙撃事件の実行犯は、国松さんに失礼な気もしますが、アイツ、名前調べないのでわからないけど、自然悪な顔をした、人肉クリームシチュー(だっけ?コンビ名)の有田じゃない方。当然、この、おれが書いた文章中の国松さん以外の、ゴミは全員処刑。ああ、国松さんだけじゃないですね、いいや、笑えますか?オトシマエは必ずつけます。この世界の運命を決めるものとして(おれの祖父にも銃創はありました)。12月 29, 2018

ガイド04 最前線。

ガイド16 『交通』



"仮面ライダーV3 第16話 ミサイルを背おったヤモリ怪人!(wikiによると1973年6月2日放送)"





石川幸史 / ISHIKAWA Koji


主な作品シリーズに、シフトレンズで光軸を移動させながらその痕跡を撮影し、大地や水の流動性、そこに働く重力のイメージを可視化することを試みた『Silent Shift』(2014-)、光の特性や写真の機能に着目しながら、火や水などの物質の表面を断片的かつ高精細に捉え、アナロジーの手法を用いて、垂直的な瞬間のイメージを連関させた『This is not the end.』(2008-)のほか、近年では東京の周辺地域の歴史や地勢を踏まえてロードトリップしながら、アメリカ化した風景をアイロニカルな視点で捉えた『The changing same』(2017-)などがある。from 石川幸史 個展「Afterwards」さんのサイト


"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第63話 黒い電光石火!飛び出す大砲(wikiによると1976年10月2日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー  第64話 青いUFO !! 宇宙軍団大襲来 (wikiによると1976年10月16日放送)"




金 賢姫(キム・ヒョンヒ、朝: 김현희、1962年1月27日 - )は、1987年の大韓航空機爆破事件を実行した朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 (北朝鮮)の工作員。死刑囚だったが後に特赦されている。


「李恩恵」と呼ばれる女性(日本から拉致された田口八重子とみられている)に、1981年7月から1983年3月まで東北里2階3号招待所で日本語教育を受け、大韓航空機爆破事件の際には「蜂谷 真由美(はちや まゆみ)」という名の日本人になりすました。

事件後に、現地バーレーンの警察に捕まる直前、「蜂谷 真一(はちや しんいち)」という名で日本国旅券の日本人に背乗りしていた、共犯の金勝一(キム・スンイル、김승일)と共に、煙草を吸うふりをして服毒自殺を図るが、死亡した金勝一に対して金賢姫は一命を取りとめた。from wiki.


"超獣機神ダンクーガ 第26話 黒騎士の秘密 (The secret of velieves) (wikiによると1985年9月27日放送)"



"仏 軍事パレード【ほぼノーカット】(2021年7月19日)"

"陸上自衛隊 令和5年度富士総合火力演習"
482,970 回視聴  2023/05/27 にライブ配信
 演習の当日は、YouTube陸上自衛隊広報チャンネルにおけるライブ配信を予定していますので、是非ご覧ください。from 陸上自衛隊 広報チャンネルさんのyoutubeチャンネル


北朝鮮「2018年、新年慶祝公演『朝鮮の姿』(2018년 신년경축공연 조선의 모습)」KCTV 20180105 2023/05/30 6:54

おれが読んだ原作(日本語、現在これしか知りませんが、非常に優れた南北戦争史だと思います)では、アシュレーさん達が結成した秘密組織がクークラックッスクランだったとおもいます。3月 10, 2019

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Until the Meiji Restoration、there was a unit called "koku 石".
It was used primarily as a unit to measure the rice quantity.

It was also used as a numeric value that indicates the economic power of lords.
The yield of rice in its territory.
The rank of lords inside Tokugawa shogunate、it was determined by that basically.

※It seems that such usage has been fully implemented since the Toyotomi administration unified Japan and surveyed agricultural land nationwide.
The Toyotomi administration was a national administration that lasted for two generations and was destroyed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in the early 17th century.※

Satsuma 720 (thousand)720,000
Choshu 360
Tosa 490
Saga 350
Aizu 230
Sendai 620
Yonezawa 150
Shonai 140
Nihonmatsu 100
Taira 50
Souma 60
Miharu 55
Akita 200

Nagaoka 74
Takada 150

Top part is main lords of the new government.
Middle part is lords of Ōu region.
Under part is lords of Echigo.
(Of course、they are not the only lords of Echigo.)

This was "economic strength" of the clan.
(There is a little change in the numerical value depending on time.)


However、this was nominal、for example Choshu and Satsuma seems to had reached "1000" at that time. (1,000,000 Hyakuman Goku)

Because Choshu decreased sharply their territory、they was carried out reclamation project desperately.
(They did not dismiss the vassals、which was a very rare case in this situation.)

On the other hand、Satsuma had an international trade route (violation of the Tokugawa Shogunate law) to the south.

Ryukyu Dynasty (Current Okinawa Prefecture) was under the de facto control of Satsuma. 
Their burden was also greater.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Edo from Sunpu(the territory of Tokugawa Ieyasu at that time should be about 1500)、the amount of rice in the Kanto region、which is his new territory, was about 2500.
After the establishment of Tokugawa shogunate、they took over the territory of throughout Japan.
As result、it became about 4000 as area under direct control.
In the decision of this time、it became 700.

If anyone wants to have a modern navy、certainly economic power was needed.
Large lords of western Japan had a navy.
However、even if mobilize its all、it was no match for Tokugawa's naval power.
They couldn't buy a state-of-the-art ship with a single economic power.

A clan with the economic power to have a navy in the Ōu region、it was Sendai.
However、there was a danger that it seemed to be an act of hostility against the Tokugawa shogunate.
Above all、Ōu region was peace only.
They did not need it until now.
※Of course from before、foreign ships had been infested.

Friday, 5 April 2013

from then

"I would like to talk to you in private."
Enomoto said to Imperial prince.
Three days ago of disposal decision of the Tokugawa、the messenger of the Imperial prince visited Enomoto secretly.

"Imperial prince hope to evacuation to Ōu region until the situation settles down." 
The messenger said so. 
It was request of escort.

"To Hirakata."
Enomoto accepted it on this prerequisite.
Hirakata was de facto buffer zone at that time. 

"If we are continue to stay Edo city、it seems to be in a very dangerous situation." 

They changed their schedule ahead of schedule by disposal decision of Tokugawa.
So Enomoto came back in a hurry. 
They came at that midnight.

Enomoto、Imperial prince and his entourage. 
The room was the only three people.
"Thank you for helping us."
Imperial prince said. 
He was young yet.

"Please allow to talk my opinion to you.
You go out yourself to the Imperial Court office in the Edo city、it is better than go to the Ōu region. 
I am convinced the Imperial Court never harm to Imperial prince.

If you being so、Tokugawa Navy will protect you with all our strength."
Enomoto insisted so.
But the will of Imperial prince did not change.

"All right.
However、I ask to you only one thing.
Please you avoid to become a situation of Northern and Southern Dynasties in any case."
Enomoto added it to the end.

"Of course、I also fully understand about its dangers."
Imperial prince replied.

"Enomoto san."
He then continued to talk.

"I thinking….
First、the Shougitai was formed in order to guard Yoshinobu kou.
It had nothing to do with me. 

However、they did not dissolve even after Yoshinobu kou left Edo City.
Conversely、it continued to increase gradually. 
The Emperor in Kyoto is my nephew and I am a monk.
I will not fight him in the first place.
So、I had apprehensive to the Shogitai.

Rudeness of Satsuma and Choshu against the Imperial Court、it is beyond the acceptable range.
Therefore we punish them for the Imperial Court. 

Please don't worry、they're just a coward.
If we put a little pressure、they will quit foolish acts at once.
So it will never be a battle.
I had been heard so.

However、after that、event of its contrary appeared one after another.
Kan'eiji atmosphere became more and more savage. 
Kan'eiji is the family temple of the Tokugawa.
This is a sacred place and I had a duty to protect the Kan'eiji.
I could not suppress my wrath against them.

And that day had came.
The battle was significantly disadvantage.
Also cannon began to fall in the precincts.
In the end、I escaped faster than anyone else.

When I was hurry to gate.
Defend the Imperial prince !
I heard clearly that voice in gunshots.

I don't know the after situation. 
I escaped from them、even lying.
The number of people who died in that battle. 
I don’t know even it.
I want to evacuation to the Ōu region until the situation settles down.
Escape from my duty.
Is it good?

I have been thinking from then." 

Mid-14th century、Kamakura (Government office location) shogunate of first samurai regime.
At the end of this regime、dissatisfaction of samurai was a growing.
Finally this regime was overthrown by samurai who helped Imperial Court.
(The situation was somewhat similar to this era)
But after all、this new regime was only to protect the rights of the nobility.
Immediately samurai did revolt to Imperial Court、and they established their regime.
※Simply speaking、this samurai is a representative of farmers. 

This regime had fielded its own emperor.
(Of course from Imperial prince.)

As result、several decades、there were two Emperor in Japan.


※「各自の持ち場でご奮闘ください。解散!」午後1:55 · 2021年10月14日·Twitter for iPhone








"スプーンおばさん OP ED"




※20210120 18:20 バイデンさん閣僚のみなさん就任おめでとう。




"街道をゆく 第2シリーズ 第12回 愛蘭土紀行 (wikiによると1999年3月7日放送)"


"01 She Loves You (disk 2)"

"02 Till There Was You (disk 2)"

"03 Twist and Shout (disk 2)"

ワット‐タイラーの乱 1381人頭税賦課への不満を誘因として、イングランド南東部を中心に全国的規模で起こった農民反乱。ロンドンの民衆も合流し、農奴制の廃止地代の引上げ禁止を国王に約束させてほぼ鎮まったが、指導者ワット=タイラー(Wat Tyler1381)はさらに要求を続ける中で殺害された。[広辞苑第六版より引用]【英史】 Wat Tylers Rebellion; The Peasants Revolt.[新和英中辞典第5版より引用]


John (Winston) Lennon (194080) [リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用1981




"Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny sentenced to prison"


"07 Mutation"

"02 Track 8"




※あのですね、スベリーズといえば生田衣梨奈と石田亜佑美。衣梨奈と聖のお父さんは三木谷さん。で、亜佑美の"颯夏 -souka-"という写真集タイトルから創価学会の誰かだろうとおもっていましたが、ご両親でしょうか?20220129。









"音響劇 デビルマン・アーマゲドン編」 (wikiによると1998年10月に発売されたCDデビルマン伝説に収録。"


"【公式】『ちいかわ』第236話「おしるこ/夜のおソバ」※1週間限定配信<124 (金)AM759まで>"


北朝鮮「2018年、新年慶祝公演『朝鮮の姿』(2018년 신년경축공연 조선의 모습)」KCTV 20180105 2023/05/30 6:54


30,221 回視聴  2018/01/05
2018年1月5日、「朝鮮中央TV」で放送されたモランボン楽団と功勲国家合唱団による「2018年新年慶祝公演 朝鮮の姿」。from dprknowさんのyoutubeチャンネル



"SLAM DUNK 第68話 救世主!?桜木花道 (wikiによると1995年5月27日放送)"

"SLAM DUNK 第69話 ゴリ異変!(wikiによると1995年6月3日放送)"


"SLAM DUNK 第70話 ゴリラダンクII (wikiによると1995年6月10日放送)"

"SLAM DUNK 第71話 ゴリ・復活の雄叫び!(wikiによると1995年6月17日放送)"

"SLAM DUNK 第72話 人生最大の屈辱 (wikiによると1995年7月1日放送)"






"北朝鮮「2021年慶祝公演、国旗掲揚、祝砲発射、新年の挨拶、放送終了まで (2021년 경축공연, 국기게양, 축포발사,새해인사, 방송종료까지)」KCTV 20201231"
12,162 回視聴  2021/01/01
2020年12月31日、「朝鮮中央TV」で放送された「2021年慶祝公演、国旗掲揚、祝砲発射、新年の挨拶、放送終了」。連続ではなく、途中に「画面音楽」などが入っている。from dprknowさんのyoutubeチャンネル





"ルー・テーズ vs. 力道山 (昭和32年10月13日 大阪扇町プール特設リング NWA世界ヘビー級選手権)"


"北朝鮮 「<録画実況>2023年新年慶祝大公演 (2023년신년경축대공연)」KCTV 20230105"
8,721 回視聴  2023/01/06
2023年1月5日、「朝鮮中央TV」で放送された「<録画実況>2023年新年慶祝大公演」。from dprknowさんのyoutubeチャンネル


"BBC News Japan '드래곤 김', 서울에 등장"






"Photos of the 19 perpetrators of the 9/11 terrorist attacks released"



と、いうことは、で(笑)、"千利休 妻"で画像検索するも。






"街道をゆく 第3シリーズ 第39回 堺・紀州街道 大和壺坂みち (wikiによると2000年1月15日放送)"

"街道をゆく 第3シリーズ 第40回 ニューヨーク散歩 (wikiによると2000年1月22日放送)"

"街道をゆく 第3シリーズ 第41回 横浜散歩 (wikiによると2000年1月29日放送)"

オマエ等、"黒人"好きだな。9月 25, 2018

"08 Exodus From The Underground Fortress"

"04 Flowers Of Romance"

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐49-3-1-My first album、self-produced and recorded at home、"Go for a Walk with Butaphine". The first half is a song I made a long time ago on 4ch cassette tape、and the second half is a song I made a long time ago with the DTM software Music Maker. The input sound source was a Yamaha QY300 sequencer, recorded as sound rather than as data. I also imported the cassette sound source into Music Maker and tweaked the EQ。11月 25, 2024

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅢ‐50-11-1-The Vision。12月 11, 2023


"文明の道 第5集 シルクロードの謎 隊商の民 ソグド"



"The Vision"

"01 follin' love" デビルちゃんのキャラクターデザインとイラストと歌うのはれいなでギターコーラスはおれ。

"02 ニミツパークの思い出ver 2"

"03 time of the moon"

"04 love song"

"05 snowslow"

"06 first contact"

"07 live drive"

"08 heaven's blue"

"09 don't let me down"

"en-01 fly fighting rock"

"en-02 forever この曲の歌詞は花音に頼んだ。"

"en-03 inmyhead"

"en-04 byebyesong"




"Memories of Summer"


"cyber space up load"

"well swell"



Second Morning 4月 07, 2020

"01 Night of Tokyo City"

"02 真夏の光線"

"03 Memory 青春の光"

"04 好きで×5(かけるファイブ)"

"05 ふるさと"


"06 抱いてHOLD ON ME!"

"07 パパに似ている彼"

"08 せんこう花火"

"09 恋の始発列車"

"10 乙女の心理学"

"11 Never Forget"


"12 ダディドゥデドダティ!"

go for a walk with Butaphine 8月 16, 2018


Guide 07 Universal Declaration (excluding cannibals). Declaration of war. April 07, 2022 part1.

By the way、when I was reading '(Sakaguchi) Ango Torimonochō,' I suddenly thought、Nobunaga-san's head was burned in the fire at Honnoji Temple、but what happened to Nobutada-san's head?Aside from that, generally speaking, scientifically speaking, at what temperature does it take for bones to turn to ash?So. 20210920.

"NHK Special "Nuclear was engraved in the earth - 'Ashes of death' is an unquenchable threat" (video file corrupted) (Basically only in Japanese)"


I'm not afraid to say this without fear of being rude、but the symptoms of so-called atomic bomb disease (somehow body feels lazy and lose motivation to do anything - like Johnny Rotten-san at that live show・lol/2023071120:06/Japan time) are: I can understand this as it happened to me as well.

But at the same time、I've always thought、even before I stopped being human、that I'm glad that my fate isn't like theirs、that I'm not that one. - ※This means that I am glad that I was destined to suffer from atomic bomb disease. 2024111916:22(japan time).

By the way、I think this program was broadcast in 2009、but recently the black rain issue has been frequently covered in the media、but of course、Yuki-cho、which is a long-established store(lol) with this problem、is also?20210920.

Of course、I don't think it's a lie. で、this is just my amateur opinion、but of course the same goes for the traces of black rain... 20210920.

Oh yes、and this is just me saying this、but while taking into consideration the wind direction at the time of the atomic bomb explosion、leaving that aside, (for example) are the surfaces of the Atomic Bomb Dome and the stone walls of Hiroshima Castle made of some kind of ultra-heat-resistant and also anti-radiation material(lol)?
(Landfill rubble is also・Maybe they changed the direction of the river?) etc. (lol).

The idea is that the excavated soil generated when the river was culverted and its flow was redirected was used to raise the ground level. For now、just read this as if it were just me saying something. So. 20210920.

"Atomic bombed strata"

"The town where 4,400 people lived - Kikkawa Koji 's origins・Hiroshima Peace Park - (japanese only)"

Yamasako-san、I wonder if there is a risk of residual radiation in that milk bottle(lol)?- ※"It brings back memories," said Yamasako-san、as he pretended to drink from an atomic bomb-damaged glass milk bottle that had just been excavated from the ground. 2024112004:09(japan time).


A portrait of your childhood、perhaps(lol)?20210920.


At least in this image with this quality、the soil doesn't look like it's been vitrified by extreme heat、and there are no wildfires…What about the vacuum created by the combustion of the atmosphere itself? 20210920.

You may have seen a map of concentric circles on a flat surface showing damage measured within a certain number of kilometers of the hypocenter. 2024112004:17(japan time).

For example(for example)、in this painting of mine、the middle of the mountain is also the hypocenter. 2024112004:21(japan time).

"The upper parts of the Products Exhibition Hall and the Industrial Promotion Hall had been broken off and were sagging. The reinforced concrete Aioi Bridge had risen by nearly one meter in the middle, and the concrete surface of the bridge showed cracks like a turtle's shell, with fissures two to three centimeters wide all over. The 50 centimeter diameter water pipe that crossed the river along the bridge had also been broken off, its mouth gaping open so that the inside of the pipe could be seen all the way through." Black Rain, page 201, lines 7-10.

The atomic bomb explosion would have occurred almost directly above this location、but is it the heat rays of several thousand degrees and the first shock wave coming from the sky on the right side of the screen? 20210920.

"【Experiment】Roof tiles excavated from the basement of the Atomic Bomb Museum are heated to 1800 degrees"

So、this is just a testimony from Ibuse Masuji-san's novel "Black Rain" (I've never heard it anywhere else). 20210920.

"On the morning of August 6th, a group of cadet officers at the west training ground were taking off their jackets to do gymnastics after receiving instructions from their commander, when a strong light flashed. The man at the end of the line was standing with his back against the trunk of a thick tree. The apprentice officer caught sight of the moment Hiroshima Castle was blown away. It is said that the castle tower remained in its original form, standing in the air as it quickly flew to the southeast.
The next moment, the apprentice officer lost his sight. However, he is said to have seen with his own eyes that the five-story castle tower flew 450 meters southeast from its original location and remained in its original form in the air. I guess he didn't see it, but it was reflected in his eyes.
According to people who saw the scene later, the castle tower had collapsed onto the river bank behind it, turning into a pile of dirt and tile fragments. It seems that the wind pressure generated when a bomb explodes has both action and reaction. The castle tower may have weighed thousands of tons, but it was moved by a force stronger than the gravitational force of the Earth, so it probably flew through the air in its original form." Black Rain, page 163, lines 1-11. There is one blank line, making a total of 16 lines.

※Please let me know when you have roughly digested the contents (lol). 2023071120:00 (Japan time).

で、this is a very important point、but I will omit it(lol).
で。 2024112005:57(japan time).

What they're trying to say is、"(Based on a detailed computer simulation/2024112006:04/japantime) How is it possible that the building was able to stand without collapsing after being hit by a shock wave of this value, including diffuse reflection from the surrounding terrain、at this angle?"(lol)?

"NHK Special: Unknown Shock Waves - Nagasaki Atomic Bomb and the Threat of Mach Stem (japanese only)"

I'm writing this without checking the footage、but as is common with the video files that I uploaded early on (I don't do that with footage of anyone other than my wife these days・lol)、I cut out parts where I felt like、"There's something about this guy's facial expression and the way he speaks、I just don't like it," so I don't think it's the complete version (even if it was possible、I wouldn't want to change it back). ゴミズは処刑ズ。2024112006:22(japan time).

で、this is just a side note.

"The Agency commands you to predict how far away a person can be killed."

I'm sure they've done something like "Find out how far away various noises can be heard"(lol). ゴミズは処刑ズ。

で。2024112006:30(japan time)。

"An excerpt from a special program aired at the time about the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (japanese only)."

"A satellite image of the Hyogo area during the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake."

Where is the location shown in this video?Anyway、the surrounding clouds are completely unaffected by the shock waves and heat rays of the atomic bomb explosion. What altitude is this cloud formed at、and what is its name?

◆ 雲・Kumo [Cloud] (possibly from the same origin as "Komoru" (to hide))
1. Moisture in the air condenses into tiny droplets or ice crystals that float high in the sky. Man'yoshu [1] "How can you hide Mt. Miwa? How can you hide your feelings?" → Cloud class Unkyu. [Quoted from Kojien 6th Edition]

So、this will be from the next "Death by the Atomic Bomb: The Truth 72 Years Later in Hiroshima." 20210920.

Kamazuka-san、who was a student at Hiroshima Girls' High School at the time、said that as soon as the light flashed、a shock wave came from above.

オマエ等、"黒人"好きだな。9月 25, 2018


You guys like "black people" - but it's only the pitiful "black people" who are oppressed for all eternity and who are trying to overcome it for all eternity.



おれが思われても、そりゃ文句ない(笑)。9月 25, 2018



When black people in general think、"What a crazy person," in response to the words or actions of a particular "Asian," I also think、"What a crazy person," and when I think、"What a crazy person," in response to the words or actions of a particular "black person," don't black people in general also think、"What a crazy person,"?

Even if the general public thinks of me that way、I don't have any complaints (lol). The use of psychiatry for criminal purposes.

"[Japanese subtitles] Martin Luther King, Jr. speech: I have a dream/【日本語字幕】キング牧師演説 私には夢がある"

"1975 Emperor Showa's first visit to the United States and first official press conference/1975 昭和天皇初訪米&初公式記者会見"

※"植民地"に"支配階級"として"入植"した奴等ゴミ処刑ズでも、"被支配階級"の"現地語"を"宴会芸"で覚えるのはいいんじゃない?そういえば"アウシュビッツ"でも"ナチス"に媚び売る"特権階級""ユダヤ人"が"ユダヤ人"に対し最高に最悪だった、つうな、ある種。で、ドナルドトランプ一族郎党ゴミ処刑ってそもそもアメリカ人じゃないでしょ?戸籍はないだろうけど、それを証明する公式な書類、此奴の署名入りとかで似た感じのあるんじゃない?それを知っている真っ当な人たちが今まで全員無視してた。映像その他で今更の偽造が無理な状態で。正式な手続きをすれば誰でも確認できる。20210222 08:35※





"Listen to President Obama's inaugural address in English/英語で聴く オバマ大統領 就任演説"


Barack Hussein Obama II-san、the 44th President of the United States. Are you the first Muslim president of the United States(lol)?
What's important is protecting the US Constitution、law、justice and freedom.

There are no skeletons in Obama’s closet [the President].


"Trailer for "Bill Clinton's History of the American Presidency""

By the way、when I was blogging (in the general sense・lol)、I was a blogging friend of the current Empress of Japan、Masako-san、and her family are all devout Christians、but I have kept this a secret from anyone except here because I don't want to cause any trouble for my friends(lol). 2024110212:35(japan time).

My blog alone never got even a hundred views、but the people who always left comments、other than my wife、were Hironomiya-san and Masako-san、as well as Macky-chan-san、a (not very successful?・lol) movie screenwriter and a writer for adult videos. 2024110213:04(japan time).

By the way、I once uploaded a song I made called "today's weather feel good" to YouTube、and when I searched for "today's weather feel good" on Google's English site、it came up at the top of the search results. The number of views was about 5 times. 2024110213:14(japan time).






















"09 Illusion"

"08 Go Back"

go for a walk with Butaphine 8月 16, 2018

"01 Go for a walk with Butaphine"

The female voice is the voice of Google Translate-san.
I'm pretty sure I adjusted the timing of her speech by leaving a space between each character. 2024112501:41(japan time).

"02 Fry Fighting Rock"

"03 Cyber Space Up Load"

"04 In My Head"

"05 Snow Slow"

"06 Bye-Bye SongⅡ"

"07 Memories of Summer"

"08 End of The Moon"

"09 Heaven's Blue"

"10 Live Drive"

"11 Today's Weather Feel Good"

"12 Fallin' Love"

prototype 8月 28, 2018



So、this will be from the next "Death by the Atomic Bomb: The Truth 72 Years Later in Hiroshima." 20210920.

Kamazuka-san、who was a student at Hiroshima Girls' High School at the time、said that as soon as the light flashed、a shock wave came from above.

"NHK Special Death by the Atomic Bomb: The Truth 72 Years Later in Hiroshima (japanese only)"

Leaving aside the "in the first place" part、does this mean that this aerial photo has been cropped (were aerial photos at that time really that high resolution)?20210921.

Is it like using reconnaissance photos from a wide area and processing them for Google Earth (I feel like this is what the so-called image quality was at the time)?2024112710:23(japan time)。

※で、"Now、now、don't stand there at the entrance like that、go further inside the house." "Well、thank you guys for coming. Please take a nice rest here."

"Tempura Restaurant Chidori (4.5 36 reviews)"

The occurrence of trivialization of reality (sorry to all those involved in these buildings).

"Found a narrow and small building"
狭小: Narrow and small
矮小: dwarfishness

"みんな4K! - Everyone(mi-n-na) 4K!"

※Modern Japanese people usually read '4K' as 'yon-kei'、but we can also read it as 'shi-kei' if we wish.

市警(shi-kei): city police
私刑(shi-kei): lynching
死刑(shi-kei): death penalty

みんな市警!: Everyone's a city police officer! 
みんな私刑!: Lynching everyone!
みんな死刑!: Everyone's sentenced to death!

I know I'm being really rude to the right people. 2024112706:27(japan time).

"I'm grateful for the benche (where I can rest after getting tired from walking)"

Ayase Haruka Shida Mirai Owaraigeinin are all trash executed.
Of course、I'm just saying that on my own、but that's what it is.

※By the time I saw "NHK Special Death by the Atomic Bomb: The Truth 72 Years Later in Hiroshima (Japanese only)," I had already been doing 'this kind of thing' for seven or eight years(lol).

The resulting impression on Hiroshima City on that day was that there was a flow of people evacuating 'in advance' from Hiroshima City、and a flow of 'large groups of people' flowing into Hiroshima City in large numbers.

Also、the voice of the narrator of this program sounds similar to that of Kikkawa Koji-san、and I think that there is meaning and will behind it.

で。2024112709:59(japan time)。

I tried to suppress the deterioration of the video quality of the content as much as possible、so I ended up chopping it up quite a bit (apparently the video is compressed to some extent when it is uploaded・lol)、however.

"Saga WALK (Saga City, Saga Shrine and a reduced arcade street) A castle town of 360,000 goku (the video does not include audio、only music)"

"Saga WALK (Strolling around Saga City's Central Boulevard) VOL.1 (the video does not include audio、only music and Japanese subtitles)"

This is what it was like、for example(for example)、in Hiroshima、Nagasaki、Fukushima、New York、and also in the current border areas of Ukraine and Russia、and in Palestine、and more、up until that day. 2024112710:04(japan time).

As I say、we incorporate "those people" into ourselves and dispose of them. 2024112908:05(japan time)。


"Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Records Collection Vol. 1: Marine Corps Films 1 (for the Internet) (japanese only)"

Well、aside the Mach stem、it's like swinging a Japanese sword down、or rather...
A building 500 meters directly below the point where the atomic bomb exploded、and 500 meters directly to the side.
In other words、for this building、is a 45 degree angle downward from the explosion point the shortest distance from the explosion point?Does it depend on the terrain and the shape of the building?

It is true that this angle would be the one that would send the shock wave to this building in the shortest time...similarly、wouldn't shock waves come from the explosion point at intervals of a fraction of a second、like a Japanese sword being swung down、at 44.9 degrees、44.8 degrees、44.7 degrees、and vice versa、at 45.1 degrees、45.2 degrees、45.3 degrees、and so on?20210928.

I just checked the video and Matsuda-san said、"The shock wave 'first' hit this building at a 45-degree angle"(lol). 

で。2024112711:26(japan time).

I just used a ruler to draw an isosceles triangle with two sides measuring 5cm、and the remaining side was 7cm.
The distance from the explosion point to ground zero is 5cm.
Putting Mach stems aside、can't we calculate the distance to be less than 2cm from so-called ground zero(lol)?2024112711:32(japan time).

The issue here is not about Mohenjo Daro、but whether or not there is a high probability that soil will vitrify when fired at a certain temperature or above (what about the moon・lol?). 2024112903:56(japan time).

"Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Records Collection Vol. 7: Marine Corps Films 7: Aerial Photography (for the Internet) (japanese only)"

By the way、simple math: is one side of a triangle with a 90 degree angle between sides measuring 5cm and 10cm about 11cm (when flat)?

11cm-5cm=6㎝:simple math。2024112711:49(japan time)。

If you mean "the damage in that case is real damage," then that is probably true. 2024112711:51(japan time).


"人魚の森 OVA2 人魚の傷"

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionⅪ。




In this way 9月 23, 2018

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Let's return to the Tohoku region in the early dynasty period of Japan.
In 719AD、the Japanese dynasty created a system of government called "Azechi".

※I wrote it myself(lol)、but I think it means "an early dynasty、according to verifiable records". 2023030708:26 (japan time).

Azechi is a job title.
For example、hypothetically、"the Governor of California will now have jurisdiction over the western United States."
The equivalent of this governor of California was Azechi.

※The authority that this California governor would have was "Azechi". 
Should I write it like that?
It's a sentence I wrote in a long time ago with a one night cramming style study.
If you are interested、I think there is an English sentence、so please look it up yourself(lol). 2023030708:42 (japan time).

The dynasty developed this system of governance、seeking to speed up administrative processing and strengthen the control system in the region.
However、in the following year、Azechi of this land was killed、and the great rebellion of Emishi broke out for the first time in history.

2023030708:51 (japan time).

※ジョーイ・スターレットさんさておき(彼はまだ幼児です・2024030507:36/日本時間・笑)、カッパ(カッパに悪いけど)や80's のポルノ女優(80's のポルノ女優に悪いけど)な顔の連中ばかり見てるとアメリカの有権者も疲れるでしょ。たまには真っ当な政治家一家の顔でも(笑)。2024030507:10(日本時間)。

※Aside from Joey Starrett (he is still a toddler/2024030507:36/japantime・lol)、I'm sure American voters will get tired of seeing people who look like Kappa (sorry to Kappa) or 80's porn actresses (sorry to 80's porn actresses). Everyone、let's take a look at the faces of legitimate politicians once in a while (lol). 2024030507:10 (Japan time).


※Actually、the more these guys gather、the more it feels like 1980's porn (same sentence below)? 2024071915:12 (Japan time).


"BBC TV Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II Westminster Abbey 1953 (William McKie)"


"George Harrison - Royal Albert Hall 1992"



"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:10 チャーリー"

英語から翻訳-ノーマンチャップマンはビートルズと共演したイギリスのドラマーでした。 トミー・ムーアが1960年6月にグループを去った後、チャップマンはシルバービートルズに加わりました。しかし、チャップマンは国家奉仕のために呼び出されたために彼が去る前に、1960年6月にグループで3つのショーをしただけでした。 ウィキペディア(英語)

Norman Chapman
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Norman Chapman (1937– July 1995) was an English drummer who played with the Beatles.

After Tommy Moore left the group in June 1960, Chapman joined the Silver Beetles. However, Chapman only played three shows with the group in June 1960 before he left due to being called up for national service. He was replaced in the group by Pete Best.[はゴミ処刑。]After finishing his time in the national service he played with several local bands, including Ernie Mack and The Saturated Seven.

Chapman died of cancer in July 1995 at the age of 58


"Thanks guys"

By the way、the mysterious spell spoken by George Harrison san during the live MC(※japanese english?2023070411:55/japantime) is in Japanese(lol). 2023070411:49(japantime).


"45 ANGEL"


"47 ジェラシーを眠らせて"

"10 Requiem"

"09 Francis Massacre"

prototype 8月 28, 2018

"01 C‐Ⅰ"

"02 C-Ⅱ"

"03 C-Ⅲ"

"04 C‐Ⅳ"

"05 d"



noise 8月 16, 2018







amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。