amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅢ‐26-2。


『仮面ライダー 第3巻 謎の男 ライダーマン!!』




jast a hero tourだったか、ちょい前だったかのライブMC(ここにアップしてると思う)で氷室京介さんが"バカだのチョンだのさんざん言われて"な感じのことを仰られていたと思いますが。2023062511:35(日本時間)。

22,881 回視聴  2023/02/11に公開済み

登紀子の「土の日」ライブVol.30 「百万本のバラを語る」

山田五郎 やまだ・ごろう(編集者・評論家)
1958年 東京都生まれ
西洋美術史を学ぶ。卒業後、㈱講談社に入社『Hot-Dog PRESS』編集長、総合編纂局担当部長等を経てフリーに。
講演、執筆活動を続けている。from 加藤登紀子さんのyoutubeチャンネル。 



"悲しき天使 [日本語訳・英詞付き] メリー・ホプキン"






わがチーム8月 12, 2018


          中村俊輔さん            中田英寿さん


             加地亮さん     福西崇史さん

    駒野友一さん   宮本恒靖さん    中澤佑二さん    今野泰幸さん





あのですね。8月 13, 2018









"桂米朝 最後の大舞台"

"イチロー 最後の闘い"

"釜本邦茂 引退試合 ヤンマー vs 日本リーグ選抜 1984"



疾風のブレードランナー 8月 13, 2018



a.k.d fc。アマテラス キングダム ディメンス フットボールクラブ。
amaterasu kingdom demesnes football club




で、あのですね、アマテラス キングダム ディメンシーズにしたいんですね。
ちょっと発音あれですけど、amaterasu kingdom dimensions football club

a.k.d fc。アマテラス キングダム ディメンシーズ フットボールクラブ。

ウチのみなさん、これで、"amaterasu kingdom dimensions"旗揚げ、つうことで。



"遠藤周作 「あなたはあなたを知っているか」"

"クイズ!試験に出るどうでしょう 第一夜"

"クイズ!試験に出るどうでしょう 第二夜"

"クイズ!試験に出るどうでしょう 第三夜"

"クイズ!試験に出るどうでしょう 最終夜"

"四国八十八ヶ所 完全巡拝 第一夜"

"四国八十八ヶ所 完全巡拝 最終夜"


能勢は黙ったまま杯をいじった殉教の動機の中に英雄主義虚栄心をみつけることはやさしい。しかし、そういうものを除いた後にも、まだ残余の動機が存在する。この残余の動機こそ人間にとって大切なものではないのか。「それに、そう言う見かたをすれば、すべての人間の善意行為の裏側にもみな虚栄心や利己主(義が見つけられます・90ページ)」”(7月 31, 2018)


大谷刑部さんには、多分、今生でお会いしてないので、ま、大谷翔平(ゴミ処刑)にも大谷明宏(ゴミ処刑)にも会ったことないですが、lie病、反戦病、梅毒患者は大変だ、と、以前、俺は言いました。上杉隆系(ゴミ処刑)にも皆勤(ゴミ処刑)で。(2月 08, 2019)

でですね、たとえばトルシエさん。8月 13, 2018





で、その契約の席で、「何か私に要望はありますか?」と ブランキーニさんにたずねられた中田さんが、すいません、お名前が、もう一人中田さんのマネージメント担当として女性の方が、「彼女たちは私のお姉さんみたいな存在で、常に私をサポートしてくれています。私をリスペクトして下さるなら、彼女たちのことも同様にリスペクトして下さい。」「もちろんです。」と。

ご注進!こんなこと言ってるぞ!!11月 22, 2018



でですね、このタイミングで読んだので(11月 22, 2018)。




"日野日出志恐怖劇場【恐怖漫画】恐怖!四次元の町 後編"

"勇者ライディーン 第31話 恐怖のテツダンさかさ落とし (wikiによると1975年10月31日放送)"

"勇者ライディーン 第32話 ドライガー心臓破り作戦 (wikiによると1975年11月7日放送)"

"勇者ライディーン 第33話 破壊魔獣11の秘密 (wikiによると1975年11月14日放送)"



"勇者ライディーン 第34話 ガルジャー謎の秘密兵器 (wikiによると1975年11月21日放送)"


"勇者ライディーン 第35話 熱火竜サラマンダーの炎 (wikiによると1975年11月28日放送)"



あのですね。10月 26, 2018





"機動戦士ガンダム 第18話 「灼熱のアッザム・リーダー」"



"蒼き流星 SPT レイズナー 第1話 あかい星にて"

"蒼き流星 SPT レイズナー 第2話 彼の名はエイジ"


"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第一集 生命の星 大衝突からの始まり"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第二集 全球凍結 大型生物誕生の謎"

MU 8月 25, 2018

"01 3 A.M. Eternal (Live At The S.S.L.)"

"02 Justified And Ancient (All Bound For Mu Mu Land)"

"03 Make It Rain (Extended Version)"

"04 Last Train To Trancentral (Live From The Lost Continent)"

"05 America : What Time Is Love?"



こっちサイドの話ですが、魔法はとっとと復活すべきでしょう。凶星輝いちゃってるでしょ、地球にそれ来ますよ、これが本番。11月 14, 2018


角川春樹(角川家と一切無関係)、美輪明宏、江守徹、原田知世、まったくしらんけど槐柳二という男(実際の声は植垣康博さん)はゴミ処刑ってことで。今後も声似てる(似せてる)方ってことで。8月 05, 2018







愛の讃歌 9月 01, 2018

"01 サン・トワ・マミー"

"02 メケ・メケ"

"03 雪が降る"

"04 ろくでなし"

"05 枯葉"

"06 人生は過ぎ行く"

"07 ラストダンスは私に"

"08 愛の讃歌"

"新日本紀行 すみれの花咲くころ ~宝塚~"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第71話 真赤な大決戦!! 地球移動計画 (wikiによると1976年12月4日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第75話 真赤な火炎地獄!! ストーブ仮面の陰謀 (wikiによると1977年1月8日放送)"

パネルヒーターで検索 ヒット2件

◆パネルヒーター an oil‐filled electric radiator.【新和英中辞典第5版より引用】
◆pánel bèater《自動車などの》板金工.【リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より引用】


◆fille d’hon・neur /F fij dɔnœːr/
(pl filles d’hon- /―/) 《女王などの》侍女; 花嫁に付き添う若い娘.
◆fille de cham・bre /F fij də ʃɑ˜ːbr/
(pl filles de cham・bre /―/) 《古》 《婦人に仕える》小間使, 侍女
◆fille de joie /F fij də ʒwa/
(pl filles de joie /―/) 売春婦, 売笑婦.
[F=girl of pleasure]
◆fílled góld /fíld‐/
圧延金被覆板, 金張り (=ROLLED GOLD).
◆rólled góld (pláte)
金張り, 圧延金被覆板 (=filled gold) 《真鍮などの台金の上に金合金を圧延被覆したもの; 金合金の割合は全体の重量の最低 1/20》.
◆fílled mílk
置換乳, フィルドミルク《脱脂乳に植物性脂肪を加えた牛乳》.

◆板金工 a sheet metal worker.【新和英中辞典第5版より引用】
◆sheet {名詞}シーツ,敷布;(紙・ガラスなどの)1枚;口新聞;(切手の)シート;(水・雪・氷・火などの)広がり(of).
come down in sheets  (雨・雪などが)激しく降る.
ー {動詞}(他動詞)敷布[薄片]で覆う.
sheet glass  薄板ガラス.
sheet metal  金属の薄板,板金(ばんきん).
sheet music  (閉じていない)ばら刷りの楽譜.
・sheet・ing  {名詞}敷布(地);(被覆・裏張り用の)板金.【パーソナル英和辞典より引用】





天照帝。この、ナイト オブ ゴールド "イリアス"のバスターランチャーで、現在、地球直撃コースで飛来する直径500キロの隕石を狙撃消滅するのがおれとさゆみの最初のお仕事。(V)o¥o(V)。7月 25, 2019


stake everything 10月 08, 2018

Sunday, 30 September 2012


Choshu's power was completely excluded from the politics of Kyoto.
(In short、they were the bosses of the conspiracy.)
And the destruction of the coup d'etat regime in Tosa mainland.
(In short、they were assassination bosses.)
※Of course、in the times、it was a class system、and their takeover of the Tosa government was also "as the back".

In this way、public order in Kyoto was finally restored.
It was not.

They secretly returned to Kyoto one after another.
And naturally they were impatient to try to recover their lost ground.

"Set fire all over Kyoto.
At the same time we will kill those responsible for defending Kyoto. (Example: Matsudaira Katamori、lord of the Aizu clan)
And we take advantage of its chaos and save the emperor from the hands of the villains."
Such a plan was secretly advanced.

"Throwing all into this task"
Many key figures in their group were involved in this coup plot.
However、the Shinsengumi detected this coup plan in advance、attacked their meeting place、and after a fierce sword fight、many of them died or were captured.

※This raid turned out to be a surprise attack、but the number of Shinsengumi who initially stormed the meeting place was much smaller than they were.
Is the ratio about 1:4?(5-20)

At this time、the Shinsengumi's main force was heading to another location to search.
(They learned that a militant meeting was going to be held that day、but did not know its location.
And at this time、many of the Shinsengumi members must have been unable to sortie due to a disease or something.)

Of course、the people at the meeting、who hadn't expected the attack、were dressed casually (kimono) and the Shinsengumi were heavily armed.
(They were wearing chainmail.)

"At first、I instructed my comrades to cut down the enemy、but after the main force arrived、I switched to arresting them."
After this、Shinsengumi director Kondo Isami said:※

Well、with this, the security of Kyoto has finally been restored.
Yes it was not.

When the Choshu clan learned of this fact、they were furious and immediately dispatched troops to Kyoto.
※Of course、there were many forces within the Choshu Domain who advocated "prudence'' and "self-restraint''.
This dispatch could be called a reckless "outburst."※

They were stationed outside Kyoto and demanded the lifting of the sanctions imposed on them.
However、it was naturally ignored by the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Eventually、they marched towards the Imperial Palace and a battle broke out.
※During this period of "petition"、the Tokugawa forces were able to prepare their defenses.

In this battle、Choshu was devastated by Satsuma and Aizu、the de facto main forces of the Tokugawa side in Kyoto.
And many of their key leaders died in the battle、including by suicide.

※Choshu and Satsuma were originally rivals in Kyoto politics.
Of course、it's because they want to get an important place in Japan's policy making.

"Aizu must absolutely obey the head of the Tokugawa family (shogun) and share their fate.
The Aizu Matsudaira family had such family precepts.
I heard so from my mother."

That's what it said in a book by Tokugawa Yoshitomo san that I recently read.
Yoshitomo san is the great-grandson of Tokugawa Yoshinobu of the last shogun、and his mother is grandson of Matsudaira Katamori.

"Because Katamori is Samurai."

This is my translation、but according to Yoshitomo san's book、this is Yoshinobu's evaluation of Katamori.


※After this、Choshu became "Enemy of the Emperor".
※in japanese Chou-teki 朝敵 "Enemy of the Imperial Court".
(Simply put、because they attack the Imperial Palace and they gave a severe damage to the Kyoto.)

"Now is the time cut off the root of the evil."
After this battle、the Tokugawa shogunate decided to dispatch an expeditionary force to Choshu.


As a matter of fact、immediately after this battle、the combined fleet of Western powers began bombarding the coast of Choshu.
After the bombardment、Marines landed.
The power of the naval gunfire was tremendous and there was little fighting, and they easily occupied the Choshu battery on the coast.

Of course、this was in retaliation for the sudden shelling of their ships by the Choshu battery.
Above all、raids on Westerners were frequent at that time.
No one there denied Choshu's involvement.

※I've seen pictures of Marines posing for a commemorative photo with an "intact" coastal battery in the background.
I might have this picture.
Even if it is not、it is probably on my net(lol).※

※"They destroyed all coastal batteries as they returned to the ship".
I think that was the story (lol). 2023062516:07(japan time).

"その時歴史が動いた スペシャル 第080回 日本を動かした15人 前編"

"その時歴史が動いた スペシャル 第080回 日本を動かした15人 後編"


14,041 回視聴  2021/08/31
過疎地域の観光、グルメ、移住動画を放送しています。from ふじさんぽ 過疎地域旅行さんのyoutubeチャンネル

"【4K】世界遺産級の江戸城 旬の梅咲く梅林坂 平川門 皇居東御苑 パワースポット 癒しのヒーリングミュージック付き (Edo Castle, Imperial Palace)"
3,210 回視聴  2022/02/27  皇居東御苑

Home for the holidays
Bensound slowmotion


"01 This town ain't be enough for  both of us"

"02 Amateur hour"

"03 Falling in love with myself again"

"04 Here in Heaven"

"05 Thanks God it's not Christmas"

"06 Hasta mañana monsieur"

"07 Talent is an asset"

"08 Complaints"

"09 In my family"

"10 Equator"

"11 Barbecutie"

"12 Lost and found"

Kimono My House is the third studio album by American rock band Sparks, released on May 1, 1974, by Island Records.[7] The album is considered to be their commercial breakthrough, and was met with widespread acclaim.

Preceded by the single "This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us", Kimono My House peaked at No. 4 in the UK and No. 101 in the US. Retrospectively, Kimono My House is considered one of Sparks's best works and one of the best glam rock albums.

In 1973, prior to the recording of the album, the brothers Ron and Russell Mael had accepted an offer to relocate to the United Kingdom in order to participate in the glam rock scene. The previous lineup consisting of Earle Mankey, James Mankey and Harley Feinstein was replaced with British musicians: Martin Gordon, Adrian Fisher and Norman "Dinky" Diamond joined the band to play bass, guitar and drums respectively. The group signed a record contract with Island Records and recorded Kimono My House in 1974. Although the Mael brothers had wanted Roy Wood to produce the album, he was unavailable, so Muff Winwood was hired instead. Winwood remained with the group to produce the follow-up album Propaganda later in 1974.

The album's title is a line from the song on the album "Hasta Mañana, Monsieur", and a pun on the title of the song "Come On-a My House", made famous by Rosemary Clooney. The pun has a precedent, however, in the title of the track "Kimona My House" on jazz guitarist Dick Garcia's 1956 album A Message from Garcia.

Musically, Kimono My House represented a shift in sound and a focusing of Ron Mael's songwriting (now the indisputable lead songwriter). Sparks' two albums with the Mankey brothers had been diverse albums that featured a number of different styles, such as a cover of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Do-Re-Mi", "Here Comes Bob", which was performed by a small string section, and "The Louvre", which mixed both English and French lyrics.

The new album embraced the more pop-oriented side of the Mael brothers' song-writing, which had previously been evident in songs such as "Wonder Girl" and "High C". Now, with challenging arrangements by the new British line-up and Winwood's simpler production, the songs were more focused. The album slotted in with the current popularity of glam rock—which was dominating the charts—in particular, the more experimental and electronic sound of Roxy Music and David Bowie. Lyrically, the songs remained unusual and humorous. The great number of words filled with pop-culture references, puns and peculiar sexual content, sung often in falsetto by Russell Mael, set Sparks apart from other groups.

The particularity of their sound, which matched pop songwriting with complex lyrics, defined the group to their UK audience. Integral to the sound was Adrian Fisher's guitar playing and Martin Gordon's sonorous Rickenbacker bass. The novel input of competent and innovative musicians constituted a successful formula which was maintained only until the tour which followed the release of Kimono My House, with Gordon fired before the tour and Fisher afterwards.[citation needed]

The other key component of the Sparks sound in this period was Ron Mael's keyboard. On the previous two albums Ron had primarily used a Wurlitzer electronic piano, but he found that the instrument did not stand up well to the rigours of touring, because the metal reeds that generated the notes frequently broke. When the group relocated to the UK, Mael purchased an RMI Electra-Piano model 300. This instrument had three basic sound options, a piano sound, an organ sound and a harpsichord sound, but Mael used only the piano sound for his work with Sparks.

Although the tonal quality was markedly inferior to a Wurlitzer or a Fender Rhodes – Mael later described the piano setting on the Electra-Piano as "incredibly terrible" – the RMI had several notable advantages for a touring musician. Unlike the electro-mechanical Wurlitzer and Rhodes, the RMI was a completely solid-state instrument, with each note generated by its own dedicated LC oscillator circuit, so it was both more robust and lighter than a Wurlitzer, and the tone generator circuits were very stable and did not drift out of tune, which was a common problem for many early electronic performance keyboards like the Minimoog synthesiser. To compensate for the very basic sound of the Electra-Piano, Mael fed the instrument through an Echoplex tape echo unit, giving it the highly distinctive "shimmer" that features prominently on their breakthrough single "This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us".

Ron Mael: "It was the first time I was really aware that technology can give some kind of mystery to the sound. There was a kind of haunting quality to the RMI with the Echoplex. Real tape delay gave it a little of a wobbly feel. That sound, these days, you can approximate it, but to get that thing, you need the old gear. I'm not a big collector of vintage gear, but I kept that Echoplex, 'cause it's just such a beautiful machine."

The visuals were aided and abetted by the physical presence of the group. Ron and Russell milked their peculiar image, with Ron's toothbrush moustache, reserved wardrobe and usually silent demeanour sat in diametrical opposition to his younger brother's long curly hair and energetic and flamboyant stage persona. Taken together, the sound and look of the group caused a sensation, producing what seemed to the mass audience to be an "overnight success".

What sounds like a honking saxophone line at the end of ”Equator”, is in fact a mellotron played by Ron Mael; the seductive whispers on the track are delivered by a sped-up Russell Mael.

Cover artwork
The original concept for the cover came from Ron Mael, who was inspired by a Japanese World War II propaganda photograph he had seen in an old wartime edition of Life magazine. The original image depicted two Japanese women in traditional dress disdainfully holding their noses with one hand while holding a photograph of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. However, in place of the Churchill photo, Mael's homemade mockup substituted the cover of Sparks' previous album, A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing (1973).

The final version of the front cover was executed by the same team who created the classic early covers for Sparks' labelmates Roxy Music—Island Records Marketing Director Tim Clark, photographer Karl Stoecker and stylist Nicholas de Ville. It is notable for having neither the name of the band nor the album title on it.

The two women pictured, in kimono, were actresses Michi Hirota and Kuniko Okamura. They were members of Japan's Red Buddha Theatre headed by Stomu Yamashta, which was performing in London at the time. Interviewed in 2014, Hirota recalled:

Stomu Yamashta (or Yamash'ta), born Tsutomu Yamashita (山下勉, Yamashita Tsutomu, 15 March 1947), is a Japanese percussionist, keyboardist and composer. He is best known for pioneering and popularising a fusion of traditional Japanese percussive music with Western progressive rock music in the 1960s and 1970s.

In the latter part of the 1970s, he led the supergroup Go with Steve Winwood, Al Di Meola, Klaus Schulze, and Michael Shrieve. from wiki. ※

We were both actresses touring with a Japanese theatre company in Europe and the USA. My husband Joji Hirota was musical director. A record company (Island records) approached our director looking for Japanese women, and we were asked to do the modeling. I am the woman on the right (with a fan). We were not told much, they just let us move freely. We didn't know how to arrange our hair properly or how to fix our kimono. There was nobody to dress us. The session took 4 or 5 hours. It had such an impact, however I thought that I looked bit ugly.

Asked if there were any other photos from the session, Hirota recalled:

Yes, I kept one Polaroid photo in which I looked rather kawaii (cute in Japanese), which Karl dropped on the floor. Hope this is OK with him. I keep it in my personal photo album.

In 1980, Michi Hirota (pictured right) would add vocals to David Bowie's "It's No Game".

"01 It's No Game (Part 1)"
※I think the Japanese lyrics are basically the same lyrics as the English lyrics. 2023062607:17(japan time).

The back cover includes the band name, the album title, list of songs and photos of the band members. The inner sleeve for the original vinyl record was printed with a full set of song lyrics on one side and a black and white photograph of the Mael brothers, framed in a spotlight, on the reverse.

Kimono My House became a popular release, peaking at No. 4 on the UK Albums Chart, and was awarded gold status by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) in September 1974. The single "This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us" was a surprise hit and reached No. 2 on the UK Singles Chart, being certified silver in June 1974. It was held off the top spot by the Rubettes' bubblegum pop song "Sugar Baby Love", which remained at No. 1 for four weeks. Sparks' second Island era single, "Amateur Hour", reached the top ten in the UK later that summer.

"The Rubettes - Sugar baby love - Les années bonheur - Patrick Sébastien"

"sugar baby love"

"08 SUGER BABY LOVE (Drive-Mix)"


Outside the UK, Kimono My House and its singles made a significant impact across Europe, notably in Germany, where both singles reached No. 12. In the US, the album reached No. 101 on the Billboard 200. The group's two Bearsville Records albums had garnered critical praise but few sales. The only significant chart performance had been for "Wonder Girl", which had been a minor regional hit and had crept into the lower reaches of the Cashbox chart at No. 92. In place of "Amateur Hour", "Talent Is an Asset" was selected as the album's second single in the US, and the album's third in New Zealand.

Critical reception and legacy
Upon its release, New Musical Express published an enthusiastic one page review dubbing the album "an instant classic". Reviewer Ian Mac Donald wrote that all of the songs "sound like standards", adding "this record makes you jump in every sense" before concluding: "Kimono My House is the real breakthrough – I think you're gonna love it". Sounds praised the freshness of the material, saying, "the music is completely new and innovative". Reviewing Kimono My House for Rolling Stone in 1974, Gordon Fletcher was complimentary of Ron Mael's "whimsical" lyrics, which he felt revealed "a unique (if slightly warped) perspective and a volatile sense of humor", but found that they tended to be obscured by Winwood's "obfuscating" production. Fletcher further criticized Russell Mael's singing on the album as "a disappointing stab at intelligible vocals". The Spokesman Review's critic wrote that it was "the most invigorating appealing" album "that I've heard in longer than I can recall at the moment". Reviewer Robert Hilburn wrote that the songs were "rich with vigor" with "great harmonies and dynamic tempo changes".

English singer and Smiths frontman Morrissey has frequently cited Kimono My House as one of his favorite albums and famously wrote a letter to the NME, at the age of 15, extolling its virtues. He later told the Mael brothers that it had been a key influence on him deciding to embark upon a music career. In 2010, Morrissey included it in a list of his 13 favorite albums of all time for The Quietus. Icelandic singer Björk has also named the album as one of her all-time favorites. Steve Jones, guitarist and composer for the Sex Pistols, also hailed the album, recalling that in 1974, "The first Be-Bop Deluxe album, Axe Victim, and Sparks' Kimono My House were both big albums for me and Cookie [Paul Cook]. We'd sit in his bedroom for hours listening to them". John Frusciante of Red Hot Chili Peppers named Adrian Fisher's guitar playing on Kimono My House and its follow-up Propaganda as one of his influences for the album By the Way (2002). The album was featured in Robert Dimery's book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. In 2020, the album was ranked at number 476 on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.

Kimono My House was remastered and re-issued by Island in 1994 and 2006. The first issue by the Island Masters subsidiary added the non-album B-sides "Barbecutie" and "Lost and Found". The '21st Century Edition' added a live recording of "Amateur Hour" recorded by a subsequent (1975) line-up of the group and sleeve notes by Paul Lester, the deputy editor of Uncut.

A remastered 40th Anniversary Edition was released on December 15, 2014, on vinyl only, including previously unreleased demo material from the band's archives. Coinciding with the release the entire album was performed, along with the 35-piece Heritage Orchestra, at the Barbican Centre on December 19 and 20, where the band also performed brand new orchestral arrangements by Nathan Kelly. The programme also featured songs from their other 22 albums. The second date was added after the first night sold out.

As part of the live performance with the Heritage Orchestra, the band released the song "Thank God It’s Not Christmas" as a single. Stewart Mason of AllMusic said:

“One of the many highlights on the phenomenal Kimono My House, "Thank God It’s Not Christmas" is the archetypal song from Sparks’ Island Records era. Adrian Fisher’s lead guitar and Ron Mael’s piano duel insistently with a prominent string section, as Russell Mael sings an alternately wry and depressing lyric about the desire to find activities that distract oneself from a slowly disintegrating relationship. The lyrics are truly magnificent, both in their literal meaning and the way they work with the music, creating a rhythmic counter-melody that echoes Fisher’s guitar line, and Muff Winwood’s crystal-clear production emphasizes the song’s soaring, anthemic elements; although "Amateur Hour" and "This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us" were the hits and "Here In Heaven" is more beloved by fans, "Thank God It’s Not Christmas" is possibly the album’s highest point."

Track listing
All tracks are written by Ron Mael, except where noted.
Side one
1. "This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us" 3:05
2. "Amateur Hour" 3:37
3. "Falling in Love with Myself Again" 3:03
4. "Here in Heaven" 2:48
5. "Thank God It's Not Christmas" 5:07
Side two
6. "Hasta Mañana, Monsieur" Russell MaelRon Mael 3:52
7. "Talent Is an Asset" 3:21
8. "Complaints" 2:50
9. "In My Family" Russell MaelRon Mael 3:48
10. "Equator" 4:42

Island Masters bonus tracks (1994)
11. "Barbecutie" 3:07
12. "Lost and Found" 3:19

21st Century Edition bonus tracks (2006)
11. "Barbecutie" 3:07
12. "Lost and Found" 3:19
13. "Amateur Hour (Live at Fairfield Halls, Croydon, London, November 9, 1975)" (Features the Indiscreet line-up of Sparks) 4:44

Side three – 40th Anniversary Edition (2014)
11. "When I Take the Field on Friday" (1973 Demo) 2:45
12. "Barbecutie" (1973 Demo) 2:56
13. "Windy Day" (1973 Demo) Ron MaelRussell Mael 3:46
14. "Marry Me" (1973 Demo) 3:07
Side four – 40th Anniversary Edition (2014)
15. "A More Constructive Use of Leisure Time" (1973 Demo) 3:37
16. "Alabamy Right" (1973 Demo) 2:27
17. "My Brains and Her Looks" (1973 Demo) 3:13

Credits are adapted from the Kimono My House liner notes.
・Russell Mael – vocals
・Ron Mael – keyboards
・Martin Gordon – bass
・Adrian Fisher – guitar
・Norman "Dinky" Diamond – drums, percussion, castanets
Production and artwork
・Muff Winwood – producer
・Richard Digby-Smith – recording engineer
・Tony Platt – recording engineer
・Bill Price – mixdown engineer
・Nicholas de Ville – art direction, cover concept
・Ron Mael – cover concept
・Karl Stoeker – photography
・Bob Bowkett, CCS – artwork from wiki.

Bryan Ferrythe Smiths、garbage execution.





バンド名は、メンバーがカセットテープのテープをハサミで切ったものをつぎはぎして曲と曲をリミックスしているとき、他のメンバーが切り刻まれたテープが散乱している部屋を見て「ゴミ(GARBAGE)みたいだね」に由来する。from wiki.

基本"hit now 20XX"みたいな輸入盤のコンピで聴いていたので(おさえておこう、みたいな・笑)日本語読みは(笑)。2023062609:01(日本時間)。


『美味しんぼ 第51巻 疑わしい日』


"マッピー BGM"
200,370 回視聴  2011/10/22 from anzaiboinさんのyoutubeチャンネル


"おジャ魔女どれみ 第1話 私どれみ!魔女見習いになる!!(wikiによると1999年2月7日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第38話 りょうたと真夜中のかいじゅう (wikiによると1999年10月24日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第39話 どれみの彼は中学生!(wikiによると1999年10月31日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第40話 どれみ楽勝?3級試験 (wikiによると1999年11月14日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第41話 父と子・勝利への一手!(wikiによると1999年11月21日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第42話 おジャ魔女・正義の戦い!?(wikiによると1999年11月28日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第43話 パパと花火と涙の思い出 (wikiによると1999年12月5日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第44話 女子プロレスラーになりたい!(wikiによると1999年12月12日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第45話 サンタさんを救え!(wikiによると1999年12月19日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第46話 魔女のかくし芸大会!(wikiによると1999年12月26日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第47話 お父ちゃんのお見合い (wikiによると2000年1月2日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第48話 おんぷのメールはラブレター?(wikiによると2000年1月9日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第49話 パパに会える!夢を乗せた寝台特急 (wikiによると2000年1月16日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第50話 最後の見習い魔女試験 (wikiによると2000年1月23日放送)"

"おジャ魔女どれみ 第51話 さようならMAHO堂 (wikiによると2000年1月30日放送)"





"街道をゆく 第7回 オランダ紀行"

"街道をゆく 第47回 肥前の諸街道"

"街道をゆく 第4回 南蛮のみち"

"誰が為に鐘は鳴る (For Whom The Bell Tolls 日本語字幕)"

エバ・ブラウンさんとアンネ・フランクさんて頭文字逆で一文字ずれない?8月 16, 2018



6月 12, 2019 あのですね、フォン・ブラウンさんは。



ヘンリエッタ (マルゴット)・フランクさんがヒトラーさんとご夫婦で、ヒトラーさんのご両親 (どなたも、見比べたことないでしょ・笑)?とかも、言いましたが。



えばぶらうん。      あ"イ"う"エ"お。
いんぐりっどばーぐまん。 "バ"び"ブ"べぼ。

ふぉんぶらうん。     "ハ"ひ"フ"へほ。
はんふりーぼがーど。   ばび"ブ"べ"ボ"。




"カサブランカ(Casa Blanca,日本語字幕) "

"Charlie Parker - Jam Session (1952) {Full Album}"

※Although I also think so when I listen to Chamberlain san's radio broadcast、fought with "Ka"、in the sense of Japanese、this means co-fighting with "Ka".※

※反ユダヤ主義(han-yudaya-syugi) -Antisemitismus・Anti-Semitism・Антисемитизм
汎ユダヤ主義 (han-yudaya-syugi)- Panjüdismus・Pan-Jewishism・Пансемитизму
誘惑(yūwaku) - Versuchung・Temptation・искушение
一応な(ichiou-na)〈念の為(nen-no-tame)・笑〉 - Just in case〈Just in case・lol〉※



"Backstage Tour  Anne Frank video diary  Anne Frank House"

"Interview Luna  Anne Frank video diary  Anne Frank House"

"EXTRA The significance of the story today  Anne Frank video diary  Anne Frank House"

"My best present Anne Frank video diary Episode 1 Anne Frank House"

"Feeling so lonely Anne Frank video diary Episode 2 Anne Frank House"

"My big dream Anne Frank video diary Episode 3 Anne Frank House"

"Utterly terrified Anne Frank video diary Episode 4 Anne Frank House"

"Happiness Anne Frank video diary Episode 5 Anne Frank House"

"Quarrelling with dad Anne Frank video diary Episode 6 Anne Frank House"

"Hatred of the Jews Anne Frank video diary Episode 7 Anne Frank House"

"I'm suffocating Anne Frank video diary Episode 8 Anne Frank House"

"D-Day! Anne Frank video diary Episode 9 Anne Frank House"

"Only criticism Anne Frank video diary Episode 10 Anne Frank House"

"Longing for freedom Anne Frank video diary Episode 11 Anne Frank House"

"Let me be myself Anne Frank video diary Episode 12 Anne Frank House"

"Our heroes Anne Frank video diary Episode 13 Anne Frank House"

"The two Annes Anne Frank video diary Episode 14 Anne Frank House"

"Discovered Anne Frank video diary Episode 15 Anne Frank House"

"Anne Frank video diary Trailer Anne Frank House"

"アンネ・フランク 実際の映像 - Anne Frank real footage"



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

ヴェルナー(ヴェルンヘル)・マグヌス・マクシミリアン・フライヘル(男爵)・フォン・ブラウン(Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun, 1912年3月23日 - 1977年6月16日)は、工学者であり、ロケット技術開発の最初期における最重要指導者のひとりである。第二次世界大戦後にドイツからアメリカ合衆国に移住し、研究活動を行った。旧ソ連のセルゲイ・コロリョフと共に米ソの宇宙開発競争の代名詞的な人物である。




20210408 四国 R-14






"メイキング・オブ・四国 R-14 第1夜"

"メイキング・オブ・四国 R-14 第2夜"






"劇場版 魔法のプリンセス ミンキーモモ 夢の中の輪舞(ロンド) La ronde in my dream"

ガイド28 Anne Frank in glass shoes。


2 年前(編集済み)
6:51 カタツムリサンバ
10:24 恋はくえすちょん
12:22 避暑地の森の天地たち
13:13 お先に失礼
14:39 ハートに募金
16:35 およしになってねTEACHER
17:04 NO MORE 恋愛ごっこ
18:33 天使のボディーガード
23:09 -3℃
25:43 夏休みだけのサイドシート
30:44 深呼吸して
33:04 あじさい橋
36:46 金沢の雨
36:19 間に合うかもしれない
41:24 雨のメリーゴーランド
44:00 蒼いメモリーズ
47:58 シンデレラたちへの伝言
51:02 私は里歌ちゃん
55:35 風のInvitation
58:47 バレンタイン・キッス
1:02:26 なぜ?の嵐
1:05:51 うしろゆびさされ組
1:09:37 渚の『・・・・・』
1:12:19 冬のオペラグラス
1:15:43 星座占いで瞳を閉じて
1:19:59 涙の茉莉花LOVE
1:24:08 未完成のジグソーパズル
1:26:56 シンデレラのシューズ
1:29:46 雨のあやとり
1:31:45 瞳に約束
1:36:11 アマリリス
1:38:44 禁断のテレパシー
1:41:18 あなたを知りたい
1:45:08 時の河を越えて
1:47:46 割ってしまった卵
1:50:41 真赤なミニスカート
1:53:11 ウェディングドレス
1:57:15 乙女心の自由型
2:00:09 夏休みは終わらない
2:05:29 瞳の扉
2:09:31 じゃあね
2:16:00 STAGE DOOR
2:24:30 会員番号の唄
2:38:33 真赤な自転車
2:41:30 セーラー服を脱がさないで

セットリストみつつアップ用に分割してたんできづいたんですけど、だいたい"39:16 間に合うかもしれない"ですね(笑)。2023062611:15(日本時間)。



"解散記念 全国縦断ファイナルコンサート~おニャン子クラブ~最終日卒業生全員集合!"




amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。