amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐10-4-2-B-BLUE。

"THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (wikiによると1999年7月30日米国、12月23日日本公開)"

Secret Boots is the result of my personal impression that Heather Donahue san's voice is similar to Janis Joplin san's voice (lol). 2022112419:12 (japan time).

"BSプライムタイム CIA 秘められた真実 第2回 冷戦の終えん Lost Illusion"

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐50。



『ブレアウィッチ ラスティン・パーの告白』

"ブレア・ウィッチの呪い Curse of the Blair Witch"

"新たに発見された映像 Newly Discovered Footage"

"来日記者会見映像 Press Conference"












on the wing with we fly one more time 8月 06, 2019

Friday, 6 September 2013


There was a Japanese named "Abe-no-Nakamaro" who was born in the early 8th century. (阿倍仲麻呂)

Around this time、about 40 years after the Battle of Hakusukinoe、the dispatch of foreign students to the Tang Dynasty as a national project of Japan was in full swing.

The Japanese mission to the Tang Dynasty including these students was called  ”Kentōshi". (遣唐使)
Direct translation of Kentōshi is "dispatch an envoy to the Tang Dynasty".

At that time、Japan was already developing the statute system.
Therefore、their studies were directly linked to the modernization of Japan.

At first、it seems that one envoy to the Tang Dynasty was a group of about 200 to 300 people.
But in the end they were a group of over 500 people (including envoys and sailors of course).

By the way、there were many accidents on their voyage.
Both Japanese shipbuilding technology and sailing technology were still immature.

Of course、those accidents were directly linked to their deaths.
But they crossed the sea.


Foreign students to the Tang dynasty、they stayed there for decades in some cases.
And after returning to Japan、they became important personnel for the modernization of Japan.
(The envoy returned home immediately after completing his mission.)

※If I remember correctly、there were two types of envoys to the Tang Dynasty: short-term students and long-term students. 2022121912:42 (japan time).

However、there were also international students with different destiny.
It was Nakamaro.
As a teenager、he went to the Tang dynasty as an international student and became a government official there.

His chinese name was "Cháohéng". (晁衡・Choukou)
He eventually became a senior official of the Tang Dynasty.

When he had lived in Tang for over 50 years、an envoy to Tang was dispatched from Japan.
The visits of Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty were irregular.
(AD 702、717、733、746、752、759….)

He wished to return to Japan with them、and the Tang emperor allowed it.
He set out on a journey of return to Japan.  
However、the ship he was on was wrecked on the way、and the ship managed to drift to the southern coast of the Tang Dynasty.

He survived.
But at that time、there was no regular line of ships between Tang and Japan.
Voyage was special.

And immediately after this、a large-scale rebellion broke out within the Tang dynasty.
It called "Anshi-no-Ran" in Japan.(安史の乱)

He was not able to return to Japan at last.  

"The moon I'm looking up into the sky right now is the same moon that rises high above the mountain Mikasa in my hometown of Kasuga."
Japanese poem of such content by him.
It remains.

※Now、when I look up the meaning of this japanese poem、it seems that it was written not after the shipwreck、but at a farewell party in Mingzhou (明州・I don't know if this is the correct Chinese pronunciation for this). 2022121913:35 (japan time).

※If I translate this poem without looking it up.
"Is that moon that rises in the Milky Way the same as the moon that rises above the mountain Mikasa in my hometown of Kasuga?"

And it seems that "Kasuga" is rather than his hometown、it is Kasuga Taisha Shrine、where envoys to Tang China prayed for safe travels before leaving Japan. 

ちょっと差がつく『百人一首講座』(japanese only)

2022121913:52 (japan time).


Incidentally、"Li Bai" who is one of the poet to represent China. (李白・Rihaku)
They had a close relationship、and Li Bai's Chinese poem that he sent to Nakamaro remains.

Saturday, 7 September 2013


Nakamaro became a high official in the Tang dynasty.

"Chūka is not the nation、Chūka is the world.
Anyone can become the Tang Dynasty officials if they go through the prescribed procedures."
This fact represents essence of "Chūka Shisō" plainly. (中華思想)

"Nakamaro had a Chinese name. (Cháohéng・晁衡)
He lived in China most of his life.
In short、Nakamaro was respected as Chinese Cháohéng.
This would be just like that."

However、it cannot be said that way.

There were senior official of the Tang dynasty named "Wang Wei". (王維・Oui)
He was also a versatile artist.

"Give to Cháohéng who will return home to Japan."
Before Nakamaro left for Japan、he composed a poem with this title.

But Nakamaro's ship was wrecked during the voyage.
"Cháohéng died by marine casualty."
At first、Li Bai heard so. (李白)

"My soul is very uplifting now.
Because I'm wearing Japanese clothes now.
Cháohéng gave me this spiritual upliftment."
Of course、it was before this、but there is a poem by Li Bai with such content.

And then、Li Bai wrote a poem mourning to Nakamaro.
First words of its poem、it is "Cháohéng of Japanese".

In short、Nakamaro was respected as himself from his friends.
His origin was not a problem.

※Naturally、it would have been the case even if he was a genuine Chinese (if he is him).


This period、”An Lushan” continued to increase his power. (安禄山・Anrokuzan)
An Lushan was originally an influential general of the Tang dynasty、 and after this he would raise a large-scale rebellion against the Tang dynasty.

This period would have been time when the ideal of Chūka Shisō is most shining.

Chang'an、the capital of Tang Dynasty、was crowded with people from all over the world.
It is said that there was also a Nestorian Christian church and a temple of Zoroaster.

It seems that there were many officials of the Tang dynasty who were not "Chinese".
An Lushan also seems to be from a different ethnic group.
In short、Nakamaro was not a special presence. 

Prosperity of the Tang Dynasty、it would be ending soon.
However、this era of ideal of Chūka Shisō.
It’s shining forever.

※In one theory?It should be possible that the imperial family of the Tang dynasty itself was not Han Chinese. 2022121914:51 (japan time).

"【TBSスパークル】1954年9月26日 洞爺丸台風来襲 (昭和29年)"

"NHKテレビジョン映画 青函連絡船 (1957年(昭和32年)12月5日)"

"津軽海峡はるかに遠く ~青函連絡船のその後~ (1996年(平成8年))"

"津軽の子ら 英映画社製作 (NPO法人 Science Film Museum 科学映像館さんのサイトによると1970年制作)"








"ふわっと食感の北海道生シフォン"、食後に苦めの緑茶を飲みたくなるおいしさだった。2022122011:54 (日本時間)。

ノハ*゚ ゥ ゚)< 私 頑張った――――――――――――っっ!!笑



"新日本紀行 第4巻 津軽海峡~青森県~ (昭和43年8月放送)"

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

屋島の戦い(やしまのたたかい)は、平安時代末期の元暦2年/寿永4年 2月19日(1185年3月22日)に讃岐国屋島(現・高松市)で行われた戦いである。治承・寿永の乱の戦いの一つ。










"人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語 第四部 流転 第十二話 いざ、屋島へ"

"人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語 第五部 無常 第一話 紀伊の巨鯨"

"人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語 第五部 無常 第二話 嵐をついて"

"人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語 第五部 無常 第三話 黒煙の屋島"

"人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語 第五部 無常 第四話 扇の的"

人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語での、石橋蓮司ゴミ処刑の声はすべて中村玉緒さんと仲が良いご夫婦の勝新太郎さん。



"NHKスペシャル アインシュタインロマン 第4回 時空・悪魔の方程式"

As usual、"in the first place" is the topic of the premise (lol).
When I was a university student、I heard in class that "Japan was able to modernize because the stage of the Western Industrial Revolution at that time was still at a level where it could catch up (this is just "like this" and not an exact reproduction)."
But for Western imperialism to reach pre-modern Japan、there were (and continued to be) numerous obstacles in Islamic India and East Asia.
And it was the United States that opened Japan to the world、but then the Civil War broke out in the United States、and since then the influence of the United States on Japan has receded. 2022110716:18 (japan time).

"トップランキング SCIENCE 太陽系の9番目の惑星-私たちが探している天体"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 太陽系のいろいろな惑星・衛星はどんなにおいがするのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 太陽系の各惑星で人間はどのくらい生き延びられるのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 太陽系の不思議な場所6選"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 太陽系外惑星―新たな住処を探す地球人"

トップランキング SCIENCE "太陽系第9惑星は本当にブラックホールなのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 太陽誕生の謎ー太陽はどのようにして生まれたのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 大酸化事件―地球での新しい生命の始まり"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 地球が木星と衝突したらどうなるのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 地球でもっとも有名な隕石落下 トップ5"

Just in case、this Russian meteor wasn't a threat、was it?
And if it's a star drawn on the balloon itself、it will stretch to the limit of bursting (lol). 2022110718:11(japan time).

Does the number of molecules composing the star remain the same even if the star is elongated (and of course the balloon itself)?2022110718:35 (japan time).


If my wives start playing their instruments openly、the fact that I'm no match for my wives will be exposed.

Well、aside from that(lol).

To put it simply、Russia、which has advanced eastward with relatively little resistance、and Japan, which had pursued smooth modernization and imperialism、clashed in northern Korea and northeastern China.

Even if the friendship between Japan and Russia could be maintained by Nicholas II san's concessions、at that time、a large amount of funds for activities of Russian revolutionary extremists、including Stalin san etc、was flowing from the Japanese treasury、even if Russian government was able to concentrate on suppressing the rebellion、the chaos in Russia might have been helpless.

※From the late period of the Tokugawa Shogunate、there has been a theory that `in order to stop Russia from advancing southward、a large number of Japanese samurai must advance into the northeastern region of Qing and cooperate with Qing to stop it.’''

Of course、this  is a way of Japanese thinking that focuses on the defense of Japan that "Japan will be helpless if Russia moves southward to the Korean Peninsula."※

Aside from that.

The only thing I can think of now is that the world has cooperated and made Japan the "seed of modernization with historical rationality" in the Asian region.
Naturally、the reason be waiting for me (lol). 2022110811:28 (japan time).

By the way、the start of secret funding by the Japanese government to anti-Russian imperial organizations seems to coincide with the beginning of radicalization and subversive activities within the Russian Empire、but when I used Google Translate to translate the English sentence into Japanese again、it was translated as "funded by the Russian government (lol)." The translation changes depending on how the sentence is cut. 2022110816:41 (japan time).

It's a bit of an exaggeration、but maybe it's okay to write "by the Japanese government with the strong backing of Jewish capital."、"At that time、Jews were oppressed in the Russian Empire、so many Jews supported Japan."

Aside from that.

The Empire of Japan was a powerful partner of Nazi Germany、but I feel that it was consistently compatible with Jews (there is the theory in Japan that Japanese - Jews are the same ancestry as a fantasy historical theory after the modern era). 2022110822:24 (japan time).

"街道をゆく 第2回 モンゴル紀行"

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐47。


"超獣機神ダンクーガ 第27話 妖星墜つ (Gildorome's decline and fall) (wikiによると1985年10月11日放送)"

"超獣機神ダンクーガ 第28話 獣戦基地総攻撃 (前篇) (General Attack Act I) (wikiによると1985年10月18日放送)"

"超獣機神ダンクーガ 第29話 獣戦基地総攻撃 (後篇) (General Attack Act II) (wikiによると1985年10月25日放送)"

"超獣機神ダンクーガ 第30話 戦場!出会い、そして別れ (We meet only to part) (wikiによると1985年11月1日放送)"

"超獣機神ダンクーガ 第31話 去りゆきし長官 (After his death) (wikiによると1985年11月8日放送)"



"宇宙戦艦ヤマト 新たなる旅たち (wikiによるとフジテレビ系列で1979年7月31日放映、東映系で1981年3月14日公開)"



"宇宙戦艦ヤマト 新たなる旅立ち 音楽集"



※で、そうそう、for many Japanese、I think the best English translation for "Desurā sōtō" is "Führer Desslar" instead of "Leader Desslar"(lol). 2022122013:18 (japan time).


しかし、戦前の共産党の場合は、前にも述べたように、党組織を工場細胞の上に築きあげろというスローガンをくり返しながら、ついにそれに成功しなかった。そして、細胞は細胞でも、街頭細胞化してゆく。これは工場細胞のように職場を共有する者同士の結合ではなく、街頭連絡だけでつながっている者同士の結合である。街頭連絡は、前に引用した宮原省久の調書にあったように、時間と場所をきめて出会い、街頭を歩きながら世間話をよそおって素早く口頭の連絡、あるいは連絡文書の交換をしあうわけである。こういうスタイルの活動の中では、党員相互が信頼性チェックをするに足るだけのコミュニケーションがない。スパイといっしょに細胞を作っていても、それになかなか気がつかないということになる。『日本共産党の研究 (一) 287-288ページ』"





"ScreenCapture_2022-12-21 22.56.28"





"ScreenCapture_2022-12-23 12.29.00"



"ScreenCapture_2022-12-25 21.42.32"






"ScreenCapture_2022-12-27 22.29.53"


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐53。

DREAMIN' 2022/12/20 18:27


"対馬丸 —さようなら沖繩— (wikiによると1982年10月24日公開)"


"01 B-Blue (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"02 Dramatic Drastic! (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"03 Marionette (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"04 Wagamama Juliet (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"05 Longer Than Forever (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"06 Cloudy Heart (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"07 Working Man (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"08 Image Down (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"09 Beat Sweet (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"10 No. New York (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"11 Only You (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"

"12 Dreamin' (Live At Tokyo Dome 1988)"


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。