
あのですね。12月 07, 2018


で、切り、現状(なんとなくごめんなさい・笑)、 "表面上" 、どの様な激戦が繰り広げられているかというと。




私見ですが。12月 08, 2018



"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第1話 曹操、刀を献ず【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第2話 曹操、亡命す【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第3話 曹操、善人を誤殺す【日本語吹替版】"

"三国志 Three Kingdoms 第4話 関羽、華雄を斬る【日本語吹替版】"






"街道をゆく 第9回 島原・天草の諸道"

"街道をゆく 第36回 丹波篠山街道"







"よみがえる浮世絵の日本 封印が解かれた秘蔵コレクション"


"言葉"を救出しないと。12月 09, 2018




"街道をゆく 第15回 叡山の諸道"

”街道をゆく 第25回 芸備の道"

"新日本紀行ふたたび 自画像の歳月 ~広島県安芸高田市吉田町~"

9月 01, 2019 安土城古城図、反転してて、実は黒金門からの出城で、とか、以前色々いいましたが、なんだっけ(笑)?とりあえず、実地と符合しませんか?

"その時歴史が動いた 「本能寺の変〜織田信長暗殺!闇に消えた真犯人〜」"


to put it simply. 10月 15, 2018 









"街道をゆく 第22回 播州揖保川・室津みち"


7月 20, 2019 商王国が周王国で邪馬台国、でどうでしょう(at 河南)。

Saturday, 17 August 2013


Ainu's people had their own lives with their own culture and their own language at around the current Hokkaido.
But the latter half of the 19th century、they were incorporated into the modern state suddenly as a national.
From that time、assimilation policy seems to had been done coercively. 
Their culture as a way of life may have to disappear.

※Samurai、Farmers、Edo townsman (for example).
Of course this is not a subject of the same dimension、but naturally、all of the current Japanese people do not live as they did at the time.※


In 1868、the modern state is established in Japan.
Around 40 years have passed from it、a man was born in Ishikari of Hokkaido.
It's my grandfather.
He was a child of Settler.
※It is after the Meiji Restoration that "Japanese" began to settle in this land in earnest.

"When I was kid、my family was poor.
Everyone was poor.
I was sickly but those around whose helped me always.
Everyone lived with cooperation. 
Ainu people came to my home well and they were drank with my parent.
Everyone was a good friend."
Yes、this is memory of my grandfather that became my memory.


This assimilation policy.
I started reading a book about it.
It was something very harsh for Ainu people、it's not in doubt.
However、at the same time、scene of this drinking bout comes to my mind.
Of course、it's scene of my imagination.


Although it is not possible to talk at the same level of course.

Every part of Japan had its own culture and various dialects until recently、and of course it still exists.
But establishment of modern unified nation by the Meiji Restoration.
Development of the mass media after the Second World War.
Establishment of standard language etc. 

Today、its uniqueness is gradually diluting.

Sunday, 18 August 2013


There is word "Kamui" in Ainu. (カムイ)
It means that God.
Incidentally Kamui is a Japanese pronunciation of the current.
Formal pronunciation of Kamui in the Ainu language.
Maybe it is different. 

If this vowel is not attached、Japanese language of the current can not pronounce correctly. 
For example、K(a)m(u)(i)

There is a "n" as the exception. 
This is ”ん””ン” by ”n”.
Incidentally、although this is a little annoying、"n" is also present as a consonant.
And n=ん=ン.

※This is a very crude commentary by an amateur.
※Now、when trying to put out this "ん・ン" on a personal computer、"n" overlap two (nn👉ん・ン).


There was a festival in Ainu called "Iyomante". (or Iomante)
"We return bear to heaven." (熊送り) 
The meaning of this word seems to be it.
"Dedicate a child bear to God." 
By the way、significance of this festival looks like that to me.
"Bear is the incarnation of God.
They came to our world as a guest.
So we return them to heaven."
But in fact、there seems to be this sense.

By the way、God is "kami" at the Japanese language currently.
And bear is "kuma".
"Bear is God."
But this recognition does not exist in Japan today as the national traditions. 
(Bear is live nationwide in today.)
And bear is "Gom" probably in modern Korean. (곰)
(I have the help of Google Translate.
I do not know Korean.)
This word can not be pronounced correctly in Japanese.
Because vowel is not associated to ”m”.
"Gomu" or "komu".
If Japanese people attempts to pronounce this word、it's going to be like this probably.

Apparently there are a few words that represents the God in modern Korean.
One is a "sin". (신)
This is the pronunciation of "神・God" of Chinese characters as with Japan.

※"神・God". Of course、 there is a problem in simply thinking of these two "words" as having the same meaning.
But the most common words that represent God.
It seems to ”Hananim” in modern Korean. (하나님)

"Gom" that word itself.
Probably it will not relevance of God at Korea.

"プロジェクトJAPAN 「シリーズ 日本と朝鮮半島」 第4回 解放と分断 在日コリアンの戦後 放送日2010年7月25日"














当然、ゴミドモは処刑。(2月 18, 2019)



"貨物列車日本縦断 -生活を結ぶ貨物輸送- 昭和43年制作"







"01 Get Back"

"02 Dig A Pony"

"03 For You Blue"

"04 The Long And Winding Road"

"05 Two Of Us"

"06 I've Got A Feeling"

"07 One After 909"

"08 Don't Let Me Down"

"09 I Me Mine"

"10 Across The Universe"

"11 Let It Be"


"Fly On The Wall ~A Unique Insight Into The Beatles At Work In The Studio During January 1969"

万邦共同声明「汚辱、恥辱にまみれているのは、お前たちだ」11月 22, 2018






"ETV特集 テレビが記録した知性たち 桑原武夫 1999.3"




Saturday, 20 October 2012 (10月 27, 2018)

for create a world where everyone feels "happy to be born".

Kondo became samurai class.
Of course、it is because his ability was recognized.

And he married in Kobe and eldest son was born.
This is ordinary marriage (maybe the daughter of merchant of Kobe)、he was trying to get the happiness of the ordinary as a promising young man.

But his all was changed by political change.
His mentor Katsu was downfall.
He was parting with family and moved to Nagasaki along with Sakamoto.

After this he would lived with worry about the surveillance of Tokugawa under the protection of Satsuma.

"It wasn't supposed to be this."
He may have thought so sometimes.
However、all things was not bad.
"Saigo visits Choshu and the alliance of Choshu and Satsuma is established."
There was certainly such a prospect.

"Saigo refused to visit Choshu.”
When he got know that fact、at the same time、information on the Great Purge in Tosa would have arrived at him.

Shortly before、Tosa's "revolutionary" main figures were killed as political prisoners.
I think this shock was very severe for Tosa ronin.

At that time、even if there is no direct relationship、I think a lot of people had been suspected. ※At least in their subjectivity.
A doctor of Tosa named ”Nagaoka Kenkichi.”
The man who later become Sakamoto’s secretary and inherit Sakamoto's organization after his death.

During this period、he also escaped from Tosa.

※Certainly thereafter、there is a possibility that he came to Nagasaki.
But of course I don't know if he met Kondo this time.

In either case、I think Kondo had know well current state of Tosa.

"A promising young man became like a arsonist."

Information of arrival to kyoto of Tokugawa shogun also would have came to him.
Finally Tokugawa's invasion against Choshu begins.

He was originally the man who had aspired to study only.
Of course he wanted to help people with his ability.

※Kondo was mainly studying Western studies、which is a trend of the times (that's natural)、but I think he was under the influence of Confucianism from ancient times.

経世済民 governing a nation and providing relief to people.
To put it simply、the ancient scholarship of the East was this quest.※

If Kondo had born after a little more、he would was able to studying in the UK without any problems.
Even in this era、if Kondo had born to samurai of Tokugawa or Satsuma、he would was able to studying in the UK.

※At this time、it may be a best organization in Japan where the Tokugawa shogunate properly evaluated people as people.

He was man excellent enough to be it.
He also had a family already.

And he made money suddenly.

”From the beginning、it was impossible.”

※I looked into Nagasaki City's prostitute at that time.
Because I thought about making sister of Ukiyo-e artist as younger prostitute of Kondo's lover.
For example、in the case of Edo、many of them were daughters of poor farmers in the Tohoku region.
(I think that the situation had continued until mid-20th century.)
However、Nagasaki's case、it seems many of them were from local residents.
What they have in common is their short life expectancy even then.
It seems that there were many cases where their bodies was thrown away in front of the temple.

Here I change a topic a bit.

I won't saying "everything is so".
Because I believe shouldn't say "everything is so".

I read it in Kobayashi Yoshinori san's "Gomanism Sengen (declaration)".
Go(u)man arrogance + ism

I guess it was Southeast Asia、during the Pacific War、on the evening leaving for the front line tomorrow、a commander took his men to the comfort station (ianjyo 慰安所 in short、it is a brothel).
Of course it was for buy a woman.
But a commander himself seems to have spent time doing nothing in the lady's room、
"Good memories were made thanks to the commanding officer"、his men said that to him in the car on the way home to the base.

"Why will you thank me?
You may die tomorrow."
At that time he thought so.

Of course、I think the commanders would have been various.

But perhaps the front commander had the highest mortality rate.

Well、I think everyone understands what I will write、but I think they're all married couples.
Of course race is irrelevant.
Please check it yourself about comfort women.

Here again I will change the topic a bit.

There are women called geisha in Japan.
Geisha sells performing arts to customers.
The prostitute sells their body to the customer.
Literal translation of Geisha is a person performing arts.

Of course、these two jobs are different.
But at that time、many of Tosa and Choshu historical figures' wives were them.

劃一。構造はこうだと。8月 23, 2018

当然、同姓同名、偽名も含め(王子文明のような・笑)、二人だけではないでしょうが、坂口弘さんはイニシャルおれと同じですね(逆にすれば?シャーロックホームズ・笑)。12月 15, 2018 




おれは生きている人に、それがその人の名前でない限り、土左衛門とはいいません。11月 23, 2018


"ドラえもん (とりあえずの)最終回"


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。