we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ。

up front 10月 13, 2018

Friday, 5 October 2012


"Number of soldiers is not enough when we does war with the Western countries."
The first idea might so.
Takasugi Shinsaku from the upper class of the Choshu clan.
"People who other than samurai、we should recruitment them as soldiers."
He proposed so and it was sanctioned by the Choshu Government.
At the time、this was a noteworthy event.
Because military was the symbol of the samurai class.

※Although I feel that it was simply a shortage of people、this is before the battle of Kyoto.
And looking at the electronic dictionary now、they have not participated in the battle of Kyoto、but seem to have participated in fighting with foreign ships.

Speaking "as year"、the creation of this troop、it is a year before the battle of Kyoto (the same year fought with foreign ships).

Of course、I think feudal style of consciousness still existed there、I do not know if this expression is appropriate、but it may have tried to create a reserve troop as the rear guard.

Because "at least part of the mainstream of the Choshu clan" already had a plan to regain control of Kyoto by using force (Naturally the implementation of this plan is a declaration of war against the Tokugawa Shogunate).

And they were already in a position of war with the Western countries.
That said、at that time、they may not have thought about the possibility that Choshu itself would become a battlefield just by skirmishing with foreign ships passing through Shimonoseki.

"as history" (lol). *

Even in the case of the parent organization of the Shinsengumi、subject to recruitment was the swordsman.
In the initial stage of recruitment、most of them were Ronin.
And after instigator's revolt was failed、most of them went back to Edo from Kyoto.
Shinsengumi was established by remaining people.
(They was mainly swordsman of farmers.) * I wrote about this in the past.

But this Choshu ’s case、subject to recruitment was not only the swordsman but also all people of Choshu other than samurai.

This troop was established as a (western style) modern military organization.
This troop was called "Kiheitai".
The modernization of the samurai corps was difficult because they were bound by their class order.
But Kiheitai did possible it because their was no bondage to it.

However、they had been considered mere ancillary troop of the samurai troops at first.
They did not come out in front of the era yet.

* Google translation of "Kiheitai" is Odd soldier.
I think that the word feeling of "Ki-hei/strange soldier" in the first place that is "guerilla", "partisan".
But it seems this "Odd soldier" was really "Odd soldier" at that time. *

・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

By the way、when Choshu was shelling the Western ship、(* it really odd things、but) international students of Choshu were in the United Kingdom. (As stowaway)
And Kiheitai was established as a western style modern military organization.

Choshu clan which representatives of the Western exclusion、they were like that in fact.
So、possibilities of Japan、it was not only one already.
* "Battle is to firstly seek to both ability of enemies and us calmly."
Of course、Chinese classics have such words. *

Well、international students learned of the bombardment of a ship in a London newspaper.
"We should returned to Japan immediately.
We must stop their bombardment of the ship."
Had a such a proposal from one international student.

"I think even if we go back to Japan that is nonsense."
"Than that、we should fulfill the obligations of state (Choshu) students."
But such dissent dominated.

After all、only two person returned to Japan for stop the Choshu bombardment. 
A few decades later、these two person were became the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance of first of Japan.

People who remained in the UK at this time.
It is difficult at the present time (lol)、but I ought to keep track of their achievements. 



Asura 1月 15, 2019

Thursday, 14 February 2013


"After this Restoration、Imperial Court will have to hold national lords' meetings.
But powerful lords is still Tokugawa faction.
Tokugawa therefore will can seize the initiative at the meeting.
Maybe Yoshinobu thought so until this time. 

However Yoshinobu's prospectu has been shattered by defeat in this war.
The situation has all changed.
Imperial Court is a need to works urgently as japan government." 
Ernest insisted so.

There was Kobe about 20 km west of Osaka.
There was a trade center of Hyogo here.
(Also there was foreign settlement.) 

Imperial Court sent a delegation from Kyoto to there.
And they had a consultation with the diplomatic corps. 
"I want to return regime to the Emperor.
There was this proposal from Yoshinobu.
Imperial Court decided to allow this.
After this、Imperial Court will responsible for the regime of Japan.

The name of the supreme power person in Japan on diplomatic.
After this、it change from Tycoon (大君) to Tenno (天皇)."
There was this notice to the diplomatic corps.
Tycoon is Tokugawa king (shogun).
Tenno is the Emperor.

Friday, 15 February 2013


"Currently、can the Imperial Court control the whole of Japan?"
French ambassador asked its question.
"Unfortunately、we can't it now.
Because Tokugawa has revolted at east Japan.
However、we can improve it gradually.
In the near future、authority of the Imperial Court extends to all of Japan."
Representative of Imperial Court answered so.

"If all Japanese will comply the Imperial Court、the Imperial Court may be able to dominate all of Japan."

Interpreter of the French ambassador.
It was an officer of the Tokugawa.
He did mistranslated deliberately.
"This is somewhat strange."
Of course Ernest had participated in this conference.
He was able to understand Japanese.
He asked the same question. 
And modified the translation of the answer.

※According to the fact that transmitted、he seems to have been a genius of language. 
He may have asked in Japanese and translated the answer himself into French (While checking with an interpreter in Tokugawa).※


In the first place、Ernest was involved in this response plan.
Maybe there was also this possibility.
(Substantially responsible persons of diplomacy of the new government
It was his friend.)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

beyond thought

"Tycoon may leader of other lords.
But he is not the head of Japan.
He is just a lord with the largest territory in Japan."
The person who first noticed this fact.
It was Ernest Satow.

"Diplomacy is a promise between countries.
The UK can not diplomacy with regional lord as the Japanese government."

"Mikado (the Emperor) exist on top of the tycoon.
Yes、Mikado is the truth head of Japan.
Those who think so has increased also in Japanese people.
(Thought of reverence for the emperor.) 

Mikado become the head of Japan formally.
Then lords gather under Mikado (include tycoon).
And establishment of Lord conference as Policy-making body.

When considering the modernization of Japan.
It is the most rational way."
Ernest thought that way.


Thought of expulsion of the foreigners.
Of course there was also this problem at that time.
It was dangerous in Japan simply because Western people.
They were attacked by the Japanese.
But Ernest went to Osaka before this war.

"Osaka is close to Kyoto."

Osaka was Japan's largest commercial zone.
But Osaka had not been opened so far to other countries for this reason.

"Osaka become opening soon.
Osaka's economy will rise by it."
Osaka merchant was speak joyfully to Ernest.
Era was trying to beyond thought.








"戦後50年特別企画 松本清張 事件にせまる 連合赤軍の崩壊"




"2016.01.26 市民連合シンポジウム 基調講演 柄谷行人さん 「憲法九条の今日的意味」"









"(今現在の日本のこととして - 8月 28, 2018) ETV8 司馬遼太郎雑談“昭和”への道"








※で、今、『政治と思想 1960-2011』を読み始めていますが(『蜂起には至らずー新左翼死人列伝』は以前読みました)、あのですね、多分高校卒業ぐらいの時に読んだ記憶ですけど、メソポタミアの「いまどきの若者はけしからん」、これ本多勝一さんも、古代エジプトの話だったかもしれないけど、お書きになってて、"「今も昔も大人が若者にいうことは変わらない」って、その文明は滅んだじゃないか"と。で、話がかわりますが(笑)、「赤信号皆で渡れば怖くない」、"そういうことやっちゃだめですよ"と注意され"ああ、そうですね"と止める人は、最初からやらない人だ(文化パラダイムの差異による無知は別として)。本当は怖い日本の現実。



おれが聞いてる話とちがうので。8月 07, 2018




"美味しんぼ 第111話 「料理と絵ごころ」"






機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE 1 20200729。


"01 夏の嘲笑"

"02 ヘヴィ・アーマー"

"03 暴走事件"

"04 トマト畑"

"05 迫る不安"

"06 HOS"

"07 虚影の街"

"08 政府公報"

"09 GEGE"

"10 共鳴"

"11 出撃命令"

"12 海へ"

"13 突入"

"14 ID:666"

"15 方舟"

"16 バベルの崩壊"

"17 朝陽の中へ"


"01 Asia"

"02 Indication (兆候)"

"03 Unnatural City"

"04 Riot"

"05 ...with Love"

"06 Theme of PATLABOR 2"



"貴重映像 緊迫 あさま山荘事件中継 1972年"




"gйnie or je suis saint esprit;je suis sain d'esprit あるいは、おれはゴッホさんが亡くなった部屋を、それを本や映像でいつか見た、という意味ではなく、知っていた、そこはショパンさんの部屋でもある。(8月 01, 2019)"



"仮面ライダー 第79話 地獄大使 !! 恐怖の正体?(wikiによると1972年9月30日放送)"

"仮面ライダー 第80話 ゲルショッカー出現 ! 仮面ライダー最後の日 !!(wikiによると1972年10月7日放送)"

現在、この前後の回は所有せず(現在持っていませんが、wikiによると、1971年12月18日放送、38話「稲妻怪人エイキングの世界暗黒作戦」、1971年12月25日放送、39話「怪人狼男の殺人大パーティー」、1972年1月1日放送、40話(制作ナンバー46)「死斗! 怪人スノーマン対二人のライダー」、1972年1月8日放送、41話(制作ナンバー47)、「マグマ怪人ゴースター 桜島大決戦」)。

"仮面ライダー 第91話 ゲルショッカー 恐怖学校へ入学せよ !!(wikiによると1972年12月23日放送)"


"ミーム いろいろ夢の旅 第7話 「見えない敵と闘う」"

"ミーム いろいろ夢の旅 第13話 「ペニシリンの発見」"





"哀愁 (Waterloo Bridge) 1940"

"恋文 1953"





ドイツによる戦略爆撃 (第一次世界大戦)

"Sep 26, 1917 - A Trip Through The Streets of London (speed corrected w added sound・後ろで鳴ってる曲なんですかね?)"

"Extremely rare, spectacular film about London during WW-II in color [A.I. enhanced & colorized]"




"その時歴史が動いた 軍服を脱いだジャーナリスト ~水野広徳が残したメッセージ~"

"その時歴史が動いた 6000人の命を救った外交官 ~杉原千畝 ビザ大量発給決断の時~"

※反ユダヤ主義(han-yudaya-syugi) -Antisemitismus・Anti-Semitism・Антисемитизм
汎ユダヤ主義 (han-yudaya-syugi)- Panjüdismus・Pan-Jewishism・Пансемитизму※

※ナチス-の-様に-人種差別-は-しない(nachisu-no-youni-zinshusabetu-wa-shinai)。☞ Unlike Nazi Germany、Japan does not discriminate against races.

ナチス-の-様に-人種差別-は-しない(nachisu-no-youni-zinshusabetu-wa-shinai)。☞ Like Nazi Germany、Japan does not discriminate against races. 

If it ’s just this sentence、"の-様(よう)-に(no-yo・u-ni)"、it can be received in both meanings、"similar to" and "unlike".※

倜儻不羈 1月 08, 2019

"NHKスペシャル 太郎の国の物語 第5回 侍の終焉"

By the way、I was understood it by reading the text of the net、you know? David Bowie san's "Dead Man Walking" and "The Supermen" are the same chord progression.1月 24, 2019

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Diplomatic corps came to Kyoto、Ernest met Iwakura.

"With our information shortage、when Tokugawa was the opening of the country、Imperial Court kept on arguing antiforeigner.
It's a fact.
But all situation has changed.
After this、aristocrats' perceptions to foreigners will also change."
Iwakura told Ernest like that. 
Originally Iwakura was a radical aristocratic of expulsion of the foreigners.
This time、he had been most cooperation person for Okubo.

Subsequently、Ernest discussed with the Japanese side how to meet with the Emperor.

"Most Japanese lords、they never met the Emperor.
Even if lord was able to meet the Emperor、in any case、they must prostrate themselves before the Emperor.
Of course we make care for diplomatic corps .
But it may not fit your diplomatic common sense.
The Emperor meet with western people.
This is the first time in Japanese history.
Please acknowledge our deficiencies."
The Japanese side told so to Ernest at first. 

And then they discussed the content of each speech.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

stupid men

The day、diplomatic corps meet with the Emperor、the British ambassador was heading to the Imperial Palace with the cavalry.
The man named "Nakai Hiroshi" of Foreign Affairs Division of the Japan side.
And Goto of Tosa、they was also accompanied as an escort.  

Two ronin had attacked on there.
But Nakai and Goto immediately fighted against them、they killed one with a sword.
And the remaining one had been arrested.

This had not become a major incident.
However、because of this、the British Ambassador was unable to meet the Emperor.


The most friendly person for the new government at that time.
It was the British Ambassador.
”For the Emperor.”
But he was attacked by its nominal.
As a matter of course、the new government was in a turmoil..
"I think there are stupid men in the United Kingdom.
As well it's also in Japan." 
Goto said a strange excuse to the British Ambassador.
(They were friends.) 

Thursday, 28 February 2013


British sailor murder case at Nagasaki.
Most important suspect was Tosa samurai of Sakamoto's organization.
The British ambassador therefore did protest against Tosa.
This negotiating partner was Goto.
The results、friendship was born between them.
(Real culprit was Fukuoka samurai.
He had committed suicide already.)

When this attack incident、Goto fought for the British ambassador at the risk of his life.
Perhaps it also influenced the good direction.
The British ambassador did not make this a diplomatic issue. 
But he made a request to the new government .
"I understand stance of the Japanese government.
However、please apology documented of this incident.

Until now、everyone has been sacrificed by the ideas of anti-foreigners.
The Emperor wants anti-foreigners.
This is due to this misconception.
The Emperor wants friendship with foreign countries.
Anti-foreigner is an act contrary to the will of the Emperor.
Please declare this to the people of Japan."
Probably the new government also wanted it.
It was executed immediately.





"ドキュメンタリー2016 昭和の戦争と平和"


"東京大空襲 B29 無差別爆撃と被害"



阿川弘之さんとは一切無関係。(1月 24, 2019)


"NHK教養セミナー 大岡昇平 時代への発言 第1回 出征 1984.8"

"NHK教養セミナー 大岡昇平 時代への発言 第2回 死んだ兵士に 1984.8 (最後音切れあり)"

"NHK教養セミナー 大岡昇平 時代への発言 第3回 39年目の夏に ~詩人たち・堺事件・核状況に~1984.8 (後半部音切れあり)"

"視点 「狡猾」について 1988.1.10 (映像音声乱れ)"

"ウルトラマン 第01話 ウルトラ作戦第一号"

"ULTRAMAN Original Soundtrack (1966) Composed by Kunio Miyauchi (opening song is english version - originally broadcasted in the united states and canada)"

"NHKスペシャル 揺れる大国 プーチンのロシア 第4回 プーチンの子どもたち ~復活する“軍事大国”~ (音切れあり)"





"01 The Width of a Circle"

"02 All the Madmen"

"03 Black Country Rock"

"04 After All"

"05 Running Gun Blues"

"06 Saviour Machine"

"07 She Shook Me Cold"

"08 The Man Who Sold the World"

"09 The Supermen"

"10 Lightning Frightning (Previously unrealeased track from 1970.)"

"11 Holy Holy (Single A-side from 1970.)"

"12 Moonage Daydream (These tracks were released as a single under the name Arnold Corns in 1971.)"

"13 Hang Onto Yourself (These tracks were released as a single under the name Arnold Corns in 1971.)"


"01 Little Wonder"

"02 Looking for Satellites"

"03 Battle for Britain (The Letter)"

"04 Seven Years in Tibet"

"05 Dead Man Walking"

"06 Telling Lies"

"07 The Last Thing You Should Do"

"08 I'm Afraid of Americans"

"09 Law (Earthlings on Fire)"

"10 Telling Lies (Adam F Mix)"

put it 11月 15, 2018


OVA 機甲界ガリアン part 3 鉄の紋章 8月 04, 2018


ガリアンの音楽はビートルズさん。opedは作詞作曲唄もジョージさんだと、おれが。(8月 04, 2018)



"Panzer World Galient Opening Theme (Full Length)"

"Panzer World Galient Ending(機甲界ガリアン ED 「星の一秒」)"

"Panzer World Galient Opening Theme (English Version)"

"Panzer World Galient Ending Theme (English Version)"







"映画 大魔神「特撮資料 (全3作)」 完全版"


to put it simply.10月 15, 2018

"~昭和4年~ 銀座のモダンな建物の旅 1号車"

"~昭和4年~ 銀座のモダンな建物の旅 2号車"






青山物産のブログ 銀緑館の最後の見学会









安田 元慶×高嶋 ちさ子 | GINZA OFFICIAL – 銀座公式ウェブ











銀座8丁目6−20にBar Dance 銀座さんがありました(銀座すし 松村さんも・笑)。




"1935年の東京と2017年の東京の比較映像 - Tokyo Then and Now"

"Tokyo 1935"

"花籠の歌 (昭和12年 1937)"



"父ありき (昭和17年 1942)"


"人間模様 (昭和24年 1949)"

"静かなる決闘 (昭和24年 1949)"

"醜聞・スキャンダル (昭和25年 1950)"

"天皇陛下、皇后雅子さまご成婚パレード 1993"

"東京キッド (昭和25年 1950)"

"銀座化粧 (昭和26年 1951)"


"人形劇三国志 第十九回『官渡の戦い』"

"人形劇三国志 第二十回『わざわいを呼ぶ馬』"

"人形劇三国志 第二十一回『玄徳の結婚』"

"人形劇三国志 第二十二回『軍師登場』"

"人形劇三国志 第二十三回『三顧の礼』"

"人形劇三国志 第二十四回『天下三分の計』"




"炎のたからもの Vocal今井美樹"


"ルパン三世 カリオストロの城 オリジナルサウンドトラック"


当然、"大野雄二とHIS FRIENDS"ゴミ処刑。

Heart to Heart 2月 09, 2019

Saturday, 16 March 2013

cloudy heart

Sakamoto and Nakaoka of Tosa、and Katsu who was plenipotentiary of Tokugawa at that time.
Roughly speaking、the man who made the current political line were them.
Katsu was also Sakamoto's master.

"If Sakamoto and Nakaoka alive now."
At this time Tosa samurai would have thought like that many times.

When Yoshinobu returned the regime to Imperial court of Kyoto、Tosa was at the center of the times.
But after the assassination of Sakamoto and Nakaoka、Tosa was receding rapidly from the times.

"Dogsbody for Satsuma."
In their current situation、some of them may have had such dissatisfaction.

"They were killed by the Shinsengumi."
At that time many Tosa samurai believed so.
(Sasaki of Mimawarigumi who is said to have commanded the Sakamoto assassination directly、he had been died already on battle of Toba Fushimi.)

Itabashi is about 6 km north of the Chiyoda castle.
The Nakasendo army centered on Tosa's troops stationed here.
※It may be positioned as the Second Army rather than the main force.

Therefore many Tosa samurai were on there. 
Almost of them had revered Sakamoto and Nakaoka.

Naturally、they insisted on the death penalty of Kondo.


"We want to save Kondo's life."
Satsuma had claimed so.
"Satsuma never understands our feelings.
How many Tosa people have been killed by Shinsengumi?" 
Heard this proposal、they were furious.

A major member of Tosa in the political revolution movement leading up to the Meiji Restoration.
Before Restoration they were almost dead as front-line soldiers of the revolution.
Conversely Satsuma had almost survived.
(This is just issue of the political system of Tosa.
Of course、that was the case、so the Meiji Restoration may have been established.)
※Ten years later、many Satsuma samurai、including Saigo、will die in the Satsuma Rebellion.

Tosa only insisted on the death penalty of Kondo.
The result、death penalty of Kondo finally decided. 

One day at midnight、there was a visitor at Katsu's mansion.
It was Hijikata.
"Currently、Kondo is in a very dangerous situation.
Please help to rescue him.

Just before Kondo goes to the position of the Western Army、he tried to commit suicide in our position.
Don't give up until the end、you have a duty to live as a leader of Shinsengumi.
I told him so.
Yes、I stopped his suicide.
But he is now about to be executed as a rebel against the Emperor.
I must help him absolutely."
Hijikata said.

"It's impossible.
I think you can understand about its reason.
Now、this matter is very important to the survival of the Tokugawa.
They has also suspecting my involvement with Kondo.
It is evident from their cross-examination against Kondo.
I can not behave actively now."
Katsu replied so.  
"He is immediate follower of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
He fought putting his life on the line for Tokugawa." 

"Drive the Tokugawa into a dangerous situation.
I can not do such an act for only one vassal."
"Kondo is my best friend.
Please help me to rescue him."
Katsu was silence.
Hijikata was gone.

"Hijikata came to visit me at midnight."
Katsu only wrote so in his diary.

"I killed Kondo without helping him."
He left it in history.

Kondo was executed at Itabashi (The samurai's death penalty is seppuku).
His head was exposed in Kyoto as an unspeakable rascal.  

Sunday, 17 March 2013


"Idiot! "
Arima yelled.

"Why killed Kondo?
What's more、as a sinner.

He certainly our enemy.
But he was a loyal retainer for Tokugawa.
Above all、he was a loyal retainer for the Emperor."

"If he kept alive、we must continue his monitoring.
It costs useless expenses.
So killed him."
It was a reply.

From around this time、the antipathy of Edo citizens toward the new government army began to stand out steadily.

Katsu negotiated with Enomoto at the request of the new government.

"Delivery half of Tokugawa warships to the government."
As result this was agreed、navy's problem was solved by it for the time being.
(Of course、they did not hand over the main ships.)

A desertion troop of Ōtor、finally it reached 2,000 people.
They attacked the Utsunomiya castle and took possession of this castle.
※The current Utsunomiya city is the prefectural capital of Tochigi Prefecture.

After all、they did retreat by new government troops attack.
But they still stayed in the suburbs of Edo

At the same time、security in the city of Edo had become deteriorated steadily.

"Absence of Shogun、thereby Edo citizens have lost the core of their heart.
The government needs to immediately bring Yoshinobu back from Mito.
This is a best way of restoration of Edo's security. "
Katsu insisted.

"Those who changing position in early to the government from Tokugawa.
They has been protect their property by the government.

Vassals who had loyal to Tokugawa to the end.
They are people with good sense. 
But their lands was confiscated all by the government.
Currently、all of them has to struggle to make a living.
Also Edo's merchant was made up by their consumption.
It was all destroyed.
This is a major factor in the deterioration in the security situation of Edo.
The government seized the territory of the Tokugawa.
The government say this is for make the state budget.
However、I think this amounts are not enough for cover the state budget.

It's not surprising.
Tokugawa was mere largest local lord in Japan.
Perhaps Tokugawa's territory is about 20% of Japan.
You guys are also know well it.

Please cover the whole of Japan with that.
There is so impossible.
If think the priority、the government should protection their's lives at first.

But the reality is afflicting them.
This is nonsense at all."


On this way home、Katsu was shot and fall from a horse.
He was syncope for a while.
”I'm alive.”
He muttered after awake (the bullet didn't hit them).
And he went home.


"東京物語 小津安二郎 [COLOR] Tokyo Story Ozu Yasujiro 1953 2017 Digital Restore ENGsub"




"ETV特集 「大佛次郎 隠された真実 第一回 鞍馬天狗」 1997.10. 22 (後半部音切れあり)"

"ETV特集 「大佛次郎 隠された真実 第二回 天皇の世紀」 1997.10. 23"


※20210820 5:56AM現在、カスレーザー(ボーリングゲームは続行中無くなり次第終了)、ま、7,8年前の100分の1もいないけど、佐世保市街地では毎日俺の"生活習慣"に合わせ朝も早よから753(753七五三etcに悪いけど)に新たなるエタヒニンの集団組織的白色ご近所迷惑。で、鉄道の乗務員含め古いエタヒニンは何処に消えてるんだろう。随分な一期一会(命令と取ってくれていいよ・笑)。



"映像の20世紀 第8集 民族の悲劇 果てしなく"










"ウルトラセブン 第01話 「姿なき挑戦者」"

"ウルトラセブン 第49話 「史上最大の侵略 後編」"

Although this will be iterative (omit). 10月 28, 2018

Sunday, 21 October 2012

hard feelings

There were signs.
A large-scale riot by common people occurred at Osaka which was Tokugawa's military gathering place.
Because inflation had exceeded the limit.
※Some special demand may have fueled dissatisfaction.

Also many lords were reluctant to send troops to Osaka unlike last time.
Above all、Satsuma、the main force of the previous conquest army、showed severe disapproval.

It was a situation that is not to be expected until a little while ago.
(Expressing dissatisfaction with the policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate、it meant their own destruction.)
And the popularity of Choshu was increasing among the common people、especially in western Japan.
※It probably wasn't only propaganda by Satsuma etc.

Also different movement had beginning in Tosa.
De facto lords of Tosa.
He was very intelligent and also liked control of vassal.

※By the way、I haven't written his name yet.
His name is "Yamanouchi Yo(u)do(u)".
I write by my memory only、but I think that Yōdō is a pseudonym (so to speak、pen name?)、not a real name.
He is a little short mind、but seems to have been a kind person to subordinates.
And he liked drinking very much.※

"If this state continuing、Tosa must left behind in the era."
People who think so in the upper class youth of the samurai came out.
There was also approach by Nakaoka. 
(Primarily from the twenties to the early thirties maybe.
The same generation as Nakaoka.)

"Tosa clan should participate to battlefront against Tokugawa."
Nakaoka didn't give up think in position as person of Tosa.
Sakamoto was conversely、didn't think too much about Tosa.

”I don't care about Tosa.”
Maybe he had such a ​idea.
Sakamoto was one of the earliest activists.
When he was stayed in Tosa、he hadn't obtaining hope.
He therefore dashed out from Tosa.

Most of his comrades from that time were killed by the Tosa government.
Best friend also was killed. 
※Of course、this is true for all Tosa Ronin of those days.

Under such circumstances、he made his own company at Nagasaki. 
Perhaps he was proud that he established his own position without being based on the position of Tosa Domain.
In fact、by this time "Sakamoto" had been recognized as "Sakamoto”. 
※Of course、I think that his identity and personal connections at the start、which was based on the position of Tosa Domain、were important.

”I'm able to live without the title of Tosa.” 
At this time、he may have been a little stubborn.

So、the presence of Nakaoka was important for Sakamoto.
It is not because it was assassinated together、it's a silly joke of course、the two had a good relationship that complement each other.
When concluded of the alliance of Choshu and Satsuma.
Their relationship was most accurately represented.  

Monday, 22 October 2012

i escape

”If escape is possible、I want escape.”
Everyone might had thought so.
So、as in Kondo's case、the hatred of those around him for the man who tried to escape may have become terrible.

Well、let's rewind a little time here.

"I escape.”
After said so、there were guys who escaped.
That was Takasugi and Ito.

They had a successful coup.
They therefore had the helm of Choshu of course.
At that point、they did escaped.


”We should do open of Shimonoseki port to Western countries."
After coup was success、there was such proposal from Ito.

"We request to you open this port."
Previously、there was such a request from the West to the Tokugawa Shogunate.
※Perhaps、at the time of opening negotiations in Japan.

”We should proposal to them from us.
Because benefit by it is always greater.”

Takasugi agreed with this Ito's proposal.
They were originally forefront ​of Western exclusion.
However、they had completely changed course in reverse. 
However、there was no contradiction among them.
However、there was contradiction except them.

They were become subject to assassination.
In fact、Inoue was seriously injured by their attacked.
(According to another report、there also seems to had issue of the interests of the Western trade.)

※Was it Osaragi Jiro(u) san's "the century of the Emperor 天皇の世紀"?
I think I examined it properly and wrote it.
(However、although not a I have said so(lol)、the genre of this book seems to be "novel".)
However、if so、we also need the Ardennes Forest(lol).
The focus gradually matches.
From the periphery to the center.※

※Today is August 19, 2021、the memory at the time of writing this is not clear but、especially in the second half、I think a lot of the content is my selfish summary ​from the "Emperor's Century" borrowed from the library.
However、my myths are mixed here and there、so be careful about stories you don't know (It may be closer to "the truth of going out" than we think・lol).※

”I'll do even at the risk of my lives.”
Takasugi、while little ago、who did raising an army with 60 people said so.
It was not.

"I don't want to be killed by such people.
I escape.
You also should escape."

After Takasugi said so to Ito、he escaped from Choshu with his lover.
I don't know why (to reconnoitre the enemy?)、at that time Takasugi escaped to Osaka of the enemy's base ground.
He was found soon at there by Tokugawa、he hastily fled to Shikoku Island with lover.

※I read this in Shiba san's novel(lol).
”When asking the shopkeeper the inventory of the book (maybe "Tosa Monogatari") at the book store、the owner took a strange look and went into the room.
And as he didn't come out of the room as it was、we left the place quickly.”

I think that it was such a "recollection of Takasugi's lover" (but my sentence is quite uncertain).
Of course it may have been that she heard so from Takasugi.
And of course "recollection" itself may be a fiction by Shiba san.
In any case、perhaps their trip was such a schedule.

In Shikoku I think they were taken care of by the local Yakuza.
"There is such a nationwide network in them."
I think the depiction that Takasugi admires is in Shiba san's novel.

By the way、a man who hard discussed with Takasugi named "Akane Taketo ".
When is that(lol)?※


"ULTRASEVEN Original Soundtrack (1967) Composed by Toru Fuyuki (opening song is english version - originally broadcasted in Hawaii)"




"ウルトラセブン 第39話 「セブン暗殺計画 (前篇)」 (wikiによると1968年6月30日放送)"

"ウルトラセブン 第40話 「セブン暗殺計画 (後篇)」 (wikiによると1968年1968年7月7日放送)抜粋"

ウルトラセブン第40話は持っていませんし ("第48話 「史上最大の侵略 (前篇)」1968年9月1日放送"も - 後編は1968年9月8日放送、第1話は1967年10月1日放送)。

"帰ってきたウルトラマン 第38話 「ウルトラの星 光る時」 wikiによると1971年12月24日放送"



若い広場「矢沢永吉からのメッセージ」11月 03, 2018







online タウン誌 「ネリマンタイムス」ー モデラーなら知ってるよね。練馬区にあるプラモデル屋さんまとめ


※つうてもね、今(20210823 13:52PM)、統計見たら、表示はこれだけだからアクセス数だろう、全期間12060。今日1。昨日3。今月53。先月46。だって。
たとえば現在の"表示回数"、勝とう福島最終回前編11。後編6。アンコール0。we areのⅠ1。we areのⅡ3。


独立した個人をおれは郎党とは呼ばない、ということで、小沢一郎さんのことはさておいて(すいません)。"バカな頭で考えた、悪いと思う所は他力改造"メンタリティな人種の、貴族様以外は、"手柄を立てればテレビに出れる(めざせ☆印、一番はやっぱり撃墜〈殺人〉だ)"。そりゃ、見渡せば、"気色悪い不自然な集合体"にもなろうというもんでしょ。コイツ等以外は誰もが思う、文字通りの気色悪すぎる幼稚な"自然悪"。1月 01, 2019






檄 10月 10, 2018


"釜石市役所付近に押し寄せる津波 【視聴者提供映像】Tsunami rushing near Kamaishi City Hall [Video provided by viewers]"



i won't redoではありますが、オウム真理教幹部一族郎党含めゴミ処刑つうことで。が、所謂、前期オウム事件の実行犯はウッチャンナンチャン系の連中。で、国松長官狙撃事件の実行犯は、国松さんに失礼な気もしますが(おれの祖父にも銃創痕はありました)、アイツ、名前調べないのでわからないけど、自然悪な顔をした、人肉クリームシチュー(だっけ?コンビ名)の有田じゃない方。当然、この、おれが書いた文章中の国松さん以外の、ゴミは全員処刑。ああ、国松さんだけじゃないですね、いいや、笑えますか?オトシマエは必ずつけます。この世界の運命を決めるものとして。12月 29, 2018

"ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q EVANGELION:3.33 YOU CAN (NOT) REDO"




"01 輝いて ~My dream goes on~"

"02 Summertime"

"03 輝いて ~My dream goes on~ (Instrumental)"

"04 Summertime (Instrumental)"


"魔法をあげるよ ~Magic In The Air~"


"輝いて ~My dream goes on~"


i won't redo. 11月 08, 2018

"ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序 EVANGELION:1.01 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE"

"ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破 EVANGELION2.02 YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE"

"Rebuild of EVANGELION:2.02"






そうそう、あれですね連合赤軍の、坂東さん?「矢吹」って組織名でしたね。「最後にもう一度確認しよう、我々はあしたのジョーである」とか。10月 18, 2018



※20210824 7:37AM現在、見たことない虫が念を押しに来たよ(蚊とか蟻とか俺もよく殺すけどね)、よっぽどこの世界に嫌われてるんだなオマエ等。

最後にもう一度確認しよう、我々はあしたのジョーである。7月 26, 2019



"あしたのジョー 第1話 「あれが野獣の眼だ!」 (wikiによると1970年4月1日放送)"

"あしたのジョー 第9話 「奴の名は力石徹!」 (wikiによると1970年5月27日放送)"

"あしたのジョー 第46話 「死を賭けた男」 (wikiによると1971年2月10日放送)"

"あしたのジョー 第50話 「闘いの終り」 (wikiによると1971年3月10日放送)"

"あしたのジョー sideA"

"あしたのジョー sideB"



"街道をゆく 第44回 中国・閩のみち"

"街道をゆく 第45回 中国・雲南のみち"



で、per aspera ad astra.



"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第51話 青いニセ札づくり!夕陽のガンマン (wikiによると1976年5月15日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第52話 ピンクの電話鬼!殺しのダイヤル (wikiによると1976年5月29日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第53話 赤いホームラン王!必殺の背番号1 (wikiによると1976年6月5日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第54話 真赤な挑戦!火の山最期の大噴火 (wikiによると1976年6月19日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第55話 金色の大将軍!ツタンカーメンの呪い (wikiによると1976年7月3日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第56話 青い夏休み!魔の殺人海岸 (wikiによると1976年7月10日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第57話 黒い包囲網!五つの顔のペギー (wikiによると1976年7月31日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第58話 真赤な野望!総統閣下の黄金城 (wikiによると1976年8月7日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第59話 真赤な南国!謎のゴールド大作戦 (wikiによると1976年9月4日放送)"

"秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 第60話 青い瀬戸内海!浮ぶ秘密要塞島 (wikiによると1976年9月11日放送)"






"ETV特集 「連合赤軍 終わりなき旅」"









"劇場版 サイボーグ009 (wikiによると1966年7月21日公開)"


サイボーグ009 THE CYBORG SOLDIER 第13話 倫敦(ロンドン)の霧 (wikiによると2002年1月13日放送)





"仮面ライダー 第14話 魔人サボテグロンの襲来 (wikiによると1971年7月3日放送)"




"ファイヤーマン 第一話 ファイヤーマン誕生 (wikiによると1973年1月7日放送)"

"ファイヤーマン 第二話 武器は科学だS・A・F (wikiによると1973年1月14日放送)"




amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。