amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐46-6-Speaking of which、putting aside the good old Diebold (thanks for all yours help・lol)、have the tallying machines been significantly improved?ゴミズは処刑ズ。2024110709:08(japan time). 時差は広いな大きいなフライングじゃん。2024110709:20(日本時間)。 機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN 第20巻 ーソロモン編・後ー。




『沈黙の艦隊 第6巻』

"巨人の星 第31話 とび込んで来た浪速っ子"

"巨人の星 第32話 一本足のホームラン"

"巨人の星 第33話 甲子園へのVサイン"


"巨人の星 第34話 甲子園大会開幕"

"巨人の星 第35話 魔球対豪速球"

"サスケ 第26話 白い鹿 (wikiによると1969年3月4日放送)"

"サスケ 第27話 不死身の男 (wikiによると1969年3月11日放送)"

"サスケ 第28話 おぼろ影 (wikiによると1969年3月18日放送)"

"サスケ 第29話 走れ!サスケ (wikiによると1969年3月25日放送)"


声 - 雷門ケン坊

声 - 外山高士
長い放浪の末にサスケと共にキリシタンの隠れ里に移り住み平穏な日々を過ごしていたが、隠れ里壊滅の際に脱出する人々を手助けする道中に半蔵によって仕掛けられた罠により死亡する。from wiki.


デジタル大辞泉 「尊大」の意味・読み・例文・類語

出典 小学館 from コトバンク


3,169 回視聴  2024/10/30  🎵【朗読】中島敦 中国古典



🐸青空文庫 ~ 中島敦「弟子(ていし)」

孔子(こうし)------ 中国最大とも言われる思想家。
子路(しろ)------- 主人公。孔子の弟子。学ではなく武を好み、ややこしいことが嫌いで真っ直ぐな性格。
子貢(しこう)------ 孔子の弟子。優れた才能の持ち主。
顔回(がんかい)----- 孔子の弟子。孔子の教えを最も深く理解していた人物。
荘公蒯聵(かいがい)--- 衛(えい)の第31代君主。霊公の子で出公の父。その出公と親子同士で争った。
石乞(せききつ)----- 蒯聵の家臣。
盂黶(うえん)------ 蒯聵の家臣。


🧙🏼‍♂️孔子(こうし, くじ, 紀元前552年 または 紀元前551年 - 紀元前479年)


🏡衛(えい, 紀元前11世紀 - 紀元前209年)



👦🏻中島敦(なかじま あつし, 1909年 - 1942年, 享年33歳)

1949年 第3回毎日出版文化賞。


藤沢周平, 邪剣竜尾返し, 臆病剣松風, 暗殺剣虎ノ眼, 必死剣鳥刺し, 隠し剣鬼ノ爪, 女人剣さざ波, 悲運剣芦刈り, 宿命剣鬼走り, 酒乱剣石割り, 汚名剣双燕, 女難剣雷切り, 陽狂剣かげろう, 偏屈剣蟇ノ舌, 好色剣流水, 暗黒剣千鳥, 孤立剣残月, 盲目剣谺返し, たそがれ清兵衛, 山本周五郎, 宮部みゆき, 池波正太郎, 鬼平犯科帳, 司馬遼太郎, 竜馬がゆく, 向田邦子, 岸田今日子, 松本清張, 横溝正史, 江戸川乱歩, 赤川次郎, 西村京太郎, 夏樹静子, 村上春樹, 東野圭吾, 綾辻行人, 湊かなえ, 角田光代, 小野不由美, 浅田次郎, 阿刀田高, 宮本輝, 時代劇, 時代小説, 歴史小説, 推理小説, ミステリー, サスペンス, フィクション, ノンフィクション, sf, 恋愛, ロマンス, 童話, 絵本, ドラマ, ラジオドラマ, 作業用, 睡眠用, bgm


👉 • 🖊️菊池寛  


👉 • 🖊️夏目漱石  

👉 • 🖊️川端康成  

👉 • 🖊️永井荷風  

👉 • 🖊️太宰治  



💖宜しければチャンネル登録をお願い致します! (o^-^o)

#朗読 #弟子 #中島敦

2 曲
Good Starts
Jingle Punks

Smokin Sticks
Text Me Records / GrandBankss



Guernica、or Siege annihilation operation for the childrens of the future. 2月 01, 2019 (Only text part)

"Hey Rudolf!"

"I'm Adolf!"

But Rudolf is easier for an English guy like me to remember、why don't you just make your name Rudolf Hitler?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Besides、you're a German born in Egypt、aren't you?"

"We Jews don't have borders、right(lol)?"

"Hey!Rudolf!Come here for a second ! ! "

"All right!I'll be right there、Mr. Chamberlain!"

"What the hell ! !
Is it okay if the foreman says so?"

"No、I'd look stupid if I yelled back at him about his mistakes from here、right?I'd tell him directly. And also…maybe I pronounce my 'A' a little strange."

"Your pronunciation isn't weird I think、but your introduction sounds like 'dolf' to me."


Well、you know、I couldn't think of anything、so I thought I'd just write (for the time being-first draft in my head・lol) about Adolf Hitler-san reminiscing about his younger days : working a part-time job shoveling snow in front of the Vienna Palace where a celebrity party was being held....


"Hey、Adolf、but... is it okay to be shouting 'Rudolf!Rudolf!' so loudly like that?"


"After all、the entire Austrian imperial family is gathered there、right?
If we said something like that so close、wouldn't we all be arrested for lèse majesté?"

"It's okay (lol)、there are a lot of guys named Rudolf in Austria.
More importantly、I'm going to Mr. Chamberlain、so don't throw the snow into the drain、and your rain boots are a little big、aren't they?Be careful of your step、okay?"

"I know that!"

"Ok(lol)、…hey Hess、you'll be 17 next spring、right?"


I read in a book that in Christian countries、personal names are often taken from the names of saints and the like、and there isn't much variety、so 'Rudolf' may just be an idea I came up with based on my Japanese way of thinking.
But first of all、is there a member of the Austrian royal family named Rudolf (suddenly this name popped into my head. 2024110608:00/japantime)? I searched the internet 'ルドルフ'.

ルドルフ・フランツ・カール・ヨーゼフ・フォン・ハプスブルク=ロートリンゲン(ドイツ語: Rudolf Franz Karl Joseph von Habsburg-Lothringen, 1858年8月21日 - 1889年1月30日)は、オーストリア皇帝フランツ・ヨーゼフ1世の子で皇太子。ハプスブルク=ロートリンゲン家の世継ぎとして周囲に期待されたが、父帝との反目や政治的対立などから孤立し、男爵令嬢マリー・フォン・ヴェッツェラと謎の死を遂げた(「マイヤーリンク事件」)。その死については、今もなお謎に包まれている。from wiki.

◆Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (Rudolf Franz Karl Josef; 21 August 1858 – 30 January 1889) was the only son and third child of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and Duchess Elisabeth of Bavaria (Sisi). He was heir apparent to the imperial throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from birth. In 1889, he died in a suicide pact with his mistress Baroness Mary Vetsera at the Mayerling hunting lodge. The ensuing scandal made international headlines. from wiki.


Aside from that(lol)、at the time shown in the image above、I checked and asked、"Is this the correct spelling for Hess-san (but it's German...)". 2024110605:52(japan time).


"Combat! S04E24 The Flying Machine"


"Combat! S04E24 The Flying Machine (Japanese dub)"

"Thomas Edison Profile Alone Headshoulder"

"Henry Ford"



"Rudolf Höss, commandant of German concentration and death camps of Auschwitz, during his trial in Warsaw (Poland), after which he was declared guilty then hanged in 1947 in Auschwitz on the place of his crimes."

◆ルドルフ・フランツ・フェルディナント・ヘス(ドイツ語: Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höß, 1901年11月25日 - 1947年4月16日)は、ドイツの政党国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党の組織親衛隊の将校。最終階級は親衛隊中佐。第二次世界大戦中にアウシュヴィッツ強制収容所の所長を務め、移送されてきたユダヤ人の虐殺(ホロコースト)に当たり、ドイツ敗戦後に戦犯として絞首刑に処せられた。

ナチ党副総統(総統代理)のルドルフ・ヘス(ドイツ語: Rudolf Heß)は、日本語表記では類似しているが、姓のスペルが異なり、血縁・縁戚関係もない別人である[注 1/日本語表記は同じだが、副総統のヘスのドイツ語表記は「Heß」であり、一方アウシュヴィッツ所長のヘスは「Höß」である。発音もだいぶ異なる。]。通常はルドルフ・ヘスと表記されるが、混同を避けるためにルドルフ・ヘースと表記されることもある。from wiki.

"Cropped photograph of German SS officer and Commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss"

Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss (also Höß, Hoeß, or Hoess; German: [hœs]; 25 November 1901 – 16 April 1947) was a German SS officer and the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp. After the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of World War II, he was convicted in Poland and executed for war crimes committed on the prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp and for his role in the Holocaust.

Höss was the longest-serving commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp (from 4 May 1940 to November 1943, and again from 8 May 1944 to 18 January 1945). He tested and implemented means to accelerate Hitler's order to systematically exterminate the Jewish population of Nazi-occupied Europe, known as the Final Solution. On the initiative of one of his subordinates, Karl Fritzsch, Höss introduced the pesticide Zyklon B to be used in gas chambers, where more than a million people were killed.

Höss was hanged in 1947 following a trial before the Polish Supreme National Tribunal. During his imprisonment, at the request of the Polish authorities, Höss wrote his memoirs, released in English under the title Commandant of Auschwitz: The Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess. from wiki.

I have met this person here once before (although I can't find where that is・lol)、so I will leave him aside for now. 

ということで。2024110607:36(japan time).

"For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. ADN-ZB-Archiv Rudolf Hess, Nationalsozialist, seit 1933 Reichsminister ohne Geschäftsbereich und seit 1939 Mitglied des Ministerrates für Reichsverteidigung, Stellvertreter Adolf Hitlers. geb. 24.4.1894 in Alexandria (Ägypten) gest. 17.8.1987 in Berlin-Spandau (Selbstmord) Aufn: 1935 14243-35 = Heß, Rudolf: Stellvertreter Hitlers als Führer"

◆ルドルフ・ヴァルター・リヒャルト・ヘス[# 1/アウシュヴィッツ=ビルケナウ強制収容所所長を務めた親衛隊中佐ルドルフ・フェルディナント・ヘス (Rudolf Ferdinand Höß) とは別人。両者を区別するために、ルドルフ・フェルディナント・ヘスの方をルドルフ・ヘースと表記することもある。](Rudolf Walter Richard Heß [hɛs], 1894年4月26日 - 1987年8月17日)は、ナチス・ドイツの政治家。

国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党副総統(総統代理、指導者代理とも訳される)、ヒトラー内閣無任所大臣。陸軍の最終階級は予備役少尉。また党内初の親衛隊名誉指導者であり、親衛隊における最終階級は親衛隊大将。現在ではネオナチの信奉対象ともなっている。from wiki.

"Cropped photograph of Führer of the Nazi Party, Rudolf Hess"

◆Rudolf Walter Richard Hess (Heß in German; 26 April 1894 – 17 August 1987) was a German politician and a leading member of the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany. Appointed Deputy Führer to Adolf Hitler in 1933, Hess held that position until 1941, when he flew solo to Scotland in an attempt to negotiate the United Kingdom's exit from the Second World War. He was taken prisoner and eventually convicted of crimes against peace. He was still serving his life sentence at the time of his suicide in 1987.

Hess enlisted as an infantryman in the Imperial German Army at the outbreak of World War I. He was wounded several times during the war and was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd Class, in 1915. Shortly before the war ended, Hess enrolled to train as an aviator, but he saw no action in that role. He left the armed forces in December 1918 with the rank of Leutnant der Reserve. In 1919, Hess enrolled in the University of Munich, where he studied geopolitics under Karl Haushofer, a proponent of the concept of Lebensraum ('living space'), which became one of the pillars of Nazi ideology. Hess joined the Nazi Party on 1 July 1920 and was at Hitler's side on 8 November 1923 for the Beer Hall Putsch, a failed Nazi attempt to seize control of the government of Bavaria. While serving a prison sentence for this attempted coup, he assisted Hitler with Mein Kampf, which became a foundation of the political platform of the Nazi Party.

After Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933, Hess was appointed Deputy Führer of the Nazi Party in April. He was elected to the Reichstag in the March elections, was made a Reichsleiter of the Nazi Party in June and in December 1933 he became Minister without Portfolio in Hitler's cabinet. He was also appointed in 1938 to the Cabinet Council and in August 1939 to the Council of Ministers for Defence of the Reich. Hitler decreed on the outbreak of war on 1 September 1939 that Hermann Göring was his official successor, and named Hess as next in line. In addition to appearing on Hitler's behalf at speaking engagements and rallies, Hess signed into law much of the government's legislation, including the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which stripped the Jews of Germany of their rights in the lead-up to the Holocaust.

By the start of the war, Hess was sidelined from most important decisions, and many in Hitler's inner circle thought him to be mad. On 10 May 1941, Hess made a solo flight to Scotland, where he hoped to arrange peace talks with the Duke of Hamilton, whom he believed to be a prominent opponent of the British government's war policy. The British authorities arrested Hess immediately on his arrival and held him in custody until the end of the war, when he was returned to Germany to stand trial at the 1946 Nuremberg trials of major war criminals. During much of his trial, Hess claimed to be suffering from amnesia, but he later admitted to the court that this had been a ruse. The court convicted him of crimes against peace and of conspiracy with other German leaders to commit crimes. He served a life sentence in Spandau Prison; the Soviet Union blocked repeated attempts by family members and prominent politicians to procure his early release. While still in custody as the only prisoner in Spandau, he hanged himself in 1987 at the age of 93.

After his death, the prison was demolished to prevent it from becoming a neo-Nazi shrine. His grave, bearing the inscription "Ich hab's gewagt" (I dared it), became a site of regular pilgrimage and demonstrations by Neo-Nazis. In 2011, authorities refused to renew the lease on the gravesite, and his remains were exhumed and cremated and the gravestone destroyed. from wiki.


"Hitler, Emil Maurice, Hermann Kriebel, Hess, and Friedrich Weber, at Landsberg Prison (1924)"

Well、the jawline is completely different no matter how you look at it (judging from Hess-san' nose、the photo might be reversed from the one on wiki・lol).

This is just my thought process、so let's continue(lol). 2024110608:18(japan time).

"Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Phillip Bouhler, Fritz Todt, Reinhard Heydrich, and others listening to Konrad Meyer at a Generalplan Ost exhibition, 20 March 1941"

If he injects some silicone or something into his cheeks、can he instantly become a 'Kobutori-ji-san' (lol)?2024110608:29(japan time).

"Folktales & Bedtime Stories OLD MAN WITH THE LUMP こぶとりじいさん (In English)"


"父フリッツ・ヘス Hess-san's father"

This is the only photo of Fritz-san I could find on the internet、and in it I can see that their jaw lines are completely different、and what's more.... 2024110608:57(japan time).

They look much more similar (I think they are from their grandfathers' generation・lol). 2024110609:12(japan time).


※☟Original text as of 4:56am, 02/01/2019(japan time). 2024110704:32(japan time).

Sunday, 10 March 2013

there is good news

Castle of Tokugawa called "Chiyoda Jyou (castle). 千代田城"
(The current Imperial Palace.)

Its northeast、about 3 km. (about 2 miles)
There was a family temple of Tokugawa clan named "Kan'eiji. 寛永寺"

”I will refrained from going out (as punishment).
Because I hope shows the intention of allegiance to Imperial Court by it."
Yoshinobu said so and decided to move to this temple.
(Chiyoda Castle was Japan's largest fortress.)

During his move、Shinsengumi was also guard along its way.
But Shinsengumi members had greatly reduced than before.  
(About 60 percent casualty rate in the war.)
※Of course、people who are missing will also be included. 

"There is good news."
There was a person who approached to Kondo at that time.
"Koshu of Tokugawa territory.
(Current Yamanashi.
The back side of Mt fuji、viewed from the Pacific Ocean.)

Tokugawa officials have been retreated from there already.
So now there is not ruler in this land.
And Tokugawa will be in trouble if this land was occupied by the enemy.

If you want it、Shinsengumi can go to Koshu for that land's security.
In that case、you can have all domination of Koshu (In other words、you can become a feudal lord).
Of course Tokugawa will provides armaments and funds for Shinsengumi."
He said so to Kondo.


"Kondo and Hijikata.
Tokugawa will appoint you guys to immediate follower of the Shogunate.
And Tokugawa give the last name of Tokugawa high-ranking vassals to you guys."
At the same time、there was this notice to them.

"So as not to overshadow as ruler of Koshu.
Maybe there was such intention (on the surface).
Kondo is Ookubo Yamato.
Hijikata is Naito Hayato.
After this、they called themselves so in the official place.


Immediately after this proposal、they recruited members for Shinsengumi.
That's result several hundred of members gathered.
And they started advancing to Koshu.

When we go to the west of the Kanto Plain.
There is a mountain massif.
Beyond that massif、there is a basin Koshu. 
Before that massif、it was the hometown of Kondo and Hijikata called "Tama".
They were born as farmers child here.

But now、they was permitted wear costumes of lords from Tokugawa.
People of their hometown were warm welcome them as hero.

"Enemy troops is approaching to Koshu."
Of course there was this information.
But they did advancing slowly.
At this time Hijikata met his big sister after an absence of several years.
He boasted of his success to his sister at that time.
And he added at the end.

"I do not know the future."

"Today、Tosa troops occupied the Koshu castle.
Their numbers is about 2,000."

One day before of the arrival of Shinsengumi、it was reported to them by reconnaissance. 

East of the Koshu castle、about 15 km.
There is called "Katsunuma". 
They stoped at there and made hurry a defensive position.
But escape of the soldiers from Shinsengumi was the one after another.
(They had just joined the Shinsengumi a few days ago.)

"Aizu's reinforcements coming soon."
They lied to their soldiers for overcome this emergency.
(But Aizu troops was returning their home country already to by Tokugawa's instruction.)

During this time、Hijikata went hurry to Kanagawa for request of reinforcements.
But this was failed、and their lie also came to light from the soldiers.
The results、Shinsengumi were became about one hundred soldiers.
Finally they had surrounded by Tosa troops. 
They became in a state of disorder in the battle for a few hours、and retreated to Edo.

Monday, 11 March 2013

The day of all-out attack

Road to Edo from Kyoto via Koshu、it called Nakasendou 中仙道.
This road was completely controlled by the new government  troops.

Road to Edo from Kyoto through seaside、it called Toukaidou 東海道.
Troops of this road was main troops of the new government and its commander-in-Chief was Saigo.
They was also approaching to Edo.

"Extradition of all military supplies of Tokugawa.
Eviction from Chiyoda castle.
Execution of responsible party who started the battle at Toba Fushimi.
If this request is accepted、the Emperor will be take clemency to Yoshinobu."

They presented this request to Tokugawa with preparation of all-out attack against Tokugawa.

"War might begin at Edo."
Of course its prediction had become growing in the diplomatic corps. 

Foreign settlement of Yokohama was closer to Edo.
They did strengthen security and began to collect information regarding both sides positively. 
Full authority of the negotiations of Tokugawa against the new goverment、it had been given to Katsu at that time.
Ernest met with Katsu.


"Total Commander of enemy is Saigo.
So I'm optimistic to future prospects.
I know him well.
He will not take cruel action absolutely.

Security of tycoon's life.
And of course multitude vassals of Tokugawa and all the Edo citizens.
At same time security of their's lives.
If Imperial court accept it、Tokugawa to surrender meekly."
Katsu said to Ernest.

"If Imperial court not accept it、Tokugawa will fight thoroughly."
Of course、he added so.

"I have a favor to ask to you.
War in Edo.
This is not good for Japan absolutely.
I would like them to tell the contents of this meeting from the British Ambassador." 
Katsu continued.
Ernest was readily agreed.

"We have determined all-out attackk to Edo.
Therefore large number of wounded is expected.
We want to make the hospital in Yokohama for it."
The new government troops proposed to diplomatic corps.

"Tokugawa shows the intention of surrender already. 
You attack it that is questionable humanely and legally.
This attack would diminish significantly the evaluation of the new government."
But British Ambassador strongly advised like that to the new government.

Main troops arrived in Edo.
Saigo also went into Satsuma clan residence of Edo.
The day of all-out attack to Chiyoda castle also determined.

Two days before that plan day、Saigo and Katsu did meeting.

"If this meeting was broken off、set fire to all of Edo.
Edo vicinity's ships of public-private.
Collect these ships right now.
Rescue the Edo citizens by it."
Before the meeting、Katsu was preparing this.

Probably this plan had been done openly.
Tokugawa navy、it also had gathered in Edo Bay.

Then Katsu went alone to Satsuma clan residence. 

※Although there do not know whether the raid location、basically there are multiple "clan residences" in Edo.
Of course、everything was attacked and it might have been burnt remaining.※




トルーマン・ドクトリン(Truman Doctrine)1947年3月アメリカのH.トルーマン大統領が打出した反共対外援助政策。アメリカの大統領が公式に東西冷戦の存在を認め、対決の決意を表明した戦後初めての対外政策である。46年頃よりギリシアの内戦が激化し、トルコの情勢も微妙だったが、イギリスは財政上の困難から援助の継続が不可能となり、その旨アメリカに通告した。そこで47年3月12日トルーマンはイギリスに代りギリシア、トルコに援助する立法措置を議会に要請、さらに全世界規模での反共封じ込め政策(コンテインメント)の必要を強調した。同年5月議会はギリシアに3億ドルの軍事・経済援助を、トルコに1億ドルの軍事援助を与える法案を可決し、両国に軍事顧問を派遣する権限を大統領に与えた。その後48年のマーシャル・プラン、49年の北大西洋条約機構NATOの設立などソ連圏諸国を包囲する西側の軍事同盟網が拡充され、両陣営の対立は激化した。




◆If you can't stand the heat, get [keep, stay] out of the kitchen. - If you can't stand the pressure, get out of the kitchen. From President Truman's farewell speech (1952).

※Speaking of which、putting aside the good old Diebold (thanks for all yours help・lol)、have the tallying machines been significantly improved?ゴミズは処刑ズ。2024110709:08(japan time).



『風塵抄 144-153ページ』




golden years

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。