

"I have no time to sleep (I have)." Such a rumor is in me(lol). In order to assimilate the contents at the same time、I think that this pace is the limit. At this pace、there is not much time lag with me. Because I also think that "I see," while composing this blog(lol).


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。