amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐41-4。

ゆっくりさんチーム質問です。9月 25, 2022


拉致被害者、家族、全員死刑つうことで。そーいえば、被爆二世、三世、優生保護法(連合国占領下の日本、そんなファッショ極まる問題法案GHQは何考えて通したの?押し付けられたんじゃない?日本国憲法同様・笑)、楽して金盗ろうと必死だね。処刑されるまで真っ当に働けゴミ。つうてもそんな(同文)。8月 05, 2018








"敦賀港テロ対策合同訓練【海上保安庁 第八管区】"

"【ゆっくり解説】ロシア自慢の戦闘機が老人によって破壊された!これを知ったロシアは意気消沈して…ww 2022/09/24"


"ドラゴンボールZ とびっきりの最強対最強 (wikiによると1991年7月20日東映アニメフェアの1作品として上映)"

"NHKスペシャル 満蒙開拓団はこうして送られた ~眠っていた関東軍将校の資料~"


"街道をゆく 第29回 壱岐・対馬の道"

"街道をゆく 第37回 耽羅紀行"




"ローマの休日(Roman Holiday, 日本語字幕)"

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:4 不死身の男"

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:5 屋根の下の巴里"

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:6 白い女神"

当時はリアリティを出すための演出だろうと思ってましたが、シンドラーのリストって不思議とヒトラーさんの存在がないですね。10月 21, 2018








"人形劇三国志 第4回『英雄 動乱の都へ』"

"人形劇三国志 第5回『都に嵐吹く』"

"人形劇三国志 第6回『怪物 都を制す』"

"人形劇三国志 第7回『燃える都』"










"【ゆっくり解説】ワグナー機密情報漏洩で情報戦でも追いつめられる… 2022/09/23"


premonition. 10月 24, 2018

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


There was a Tosa goushi called ”Nakaoka Shintaro”.
Of course he was the same group as Sakamoto.
But he stayed in Tosa and became the guard member of Tosa's former lord.

This former lord was still the de facto Tosa's lord.
However、the Tosa administration's prime minister was assassinated by them and he was deprived of his power at this point.

This guards might be like jailer from his point of view.
But after a while、a big political change occurred in Kyoto.

Maybe in usually case、Nakaoka would have died at this time.
Because a purge in Tosa after this was very terrible.
However、he was out from Tosa by chance.
He stayed in Choshu as it was、and he participated in the battle of Kyoto.

※"What are you guys doing!"
At this time、not exaggeration、he stormed into Satsuma's headquarters for arraignment.


Everyone don't know their fate.
After this、he became representative person of Tosa along with Sakamoto.
By the way、these two people were assassinated together.
But their ideas were not the same.

In short、Nakaoka’s idea was "victory or defeat" (like me).
Nakaoka claims only a war against the Tokugawa (like me).
Sakamoto's idea was ”do our best for future of Japan”.

That said、their relationship was not necessarily bad.
Above all、both of them did not like the conspiracy and assassination.

"If Satsuma and Choshu do cooperation、win surely to Tokugawa.
And we Tosa ronin can stand in a position of neutrality against them.
Yes、we must work to create this cooperation."

Nakaoka had a strong conviction like that.
He consulted with Sakamoto and they began activities to the realization of this alliance.


Of course、Choshu and Satsuma also knew well the importance of this alliance. 
More than anything、Tokugawa military invasion to Choshu was imminent.
Eventually Saigo's secret visit to Choshu was determined.

However、Saigo didn't come to Choshu Shimonoseki on appointment day.
Saigo certainly departed Satsuma by ship with Nakaoka.
But he left Nakaoka on the opposite bank of Choshu (Saganoseki) and went directly to Kyoto.

"We were deceived by Satsuma again.”
The anger on the Choshu side at this time was extremely intense.
(Although this visit was known only to a limited number of people in Choshu.)


"(Because reach a situation about which nothing can be done) Incite the hidden Christians and cause a riot."
Although I don’t understand that time、according to Shiba san's book、Sakamoto seems to said so to Katsura of Choshu.

"Don't do it absolutely."
And Katsura seems to have answered so.

The result of the Christian prohibition of the Tokugawa period.
It seems that Japanese people had such an impression that the hidden Christian is a mysterious terrible being.

"Yaso-Kyo(u) 耶蘇教". ※Please omit the literal translation here.
Although Sakamoto expresses like this、in addition、there was  "Jyashu(u)-Mon 邪宗門" in Japanese to one of represent hidden Christianity.
My literal translation is "a gate of evil religion (sect)".

Sakamoto and Katsura's remarks in such a social paradigm.
(And with a situation that was forced to turn and face attackers.)

But maybe this was just a joke、of course it is rude remarks.
(I can understand by reading his letter、but he liked joke.)


"Can you contact with the hidden Christian (Yasokyo) in Nagasaki?"
This day、Sakamoto asked secretly so to Kondo.

Now、this is an aside.
This is the beginning of the story I was thinking.
And Kondo could not believe their victory (like Judas).

"Please step on me
The pain in your heart that arose then、I want to share it with you.
I exist for that."
In the novel by Endo Syusaku san、it comes out as the word of Christ (Heavenly voice).

The first scene was a slope to the Kameyama shachu (their company) of Nagasaki?
Kondo climbs its slope.
And those who secretly monitor it.

I remembered it now.

By the way、historical and current celebrities will be written without permission like this.
It is very hard work(lol).

Although I will respond flexibly、when "this" is over、I will not want to write real people in my imagination.

I will create the world.※

※Oh、by the way、unpaved (未舗装).※

I felt like I understood it. 10月 25, 2018

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


”I don't know why.”
Nakaoka said so after landing at Shimonoseki Port.

But、reason may have been present there.
Next day、Nakaoka said so.
King of Tokugawa (Shogun・At this time he may have been a teens) had arrived in Kyoto.
Of course、as commander in chief of Second Chōshū expedition army.

※This came out without permission by "長州征討軍 the Choshu conquest army ".
助かります。👉助けます。(笑) 👈"japanese👉japanese"
👇 👈"japanese👉english"
I am saved 👉 I will help you.(lol)※

"This expedition will end this mayhem."
This was intended to show the strong determination of Tokugawa.

And therefore、Saigo maybe had to proceeding to Kyoto in a hurry.
The activation of the political situation in Kyoto due to the arrival of the shogun is fully expected.

Last time、Saigo was the de facto general commander、but in any case there was no idea in Satsuma to destroy Choshu already.
That's why、Satsuma may have wanted to avoid their political void in Kyoto.

Of course、it is possible that they knew the shogun's arrival date in Kyoto from the beginning.
※They are an important part of the Tokugawa army.

They were starting action accordingly from first、there is also its possibility.
(They might had not talk to Nakaoka about this as state secrets.)

※Of course、during military operations、it is impossible for the military to tell the detailed action plan of the Supreme Commander.  
However this is after all、I feel that is "the forest of the Ardennes"  as I say (lol).

※Read in an atmosphere. 20200814.

In the conclusion "There must have been some reason"(lol).
For example、there was a report "the shogun arrived earlier than planned" at the port where they came to call.※

※However I think that their's principles were also demonstrated in an alliance with Choshu.

"Choshu was our (Tokugawa) clearly enemy from the beginning.
But、Satsuma had a face like our friend until the last minute."

This may not be a compliment(lol).
Of course the rumor of Satchō Alliance had been flowing for some time.

And of course this accusation can not be made without an accomplice (lol).※


"If visit the Choshu from us、looks like we ask them for an alliance.
First is very essential、we don't want subordinate to them." 
Simply it may have been just that.
Because、this is like an idiot、but this feeling continues until the concluded of the alliance. 

"Saigo didn't come to Choshu certainly.
But they definitely want an alliance with Choshu."
Nakaoka stressed so with all his heart.

This 10 days ago、de facto leader of Tosa's coup regime was being executed (seppuku)、he was a close friend of Sakamoto and master of Nakaoka.
And many comrade were killed with him. 
At this time、their situation was also the worst. 

Nakaoka and Sakamoto had continued to negotiate of alliance.

※Although this is a partial extraction、it is a topic of unpaved roads in near Sano of Tochigi Prefecture where Shiba san was stationed before and after the end of the war (WWⅡ・Shiba san was a tank platoon leader).

It is one of the representative main roads of Japan called "Nakasendo 中山道".
This seems to be said to be "the first class road" at that time.

"This road was unpaved、but it is arched and drainage is also good、and the gravel was deeply embedded and it was being made very robustly.
This road was able to pass tanks without problems.
To know such a thing was also the task of tank corps."※

※There was a way of "rammed earth 版築" in ancient China.
It is said that the walls made by this method were unusual strength.
Of course、maybe、I will confirm it myself.
Because time will soon become meaningless for me.※

※By the way、Shiba san wrote the topic of military exercise around the end of this war.
Shiba san and them were stationed in Sano in the northern part of Kanto for the defense of the Tokyo metropolitan area (in preparation for the enemy's landing).

Was it Southwest?
Because there were paddy fields with deep mud spreading、the enemy was not supposed to come from there.

"If it is a tank、you can pass through this kind of paddy fields normally."
There was a man who said so.

"Don't say stupid things."
It seems that was the opinion of most General Staff.
However、just in case、they decided to experiment by tanks.

As a result、the tank passed easily.
When an iron plate was laid in the paddy field、passage became easier.

"If that is a horse、they can never pass here."
After this demonstration experiment、Shiba san was witnessing the staff who talks bitterly like that to his colleagues.※

※Was it Kiso Yoshinaka san?
Samurai who was killed in battle because his horse lost freedom of movement in the paddy field.
It's the end of the 12th century.
Of course、I think it was a cavalry era until the beginning of the 20th century.※


And this is a story of my dream、but I saw the battle of Hiyodorigoe.
I thought that horses were able to running down the cliff at right angles (with Bando Samurai).
It is a story for Japanese people.※

※In a topic of another time.
If the US Army landed in Tokyo Bay、many refugees will come north on the Nakasendo Road.
We have to go south for interception、but we cannot pass the road because of that.

"What should we do in this case?"
Shiba san seems to have asked the superior as a simple doubt.

"Go while killing by running over."

A tank is its performance、Yamato Damashii has nothing to do with it.
Our artillery shell can't penetrate armor of enemy tanks、but their artillery shell penetrate our armor.

I know our tanks never win against US tanks.
But certainly we can win against displaced people.

But aren't we here to protect them.
Although it may be a few hours difference、aren't we here to die on their behalf?
Shouldn't we respond to the respect they have shown?

What are we protecting?
What is Japan that should protects even if kill Japanese people?※

※Shiba san didn't write the name of this "captain."
But I can guess this person (probably not limited to me).

However、it isn't he( is Shiba san's lifelong friend.) absolutely.
Or its Japanese people aren't Japanese people absolutely.

What is Japan that should protects even if kill Japanese people?

This is 大和魂 in Japanese. ※

"戦後史証言プロジェクト 第4回 二十二歳の自分への手紙 司馬遼太郎"



"潜水艦1号 1941"



"戦艦大和 1953"

線路の活用は?さておき。 "差異と反復(平和成ルではなく平和成スだな)。8月 10, 2019"

"ヤンマー 赤いトラクター CM 小林旭"

"赤いトラクター 小林旭"

"「68の車輪」 東京シネマ 1965年製作"



造物主なおれにそれを決める権利はあるんだけど(笑)。(12月 07, 2018)

そういえば月が電池切れつう話がおれの中でありましたね。8月 24, 2018

『ぼくの地球を守って 第5巻』


"トップランキング SCIENCE 銀河系の中心に、超大質量ブラックホールは存在しないのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 銀河系を歪めたのは誰?専門家が没頭する謎!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 銀河系最大の謎TOP5"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 兄弟星-太陽系に第2の太陽は存在していたのか"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 月が消えたらどうなるか"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 月で謎のガラス玉を発見!宇宙に関する最近の発見!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 月の「見えない」クレーターはどうやってできたのか"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 月は地球の唯一の衛星ではないのか?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 月形成の謎が明かされる!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 研究者たちが天の川銀河に「吸血鬼星」を発見!"

『イーリアス』(希: Iλιάς, 羅: Ilias, 英: Iliad)は、ホメーロスによって作られたと伝えられる長編叙事詩で、最古期の古代ギリシア詩作品である。
ギリシア神話を題材とし、トロイア戦争十年目のある日に生じたアキレウスの怒りから、イーリオスの英雄ヘクトールの葬儀までを描写する。ギリシアの叙事詩として最古のものながら、最高のものとして考えられている。叙事詩環(叙事詩圏)を構成する八つの叙事詩のなかの一つである。from wiki






"スラムダンク 第7話 花道デビュー!ダンクさく裂 (wikiによると1993年12月11日放送)"

"スラムダンク 第8話 花道ピンチ!柔道男の罠 (wikiによると1993年12月18日放送)"

"スラムダンク 第9話 オレはバスケットをやる!(wikiによると1993年12月25日放送)"

"スラムダンク 第10話 庶民のシュートはむずかしい (wikiによると1994年1月8日放送)"

"スラムダンク 第11話 二人だけの愛の秘密特訓!?(wikiによると1994年1月15日放送)"


ガイド13 そこんとこどう思います?市川哲史さん。4月 11, 2022

あのですね、そういう訳ではないのですが(笑)、この本の発売当時にインタビューを読んだ時以来、ギルモアさんは誠実な方なんだろうな、と、おれは思っています。9月 02, 2019

Monday, 14 October 2013

shapes of things

After Jesus was crucified on the hill of Golgotha​​、his disciples began preaching to all over the world.

One of them.
He went to Greece.

What he saw at that place、it was various statue of the gods in the shape of a human. 

"Human make God in the shape of human.
This is a blasphemy to God.

Humans make the shape of God.
That's the mistake in the first place.
God is not any presence."

"Only one、the statue which close to presence of God in them.
It's that statue." 
He pointed to one of the statues.
"To a foreign god who we never seen."
Such title was on its statue.
And there was nothing on top of the pedestal.
I've summarized it quite a bit、but I've read this story before.


Around Fifth century BC、this religion was born in India.
But Buddha statue did not exist in Buddhism at first.
(Also picture of Buddha probably.)
Linden tree.(It is said that Buddha was enlightened under this tree.)

Buddhists symbolically represented the Buddha by them.

Express the appearance of the Buddha concretely.
It seems that it was too presumptuous for Buddhists.

But around the first century、a revolutionary change occurred in Buddhism.
Buddha statue was born in the Gandhara region.

The Gandhara region is on northern Pakistan.
Splendid Buddhist art has blossomed at there under the influence of Greek culture.

Hellenism and Buddhism、they met at there.

King Alexander of Macedonia.
His eastern expedition、this was the after about 400 years of it.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

old tale

There is a book named "列子(Liezi)" in China. (re'shi・resshi)
列子 is the name of a man originally.
He was a man of the same era with Confucius (around 5 century BC).
And he was one of the Taoist representative men. 
The words and actions of him and his disciples.
The book that collects them、which is called 列子 too.
This is said so.
Note:"Liezi" is pronunciation in modern Chinese.

I think I mentioned it somewhere、but I'll write it as a reminder (inaccurate).
In this case、"子" is Master Kǒng、Master Lao、Master Mèng、like this. 20211102。


But it seems legend apparently.
He is a fictional character in the first place.
It seems that there is such a possibility.
The Han dynasty. (漢王朝・208BC‐8AD、25AD‐220AD)
And The Jin dynasty who united China for a period of time.
(晋王朝 as a national dynasty・265AD-316AD)
Realistically、列子 seems to be apocryphal book made ​​around this time (This alone is 500 years.・lol).

However、the old tales and legends of that time.
They seem to have been many collected in this book.

Early time of the Han dynasty、Buddhism seems to have been introduced to China.
However、the presence of Buddhism seems to have been known by the Chinese before that as the religion of the people of Central Asia.
Such a story that comes out as one of the stories in 列子.
(Although、the name of Buddhism does not come out.)

"There is a country to the west of Qin.
When the parent is dead in this country、children burn parent's dead body by firewood.
By its smoke rises、parents return to Heaven.
It was considered so.
If children do not this、they were considered a lack of filial piety."

It's a episode like this.

As aforementioned、Qin is a country that became the origin of the word of China.
And Qin is a country of most west of China in Warring States period.

By the way、Qin is a first unified dynasty of China. (221BC - 206BC)
But this would be episode of the Warring States period.
Because the name of another country where the vanished in Warring States period comes out.
(In another part of this episode.)

Note:Qin is 秦.
Pronunciation of 秦 in Japan.
漢音 is Shin.
呉音 is Jin.

The most common pronunciation 秦 is ”shin" in Japan.
※It often reads "Hata" as a person's last name.





Scary Monsters 8月 17, 2018

"01 It's No Game (Part 1)"

"02 Up The Hill Backwards"

"03 Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)"

"04 Ashes To Ashes"

"05 Fashion"
"06 Teenage Wildlife"

"07 Scream Like A Baby"

"08 Kingdom Come"

"09 Because You're Young"

"10 It's No Game (Part 2)"

"11 Space Oddity (Re-Recorded Single B-Side, 1979)"

"12 Panic In Detroit (Re-Recorded Version, Previously Unreleased, 1979)"

"13 Crystal Japan (Japanese Single A-Side, 1979)"

"14 Alabama Song (UK Single A-Side, 1979)"

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第35話 金縁の鼻眼鏡 (日本語吹き替え)"

"メガゾーン23 (English subs)"





"from メガゾーン23 BGM"

"Aura Battler Dunbine BGM Collection I (Full Album)"

"Aura Battler Dunbine BGM Collection II (Full Album)"

"Aura Battler Dunbine BGM Collection III (Full Album)"



"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:10 チャーリー"

英語から翻訳-ノーマンチャップマンはビートルズと共演したイギリスのドラマーでした。 トミー・ムーアが1960年6月にグループを去った後、チャップマンはシルバービートルズに加わりました。しかし、チャップマンは国家奉仕のために呼び出されたために彼が去る前に、1960年6月にグループで3つのショーをしただけでした。 ウィキペディア(英語)

Norman Chapman
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Norman Chapman (1937– July 1995) was an English drummer who played with the Beatles.

After Tommy Moore left the group in June 1960, Chapman joined the Silver Beetles. However, Chapman only played three shows with the group in June 1960 before he left due to being called up for national service. He was replaced in the group by Pete Best.[はゴミ処刑。]After finishing his time in the national service he played with several local bands, including Ernie Mack and The Saturated Seven.

Chapman died of cancer in July 1995 at the age of 58

"Free As A Bird"

"Hey Jude"

"Don't Let Me Down"

"Paperback Writer"

"Strawberry Fields Forever"

"A Day In The Life"

"Yellow Submarine"


"01 I'd Have You Anytime"

"02 My Sweet Lord"

"03 Wah-Wah"

"04 Isn't It a Pity"

"05 What Is Life"

"06 If Not for You"

"07 Behind That Locked Door"

"08 Let It Down"

"09 Run of the Mill"

"10 I Live for You"

"11 Beware of Darkness"

"12 Let It Down"

"13 What Is Life"

"14 My Sweet Lord [2000]"


"01 Beware of Darkness"

"02 Apple Scruffs"

"03 Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll)"

"04 Awaiting on You All"

"05 All Things Must Pass"

"06 I Dig Love"

"07 Art of Dying"

"08 Isn't It a Pity [Version Two]"

"09 Hear Me Lord"

"10 It's Johnny's Birthday"

"11 Plug Me In"

"12 I Remember Jeep"

"13 Thanks for the Pepperoni"

"14 Out of the Blue"


"01 I Want to Tell You"

"02 Old Brown Shoe"

"03 Taxman"

"04 Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)"

"05 If I Needed Someone"

"06 Something"

"07 What Is Life"

"08 Dark Horse"

"09 Piggies"

"10 Got My Mind Set on You"

"11 Cloud 9"

"12 Here Comes the Sun"

"13 My Sweet Lord"

"14 All Those Years Ago"

"15 Cheer Down"

"16 Devil's Radio"

"17 Isn't It a Pity"

"18 While My Guitar Gently Weeps"

"19 Roll Over Beethoven"


"01 Shine on You Crazy Diamond"

"02 Learning to Fly"

"03 Yet Another Movie"

"04 Round and Around"

"05 Sorrow"

"06 The Dogs of War"

"07 On the Turning Away"

"08 One of These Days"

"09 Time"

"10 Wish You Were Here"

"11 Us and Them"

"12 Money"

"13 Another Brick in the Wall、Pt. 2"

"14 Comfortably Numb"

"15 Run Like Hell"


"01 Speak to Me-Breathe"

"02 On the Run"

"03 Time"

"04 The Great Gig in the Sky"

"05 Money"

"06 Us and Them"

"07 Any Colour You Like"

"08 Brain Damage"

"09 Eclipse"


"01 Shine on You Crazy Diamond"

"02 Astronomy Domine"

"03 What Do You Want From Me"

"04 Learning to Fly"

"05 Keep Talking"

"06 Coming Back to Life"

"07 Hey You"

"08 A Great Day for Freedom"

"09 Sorrow"

"10 High Hopes"

"11 Another Brick in the Wall、Pt. 2"


"01 Speak to Me"

"02 Breathe"

"03 On the Run"

"04 Time"

"05 The Great Gig in the Sky"

"06 Money"

"07 Us and Them"

"08 Any Colour You Like"

"09 Brain Damage"

"10 Eclipse"

"11 Wish You Were Here"

"12 Comfortably Numb"

"13 Run Like Hell"



"02 For Your Love"

"03 The Train Kept A-Rollin'"

"04 Shapes Of Things"

"05 Evil Hearted You"

"06 Good Morning Little Schoolgirl"

"07 I'm A Man"

"08 Still I'm Sad"

"09 I'm Not Talking"

"10 I Wish You Would"

"11 My Girl Sloopy"

"12 Jeff's Blues"

"13 Someone To Love"

"14 A Certain Girl"

"15 You're A Better Man Than I"

"16 I Ain't Got You"

"17 Boom Boom"

"18 I'm Talking About You"

"19 What Do You Want"


"21 Honey in Your Hips"

"22 I Ain't Done Wrong"

"23 Sweet Music"

"24 New York City Blues"

"25 Too Much Monkey Business"

"26 Stroll On"


"01 Cream - I Feel Free"

"02 Cream - Sunshine of Your Love"

"03 Cream - White Room"

"04 Cream - Crossroads [Live]"

"05 Cream - Badge"

"06 Blind Faith - Presence of the Lord"

"07 After Midnight"

"08 Let It Rain"

"09 Derek & the Dominos - Bell Bottom Blues"

"10 Derek & the Dominos - Layla"

"11 Let It Grow"

"12 I Shot the Sheriff"

"13 Knockin' on Heaven's Door"

"14 Hello Old Friend"

"15 Cocaine"

"16 Lay Down Sally"

"17 Wonderful Tonight"

"18 Promises"

"19 I Can't Stand It"


"01 I've Got a Rock 'N' Roll Heart"

"02 She's Waiting"

"03 Forever Man"

"04 It's in the Way That You Use It"

"05 Miss You"

"06 Pretending"

"07 Bad Love"

"08 Tears in Heaven"

"09 Layla [Unplugged Version]"

"10 Running on Faith [Unplugged Version]"

"11 Motherless Child"

"12 Change the World [From Phenomenon]"

"13 My Father's Eyes"

"14 B.B.King & Eric Clapton - Riding with the King"

"15 Sweet Home Chicago"

"16 If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day"

"17 Eric Clapton & J.J. Cale - Ride the River"


"01 21st Century Schizoid Man"

"02 Get Thy Bearings"

"03 The Court of the Crimson King"

"04 Mantra"

"05 Travel Weary Capricorn"

"06 Improv-By the Sleepy Lagoon"

"07 Mars"


"01 21st Century Schizoid Man"

"02 Drop In"

"03 Epitaph"

"04 Get Thy Bearings"

"05 Mantra"

"06 Travel Weary Capricorn"

"07 Improv"

"08 Mars"


"01 Pictures of a City"

"02 Cadence and Cascade"

"03 Groon"

"04 21st Century Schizoid Man"

"05 Improv- Summit Going On"

"06 My Hobby"

"07 Sailor's Tale"


"Pink Floyd - Live late 60's"


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。