amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅢ‐6-3。

『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 第11巻』






"キャプテン翼 第6話 ゴールをかためろ (wikiによると1983年11月17日放送)"

"キャプテン翼 第7話 運命のロングシュート (wikiによると1983年11月24日放送)"

"キャプテン翼 第8話 さわやかコンビ誕生 (wikiによると1983年12月1日放送)"

"キャプテン翼 第9話 ラストチャンスにかけろ (wikiによると1983年12月8日放送)"

"キャプテン翼 第10話 夢はブラジルへ (wikiによると1983年12月8日放送)"







"仮面ライダー 第40話 死斗!怪人スノーマン対二人のライダー (wikiによると1972年1月1日放送)"

"仮面ライダー 第41話 マグマ怪人ゴースター 桜島大決戦 (wikiによると1972年1月8日放送)"

"仮面ライダー 第42話 悪魔の使者 怪奇ハエ男 (wikiによると1972年1月15日放送)"

"仮面ライダー 第43話 怪鳥人プラノドンの襲撃 (wikiによると1972年1月22日放送)"

"仮面ライダー 第44話 墓場の怪人カビビンガ (wikiによると1972年1月29日放送)"




猪口 邦子 公式サイト フロントページ

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅢ‐2-1。


7月 19, 2019 イマンさんへのプロポーズですね。これは90年代初めにロッキンオンで読んだと思うのですが、"僕はもう高く飛ぶことはないけれど、君といるだけで笑顔でいられるんだ。僕は魔法を信じる。命のエンジェル。"という訳詩(ご本人による、とか・笑)を知ってる前提で、"The Wedding Song"を聴くと、正直、未だに泣きそうになることがあります。

Thursday, 15 August 2013

lore of kamui.

This is not a accurate information、please read lightly.

神 is God.

Pronunciation of ”神” from ancient of Japan、it is "kami".(かみ)
By the way、"神" is the Chinese character of course.

And there is also such a pronunciation in "神" at Japan.

Perhaps there was "kami" first as a word representing gods.
(Of course、it would be different from the concept of God in the West.) 

And then Chinese characters came to Japan.
And probably、pronunciation of ”神” was ”Shin” as a word to describe the presence that transcends the human intellect originally.
Of course Japanese would read this Chinese characters as ”Shin”.

However、although I do not know its time clearly、Japanese began to read this Chinese characters also as "Kami".

Pronunciation of ancient Japan.
Pronunciation came from China.
These two were mixed in Japan.

Therefore、there are usually several ways to read the Chinese characters at Japan.
There is no clear rule there.

※Of course、there is usually a rule that this idiom reads like this.
※At least China style there is a case in which there is more than one pronunciation.
※It is "神々・kamigami" when we translate "gods" into Japanese.
This idiom is usually read as "kamigami" ancient Japanese-style(?).
"々" is a shorthand for repeated cases.
I do not know how long this "々" is used.
I also do not know whether it is written like this in China.※
※Of course、all the pronunciation I write is that of modern Japanese standard language.


Pronunciation of ancient Japan、I wrote so. 

Although "passed away" already、there "is" a novelist named Kimu Tarusu san. (金達寿さん)
He is a Koreans in Japan.
※I think his nationality was North Korea.

"Bear comes out to myth of Korea、this bear is also the incarnation of God.
And Pronunciation of bear is "komu" in Korea."
(Incidentally bear is "kuma" in Japan.) 

By the way、"komu" is a representation by the Japanese style.
Pronunciation of formal Korean may be different.
Because、although I write in memory reliance、but among languages in the world、Korean has the largest number of vowels(vowel of modern Japan is 5).

Pronunciation of ancient Japan、I wrote so. 

Although "passed away" already、there "is" a novelist named Kimu Tarusu san. (金達寿さん)
He is a Koreans in Japan.
※I think his nationality was North Korea.

"Bear comes out to myth of Korea、this bear is also the incarnation of God.
And Pronunciation of bear is "komu" in Korea."
(Incidentally bear is "kuma" in Japan.) 

By the way、"komu" is a representation by the Japanese style.
Pronunciation of formal Korean may be different.
Because、although I write in memory reliance、but among languages in the world、Korean has the largest number of vowels(vowel of modern Japan is 5).
However、maybe when Japanese people at that time would try to pronounce of "komu"、it would became "komu".←That's right (lol).←?(20201216・lol)

Although subtle differences would exist of course (wo、n).
Also by era.  

※Certainly、there were a few more Japanese vowels in the past (6~7?).

Friday, 16 August 2013


There are people called "Ainu" in Japan. (アイヌ)
Of course they are Japanese.

"Indigenous people of Japan."
The only difference with the other Japanese、it is that they are so called.

※I think they may be called that way、but this may be irresponsible writing.
And thinking from my ancestors、their blood may flow in me.※

When translate description "indigenous people" to Japanese、it become "senjū-minzoku". (先住民族)

Meaning of "minzoku" is "race" or "ethnic group". (民族)
In short、Ainu is associated to them.

But they are no different with most other Japanese、we're the same Mongoloid in racial.
However、 all Japanese is a Mongoloid、it is not the case of course.

For example、as a simple fact、Donald Keene san of one of representative person of Japanese literature research (include Japan).
In 1922、he was born in New York.
When World War II、he fought the Japanese as a U.S. Navy officer.
And 2012、he acquire Japanese nationality.
He is Japanese、but he is not a Mongoloid. 

Ainu is a Mongoloid、however、they seem to have one genetic feature.
They has many genetic common with northern Asians than other Japanese.

"Japan is the place of originated of the human race."

By the way、I've never heard this theory until now.
Even if I've heard this theory until now、it would be definitely wrong.
※It may by some possibility be so(lol).

Japanese ancestry、they came from somewhere absolutely.
And until around enters the 20th century、the movement of common people were not many at Japan.

Therefore、the genetic bias by introduction route of people to Japan、even as it is present to some extent、I feel a natural to it.
Incidentally "Ainu" is not an ethnic name in first place.
This is "fellow" by Ainu language.





"街道をゆく 第10回 オホーツク街道"

"街道をゆく 第3回 北のまほろば"




"NHKスペシャル 「その時、日本は」60年安保と岸信介 秘められた改憲構想"


"沈黙の艦隊 VOYAGE1"



"機動戦士ガンダム 第29話 「ジャブローに散る!」"

"Live at Loreley Festival、Germany on June 22 1996"


"01 The Wedding"

"02 You've Been Around"

"03 I Feel Free"

"04 Black Tie White Noise"

"05 Jump They Say"

"06 Nite Flights"

"07 Pallas Athena"

"08 Miracle Goodnight"

"09 Don't Let Me Down & Down"

"10 Looking For Lester"

"11 I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday"

"12 The Wedding Song"

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsLXXVI。12月 13, 2021

2月 10, 2019 lives

Monday, 18 March 2013


Aizu clan was exist at inland of 200 km north of Edo.
And the Pacific Ocean side of 100 km northeast of Aizu、there was Sendai (Date) clan.
Largest lord of Northeast area of Japan at that time、it was Sendai clan.
200 years they had friendly relations until then.

"Aizu is the enemy of the Imperial court.
Sendai clan must subdue Aizu."
This instruction came suddenly to them from new government.

Well、there was Yonezawa (Uesugi) clan at 50 km north of Aizu.
They all too had been in a friendly relationship for 200 years.
Yes、there was no problem between them.

Sendai consulted with Yonezawa.
Then they put out a petition like this to the new government.

"Aizu had been guarding the Imperial court until quite recently.
The Emperor also trusts Aizu very much.
We have heard like that.

But they became the enemy of the Imperial court suddenly.
We are hard to convince ourself about it.
Please reconsider for punishment against Aizu."


Sendai exist in the Pacific Ocean side、its opposite Japan Sea side、there was Shounai (Sakai) clan.
"Sho(u)nai is also enemy of the Imperial court.
You must also subdue Shonai."
This was its reply.

Before the battle of Toba Fushimi、Shonai had attacked to the Satsuma mansion of Edo by the provocation of Satsuma.
(This provocation was meant to make a chance to start a war.)


"The destruction of the old power、it is the best way for show the change of era.
But we missed Yoshinobu.
Enemies who are left for us、it are Aizu and Shonai.
We must absolutely destruction them.
(Let it be done by their friendly countries.)" 
Such intention had been expressed in explicit.

”Break the situation by petition.
That is impossible.”
They realized.

There is Shiraishi basin in the middle of Aizu and Sendai.
(Sendai vassal territory.)

Incidentally、northeast area of Japan、it called "Ōu".
Most lords in Ōu、they held a meeting in Shiraishi.

"After now、this meeting will become our decision-making body.
Conquest order against Aizu and Shonai as a Emperor’s enemy.
This is clearly unfair.
We want the withdrawal of this instruction."
They notified like that to the new government.

This alliance called "Ōu Reppan Dōmei".

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


There was a man in Yoshinobu's vassal named "Shibusawa Eiichirou".
He was originally farmers of Bushu. 
Bushu(Musashi no kuni) is almost the entire Kanto Plain、but it place is the current Saitama prefecture).

When Yoshinobu was in the Kan'eiji、he formed the Shōgitai for guard of Yoshinobu.

Therefore when Yoshinobu left to Mito、the mission of them was supposed to have ended.
But after this、it was became an unexpected situation.

Persons who had antipathy to the new government、they had gathering to Kan'eiji one after another.
Of course they joined the Shogitai、finally their number became close to two thousand.
※I do not know now the number of people at the beginning of formation.

When yoshinobu was still stay in Edo、he was curbing Tokugawa's anti-government activities.
But after Yoshinobu was gone、its suppression disappeared naturally.
"The current situation.
It all is a conspiracy of Satsuma and Choshu. 
They tricked the young Emperor.
As result Tokugawa became an enemy of the court.
If you're really person of loyalty、you must destroy Satsuma and Choshu for the Emperor."

Person who wrote a manifesto like that、it appeared in Kan'eiji monks. 
Moreover、it was written in the name of the royal family、who is the head of Kan'eiji Temple.

Raid against new government soldiers by the Shogitai、it began occurred frequently.
Deaths due to it、of course there was also in Satsuma samurai.

"Please give me a little time."
When full-scale measures began to be investigated within the new government、Katsu asked so to Saigō.
In response to this、while continuing to consider measures、Saigo treated these raids as a quarrel.


Katsu met this monk.
This monk had become a spiritual leader of the Shogitai at that time.

"There is no reason for the government overlooking this situation.
Kan'eiji would certainly be attacked.
Right now、you guys must stop the provocation against the government."
Katsu said so.

"Why you say stupid things like that?
Why Satsuma and Choshu does not attack us until now? 
Because they do not have ability for it in the first place.

And large alliance was established in Ōu.
Their counterattack will begin soon.
We put up a united front with them.
Satsuma and Choshu will be downfall soon by it."
He said so cheerfully.

"Katsu is a traitor.
Do not trust what he says."
After this、he said so to the Shogitai.



『日韓 理解への道 176-331ページ』

"東京物語 小津安二郎 [COLOR] Tokyo Story Ozu Yasujiro 1953 2017 Digital Restore ENGsub"





"NHKスペシャル 四大文明 第2集 それは一粒の麦から始まった ~メソポタミア~"



(Scott Isler from Musician/Orion Press)



それを大まじめにやるんだよ。僕らそんな風に人をからかってたんだよ。”え~ちなみにこのインタビュー初出はAnthony Decurtis1987 by Straight Arrow Publishers Incと謎の気を使い。




"よみがえるビートルズ 完全版 THE BEATLES Reborn"





-2020、01、02、16:00 (時間基準はこのブログ、+2020、01、に準拠)。1月 02, 2020



ガイド15 今日は母の誕生日。

2月 17, 2019 KILL THE JAP

Friday, 22 March 2013


"Government will attack surely against Kan'eiji." 
The man who made a prediction like this、it was Katsu of former Tokugawa Navy Admiral.

And another person was present.
It was Shibusawa Eiichiro of leader of the Shogitai.
He was、in fact、a confidant of Yoshinobu.

"A nation does not allow the existence of such absolutely."
They knew it.


"Enemy will attack surely against ours.
In other words、we become fight at Edo as a battlefield.
But Edo city is not suitable to protracted struggle at all.
On the other hand、Nikko is a stronghold land and is suitable to it.
We should move to Nikko.
Let's fight the enemy there !"
Shibusawa proposed so. 
Nikko is 100 km north of Edo.
There was(is) the mausoleum of Tokugawa Ieyasu of first Shogun.

But there was violent opposition from within executives of the Shogitai.

"In order to return the favor to Tokugawa、we should fight in here."
They said.

"Edo city is involved in the war.
Yoshinobu kou (honorific) never wanted it.
So he did a bloodless give of the Edo castle. 
Think about it please、the Shogitai were formed in order to protect him in the first place. 
We should respect the will of him.

For example、Tokugawa navy at the day of bloodless give.
They were able to do a naval bombardment against enemy troops.
As result、they would have been able to give a heavy blow to enemy.
It will might still be possible.
But they never run it. 
Because they respect the will of Yoshinobu as vassals."
Shibusawa insisted to them.

"Above all、members of the Shogitai.
Edo city is their home town.
I believe they don't want it."


"Shibusawa is defeatist.
Enemy just has been surrounding us from a distance.
They does not have the ability and courage to attack us in the first place. 
Yoshinobu kou may have been tricked by him like Young emperor of Kyoto.
And he is trying again to trick us now.
He is a snake in our's bosom.
We should kill him."
Eventually executives of the Shogitai had began to try to kill Shibusawa.

Shibusawa had left the Shogitai.
After this、he had fought against the new government until the end.


Saturday, 23 March 2013


"How was the negotiation?"

"There is no progress on the problem of Imperial prince.

"The prince retreats from Kan'eiji."
The new government had requested it.

(He called "Hou-shin'nou".
About meaning(literal translation?) "Hou-shin'nou" is "Imperial prince on Buddhism".)

Once、his homecoming to Kyoto had decided.
But it was canceled suddenly.
After this、the new government became can not contact with him.

"However、problem of security of the Edo city.
This was able to agree substantially."
The eastern half of the Edo city、it was under the control of the Shogitai in fact.
It was virtually vigilantes.
(Because、it is simple argument、but they were Edo citizens.)
"We want to deploy there the troops of the new government for Edo security.
Because protect people is the obligation of the government.
Therefore、we want to avoid the unnecessary conflicts expected by it."
The new government proposed so to the Shogitai.

This area is vast (as a city block) and It took a considerable distance from Kan'eiji.
Also、north side of Kan'eiji was free.
Therefore contact network with ally had been secured.
”The most important thing for us、it is to ensure the Kan'eiji as a base for counterattack.
(Including ensure of Imperial prince.)
Counterattack will start soon.
Avoid useless collision until then、it would be good."
They also thought so.


"Modern era、Kan'eiji will certainly be able to become Ryouzanpaku (Mount Liang).
But it can not become a modern fortress absolutely.”
Omura murmured. 

"Deployment of troops has completed.
I think negotiations with them had enough.
So、I think we must execution of the operation as soon as possible."
He said to Saigo.
"I see." 
Saigo replied. 

"They hasn't ability to respond to modern warfare.
It's natural.

They are samurai of course.  
But until recently they had ordinary life.
In the same way as my ancestors、I will also spend a ordinary life.
They are people who had thought so until now.

I want to protect the hometown.
Most of them are the people who gather by only that thoughts.
I do not think that such them can cope with contemporary battles.

I want to persuade them to disband.
Please allow negotiations with them."

Shortly before this、person who say so to Saigo was appears.
He was Tokugawa vassals named ”Yamaoka Tesshuu”.

イエスの生涯 / キリストの誕生 11月 10, 2018


we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCV。




"The Making of an Epic BEN-HUR"

"チャールトン・ヘストンによる音声解説 Audio commentary by Charlton Heston"

"スクリーン・テスト a filmed test to ascertain whether an actor is suitable for a movie role."

"フォト・ギャラリー Photo gallery"

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐28。


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。